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1、旅游景点牌示语的翻译,景点牌示语是在旅游景点使用的,以说明文本简单介绍景点基本情况的一种文本。在很多旅游景点,为了使旅游者了解该景点基本情况,景点管理部门以图版、碑刻、附文等形式进行简要介绍说明。其功能主要在于传递信息,但也间接具有教育的功能,增加旅游者在人文,历史,自然等方面的知识,增强游览的兴趣。景点牌示语包括以下几种:1)全景牌示2)指路牌示3)服务牌示4)忠告牌示5)景点牌示,全景牌示,指路牌示,景点牌示,景点牌示语的文本特点,思考:通过阅读景点牌示语,请概括出景点牌示语的文本特点。例如内容、用词、句法、逻辑、修辞、感情色彩等,Statue of Liberty,Made in Par

2、is by the French sculptor Bartholdi, in collaboration with Gustave Eiffel (who was responsible for the steel framework), this towering monument to liberty was a gift from France on the centenary of American independence in 1886. Standing at the entrance to New York Harbour, it has welcomed millions

3、of immigrants to the United States ever since.,泰山位于山东省中部,地跨济南、泰安两市,主景区规划面积125平方千米,森林覆盖率81%,主峰玉皇顶海拔1524米。泰山主体为“泰山杂岩”,是华东寒武纪时期 古变质岩体系最古老最重要的代表.Straddle Taishan Complex RockCambrian Period prehistoric metaporphic system,景点牌示语的文本特点,1.内容客观景点介绍词只对境地那的基本情况进行客观的介绍,既不抒情,也不议论,更不夸张。一般不带任何感情色彩,显得客观实在。,Statue of

4、 Liberty,Made in Paris by the French sculptor Bartholdi, in collaboration with Gustave Eiffel (who was responsible for the steel framework), this towering monument to liberty was a gift from France on the centenary of American independence in 1886. Standing at the entrance to New York Harbour, it ha

5、s welcomed millions of immigrants to the United States ever since.,自由女神像自由女神像由法国雕刻家巴托尔迪与工程师古斯塔夫.艾菲尔(负责钢铁支架)在巴黎合作建造而成。这座高耸的象征自由饿纪念碑是法国在1886年送给美国独立100周年的礼物。矗立在纽约港入口处的这座纪念碑迎接了成千上万到美国的移民。,The massive White Tower is a typical example of Norman military architecture, whose influence was felt throughout th

6、e kingdom. It was built on the Thames by William the Conqueror to protect London and assert(维护)his power. The Tower of London-an imposing fortress(堡垒) with many layers of history, which has become one of the symbols of royalty-was bult around the White Tower.,这座规模宏大的白塔是典型的诺曼式军事建筑,其影响遍及整个王国。它位于泰晤士河上,

7、由征服者下令修建,目的是保护伦敦和维护自己的权力。伦敦塔围绕白塔而建,是一座宏伟的堡垒,曾经有过多次扩建,已经成为王权的象征。,2 文字简练景点介绍词所使用的文字一般简练质朴,没有很多的华丽辞藻进行描绘,但比较注重科学性,力求表达正确,常常运用一些数字、专有名词或科学术语进行说明,专业性较强。,泰山位于山东省中部,地跨济南、泰安两市,主景区规划面积125平方千米,森林覆盖率81%,主峰玉皇顶海拔1524米。泰山主体为“泰山杂岩”,是华东寒武纪时期 古变质岩体系最古老最重要的代表.Straddle Taishan Complex RockCambrian Period prehistoric m

8、etaporphic system,3.逻辑清晰,英语景点介绍词具有指示旅游者完成游览的作用,因此在介绍景点时常常遵循一定的逻辑顺序,层次清晰。,The highest concentration(集中) of public buildings occurred in the area around the Commond Garden, where are clustered the Museum of Fine Arts, the Museum of Natural Hisotry, the Palace of Justice, the Parliament, the City Hall,

9、 the National Theatre, the University of Vienna and the Votive Church. As an ensemble(整体), the collection is astonishing in its architectural presumption. It is nothing less than an attempt to assimilate and summarize the entire architectural history of Europe.,In the opposite direction is the famou

