1、简笔画情景教学法,一、学习简笔画的意义,二、简笔画的特点,四、简笔画在教学中的运用,三、简笔画的原则,六、简笔画范例,五、如何画简笔画,1.易学易画,节省教学时间,2.多种感官参与,提高学习效率,3.创设情景,提供语言环境,4.活泼有趣,增加学习兴趣,一、学习简笔画的意义,1. 图形简单,2. 形象鲜明,3. 幽默风趣,二、简笔画的特点,1. 宁少勿多,2. 宁直不弯,3. 宁简不繁,三、简笔画的原则,四、简笔画在教学中的运用,1.教字母,2.教语音,3.教单词,(1)教名词,(2)教动词,(3)教形容词的反义词,long short tall short,hot cold heavy lig
2、ht,(4)教形容词和副词的比较级和最高级,heavy heavier heaviest,big bigger biggest,(5)教代词,I you he she it,(6)教介词,insideoutside under on near,4.教语言知识,bring take fetch,5. 教语法,He went to Beijing yesterday. They are in Beijing now. She will go to Beijing tomorrow.,6. 教句型,This is a book.That is a pen.Whats this?Its a book.
3、Whats that?Its a pen.Is this a book?Yes, it is.Is that a pencil?No, it isnt.,7. 教对话,Look! Its a watch. Whose watch is it?,I think its his watch.Lets go and ask him.,Excuse me. Is this your watch? Oh, yes. Its my watch.,Here you are. Thank you very much.,7. 教对话,Look, watch/Whose,think, his/Lets,Excus
4、e , your/yes, my,Here/Thank,8. 教课文,F: Im a fox. Im bad. Oh, its a hut. Chick is in it.,C: Who is it?F: Im Grandma. Let me in. C: Oh, yes.,D: Oh, its not Grandma.Its a bad fox. C: A bad fox?D: We cannot let him in.,D: Hello! Hen. Im Dog.I can let you in.,F: Dog? Oh, no. Goodbye.D,C: Haha!,8. 教课文,fox,
5、 bad, hut, chick,Who/Grandma, let, in/yes,not, fox/fox? yes/cannot, him,Hen, Dog, can, you,Dog? no, Goodbye/Haha,1.练好基本图形,五、如何画简笔画,线:横直斜浪折,角:等锐钝直斜,方:正长横梯棱,圆:圆椭半弓弧,2. 由基本图形衍生出简笔画,线角方圆,3. 由几何图形组合成简笔画,秘诀:几何图形+特征,六、简笔画范例,1. 动物,2. 学习文体,3. 家具和日常用品,4. 植物水果蔬菜,5. 树木花草,6. 衣着鞋帽,7. 交通工具,8. 人物画法,(1)基本比例,站7 坐5 蹲3 行走6.5,(2)年龄性别,(3)职业,(4)脸部表情,(5)上半身动作,(6)全身动作,