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1、雅思口语的误区大全 雅思口语的误区全部都在这里了,家带来了雅思口语的误区,希望能够帮助到大家,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。雅思口语的误区全部都在这里了说到雅思口语的备考,考生们或多或少都经历过迷茫时期,不管是报班还是自学,常常会遇到很多“谜之困惑”,仿佛雅思口语考试就是一场“套路之旅”,唯有弄清考官的偏好才能考取高分,所以“江湖上”开始流传一些“高分秘籍”,比如只要发音好就能得高分,比如一旦在回答过程中被考官打断,前景就一片灰暗更有甚者,有些考生在经历了数次雅思口语考试的磨练之后依旧没有考出理想的成绩,于是开始迷信风水,怀疑人生,坚信考不好是因为缺少天时地利的加持,所以选择花重金去偏远地区

2、再战。备考雅思口语真的需要担心这些问题吗?下面笔者将为大家一一解答这些困惑。1. 像Native Speaker那样发音就一定能得高分?在备考雅思口语的过程中,你如果依旧抱着练好发音成绩就能上7分的心态,或是认为将发音练到跟老外一样就能考到9分的话,那真的要好好看下面的内容了。首先,很多考生在学英语的过程中一直存在一个很大的误区,总觉得好的发音就代表好的英语水平。实际上,雅思口语考试共包含四项评分标准,除发音(Pronunciation)以外,还包括考生在口语表达中的流利性与连贯性(Fluency and Coherence)、词汇多样性(Lexical Resource)以及语法多样性和准确

3、性(Grammatical Range and Accuracy)。所以除了发音,其他三项评分标准也十分重要。其次,发音准确并非是说要没有口音,说得和native speaker一模一样。它强调的更多的是单词本身的发音、重读、语音、语调等,而不是要求考生用僵硬的发音去进行毫无感情色彩的对话。当然,考生即便有口音,对每一个单词也还是要清晰、准确,毕竟“清洗sheet”和“清洗shit”的含义是大不一样的。2. 流利和连贯就意味着语速快?说完发音,再来看流利性和连贯性。很多考生认为只要提高自己的语速就能完美地做到以上两点,所以在考试时刚听完考官的问题,就开始疯狂而快速地自说自话,不但不给自己留一丝

4、喘息的余地,还不跟考官进行任何的眼神交流或是加入肢体语言的表达。其实这种做法是完全错误的。因为这样做不仅会让考官误以为考生是在背答案,还会给考官留下不礼貌的印象,从而影响最终得分。在流利性和连贯性上,雅思口语主要考查以下几个方面:一是详尽表达的能力,包括符合逻辑地组织观点、进行适当的语义指示等能力;二是表达观点、就自己的观点进行辩护、就出现的话题进行讨论及推测的能力;三是在表达过程中没有不自然的停顿或是重复使用相同的词。由此可见,雅思口语更倾向于考查学生的逻辑性和思维能力,所以如何流利、自然并有逻辑地表达自己的观点才是考生们要努力的方向。3. 生僻难词是考官的最爱?前面笔者讲到,考官在判断考生


6、第一反应可能会是harm或hurt,但下意识里又觉得这两个词有点low,显示不出自己的词汇量,于是绞尽脑汁回忆自己曾经见过的“高端”词汇。这种情况下,运气不好的考生可能一个单词都想不出,进而影响答题的流利度,得不偿失;运气好的考生好不容易想出了jeopardize这个“高大上”的词,却很可能因为不是常用单词而忘记其发音。由此可见,考生与其这样因小失大,还不如多熟练掌握几个常用的替换词,如damage、destroy、undermine等,以备不时之需。4. 靠背诵答案和题库就能高枕无忧?众所周知,雅思口语考试的话题库范围十分广,每逢1月、5月、9月还会换题。但随着考试人数和次数的逐渐增多,市面

7、上出现了通过汇总考题而筛选出的每个月的大范围题库和小范围高频话题。很多考生为了摆脱“哑巴口语”的烦恼,开始背诵题库和高频话题中的答案,以便能在考官面前说得流畅、通顺、内容丰富。然而,这种方法是万万不可取的。首先,考生可能会因为背到和他人一样的答案而被考官发现,直接“game over”。其次,Part 2话题卡和Part 1日常对话的题库背诵量特别大,考生即便花了大把时间将其全部一字不漏地背下来,还要应对Part 3分析讨论部分的现场作答。因此,无论考生如何伪装,考官都能检测到考生真实的口语水平。所以,考生与其花那么多时间去机械地背诵题库答案,还不如在平时多思考答题要点,积累口语素材。另外,雅

8、思口语考试的成绩只是一纸证书,考生真正要面对的是如何提高自己的口语水平,毕竟出国后还有无数的课程和小组讨论以及日常生活中的种种交流问题在等着考生。然而,有些考生可能还是会问:有些话题卡的内容我真的没有经历过怎么办?答案是:编。雅思口语的评分标准对于答题内容的真实性并没有提出要求,考官更不会当场询问考生其答案是否属实,所以考生在遇到自己不熟悉的话题时就放心大胆地编吧,只要答案内容符合逻辑、合乎情理即可。5. 和听力、阅读一样,口语也有标准答案?很多考生在刚接触雅思口语时的第一反应是:有标准答案吗?答案是:No!笔者曾经在给一个考生进行“模考”时问过这样一道题:“Do you think its