10、s State Opera House, one of the city s outstanding temples of musicAcross the Ring from the opera house stands the huge Karl Church, undoubtedly the most important of the citys baroque churchesIn front of the church, a massive modernistic sculptureAt the east end of the Ring is the City Park,科门花园周围是


12、由be作系动词的句子。在讲解具体实物的制作过程时,多使用被动语态和祈使句。由于英语和汉语在语言系统、语言结构和文化上的差异,在制作中英双语牌示,将中文内容翻译成英语时,我们要多借鉴有代表性的英语牌示解说的写作手法和语言特点,定性、定量地深入了解它们的需求。,旅游景点牌示语的翻译,虽然英文景点介绍词内容简洁,但通常信息含量丰富,结构严谨,因此复句、长句较多。在翻译过程中,为使表达清楚、意义明确,往往需要根据汉语意合的原则,改变原文的句子结构,化整为零、化繁为简,将原文分散的内容按照汉语的表达习惯和逻辑顺序予以适当调整。,Sydney Opera HouseInaugurated in 1973,

13、 the Sydney Opera House is a great architectural work of the 20th century that brings together multiple strands of creativity and innovation in both architectural form and structural design. A great urban scuplture set in a remarkable waterscape, at the tip of a peninsula projecting into Sydney Harb

14、our, the building has had an enduring influence on architecture.悉尼歌剧院于1973年落成,它从建筑形式和结构设计方面融合了多种创新元素,是20世纪伟大的建筑作品。这座镶嵌在美妙海景上位大的城市雕塑,从半岛的一角伸向悉尼港,将对建筑艺术留下持久的影响。,The Sydney Opera House comprises three groups of interlocking vaulted “shells” which roof two main performance halls and a restaurant. These

15、shell-structures are set upon a vast platform and are surrounded by terrace areas that function as pedestrian concourses. In 1957, when the project of the Sydney Opera House was awarded by a n international jury to Danish architect Jorn Utzon, in marked a radically new apporach to construction.悉尼歌剧院

16、由三组相互交错的拱状“贝壳”组成,其中两组为主表演厅,另一组为餐厅。这些贝壳形构造被固定在一个巨大的平台之上,周围是作步行通道的露台区域。1957年,悉尼歌剧院建筑工程国际评判委员会选中了丹麦建筑师耶耳恩.乌特松的设计方案,这标志着其建筑界的全新开始。,KAKADU National Park,This unique archaeological and ethnologcial reserve, located in the Northern Terriotry, has been inhabited continuously for more than 40.000 years. The

17、cave paintings, rock carvings and archaeological sites record the skills and way of life of the regions inhibitants, from the hunter-gatherers of prehistoric times to the Aboriginal people still living there. It is a unique example of a complex of ecosystems, including tidal flats, flood plains, low

18、lands and plateaux, and provides a habitat for a wide range of rare or endemic species of plants and animals.,卡卡杜国家公园,卡卡杜国家公园位于澳大利亚领土的北部,是考古学和人种学唯一保存完好的地方,并连续有物种栖居40,000多年之久。山洞内的壁画、石雕以及考古遗址表明了那个地区从史前的狩猎者和原始部落到仍居住在那里的土著居民的技能和生活方式。这是一个典型的生态平衡的例子,包括那些潮汐浅滩、漫滩、低洼地以及高原在内,为那些大量的珍稀动植物提供了优越的生存条件。,增译,景点介绍往往会包

19、含一些文化背景知识和信息,翻译时,为了把意思说清楚,有时需要增加一些解释原文内涵的信息或注解,以便读者能准确而完整地理解原文的意思。,Westminister Abbey is the place of the coronation, marriage and burial of British monarchs, except Edward V and Edward VIII since 1066. Visitors can see the tomb of the Unknown Soldier. Royal Tombs and Shrine of Edward the Confesssor

