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1、Unit 4Astronomy:the science of the stars,Words and Expressions,一单词拓展1. vi.存在;生存_n.生存;存在 2 n谜;难题 vt.& vi.(使)迷惑;(使)为难_adj.令人迷惑的 adj.感到迷惑的 n.困惑3 n宗教;宗教信仰_adj.宗教的4 adj.猛烈的;激烈的;_adv.猛烈地 n.猛烈;激烈5.不同;不像_(反义词) prep. v.& n不喜欢6 adj.有害的_n.有害;伤害 adv.有害地;伤害地 (反义词) adj.无害的 7.温和的;文雅的_adv.温柔地 n.绅士8 n物理学家_n.物理_ adj.

2、物理的,exist,existence,puzzle,puzzled,puzzlement,religion,religious,violent,violently,violence,like,unlike,puzzling,dislike,harmful,harm,harmfully,harmless,gentle,gently,gentleman,physicist,physics,physical,二、短语与拓展1cheer _高兴起来;振作起来 _干杯2now _既然 3break _突发;爆发4give _ to产生;分娩 5_ eggs下蛋6prevent._阻止;制止 _.fro

3、m阻止7watch _当心;密切注视 look _当心8get the _ of熟悉;掌握 9block _挡住(光线)10in ones _轮到某人;接着11depend _依靠 _ on12make up ones _决心,up,cheers,that,out,birth,lay,from,keep,out,out,hang,out,turn,on,rely,mind,二.短语复现(in time,block out,break out,cheer up,watch out for,now that)1The clouds have _ the sun _.2_cars when you

4、cross the street.3When Ella heard that her father was safe she immediately_.4The doctor came _to save his life.5The war may _in the Middle East in these years.,blocked,out,Watch out for,cheered up,in time,break out,in ones turn block out cheer up prevent.frombreak out get the hang of in time give bi

5、rth to1I thought I was speaking English fairly well.Now Im not so sure._,boy.Anyway,Rome wasnt built in a day.2Please tell me when Mr Smith is arriving at the train station so that I can pick him up_.3Once he has made up his mind,no one can_him_carrying out the plan.4At last the firefighters put out

6、 the fire in the supermarket,which _at ten this morning.5Youve made me suffer in the past,so now you,_,suffer again!6After several years of practice,I think I will finally_spoken English.7She married at 17 and _her first child shortly after.8She bought a heavy curtain to_the light.,cheer up,in time,

7、prevent,from,broke out,in your turn,account for,get the hang of,gave birth to,block out,三、考点突破1exist vi.存在;生存 There exist.有;存在1).There existed a close relationship between families and their milkmen.2)There exists a good way to solve the existing problem in geography.3)._( 存在许多机会)for regional develo

8、pment.4)._a certain doubt among the workers as to the necessity of the work.AIt existedBThere existed CThere had DIt had真心提示exist没有被动语态,也不能用于进行时态。,There exists many chances,B,2.harmful/harm/harmless/ harmlessness:Be harmful to : do harm to sb=do sb harm 1) This object gives off _gases which may do _

9、to our health. You must make the object _before you use it. (harm)21) 污染的河水会对环境造成很大的危害。_(harmful)_(harm)2)众所周知,过量喝酒对你的身体有害。What is known to us is that drinking too much _ .What is known to us is that drinking too much _.,对.有害,harmful,harm,harmless,Polluted water will be harmful to the environment.,P

10、olluted water will do harm to the environment.,is harmful to your body.,does harm to your body.,3puzzle vt.使迷惑;使为难;使窘困;感到迷惑n.猜谜;难题;谜Puzzled:adj.感到困惑的 puzzling: adj.令人困惑的be puzzled about:对某事迷惑不解it is a puzzle to sb:对某人来说是一个谜puzzle sb.使某人为难 puzzle over sth 苦苦思考,努力思考1).What puzzles me is why they didnt

11、 show up.2).When you said you were in law school,I was more puzzled。3).Her puzzled look on her face suggested she didnt understand what I said.,4))The student was _ _ what to do next. 5) _why she wants to change her job.(对我来说是个谜)1).Her _(puzzle) look on her face suggested she didnt understand what I

12、 said.2).The students were_ over the_ problem,listening to the teacher with a _expression on their faces.(puzzle)3).Ive been_(puzzle) over all the figures,trying to find what happened to the missing money.4).She felt_ (puzzle)about her future.5)The _look on her face suggested she was _about the _mat

13、h problem.(puzzle),puzzled about,It is a puzzle to me,puzzled,puzzling,puzzling,puzzled,puzzling,puzzled,puzzled,puzzled,puzzling,4.unlike: prep不同;不像adj:不同的,相异的likely:adj 可能的 Unlikely:adj 不大可能发生的 like:v喜欢;prep 像- dislike: v.不喜欢,讨厌eg.1)They are so unlike that nobody believes they are sisters.选词填空:unl

