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1、,Do you know who he is?,宫崎骏,MiyazakiHayao,Miyazaki(Hayao Miyazaki ) is a famous Japanese animation(动画) director, January 5, 1941 born in Tokyo.He has no substitute in the global animation industry status, Disney called “animation industry Akira Kurosawa,and he received numerous awards. 宫崎骏是日本著名动画片导演

2、,1941年1月5日生于东京。宫崎骏在全球动画界具有无可替代的地位,迪斯尼称其为“动画界的黑泽明”更是获奖无数。,主要作品His main works,Valley of the Wind,1984 film (director(导演)、screen writer(编剧) )风之谷Castle in the Sky,1986 film ( director 、 screen writer )天空之城My Neighbor Totoro,1988 film (screen writer、director)龙猫Kikis Delivery Service,1989 film (director、s

3、creen writer、film-maker)魔女宅急便Only Yesterday, 1991 film ( film-maker )岁月的童话Porco Rosso(Italian), 1992 film (director、screen writer、editor(剪辑))红猪The Raccoon War,1994 film (screen writer)百变狸猫Whisper of the Heart,1995 film (film-maker、screen writer) 侧耳倾听,Princess Mononoke,1997 film (director、screen writ

4、er、editor)幽灵公主Spirited Away,2001 film (director、screen writer)千与千寻The Cat Returns,2002 film (film-maker)猫的报恩Howls Moving Castle,2004 film(director、screen writer、film-maker)哈尔的移动城堡Ponyo on the Cliff by the Sea ,2008 film (director、screen writer、editor)悬崖上的金鱼姬The Borrower Arrietty,2010 film (screen wr

5、iter、film-maker)借东西的小人阿莉埃蒂From Up on Poppy Hill,2011 film (screen writer、film-maker)虞美人盛开的山坡The Wind Rises, 2013 film (director)起风了,In 1985, with Tokuma Shotens investment, Miyazaki Hayao founded Studio Ghibli with Isao Takahata, whose name came from an Italy scout in the World War II, meaning the H

6、ot Air of the Sahara Desert“.Due to the fact that Miyazaki Hayaos father had been worked at the aircraft manufacturing plant, Miyazaki Hayao has longed for flying and sky since he was young, which is also the origin of Ghibli. 1985年在德间书店的投资下,宫崎骏联合高畑勋共同创办了吉卜力工作室,该名字来自二战时候意大利的一款侦察机,意思是“撒哈拉沙漠的热风”,由于宫崎骏

7、父亲曾经是在飞机制造厂工作,从小宫崎骏就对飞行和天空充满着向往,这也是吉卜力的由来之一。,Vallley of the Wind 风之谷,Name: Warriors of the Wind /Vallley of the Wind风之谷(1984) 风谷The story takes place 1,000 years after the “Seven Days of Fire”, an event which destroyed human civilization and most of the Earths original ecosystem(生态). Scattered(分散) h

8、uman settlements survive, isolated from one another by the Sea of Decay (腐海 , Literally translated as the Rotting Sea, Sea of Fungus, Sea of Corruption or Toxic jungle in the English version). the Sea of Decay is a jungle of giant plants and fungi(真菌) swarming(泛滥,挤满;云集,涌往 ) with giant insects, which

9、 seem to come together only to wage war. Everything in the Sea of Decay, including the air, is lethally(致命的) toxic(毒物).Logo:Love every tree and Bush,and talk to insects,birds harness wind.热爱一草一木 与虫类交谈 驾驭风的飞鸟,Theme Song:Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind/主题曲:风之谷主题曲,Castle in the Sky 天空之城,Castle in th

10、e Sky天空之城(1986)Logo:One day, a girl floated down from the sky.宣传语:有一天,少女从天而降。This is one of the most beloved Hayao Miyazaki films of all times. One night, a young boy sees a girl floating down from the sky. From the moment he catches her, their adventure begins. Together they will encounter pirates(

11、海盗), the army, and secret officials eye as they all search for Laputa, the Castle in the Sky.这是宫崎骏鼎盛时期的作品。一天晚上,小男孩看见一名少女从天而降,而从他接住她的那一刻起,他们的冒险开始了。他们遇到了海盗,军队和政府的秘密特工,这些人的目的就是天空之中的城堡Laputa。,Theme Song:君/Carrying You/ 伴随着你/与你共乘,Castle in the Sky,In the film we can see,Hayao Miyazaks thinking is divided

