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1、,旅游文体翻译,旅游文体属“呼唤型”文本。旅游资料的功能是通过对景点的介绍、宣传、扩展人们的知识,激发人们旅游、参观的兴趣。因此,旅游文体翻译的最终目的就是通过传递信息来吸引旅游者。旅游文体,无论英语还是汉语,均属应用文范畴,其形式灵活多样,内容无所不包,文体类别也是丰富多彩。如旅游指南属描写型,用词要生动形象,明白晓畅;旅游广告与其他广告语一样属呼唤型,用词短小精悍,富有创意,句式简洁活泼,具有极强的吸引力和号召力。,总的说来,旅游文本有以下几个特点:词汇量丰富措辞讲究风格活泼幽默多使用古诗词,旅游景点名称的翻译,旅游景点可以采取三种方法进行翻译: 音译、直译、音译加直译。,音译 1. 太和

2、殿 - Taihedian 2. 中和殿 - Zhonghedian 3. 保和殿 - Baohedian 4. 乾清宫 - Qianqinggong 5. 交泰殿 - Jiaotaidian 6. 坤宁宫 - Kunninggong 7. 三潭印月- Santanyinyue 8. 鹰嘴岩 - Yingzuiyan,Bermuda 百慕大 Honolulu 火奴鲁鲁 hollywood好莱坞Las Vegas 拉斯威加斯 Louvre, France 法国卢浮宫,音译法不管是汉英翻译还是英汉翻译都是很少使用的,一般是整个城市作为一个景点时才会使用。,音译加直译:专名音译,通名意译 1. 太和

3、殿 - Taihe Hall 2. 中和殿 - Zhonghe Hall 3. 保和殿 - Baohe Hall 4. 乾清宫 - Qianqing Palace 5. 交泰殿 - Jiaotai Hall 6. 坤宁宫 - Kunning Palace 7. 鹰嘴岩 - Yingzuiyan Cliff,Niagara Falls 尼亚加拉大瀑布 Panama Canal 巴拿马大运河 Disneyland迪斯尼乐园 Effiel Tower艾菲尔铁塔 Leaning Tower of Pisa比萨斜塔Buckingham Palace白金汉宫,说出下列景点的汉译名称:Hyde Park,

4、London Tower Bridge,Westminster Abbey, Elysee palace, Big Ben in London (英国)海德公园 ,伦敦塔桥 ,威斯敏斯特大教堂,(法国)爱丽舍宫 ,伦敦大本钟,直译: 1. 太和殿 The Hall of Grand Harmony 2. 保和殿 The Hall of Guaranteed Harmony 3. 文华殿 Hall of Literary Glory,4. 三潭印月:(保留原文形象及内涵) Three Pools Mirroring the Moon 5. 紫来洞:(保留原文文化、历史内涵) Purple Sou

5、rce Cave 6. 寒山寺: Cold Mountain Temple 7. 鹰嘴岩: (保留原文形象) Eagle Beak Cliff 8. 拙政园:Garden of Humble Administrator 9. 狮子林:Lions Grove,Yellowstone National Park黄石国家公园 Statue of Liberty自由女神像 Times Square时代广场 Arch of Triumph凯旋门Red Square in Moscow莫斯科红场,Grand Canyon , Metropolitan Museum of Art, Notre Dame d

6、e Paris, Easter Island, Great Barrier Reef 大峡谷,大都会艺术博物馆,巴黎圣母院,复活节岛,大堡礁,旅游景点名称翻译的统一,不统一的现象严重: 太湖:Tai Lake; Taihu Lake 黄山:Huangshan Mountain; Huang Mountain 豫园:Yu Garden; Yu Yuan Garden,统一的办法: 1. 旅游点名称如属汉语“单名”,为了照顾音节和外国人的习惯读法,最好把名字后面的“湖”、“山”、“园”等同时音译出来。 嵩山:Songshan Mountain 太湖:Taihu Lake 2. 如果旅游点名称是“双

7、名”, 则不必音译后面的词。 洞庭湖:Dongting Lake 雁荡山:Yandang Moutain 寄畅园:Jichang Garden,旅游正文的翻译,在翻译实践中,译者可根据实际需要采用适当的方法来翻译,包括增译、释义、类比、删减、改写。,增译,翻译旅游资料要求有针对性,是向外国游客介绍中国的风景名胜。其中有许多民族传统文化色彩浓厚的东西,在中国妇孺皆知。但译成英文时要增添理解原文内容所必需的背景知识,如:历史事件发生的年代,名人的生卒年代,他们的身份及其在历史上的贡献,名胜的具体位置等等以帮助外国游客更好地理解。,秦始皇Qin Shihuang, the first emperor

8、 in Chinese history who unified China in 221 B.C. 林则徐Lin Zexu, government official of the Qing Dynasty (16361911) and the key figure in the Opium War西域The western Regions (a Han Dynasty term for the area west of Yumenguan Pass, including what is now XInjiang Uygur Autonomous Region and parts of Cent