20、, the Coronation Chair, Lady Chapel and Poets Corner, the Royal Chapels etc. The current building dates largely from the thirteenth to sixteenth century.1066年以来,威斯敏斯特一直是英国君主举行加冕礼,婚礼和葬礼的地方(爱德华五世和爱德华八世除外)。游客可以参观无名战士墓、王室之墓、忏悔者爱德华(1042-1066年在位)的祠堂、加冕宝座、圣母堂、诗人角(英国著名文学家之墓)、皇家礼拜堂等。现在的建筑主要是从13世纪到16世纪修建的。,结构

21、紧凑,英语是一种“形合”语言,十分讲究句式结构的逻辑层次和有机组合,语法规则十分严格,表现为一种严谨的空间搭架式立体结构,反映出英语表达逻辑严谨、思维缜密的美学特点。,要加强语义、扩展信息,英语不是单纯靠词语的添加,而往往是通过一定的衔接手段来实现,其深层意蕴在很多情况下常常就隐含在句子的上下文中。,Although the state (Hawaii) is located in the tropical zone, its climate is comfortable because of the ocean currents that pass its shores and winds

22、that blow across the land from the northeast. The temperature usually remain close to the annual average of 24 degrees Centigrade.虽然夏威夷地处热带,但气候宜人,常年平均气温在摄氏24度左右。岛上常有东北风刮过和太平洋的气流经过。,Crisscrossed by ferries and carpeted with yachts on weekedns, Sydney Harbor is both the city playground and a major por

23、t. Its multiple sandstone headlands, dramatic clifffs, rocky islands and stunning bays and beaches make it one of the most beautiful stretches of water in the world, and offer a close-up of Aussie beach culture at its best.,悉尼港是悉尼市的游乐场所和主要港口,周末无数的渡船和游艇穿梭于此。它多样的砂岩岬角,引人注目的悬崖峭壁,多岩石的岛屿、美丽的海湾和海滩使它成为世界上最美

24、丽的连绵水域,淋漓尽致地突显了澳大利亚的海滨文化。,Yellowstone National Park,Though filled with an astonishing array of geologic wonders-geysers, hot springs, fumaroles, canyons, waterfalls-Yellowstone is perhaps most remarkable as a wildlife sanctuary. Protected here are bison, elk, bears, moose, mountain lions, eagles, tr

25、umpeter swans and a host of other animals. The worlds first national park, Yellowstone covers more than two million acres (810.000 hectares) and draws thousands of visitors a year,黄石国家公园,黄石国家公园内地理奇观比比皆是,间歇泉、温泉、喷气孔四处可见,更有高坡深谷,飞瀑流泉,令人叹为观止。然而,最引人注目的还是这儿受到保护的大批成群出没的动物。作为全球第一个国家公园,黄石公园占地200多万英亩,约合810 000

26、公顷。每年到访游客成千上万。,翻译案例分析 (P15页),虎跳峡位于香格里拉县东南部,离县城105公里,横穿于哈巴雪山和玉龙雪山之间,是万里长江第一大峡谷。因猛虎越江心石过江的传说而得名。景区主要由上虎跳峡、中虎跳峡和下虎跳峡三段组成。景区全长20余公里,落差高达213米,以其山高谷深、滩多水急,雄奇险峻闻名于世。 (英译文见教材),句法特点:1、第一句中文句子采用了“拆分”的翻译方法,被拆分为两句英文句子。第1句英文为and连接的两个简单句组成的并列句,第2句英文采用了现在分词”cutting.mountain做状语的简单句。2、第二句中文句子采取了“增译”的方法,被翻译成第3、4句英文句子

27、。英文内容具体说明了虎跳峡得名的原因。3、第三、四句中文句子采取了“拆分”和“组合”的翻译方法,翻译成新的英文句子组合第5、6句子。4、英文语篇在句法上使用长句,长句中包括并列句(第1句and)、分词结构(第2句cutting.)、定语从句(第3和5句,who was chasing. which add up to),词汇特点:1、中文喜欢使用四字成语描述自然风光,例如山高谷深、滩多水急,雄奇险峻2、英语译文中,偏向使用形容词突出景色特点,并且是选用常用形容词。例如grand 和great表示峡谷壮丽、legendary突出传奇色彩,high、deep dangerously,例2:,Anc