12、 into two levels: In the first level, Miyazaki thinks that the relationship between civilization and nature,just as same as the relationship between trees and soil.If the soil is not rooted in the earth,even tall trees can not survive.在本片中,宫崎骏的思考是分为两个层次的:在第一个层次中,宫崎骏认为文明与自然的关系,就如同树木与泥土的关系一样。如果不植根于大地的

13、泥土,即使是参天大树也无法存活。In the second level,Miyazaki thinks that the vitality of civilization will be given by nature,then the vitality will be destroyed by greed until the complete destruction of civilization.在第二个层次中,宫崎骏认为如果说自然会赐予文明以生命力的话,那么贪欲则会夺取文明的生命力直至彻底毁灭文明。,My Neighbor Totoro,My Neighbor Totoro(1988)

14、龙猫Logo:Perhaps This strange creature is still living in Japan.宣传语:这种奇怪的生物,说不定仍生活在日本。Two young girls, Satsuke and her younger sister Mei, move into a house in the country with their father to be closer to their hospitalized mother. Satsuke and Mei discover that the nearby forest is inhabited by magic

15、al creatures called Totoros (pronounced toe-toe-ro). They soon befriend these Totoros, and have several magical adventures. 为了照顾住院的母亲,女孩月和她的妹妹小梅随父亲一起搬到了乡下,很快两姐妹发现附近的森林中住着名为龙猫的神奇生物。她们与龙猫逐渐亲近,并发生了许多奇异而有趣的故事。,主题曲:我的邻居龙猫 插曲: 风之甬道,Kikis Delivery Service魔女宅急便(1989)Logo: Although there will be unhappy time

16、, I still have spirit。宣宣传语:虽然会有不开心的时候,但我还是佷精神。Kiki is a 13-year-old witch-in-training, living in a village where her mother is the resident herbalist. Its traditional for witches to live for a year alone when they reach 13. In the opening of the story, Kiki takes off for the big city with her best f

17、riend, Jiji, a loquacious(健谈的)black cat.The film closes with Kiki sending a letter to her parents about gaining confidence through difficulties and that she has decided to make this city her new home.,主题曲:季节/更替的季节,Kikis Delivery Service,Only Yesterday岁月的童话(1991)原名:Director:Takahata高畑勋Supervisory:Miy

18、azaki监制:宫崎骏主题曲:爱是花,你是种子动画标语:我跟我自己去旅行(私旅出)获奖:日本电影学院奖 Awards of the Japanese Academy第15届 (1992),Porco Rosso(Italian)红猪(1992)/红豚Drector:Miyazaki宫崎骏Box Office:27亿1300万日元Audiences:3049806人Music:Joe Hisaishi久石让宣传语:所谓的帅气,就是我啦,The Raccoon War百变狸猫(1994)Director:Takahata高畑勋Producer:Miyazaki宫崎骏,幽灵公主(1997)Logo:

19、To live strongly! 宣传语:坚强的活下去。It is a period drama set specifically in the late Muromachi period of Japan but with numerous fantastic elements and concentrates on the struggle between the supernatural(超自然的) guardians of a forest and the humans who consume its resources as seen by the outsider Ashitak

20、a. Mononoke is not a name, but a general term in the Japanese language for a spirit or monster.,Princess Mononoke,Whisper of the Heart侧耳倾听(1995)On a hot August night, fourteen-year-old Shizuku Tsukishima arrives home from the store with a carton(纸盒) of milk. Putting it in the refrigerator, she pours

21、 a glass of barley tea for herself and her parents. While he waits for his printing to complete, Shizuku?s father remarks that the library he works at is switching from the old cards to barcodes(条形码). Shizuku remarks that she likes the card system better. In her room, Shizuku looks through the cards

22、 on all her books, and notices that they have all been checked out before her by a Seiji Amasawa,Whisper of the Heart,Princess Mononoke,While Miyazakis films have long enjoyed both commercial and critical success in Japan,he remained largely unknown to the West until Miramax Films released Princess

23、Mononoke.Princess Mononoke was the highest-grossing film in Japanuntil it was eclipsed by another 1997 film,Titanic-and the first animated film to win Picture of the Year at the Japanese Academy Awards.虽然宫崎骏的电影在日本一直都享有巨大的商业及艺术上的成功,但是西方世界基本上对他的了解并不深,直到米拉麦克斯影业将他在1997年执导的电影幽灵公主以DVD的形式公开发行之后,他在西方世界的知名度才