9、ral Asia),例如:在西安的六十四米高的大雁塔是玄奘西游印度回国后的居留之地。 The 64-meter-high Dayan Pagoda in Xian is the place where Xuanzang, a great monk in the Tang Dynasty, once lived after returning from India.,端午节那天,人们都要吃粽子。During the Dragon Boat Festival (which falls on the fifth day of the fifth lunar month), it is a commo

10、n practice to eat Zongzi, which is a rice pudding wrapped up with weed leaves.,释义,释义是指增加的部分是对字、词、句的字面意思的解释。例如: 花港观鱼:Hua Gang Guan Yu (Viewing Fish at Flower Harbor) 孤山: Gushan (Solitary Hill),三官店里有一株茶花树,在寒冬腊月开出一束鲜花,璀璨如棉,因此又名“耐冬”。 There is a camellia tree in the Sanguan Palace bloomingfully in midwin

11、ter, so it is called Naidong, meaning it can stand bitterly cold winters.”(译者根据原文的字面意思,在句末增加了一个非限定性定语从句,对“耐冬”做了进一步解释),路左有一巨石,石上原有苏东坡手书“云外流春”四个大字。To its left is a rock formerly engraved with four big Chinese characters Yun Wai Liu Chun (Beyond clouds flows spring) hand-written by Sudongpo (1037-1101)

12、, the most versatile poet of the Northern Song Dynasty (960-1127).音译与意译相结合,用括号里的内容增加对原文字面意思的解释。,卦台山周围有龙马洞、分心石、洗脚石等景点。Around the Guatai Mountain are the Longma (Dragon-and-Horse) Cave, Fenxin (Distracting Attention) Rock, Xijiao (Washing Feet) Stone and other scenes.,湖南省位于长江中下游南部,东经108度至114度,北纬24至30度

13、。因地处洞庭湖之南,所以叫做湖南。Hunan Province lies just south of the middle reaches of the Changjiang (Yangtze) River between 108 and 114 E longitude and 24 and 30 N latitude. As it is also situated south of Lake Dongting, the Province has the name Hunan, which means “south of the lake”.,(鲁迅纪念馆)对外开放场所包括:鲁迅故居,百草园,

14、三味书屋,鲁迅祖居和鲁迅生平事迹陈列厅。译文:Open to visitors are the Lu Xuns former residence (including his ancestral residence and the Sanwei Study), the Baicao Garden and the exhibition hall.,注释:Baicao garden, a waste vegetable plot that made a paradise for little Lu Xun.Sanwei study ( literally three flavor study),

15、Shaoxings most widely known and influential private school in those days where young Lu Xun studied classics for about five years.,删减,对旅游资料中有关中国传统文化特有的产物,若直接按字面译成英语,对理解原文没有任何帮助,甚至外国游客根本就看不懂,应当适当删改,在我国最早的典籍中,即有关这条河的记载。尚书“禹贡”:“漆沮既从,沣水攸同”,诗经“大雅”:“沣水东注,维禹之绩”,说明沣水在远古就是一条著名的河流。Records about the river can

16、be found even in the earliest Chinese classics, which proves that the Feng River has been well known since ancient times.,“烟水苍茫月色迷,渔舟晚泊栈桥西。乘凉每至黄昏后,人依栏杆水拍堤。这是古人赞美青岛的诗句。青岛市一座风光秀丽的海滨城市,夏无酷暑,冬无严寒。西起胶州湾入海处的团岛,东至崂山风景区的下清宫,绵延80多华里的海滨组成了一幅绚烂多彩的长轴画卷。”Qingdao is a beautiful coastal city. It is not hot in summ

17、er and not cold in winter. The 20-km-long scenic line begins from Tuan Island at the west end to Xiaqing Gong of Mount Lao at the east end.,乐山水光山色独特,地理环境优越,素有“绿杨夹岸水平铺”之称,举行龙舟竞赛得天独厚。Famous for its “tranquil river fringed with rich vegetation”, Leshan in Sichuan Province has the ideal setting for the

18、Dragon Festival.,类比,把中文资料中有关的内容转化为外国游客熟悉的同类的内容。“借用手法指借典译典,借译语表达式和形象来翻译源语有特定文化含义的表达式和形象,以求等效”(何自然等,2004)。有的学者称这种方法为cultural substitution (文化替换)。,如将济公比作罗宾汉,将西施比作埃及艳后,将梁山伯与祝英台比作罗密欧与朱丽叶,将苏州比作意大利的威尼斯,将银川市比作小麦加,将孔子比作希腊的亚里斯多得。这样可以简洁而较为准确的介绍任务或景点,使译文读者在自己的文化基础上理解异国文化情调,加强文化的交流与理解。,改写,(1)对原文句子结构的改写 由于思维方式不同,

19、中国人和西方人写作时的推理方法也不同。西方人是直线思维,多采用演绎推理;而中国人是螺旋式思维,多采用归纳推理。在展开一个话题时,汉语往往迂回曲折,先分说,再总括,多用掉尾句;而英语则开门见山,先总括,再分说,多用松散句。翻译时有必要对原文的结构加以调整,使其与西方读者或游客的习惯相吻合,在四川西部,有一处美妙的去处。它背倚岷山主峰雪宝顶,树木苍翠,花香袭人,鸟语婉转,流水潺潺。这就是松潘县的黄龙。One of Sichuans finest scenic spots is Huanglong (Yellow Dragon), which lies in Songpan County just