28、ient EgyptEven in ancient times, the civilization of Egypt was famous for its great age and wisdom. Its distinctive culture made it seem mysterious and exotic to other people in the ancient world, including the Assyrians and the Greeks.Egyptian religion, hierographic(圣符的) script and buried customs,

29、such as mummification(木乃伊), lasted for over 3,000 years and have continued to fascinate the world in modern times.,The kingdom of Egypt occupied the Nile valley and Delta in north-east Africa from around 3,000 BC. For much of its long history, Egypt was largely self-contained, but it acquired territ

30、ory in Nubia (Sudan) to the south and in the Near East. The River Nile ensured Egypts agricultural wealth, and the kingdom all had access to gold and other mineral resources.Egypt was invaded by other powers, including the Assyrians, Persians, and Greeks. Throughout its history, however, it retained

31、 its distinctive and sophisticated culture, even after the death of Queen Cleopatra in 30 BC, when it was absorbed into Roman Empire. The long tradition of ancient Egyptian art and culture finally ended when the Egyptian temples were closed in the early Christian era, in the fourth and fifth centuri

32、es AD.,Ancient Egypt古老的埃及Even in ancient times, the civilization of Egypt was famous for its great age and wisdom. Its distinctive culture made it seem mysterious and exotic to other people in the ancient world, including the Assyrians and the Greeks.早在远古时期埃及就以其悠久的历史和聪明智慧闻名于世。在古代其他民族(包括亚述人和希腊人)的眼里,埃

33、及独特的文化似乎高深莫测。Egyptian religion, hierographic script and buried customs, such as mummification, lasted for over 3,000 years and have continued to fascinate the world in modern times.埃及的宗教仪式、岩石壁画和丧葬风俗(如木乃伊)延续了3000多年,直到今天这些古老的文化仍让现代人着迷不已。hierogram: a sacred inscription or symbol,The kingdom of Egypt oc

34、cupied the Nile valley and Delta in north-east Africa from around 3,000 BC. For much of its long history, Egypt was largely self-contained, but it acquired territory in Nubia (Sudan) to the south and in the Near East. The River Nile ensured Egypts agricultural wealth, and the kingdom all had access

35、to gold and other mineral resources.公元前3000年左右埃及帝国就占领了尼罗河平原以及非洲东北部的三角洲地带。在漫长的历史长河中,埃及人基本上自给自足,但还是占领了努比亚(现在的苏丹)并吞并了近东地区。尼罗河孕育了埃及的农业,而埃及人也拥有大量的黄金和其他贵重金属资源。,Egypt was invaded by other powers, including the Assyrians, Persians, and Greeks. Throughout its history, however, it retained its distinctive and

36、 sophisticated culture, even after the death of Queen Cleopatra in 30 BC, when it was absorbed into Roman Empire. The long tradition of ancient Egyptian art and culture finally ended when the Egyptian temples were closed in the early Christian era, in the fourth and fifth centuries AD.埃及也曾遭受外族侵略,包括亚


38、ierographic script 译为岩石壁画。最后一段译文,更是对希腊文化的兴衰发展做了详细的叙述。例如对it retained its distinctive and sophisticated culture,进行了两次强调“但埃及人一直保留着自己独特精湛的文化”“埃及人对自己的古老文化仍不离不弃”。对于when the Egyptian temples were closed in the early Christian era, 改译为随着基督教的诞生。,练习The massive White Tower is a typical example of Norman milita

39、ry architecture, whose influence was felt throughout the kingdom. It was built on the Thames by William the Conqueror to protect London and assert his power. The Tower of London-an imposing fortress with many layers of history, which has become one of the symbols of royalty-was built around the Whit

40、e Tower.,这座规模宏大的白塔是典型的诺曼式军事建筑,其影响遍及整个王国。它位于泰晤士河上,由征服者下令修建,目的是保护伦敦和维护自己的权力。伦敦塔围绕白塔而建,是一座宏伟的堡垒,曾经有过多次扩建,已经成为王权的象征。,中山陵,原名总理陵园,位于南京东郊钟山第一峰小茅山南麓,是伟大的革命先行者孙中山先生的陵墓。,中山陵,原名总理陵园,位于南京东郊钟山第一峰小茅山南麓,是伟大的革命先行者孙中山先生的陵墓。The Mausoleum of Dr. Sun Yat-sen, orginally named the Cemetary of the Prime Minister, lies in

