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1、外研版六年级上册英 语 全册复习课件,外研版六年级上册,Review of Module 110,Review of Module 110,Module 1,Module 1,短语Look 看 a picture of 一幅的图片 the Great Wall 长城 tell me more about 告诉我更多关于的事 in the east of China 在中国的东部 something about 关于的一些事 a map of America 一幅美国地图 in New York 在纽约 have got / has got 有,短语,Its a picture of a pan

2、da.,这是一幅熊猫的图片,告诉我更多关于长城,Tell me more about the Great Wall.,Its a picture of a panda.这是一幅,Its about more than twenty thousand kilometers long.,How long is it?,第一关10分,Its about more than twenty th,A: Tell me more about Fuzhou. B:Its got about _ people.,seven million,它有多大?,百万,百万个,How big is it?,第二关10分,

3、A: Tell me more about Fuzh,east,west,north,south,Shanghai is _of China.,in the east,第三关10分,请在此键入您自己的内容,eastwestnorthsouthShanghai is,Module 2,Module 2,短语send an email 发送一封电子邮件 Chinese dancing 中国舞蹈 miss China 想念中国 Chinatown 唐人街 want to do 想要干什么 Chinese shops and restaurants 中国商店和中餐馆 lots of 许多,大量的 mo

4、re than 超过 the Huang shan Mountain 黄山 the Changjiang River 长江 the West Lake 西湖,短语,There be 句型,“there be” 句型表示 “某地有或存在某物”“there is/ are” 句型中 be 动词部分随后面的名词的不同而变化There _ a Chinatown in New York.There _ lots of Chinese shops and restaurants there.,is,are,There be 句型“there be” 句型表示 “某地,( )1. _ there a le

5、tter for me ? Yes, there is. A. Am B.Is C.Are ( )2. _ there two doors in our classroom ? A. Am B.Is C.Are ( )3. There _ some postcards on the desk . A. am B.is C.are ( )4. There _ not any milk in my bag . A. am B.is C.are,我们兄弟俩也叫“有”,某地有人有物时,找there be句型准没错,多数哥哥there are来接待,个别、数不清的弟弟there is必定管,找错兄弟走错

6、门,立正稍息靠边站。,The story of two brothers,第四关10分,B,C,C,B,( )1. _ there a letter,Module 3,Module 3,短语,collecting stamps 收集邮票 be from 来自 collecting dolls 收集娃娃 collecting ice cream 收集冰淇淋 a letter for me 我的一封信 another Chinese stamps 另一枚中国邮票 flying kites 放风筝 riding bikes 骑自行车,短语collecting stamps 收集邮票,dancing,

7、listening to music,flying kites,collecting dolls,playing computer games,reading,riding bikes,taking photos,playing football,jumping high,skipping, is my hobby.,My hobby is,I like,Hobby,hobby爱好怪,Like 活动 要漂亮, 要想跟她们一起玩,“ing”换衣服才出门。,第五关10分,dancinglistening to musicflyin,watch play read send draw fly sin

8、g ,I can do :,watching,reading,playing,sending,drawing,flying,singing,skipping,running,swimming,dancing,dancewrite ride come make take ,swim run skip sit shop stop,do doing,直接+“ing”,双写词尾+“ing”,coming,writing,riding,making,taking,sitting,shopping,stopping,watchI can do :watchingreadin,Hobbies,hobbies

9、,whatre your hobbies? Hobbies,hobbies,whatre your hobbies. Singing, singing,I like singing. Dancing, dancing, you like dancing. Reading, reading, we like reading. Writing, writing, they like writing. Running, running, he likes running. Swimming, swimming, she likes swimming. HHOBBIES,we all love our

10、 hobbies. HOBBIES,we all love our hobbies.,Lets play !,Hobbies,hobbies,whatre your h,Module 4,Module 4,短语Thanksgiving Day 感恩节Flag Day 国旗日 sing songs 唱歌 have a special meal 吃一顿特别的饭 a big family dinner 一顿盛大的家庭晚餐 eat moon cakes 吃月饼 the dragon boat race 龙舟 比赛 The Dragon Boat Festival 端午节 The Mid-Autumn