9、suitable to give money as a gift?”当时那个考生迟迟没有作答,事后笔者问他为什么不回答那个问题,是没有听懂吗?他说:“老师,我个人觉得这样做很suitable,我也很喜欢别人给我发红包当礼物,但是我怕这么说考官会觉得我贪财,对我有不好的印象,给我低分。但我当时也想不出其他观点,所以就一直没有回答。”听完他的回答,笔者哭笑不得。雅思口语考试是一项非常公平的考试,考分是考官基于考生在考试当日的表现,依据同样的评分标准评定的。所有考官都接受过全面的培训,并有严格的监督考核机制定期对他们的评分进行监督,所以考官们不会带着个人色彩或是歧视、偏见去判定考生的回答,而只会根据

10、评分标准进行评判。另外,雅思考试还会用系统的程序对一定比例的考卷进行二次判分,所以考生完全可以放心。雅思口语不同于听力和阅读部分,没有明确的标准答案,考生尽可以在尊重他人的前提下畅所欲言,只要观点不自相矛盾、言之有理即可。6. 拖时间、绕圈子、不停说就能拿高分?口语考试中,考生们最容易犯的错误之一就是在答题时拖时间、绕圈子。一般在答题时喜欢这样做的有两种考生:一种是英语水平一般,总说不到点子上,于是说很多废话来延长自己的答题时间;二是参加过太多语言考试的培训,掌握了很多应试技巧,却不会真正表达自己的观点,这种现象在Part 2部分表现得尤为明显。比如有一张Part 2的话题卡要求考生“Desc

11、ribe a magazine or newspaper you enjoy reading.”有些考生觉得对此无话可说,于是在开头表述道:“Oh, thats a good topic. You know I love reading newspapers and magazines, but Im too busy to read them these days because Im preparing for my IELTS exam. To talk about a magazine or newspaper I enjoy reading, I think is ”再如,有的考生认

12、为应该在Part 1部分和考官拉近距离,所以当考官问道:“What outdoor activities do you like to do?”时,这些考生就开启了唠嗑模式,从有哪些户外活动讲到他上次打篮球摔断了胳膊进医院还错过期中考试的故事。然而,这两种做法都未必能使考生得到高分,甚至会影响考官对考生口语水平的判断。因此,应对雅思口语题最简单也是最好的方式就是在考官问完问题后直接开门见山地回答,比如对之前提到的Part 2的题目直接回答说:“A magazine I enjoy reading is ”或是对那道Part 1的题目回答说:“Im really into doing ”言简意赅

13、的答案才会使考生的答案内容更有逻辑性,重点更加突出。7. 被考官打断回答或者考试时间很短一定意味着“完蛋”?雅思官方考试指南中曾表明口语部分的答题时间应在1114分钟。有些考生考完发现自己的考试时间连11分钟都不到,于是开始心里发慌,担心是因为自己说得太差了才导致考官不想听,所以很快结束了考试。这类考生对于自己的考试结果表现得特别悲观,其负面情绪甚至会影响后面的笔试。还有一些考生会在被考官打断回答后大脑一片空白,不知道该继续说下去还是回答考官的下一个问题,从而导致忘词、口吃等。其实考生完全不必担心自己的表现,考官打断回答或是提前结束考试都是其根据考试时间进行的自主调节。比如Part 2部分规定

14、了考生的个人陈述时间在23分钟,考生一旦超过了规定时间,考官就会打断考生的回答。再如,前面几位考生的答题时间稍长,影响了整体考试的节奏,又或者考官通过与考生短时间的交流就了解了考生真实的口语水平,便都会提前结束考试。被考官打断或口试很快结束但最终拿到7分的考生比比皆是。同样,说了很久结果却只得了5分的考生也大有人在。所以考生们不必对考试时间的长短耿耿于怀,用心准备考试才是王道。8. 大城市都压分,偏远地区一定能考高分?北京、上海、广州、深圳是令雅思考生最闻风丧胆的几个城市。因为这些发达地区的外语环境相对较好,导致考生水平普遍较高,竞争相对激烈,所以很多考生都不敢报考,总觉得自己在这些地方会被牛


16、司机”让你当场原形毕露。雅思口语Part3话题范文:future job1.Is it easy to find work (employment) in your country?Well, it really depends on what kind of jobs youre looking for. Like, if you want to work in state companies, its quite hard to get in, since you have to have relationships and connections, people who introduc

17、e you for the job, but for something in private companies, its quite easy actually, as long as you have a college degree and some relevant working experience, its a piece of cake.2.What changes have there been in recent years in employment in your country?I think there have been many changes in the

18、types of jobs that people do nowadays compared to 20 or 30 years ago. First of all there are much fewer jobs related to heavy industry such as mining or ship-building or even manufacturing. Secondly, there has been a big increase in the number of jobs in the service and leisure industries like shops