20、beneath Xuebao, the main peak of the Minshan Mountain. Its lush green forests, filled with fragrant flowers, bubbling streams, and songbirds, are rich in historical interest as well as natural beauty.,(2)对原文诗词的改写诗词的翻译比较困难,改写可以算作一种补救措施。,水映山容,使山容益添秀媚,山清水秀,使水能更显柔情,有诗云:岸上湖中各自奇,山觞水酌两相宜。只言游舫浑如画,身在画中原不知。Th

21、e hills overshadow the lake, and the lake reflects the hills. They are in perfect harmony , and more beautiful than a picture.,(3)对原文行文风格的改写(避虚就实) 汉语和英语在行文风格和修辞上存在较大的差异。汉语旅游资料中有许多华丽辞藻悬、四字词组只是为了音韵的和谐和渲染气氛,并无多大实际意义,翻译时应该调整措辞,将这些虚华之词用明白晓畅的语言重新表述,使译文通达流畅,符合英文的表达习惯,增强译文的可读性,也更利于外国游客和读者的理解和接受。旅游翻译首先应该以旅游者

22、为导向(tourist-oriented),让他们听懂、看懂、读懂。如果遇到非常主观性的描述语言,如“重峦叠嶂”、“广袤无垠”、“分外妖娆”、“美不胜收”、“争奇斗艳”、“千姿百态”等等,可以简单概括一下。这就是改写。,她(黄河)奔腾不息,勇往直前,忽而惊涛裂岸,势不可挡,使群山动容;忽而安如处子,风平浪静,波光潋滟,气象万千。It tears and boils along turbulently through the mountains and at some places, flows on quietly with a sedate appearance and glistening

23、 ripples.,这儿的峡谷又是另一番景象:谷中急水奔流,穿峡而过,两岸树木葱茏,鲜花繁茂,碧草萋萋,活脱脱一幅生机盎然的天然风景画。各种奇峰异岭,令人感受各异,遐想万千。 It is another gorge through which a rapid stream flows. Trees, flowers and grass, a picture of natural vitality, thrive on both banks. The weird peaks arouse disparate thoughts.,Qingdao is a beautiful coastal cit

24、y. It is not hot in summer and not cold in winter. The 40-km-long scenic line begins from Tuan Island at the west end to Xiaqing Palace of Mount Lao at the east end.,诗歌的翻译,因为旅游景点的介绍中经常会出现诗歌,在翻译过程中不能把所有的诗歌都删掉不译,对景点描述有帮助的诗歌要进行翻译。因为中英语言文化的差异,诗歌翻译是比较难的。在翻译过程中,要尽量传达原诗的内容,尽量保留原诗的形式,尽量传达原诗的情绪。毕竟西湖六月中,风光不与四

25、时同;接天莲叶无穷碧,映日荷花别样红。(晓出净慈寺送林子方 ),After all its the West Lake in summer hot, Displaying scenes no other seasons have got; Green lotus leaves stretch so far to the ruddy horizon; Bathed in sunshine are exceptionally pink lotus blossoms.,水光潋滟晴方好,山色空蒙雨亦奇。欲把西湖比西子,淡妆浓抹总相宜。(饮湖上初晴后雨) The shimmering ripples d

26、elight the eye on sunny days, The dimming hills present a rare view in rainy haze.West Lake may be compared to Beauty Xi Zi at her best, It becomes her to be richly adorned or plainly dressed.,在我国的许多名胜景点有很多刻柱子上的对联,称之为楹联。它是中国独特的文学艺术形式,是翻译中的一大难题。在翻译实践中,可以采用不同的方法来翻译,如词汇的对应、句子结构的对应,必要时刻改变句子结构。我们来试着翻译几幅楹

27、联:海水朝朝朝朝朝朝朝落 浮云长长长长长长长消,字面对应可译为:Ocean waters tide, day to day tide, every day tide and every day ebb; Floating clouds appear, often appear, often appear and often go.也可改译为:Every day floating clouds come and go, Very clouds sea waters ebb and flow.,蝉噪林愈静,鸟鸣山更幽。Cicadas, chirping, make the forest all t

28、he more peaceful, Birds, singing, make the mountain all the more secluded.水水山山处处明明秀秀 晴晴雨雨时时好好奇奇,With water and hill, every place looks bright and beautiful; Rain or shine, every moment appears pleasant and wonderful.大肚能容容天下难容之事, 开口便笑笑天下可笑之人。,His belly is big enough to contain all intolerable things on earth; His mouth is ever ready to laugh at all snobbish persons under heaven.峰峦或再有飞来坐山门老等, 泉水已渐生暖意放笑脸相迎。,Awaiting at the door another peak flying over; Facing with a smile the cool spring warming up.,


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