1、托福口语如何短期内提升成绩 托福口语如何短期内提升成绩?这2点你都做到了吗?今天给大家带来了托福口语如何短期内提升成绩,希望能够帮助到大家,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下。托福口语如何短期内提升成绩?这2点你都做到了吗?托福口语短题提分要点:提升英语表达能力第一就是要把基本的英语表达能力解决。比如常见词汇要熟练掌握,一些常见逻辑词汇要掌握,这样让你的表达更有效。比如in spite of, because of, due to等等词组;还有一些常见词汇的近义词,注意同一个意思的不同表达方式,避免英语中忌讳的重复;还有就是一些句型的掌握,比如it is said/suggested that等等句
2、型,还有就是简答句型和复合句型的转换,让句子更加的多样性,比如He is a Chinese man. He is the man who is from China.(当然这样的不同表达方式表达效果是有区别的,但是短期内及时不能很有效的区分一些细微的区别,但是加以利用,也让托福阅卷人知道你对于英语表达的掌握,是可以用复合句表达更加复杂的意思的能力。)托福口语短题提分要点:结合基础进行练习第二就是在掌握的基础上进行练习。我的经验,英语绝对是Practice makes perfect。熟能生巧。不练习,掌握再多方法也是无用的。短期内根据托福考试的题型,进行分类型的话题训练。比如描述人的话题,你
4、掌握基本的综合英语表达技能后,大量输入英文方面的知识,这样你的口语能力才正真得到提升。上面的方法也适用于英语口语学习。托福独立口语热门高频话题素材范文集锦:如何减少空气污染?托福独立口语高频话题介绍:如何减少空气污染?What can we do to reduce air pollution?高频话题思路分析1. 公交:make public transportation more accessible: 举例子add more routes, reduce the bus fare2. 植树:filter air and water, absorb carbon dioxide and p
5、roduce oxygen, breathe fresh air3. 提高环保意识:raise peoples environment protection awareness:not litter around, classify the trash, save water and electricity, preserve natural resource4.清洁能源clean energies: nuclear energy, solar power, wind, tide, hydro-electronic power托福独立口语高频话题范文分享There are lots of wa
6、ys for the city to reduce air pollution. Firstly, they can cut down the usage of private vehicles, thus the car exhaust can be reduced. The decision makers should invest more money to improve public transportation, like adding more bus routes, making public transportation more accessible, like devel
7、oping express local trains and repave bumpy roads. Secondly, the government should put forward some policies to subsidize the environment conscious companies that use renewable energies like natural gas, wind power and nuclear power.托福独立口语24个考前必练话题汇总一览托福独立口语考前必练话题TASK1NO.1以下哪个活动你宁愿一个人干而非在group里,take
8、exercise, go shopping, study.NO.2谈论你们国家有趣,有特色的一种服饰。NO.3在医院做volunteer,是喜欢和病人聊天,读书给病人听,和病人亲属交流NO.4Which of the following do you think is the most important for maintaininggood health? Doing exercises, eating healthy food, or going to bed early?如何帮助孩子/朋友养成健康的饮食习惯?NO.5What is the most important quality
9、the teacher should have?你认为作为老师最重要的是需要什么品质?NO.6Your University is planning to allow students to watch TV in theirsdormitories. What is your opinion and why?What are the advantages and disadvantages of watching TV in dormitories?Include reasons and examples to support your response.NO.7Some schools r
10、equire students to take part in community serviceactivities after school. Which of the following do you think is the bestactivity for students?1. Planting flowers in the community2. Doing clean-ups in the garden3. Recycling wasteNO.8Describe a time when you learned a new subject.NO.9What do you thin
11、k the government should do to decrease the usage of carsor other vehicles and solve the traffic problems?NO.10描述一个你送给朋友的礼物。NO.11Among the following professions, which do you think is the most importantto a city? Police officer, building designer or transport worker.NO.12Which technology has made the
12、 greatest impact on peoples life in your country? Airplane,computer ortelevision. Use specific reasons and examples to support your response.托福独立口语考前必练话题TASK2NO.1你喜欢一个经常出差的工作还是总在一个地方的工作。NO.2是否现代年轻人了解世界比父母年轻时了解得多Agree or disagree, we are more informed of workday events than ourparents when they are y
13、oungNO.3你比较喜欢job with communication ,还是不喜欢跟人打交道的工作NO.4Would you like to make friends with the same interests or the one withdifferent interests? 你同不同意找朋友要选择有相同的爱好的人?NO.5Some people believe that teachers should communicate with students inclass. Others believe that teachers should communicate with st
14、udents by sendingemails. Which do you think in better and why? Use specific reasons and examplesto support your answer.NO.6Do you agree or disagree with the statement? Teachers should make theirlessons fun.NO.7Do you think the government should spend money on saving the endangeredanimals or only for
15、 private source?NO.8版本一:Do you agree or disagree with the followingstatement, “bosses should require employee to wear theformal cloth instead of the casual cloth.“ use specificreasons and details to support your response.版本二:是否同意:现在的大学生需要比以前的学生学习更努力才能在毕业后获得好工作。NO.9你喜欢住在老式房子historical building还是moder
16、nbuilding里?NO.10Some people believe that it is better for children to grow up in bigcities. Others believe that it is better for children to grow up in small townsor rural areas. What is your opinion and why? Use specific reasons and examplesto support your response.NO.11现代电子产品上市,你是喜欢已上市就买,还是喜欢过一段时间再买NO.12Teenagers under 16 years old drive cars. Agree or not?托福口语如何短期内提升成绩