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1、Book 8 Unit 5 Meeting your ancestors,The Feast:18000 BC第二篇课文逐段分析,1.feast n.盛宴;宴会;(宗教的)节日,节期;使人欢快的事物(或活动)v.尽情享用(美味佳肴)a wedding feast婚筵The evening was a real feast for music lovers.这个晚会真是让音乐爱好者大饱耳福。feast ones eyes on sth尽情欣赏;大饱眼福;赏心悦目We feasted our eyes on the mountain scene.我们尽情欣赏山景。,2.gather vt&vi.集

2、合,聚集,He found a part- time job to gather experience.他找了一份兼职工作来获取经验eople began to gather outside the palace.人们开始聚集在宫殿前。gathering n.聚合,聚集,集会a gathering of religious leadersThe United Nations assembly is a cosmopolitan gathering.联合国大会是一种世界性的集会。,3. It was the custom of family groups to separate and then

3、 gather again at different sites for reunions as they followed the animal herds across the grasslands.由于要跟随草原上的动物种群狩猎,家庭成员必须先分散开,然后在不同的地方相聚这,是他们的一个习俗.本句为主从复合句,as引导原因状语从句.it是形式主语真正的主语是不定式.,4.If only要是就好了但愿,If only+句子,是一个固定句型表示一种愿望,常用于虚拟语气中表示与将来情况不同:if only 从句主语would(could, might)+动词原形eg:If only she w

4、ould try again. 我希望她能再试一次表示与现在情况不同:if only从句主语动词过去式eg:If only I wasnt going to London. 我希望我没去过伦敦.表达与过去情况不同:if only从句主语would/could have/had过去分词eg:If only you had come to my birthday party. 你要是来了我的生日晚会就好了。 only if 唯有,只有在条件下,才引导条件状语从句,置于句首时主句用部分倒装I told him he would succeed only if he tried hard. 我告诉他,

5、只有努力才能成功。 Only if the case is urgent should you call out the doctor in the middle of the night. 只有患者情况紧急时,你才可以在半夜叫医生看病。,5. Having heard wolves howling in the forest,Lala accelerated her walk up the path to the caves fearing that there might be wild beasts lying in wait for her.此句中Having heard wolves

6、 howling in the forest是动词ing形式短语在整个句子中做原因状语,fearing that 是动词ing形式短语在整个句子中作伴随状语,其中that从句为动词fear的宾语,从句中的lying in wait for her.是动词ing形式短语作后置定语,修饰wild beasts.动词ing形式可以做伴随、原因、结果、条件、让步、或方式状语。Having been surrounded for a month,the enemy had to give in.They came in talking and laughing.,6. She had almost re

7、ached her destination when a delicious smile arrested her progress and she stopped.,had done when为固定句式,表示刚做完某事,这时突然when在句子中作为并列连词,相当于“and then”, progress “此处指前进的脚步”They made slow progress up the mountain.他们慢慢地向山顶前进拓展:when用作并列连词时, 经常用在下列句型中1) be doing when正在做这时2) be about to do when正要做这时3) be on the

8、point of doing when正要做这时4) had done when刚做完这时,She was on the point of going out when the telephone rang.他正要出去,这是电话铃响了We were playing football when the storm started.我们正在踢足球,这时下起了暴雨I had done all my homework when my father came home.我刚做完我的家庭作业,这个时候爸爸进来了,7. Abruptly she sat down, only to be scooped up

9、 by her laughing, shouting sister, Luna.,突然间他坐了下去,但又被他那个又笑又叫的妹妹露娜一把抱了起来不定式短语only to be scooped up在句子中做结果状语,强调意料不到的结果.only to do “不料,结果却”强调意料不到的结果动词不定式在句子中做结果状语强调意料不到的结果,为了进一步表示强调前面可以加only。动词ing形式在句子中作结果状语强调必然的结果He woke up only to find everyone gone.他醒过来结果发现大家都走了A lot of good land has gone with them,

10、 living only sand.许多好的土地也随之消失了,留下来的只是沙漠。,8. scoop up(敏捷地)抱起,拿起,捡起,Use both hands to scoop up the leaves.用双手捧起叶子。Dontscoopuptoomuchwithyourspoon.每次用勺子舀得少一点,别舀那么多。,9.relief n.宽慰,轻松,解脱,with relief松了口气to ones relief令人庆幸的是famine relief饥荒救济物资What a relief!可轻松了a sense of relief解脱感breathe a sigh of relief如释

11、重负地松口气Much to my relief the car was not damaged.She sighed with relief.,e up走近,长出,发芽,被提出,He came up to me and held my hands tightly.Im afraid something urgent has come up.The question came up at the meeting e up with 提出,想出He came up with a good e on 过来,加油come out出现,出版come across 偶遇come back to life

12、苏醒,复活come into 进入,11. He had a large ,square face with strongly pronounced eyebrows and cheekbones.,他有一张宽大的方脸,眉毛很重,颧骨突出.当两个或两个以上的形容词修饰一个名词时,常用的顺序为:限定词(these, those)+数量词(three)+描绘性的形容词(beautiful)+大小(large)+长短(long)+高低(high)+新旧(old)+颜色(red)+国籍(Chinese)+材料(wooden)+用途writing)+被修饰的名词“限数描大长高,新颜国材用”+名若几个形容词的密切程度差不多,则音节少的形容词在前,音节多的在后,如:a small wonderful giftHer beautiful long new red silky shirt was bought by her mother.,12.be in a pile with与堆在一起,n. 堆;大量;vt. 累积;vi. 挤;堆积;积累a pile of books一摞书I have got piles of work to do.我有大量工作要做。pile up挤压堆积Work always piles up at the end of the year.年底总是积压一大堆工作。,


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