19、, gyms, and hotels. And finally, since the launch of the internet there has been a big surge in the number of jobs related to IT, such as web development and design.3.What jobs pay the highest salary in your country?Well, Im not exactly that sure, but my guess would be that things like banking and r

20、eal estate are probably the sectors which pay the highest, because I mean, theres so much money invested in property here in China, so the salarys bound to be pretty good if you work in real estate. And as for banking, well, I think it goes without saying that most jobs related to banking are relati

21、vely highly-paid, which is one of the main reasons why so many graduates here wanna find a job in a bank!4.Do you think changing jobs is a positive thing to do?Yeah, Id say its perfectly fine to change jobs. I mean, I cant see any point in doing one job throughout your whole career if youre bored ou

22、t of your wits! So for me I would say the main thing is to be passionate about your job, and if at any point you start to lose enthusiasm in what youre doing, then it might be a good time to consider moving on and doing something else.5.What age do you think is suitable to start work?Well, its reall

23、y kind of hard to generalize, because some people feel ready to start work as soon as theyve finished high school, and a lot of people whove done this have ended up quite successful. But I guess it probably also depends on what job you wanna do, because highly-skilled jobs, like being a doctor or su

24、rgeon for example, require many years of training, whereas menial jobs, like working behind a till at McDonalds, hardly require any training, so probably any age from 15 would be suitable for that kind of work.6.How do you think work will change over the next few decades?Thats a good question, and t

25、hinking about it, I guess one thing that could happen is that more people might start working from home, simply because its becoming more and more inconvenient travelling to work due to traffic congestion. So thats one thing, and I guess its also quite possible that work, in general, will become mor

26、e internet-based, because the influence of the internet on peoples work has increased incredibly in the last 10 years or so, and I cant see this changing. I mean, more or less everything we do now can be done on the internet, and because its so convenient, I would say it will play an even bigger rol

27、e in our lives in years to come.7.Is it easier or more difficult to get a job today than in the past?Well, I would say its definitely more difficult to get a job nowadays than it was in the past, and one of the reasons for saying this is that in the past, there was generally less competition for job

28、s, because not that many people went to university, whereas nowadays, there are millions of graduates looking around for jobs, which has made it extremely difficult finding a decent, high-paid job, unless of course you have good personal connections! And as well as this, another point I should menti

29、on is that 20 or 30 years ago, people were actually assigned jobs after completing university, so getting a job was pretty much guaranteed, whereas nowadays this is not the case at all.Useful Vocabularyto apply for a job / post / promotionto get / have a part-time/full-time jobto work in field / pla

30、ceto work for a companyto specialise in fieldto be a qualified jobto work shifts / unsociable hoursto get / have an interviewto be shortlisted for an interview/job/postto be demoted / promotedto be transferred / to put in for/request a transferto be fired / sacked / dismissedto be made redundantto g

31、et/take voluntary redundancyto retire / to be retiredto get a pension / to be a pensionerthe perks of a job (benefits)to work from home (home-working)to be self-employed / to work for yourselfto work/do flexi-time / overtime雅思口语Part2话题高分范文:gift you gave to someoneTopic:Describe a gift you gave to so

32、meone.You should say:What the gift wasWho you gave it toWhy you gave itAnd explain whether this person liked the gift or not.Sample answer:Alright,so,the gift Im going to talk about is a scarf that I gave to one of my high school classmates.The person I gave it to was one of my closest friends back

33、at high school whose English name is Nancy. We were both fans of doing hip-hop dance. For this reason,we just ended up spending tons of time together.The gift I gave her was a blue,woolen scarf. In fact,I gave it to her on her 17th birthday,which was February the 26th. The reason why I chose the sca

34、rf as a gift was that she had been complaining a lot about how freezing our classroom was and she had caught a bad cold a couple of times before. Because of this,I believed it would be a great idea to give her a scarf,especially a woolen one,cause it was much warmer.Anyway,how she reacted to the gif

35、t Vell,she was pretty happy with it and wrapped it around her neck right away. What she said was that it was a really warm gift that she was pretty thankful for.I felt quite content when she said so,cause that was exactly what I hoped she would feel.雅思口语Part2话题高分范文:equipment at your homeTopic:Descri

36、be a piece of equipment at your home.You should say:What it looks likewhat functions it haswhere/when you got itAnd explain how it can be used to improve the quality of your life.Sample answer:Well, I would love to talk about my little girlfriends iPod, a trendy mp3 player, which I would always take

37、 along with me wherever I go. Though it is an mp3 player I seldom use it to listen to music, but to something called a Pod cast, which basically it is a kind of “radio” program broadcasting on the web. There are so many different programs, about culture, news, politics and even language learning. I

38、am particularly fascinated by the free educational resources it provides. Now I have French, German and Japanese learning programs on my iPod. Given me some time, I am pretty sure I can speak some French, German or Japanese or at least some daily phrases. In a word, iPod is special to me not only because it can accompany me wherever I go just like my girlfriend, but also because it is a new technology that I have greatly benefited in language learning .雅思口语的误区大全


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