41、the east of Nanjing, at the southern foot of the Xiaomao Hill, the second top peak of Zhongshan Hills.,孙中山纪念馆位于中山陵与灵谷寺之间的茫茫林海中,是一座仿清代喇嘛寺的古典建筑。1934年中国佛教协会发起募建。此楼专为收藏孙中山先生的物品而用。Dr. Sun Yat-sens Memorial Hall, standing in the woods between the Mausoleum of Dr. Yat-sen and Linggu Temple, is a building i

42、n classical style fashioned after the lamasary of the Qing Dynasty. Built in 1934 with its funds raised by the Buddhist Association of China, it is specially used for the collection of Dr. Suns classic works and other things concerned.,孙中山纪念馆位于中山陵与灵谷寺之间的茫茫林海中,是一座仿清代喇嘛寺的古典建筑。1934年中国佛教协会发起募建。此楼专为收藏孙中山

43、先生的物品而用。Dr. Sun Yat-sens Memorial Hall, standing in the woods between the Mausoleum of Dr. Yat-sen and Linggu Temple, is a building in classical style fashioned after the lamasary of the Qing Dynasty. Built in 1934 with its funds raised by the Buddhist Association of China, it is specially used for

44、the collection of Dr. Suns classic works and other things concerned.,学生译作1:Sun Yat-sens Memorial Hall was located at forest sea between Sun Yat-sen Mausoleum and Linggu Temple, which was a classical structure that imitated the lamasery of Qing Dynasty. This building was constructed to collect the ar

45、ticles of Sun Yat-sen and it is built by the Buddist Association of China in 1934.学生译作2:Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hall is located in the forest between Sun Yat-sens Mausoleum and Linggu Temple. It is a classical architecture of imitating the Lamasery in Qing Dynasty. In 1934, the Chinese Buddist Associat

46、ion decided to build, and this constructure is use for collecting the goods of Sun Yat-sen.,关于时态问题中文旅游文本如果是介绍景点的常态或者服务的常态,译成英语时一般使用现在时态;介绍景点的历史译成英文使用过去时;如果强调对现在的影响,则译成现在完成时;如果表示承诺则译成将来时英文文本中一般的描述采用一般现在时,在涉及历史、典故、传说等主题时采用过去时,表示前景或者承诺时使用将来时。,练习1:无锡是江苏省的一个小城,位于南京和上海之间。早在六千年前,就有一个原始部落在此定居。现在的无锡始建于公元前二世纪

47、。学生译文一:Wuxi is a small city in Jiangsu Province, is located between Nanjing and Shanghai. Six thousand years ago, there is a primitive tribe settled here. Now Wuxi was built in the 2 Century BC.学生译文二:Wuxi is a small city of Jiangsu province, between Nanjing and shanghai. Six thousand years ago, ther

48、e was an original tribe settled down here. The Wuxi in present is built in 2 century BC.学生译文三:Wuxi, which a city in Jiangsu province between in Nanjing and Shanghai. Before 6000 years, there was an original tribe live in there. Now Wuxi was built in the second century BC.学生译文四:Wuxi, the town of Jian

49、gsu, located between Nanjing and Shanghai. In 6,000 years ago, there was a tribes settling down. And todays Wuxi was started to build in Second century BC.,Therebe句型用法总结Therebe结构是英语中陈述事物客观存的常用句型,表示“有”,其确切含义是“存在”there作为引导词,本身没有意义,用动词be的某些形式作为谓语动词,它的主语是用一些表示泛指或不定特指的名词词组句子最后通常为表示地点和时间的状语。因此要表达“某个地方或某个时

50、间存在什么事物或人”的时候常用“Therebe+名词+地点(时间)这一句型。例如:Thereisapet shop acrossthestreet.There will be a meeting tonight.There has been a big tree on the top of the hill.There used to be a church across from the bank. there once lived an old lady in the templethere be可以与分词、不定式连用,其结构是 there be +n+doing/done/to do 表


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