11、Festival 中秋节 The Spring Festival 春节 The Lantern Festival 元宵节,短语,A.Christmas B. The Dragon Boat Festival C.Teachers DayD. The Lantern Festival E. The Spring Festival F. The Mid-Autumn Festival,A.Christmas,( ) 1. What do you do _ Thanksgiving Day? A. in B. on C. at ( ) 2. -What _ your favourite festiv

12、al? - My favourite festival is Thanksgiving. A. am B. are C. is,单项选择,B,C,第六关10分,( ) 1. What do you do _,Module 5,Module 5,短语 be from 来自 Pleased to meet you!/ Nice to meet you! 很高兴见到你 speak English 说英语 write to 写信给某人 pen friend 笔友 their address 他们的地址 in Chinese/ English/ French 用中文、英语、 法语 pet dog 宠物狗

13、 ride the bicycle 骑自行车,短语,dance,play a computer game,run,ride a bike,play basketball,read a book,Can you _? Yes, I can./ No, I cant.,第七关10分,danceplay a computer gamerunri,He can _./ He cant _ .,第八关10分,He can _./ He cant _,Module 6,Module 6,短语 want to 想要做某事 a Chinese dragon kite 一个中国风筝 Its difficult

14、for me. 对我来说很难 send you one 邮寄(发送)给你一个 write to me 写信给我A book about the US 一本关于美国的书 a knife and fork 一副刀叉 chopsticks 筷子 a Japanese kite 一个日本风筝 a stamp from Canada 一张加拿大邮票,短语,Have,have,Have you got any stamps from China?Yes, I have./ No, I havent.Has she got a cat?Yes, she has./ No, she hasnt.,Have/h

15、as got 变问句,_ you got a piano ? Yes, I _. No, I _.,havent.,Have haveHave you got any stam,Lets chant,Have got, have got, I,you,we and they.Has got, has got, It,she and he.,Lets chantHave got, have got,1.I _ got a brother, but she _ got a sister. (has/have) 2.This stamp _ got a picture of a panda on i

16、t. (has/have) 3.A cat _ got four legs, How many legs _ six cats got ? (has/have). 4. _ he got a football? (has/have). 5. _ they got a new English teacher ? (has/have).,have,has,Has,has,has,have,Have,第九关10分,have ,has表示“有” ,紧跟人称不迷路; 你(们)我(们)他们有,have随叫随来到; 他她它的脾气怪,只爱吃蛇“s”不吃鹅“e”; 找到人称现原形,看你们眼睛亮不亮!,The s

17、tory of two brothers,1.I _ got a brother,Module 7,Module 7,短语 I dont believe it ! 我不相信它 twelve hours a day 一天十二个小时 lucky pandas 幸运的熊猫 use its body to dance 用它的身体来跳舞 come out of 从里出来 the flute is dangerous 笛声是危险的 get frightened 变得恐惧 What an interesting DVD! 多么有趣的DVD a fantastic present 一个奇妙的礼物 live i

18、n 生活在 play with 和玩耍,短语,Grammer,一般现在时的肯定句,否定句,一般疑问句以及回答 I (we, you, they) like cake. I (we, you, they) dont like cake. She (He/It) likes cake. She (He/It) doesnt like cake. Do you(we ,I, they)like cake? Yes, I do./ No, I dont. Does he (she, it) like cake? Yes, he does. / No, he doesnt.,Grammer一般现在时的,

19、( ) 1. -Do you like dolls? - _. A. Yes, I dont. B. Yes, I do. C. Yes, I can. ( ) 2. I _ love the music. A. dont B. doesnt C. cant.,单项选择,B,A,第十关10分,( ) 1. -Do you like dol,Snakes love the sun.,Elephants like water.,Pandas love bamboo.,Dogs play with children.,Cats like fish.,Bears sleep in the winter

20、.,Snakes love the sun.Elephants,Module 8,Module 8,短语 Id love to. 我很乐意 not really 不全是 read books 读书 clean the room 打扫房间 not very often 不经常 take photos of me 给我拍照 show you his photos 展示他的照片给你 a good camera 一个好的相机 always/ often/ sometimes/ never 总是、经常、有时、从不,短语,Look at the table about me, fill in the bl

21、anks with “ never, sometimes, often, always”,I _ read books.I _ listen to music.I _ watch TV.I _ clean the room.I _ swim in the river in winter.I _ help my mum.,always,often,sometimes,sometimes,never,often,第十一关10分,Look at the table about me, fi,Module 9,Module 9,短语 want to visit 想要去参观 the UN buildin

