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1、小学新课程学习质量专题调研问卷(PEP英语五年级下册)听力部分30%一、听单词或短语,选择正确的选项10%二、听句子,为图片标上序号 10%三、听小对话,选择正确的答案 10%( ) 1. When does Amy do her homework on Sundays? A. In the morning B. In the afternoon C. In the evening( ) 2. When does Ann eat breakfast? A. At 6:00 B. At 6:30 C. At 6:40( ) 3. What are they doing? A. They are

2、running. B. Theyre climbing. C. They are fighting.( ) 4. Why does Tim like summer? A. He can eat ice-cream. B. He can go hiking. C. He can play football.( ) 5. Whats the weather like in fall in Beijing? A. Its windy and cool B. Its rainy and cold C. Its sunny and cool. 笔试部分60%一、根据图片及发音规则,在空格处填入合适的选项

3、5% A. sheep B. grape C. school D. fly E. tree二、选择与图片匹配的单词或短语5%三、问答句连线10%1. What do you do on the weekend? A. Its flying2. Thank you for telling me. B. No, they arent3. Whats the bird doing? C. Yes, it is.4. Are they having a picnic? D. I often go shopping.5. Is her birthday in May? E. Youre welcome.

4、四、根据语言情境及图片选择正确的选项10%( ) 1. - Hello! Can I speak to Tom? - Tom is drawing pictures in the study. _ A. This is Tom B. Please hold on. C. Im coming.( ) 2. - Whats the date? - _. A. Its Feb. 9th B. Its 12:00 C. Its snowy and cold.( ) 3. - Please be quiet. (请安静) My mother is _. - OK. A. going hiking B.

5、doing dishes C. sleeping( ) 4. - When do you eat breakfast? - I usually eat breakfast _. And then I go to school at 8:00. A. at 7:30 B. at 8:30 C. at 9:20( ) 5.- Which season do you like best, Zoom? - _. Because I can sleep a long time. A. Summer B. Fall C. Winter五、任务型阅读10%Lisa正准备为家人制作生日表,请按Lisa.提供的

6、信息,看看一年中Lisa一家谁最早过生日,谁最晚过生日,请按月份的顺序给他们的生日排排序吧。另外还有一个提示,Lisa在全家人中第三个过生日。My name is Lisa. My birthday is June 15th. Today is my birthday. I am so happy. Grandpas birthday is in June, too. Its June 20th. Hes 70 years old this year. We will (将) have a big dinner on his birthday.Grandmas birthday is in J

7、anuary. So she is the first to celebrate(庆祝) her birthday in my family. She is 68 years old. She is happy and healthy.My mother is a teacher. She is a lucky (幸运的) teacher. Her birthday is on Teachers Day. Mike is my brother. His birthday is March 12th. We often plant trees on his birthday. Fathers b

8、irthday is in December. Its cold. Sometimes we can play with the snow on his birthday.六、阅读理解10% 下面是Sarah和Chen Jie的一段对话,阅读并判断正误,正确的打“”,错误的打“”( ) 1. Sarah is a girl.( ) 2. Chen Jie gets up at 7:00 oclock every day.( ) 3. Chen Jie and her mother sometimes watch TV in the morning on the weekend.( ) 4. C

9、hen Jie and her friends play sports in the school on the weekend.( ) 5. Chen Jies father likes watching TV.七、看图,读短文,选择合适的单词填空 10%书写部分10%一、请用手写体在四线格上抄写单词5%grandpa jump everyone Thanksgiving honey二、请用手写体在一线格上抄写句子5% Kangaroos live in Australia. There are sixty different types of kangaroos.小学新课程学习质量专题调研

10、五年级(下)听力材一、听单词或短语,选择正确的选项10%1. why 2.often 3. listen to music 4. read books 5. three oclock 二、听句子,为图片标上序号 10%1. Mary is having a picnic.2. Lucy is cooking dinner.3. Meimei is writing a letter.4. Amy is washing her hands.5. Lanlan is singing a song.6. Sarah is making a snowman. 三、听小对话,选择正确的答案 10%1. M

11、: When does Amy do her homework on Sundays?W: She does homework in the afternoon. 2. M: When do you eat breakfast, Ann?W: I eat breakfast at 6:40.3. M: What are they doing?W: They are fighting.4. W: Why do you like summer, Tim?M: I can eat ice-cream. I like chocolate ice-cream.5. M: Whats the weather like in fall in Beijing?W: Its sunny and cool


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