24、逐渐上升。幽灵公主上映当时是日本史上票房最高的电影。直到1997年另一部电影泰坦尼克号上映之后才超过它。幽灵公主也是第一部在日本电影金像奖赢得最佳影片奖的动画电影。,Spirited Away千与千寻(2001)Logo: There is a strange town through the tunnel.宣传语:穿过隧道,是一个奇异的小镇.or(唤醒活的力量!)this is a wondrous fantasy about a timid young girl ,Chihiro,trapped in a strange new world of spirits.She must call

25、 upon the courage she never knew ,in order to break the curse on her new friend ,Haku,and return her family to the outside world.In various of adventures,Chihiro become more and more brave and independent,which is totally different from past. 这是关于一个胆小的女孩,千寻,在一个陌生神灵世界的神奇故事,她必须帮助她的新朋友白龙打破她从来不知道的诅咒,还要设

26、法让一家人安全返回外面的世界,这个过程中千寻变得越来越勇敢独立,完全与过去胆小的自己不同了。,Spirited Away,主题曲何度 永远常在,Miyazaki returned to animation with Spirited Away.The film topped Titanics sales at the Japanese box office,also won Picture of the Year at the Japanese Academy Awards and was the first anime film to win an American Academy Awar

27、d.他的影片千与千寻在日本的票房超过泰坦尼克号,还赢得了日本电影金像奖最佳影片奖,也是第一部赢得美国奥斯卡奖奥斯卡最佳动画长片奖的日本动画。他执导的许多其他电影也获得许多不同的国际奖项。,Howls Moving Castle哈尔的移动城堡(2004)Logo:Two people living together.宣传语:两个人一起生活。The 19 th century Europe, 18 years old girl Sophie became an old woman because of the evil magic. To look for a spell method, she

28、accidentally broke into the magical moving castle, inside there is a magical door, people can come to four world through the door . A weaving love with pain, music and tragic love story in the flames started quietly.19世纪末欧洲,18岁少女苏菲被荒野恶毒的女巫施下魔咒变成90岁老婆婆。为找寻解除咒语的方法,她偶然闯入四处游走、充满机关和魔法的移动城堡,里面一道魔法门,更可通往四个

29、神奇世界一段交织了爱与痛、乐与悲的爱情故事在战火中悄悄展开。,Howls Moving Castle,主题曲:世界约束插曲:Merry Go Round,Ponyo on the Cliff by the Sea 悬崖上的金鱼姬(2008)Original Name:崖上Logo:Its nice to live in this world.宣传语:生活在这世上,真好There is a little golden fish whose name is Poniulikes to go up to the surface of the ocean.Once upon a time, she m

30、et a little humana little boy named Koichi.Koichi is very lovely and kind to take care of Poniu. Ponius mama-oceans godness use magic to change poniu into a little girl.then boy and girl get together and be happy.,Ponyo on the Cliff by the Sea,The Borrower Arrietty借东西的小人阿莉埃蒂(2010)The Borrowers live

31、in the secret places of quiet old houses; behind the mantelpiece(壁炉架),inside the harpsichord(拨弦古钢琴),under the kitchen clock.They own nothing,borrow everything,and think that human beings were invented just to do the dirty work.Arriettys father,Pod,was an expert Borrower.He could scale curtains using

32、 a hatpin(帽针),and bring back a dolls teacup without breaking it.Girls werent supposed to go borrowing but as Arrietty was an only child her father broke the rule,and then something happened which changed their lives.She made friends with the human boy living in the house.,The Borrower Arrietty,猫的报恩(

33、2002)Director:森田宏幸Producer:宫崎骏歌名:风(幻化成风) 作词 / 作曲 / 歌:(辻亚弥乃)中文改编该主题曲曾由曾宝仪演唱,改编为专注(宫崎骏钦点)。该主题曲也被梁静茹翻唱,改编为小手拉大手,收录于专辑亲亲。,The Cat Returns,虞美人盛开的山坡(2011)坂企划脚本Script:宫崎骏原作original:佐山哲郎高桥千鹤音乐Music:武部聪志Theme Song:别了夏天来自虞美人之坡(夏坂)演唱:手嶌葵 From Up on Poppy Hill,起风了(2013)风立Music:久石让主题曲:飞机云/云插入曲:“Das gibts nur einmal”;作词:Robert Gilbert;作曲:Werner Richard Heymann朗读诗:风原诗:Christina Rossetti ;翻译诗:西条八十 (日本哥伦比亚),The Wind Rises,Thank you!,


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