22、g 联合国大楼 the flag of China 中国国旗 all around the world 全世界 member states 成员国 go inside 走到里面 give presents to 给礼物给 one of the presents from China来自中国礼物中的一个 beautiful places 美丽的地方,短语,外研版英语六年级上册总复习课件,1.Do you collect stamp , Simon?2.These postcard are from China .3.Have you got some American stamps?4.Ther

23、e is lots of Chinese shops in New York.5.My mother likes read books.6.Lets going to the library.7.Amy like watching TV.8.Do you want to visit the UN building in New York? Yes, we does .,stamps,postcards,any,are,reading,go,likes,Im a good doctor !,第十二关50分,do,1.Do you collect stamp , S,Module 10,Modul

24、e 10,短语 in the library 在图书馆 please stand in line 请排好队 The library closes at five. 图书馆在五点闭馆 the library rules 图书馆的规章 Please be quiet! 请安静 the library card 图书证 Chinese isnt easy to learn. 中文不是很容易学的 No problem. 没问题。 Go straight on! 直直走 Turn left/ right 左转、右转,短语,Game:说反话,T:Dont talk.Ss: Please talk./T:

25、Go!Ss: Dont go!,Game:说反话T:Dont talk.,How do I get to the school ?,Turn right at Short Road.(Turn right and go to Short Road)Go straight on.Turn right at Red Street.The school is on your left.,第十三关50分,How do I get to the school ? T,How do I get to the Toy Shop ?,Go straight on. The Toy Shop is on you

26、r left.,How do I get to the Toy Shop ?,How do I get to the supermarket ?,Go straight on. Turn right at Small Road.Go straight on.The supermarket is on your left.,How do I get to the supermarke,Some, any 有一些,some爱跟肯定跑, any爱问好否定 ,看你明白不明白?,( )1.I havent got _ brothers or sisters. A.a B.some C.any ( )2.

27、Have you got _ pen friends from England? A.a B.some C. any ( )3.There are _ postcards on the desk. A.a B. some C. any ( )4. There is _ rice in the bag , but there arent _ eggs. A.some,any B.any,some C.any,any,第十四关10分,C,C,B,A,Some, any 有一些,some爱跟肯定跑,,附加题,附加题,Game: Find the “bad eggs”!,1.callect 2.sta

28、mq 3.hoppy 4.wamen 5.enother 6.mon 7.reace 8.lacntern 9.specival 10.stound11.fastival 12.meel,o,p,bb,o,a,e,e,a,第十五关50分,Game: Find the “bad eggs”! 1.,( )1.What do you do _ Flag Day ? A.in B.on C.at ( )2. Whats _ favourite festival ? your B.you C. yours ( )3.After thanksgiving dinner,we _ a big footba

29、ll game on TV. A.look at B.see C.watch( )4.This stamp has got a picture _ the Great Wall on it. A.for B.from C.of ( )5.Do you _ stamps ? A.collecting B.collect C.to collect,B,B,C,C,A,( )1.What do you do _ Fla,Reading and judging “True” or “False”: Im Helen. Im from Changji, Xinjiang, China. Im an En

30、glish teacher in a primary school. I like pop songs , reading , swimming , playing table tennis Ive got lots of postcards from my pen friends. Im pleased to meet them. Spring Festival is my favourite festival.I want to make more pen friends. Do you want to be my pen friend ? Please write to me soon.

31、 ( )1.Im from Xinjiang. ( )2.My hobbies are swimming and listening to pop music. ( )3. I like Spring Festival best. ( )4. Im a teacher from England. ( )5.Ive got lots of photos from my pen friends.,F,T,F,T,1.,2.,3.,F,4.,5.,Reading and judging “True” or,Bye-bye !,I wish you a happy new year!,Bye-bye !I wish you a happy ne,A friend is a present,which you give yourself.,朋友是你给自己的一份礼物。,A friend is a presentwhich you,外研版英语六年级上册总复习课件,课间安全提示语,1、不在楼梯、走廊间追逐打闹。2、上下楼梯是要靠右走。3、不能在楼梯上推挤、跑跳。4、不爬窗户和阳台,不拉爬窗户防护栏。,课间安全提示语1、不在楼梯、走廊间追逐打闹。2、上下楼梯是要,Thank You!,Thank You!,


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