14、ikely, likely; unlike; like1) Its _him to be so hard working. 那么勤奋不像他平常的样子。2) A Tsunami, _a big earthquake, can do great damage to human beings.海啸,像大地震一样,对人类造成很大伤害。3) John is _to be in London this autumn. (很可能在伦敦)4) Since their parents strongly disagree, they are _to marry.,like,unlike,unlikely,like

15、ly,5.in time及时;终于;总有一天 on time准时;按时in no time立即;马上 at no time 绝不at a time一次;每次 at one time 曾经,at times有时 frome time to time 有时, 不时的all the time 一直,总是 ahead of time 提前by the time 到。时间为止 every time 每次1). Can you finish your home work _.2).Opportunities are present _ but often they go by unnoticed.3).W

16、e cant do two things _.4)._, half the land on the Earths surface was covered by forest.5).He was made to practice the piano so much that, _ he thought about giving up.6)._ I retire I will finish paying for my house.,in time,all the time,at a time,At one time,at times/from time to time,By the time,7)

17、.Our greatest glory consists not in never falling but in rising _ we fall.8).Dont worry, you will be all right _9). We can _ allow this to continue.10). Work hard and you will succeed _.11)If you keep on,you can succeed_12)_I used to go skiing every winter.13) Smoking will _be permitted here. 14) I

18、do believe that Ill see him _.15)Dont recite all together;one _.,every time,in time,at no time,in time,in time,At one time,at no time,in time,at a time,6prevent.from.阻止;制止_阻止某人做某事_阻止某人做某事_.保护某人不受侵袭What can we do to prevent the disease from spreading?We must keep them from getting to know our plans.W

19、ear more clothes to protect yourself from the cold.4)Nothing can _for freedom.(阻止我们为自由而战),keep sb from doing sth,prevent sb from doing sth,protect sb from,prevent us fighting,特别提示:prevent/stop sb.(from) doing sth.中的from可以省略,而keep sb.from doing sth.中的from不能省略。在被动句中,上述三种句型中的from均不能省略。protect.from.中fro

20、m后接能带来伤害或损害之物。如:We were prevented/stopped/kept from attending the meeting by the heavy rain.,7now that _,we can begin.既然约翰来了,我们就可以开始了。_,we can expect milder weather.既然现在春天来了,我们可以期望较温和的天气。,既然,Now that john comes,Now that the spring comes,词语辨析:(now that、 because 、since 、as 、for),词语辨析:(now that、 becaus

21、e 、for)1)-Why did you do this?-_it is good for all of us.2)He must be ill, _ he is absent today.3)you have finished your work, you can have a rest. 4)._ everybody is here, lets begin our meeting.5).He might be ill, _ he didnt come to school.6).It must have rained last night, _ the ground is wet,Beca

22、use,for,Since/Now that,Since/Now that,for,for,8.break down (机器)坏掉(身体)垮掉 (谈判)失败(桥梁)坍塌(化学)分解break out(战争,火灾)突然发生 break in 插嘴,插话; 突然闯入 break up (关系)破裂,解体(人员)解散(会议)结束(某物)打碎(学校)放假 break into 强行闯入,突然闯入 break off突然停止;断开;折断1).On my way home, my car_.2).His health _,and he had to take a long holiday aboard.3

23、).He _with some ideas of his own.4).Someone _and stole some money.5).His house was _last night.6).After a fire _in the lab ,a lot of equipment was damaged.,broke down,broke down,broke in,broke in,broken into,broke out,7).I am surprised to hear that Sue and Paul have_.8).The band _about 1970, but hap

24、pily they reunited in1980.9).The peace talks _without any agreement being reached.10).What will happen to the children if Jim and Mary _?11).Someone _and took several computers.12).She _ a piece of chocolate and gave it to me.13.).The chemical is hard to _.,broken up,broke up,broke up,breaks up,brok

25、e in,broke off,break down,10倍数的表达方式:“A倍数形容词或副词的比较级thanB”,表示“A是B大(长、高、宽等)的多少倍”。“A倍数as形容词或副词的原级asB”,表示“A是B的多少倍”。“A倍数the size/height/length/width,etc.ofB”,表示“A是B大(高、长、宽等)的多少倍”。1)这棵树是那棵树三倍高This tree is three times _ _that one. =This tree is three times _that one. =This tree is three times _that one.,tal

26、ler than,as tall as,the height of,2).据说现在这个发电厂是过去的两倍大。Its said that the power plant is now_.It is said that the power plant is _.It is said that the power plant is_.2) There are twice more students in our class than in theirs.3)He has got three times as many books as his sister.,twice larger than th

27、e former,twice as large as the former,twice the size of the former,11. pull through使从(受伤)中活下来;渡过难关pull down 拆掉,拆毁pull in 进站,靠岸 pull out 离站,拔出,恢复健康pull over (使)车辆停靠在路边pull up 拔起;停车Everyone was very concerned whether he would _or not.We waved as the train _of the station.The train _and all the passeng

28、ers got off.,pull through,pulled out,pulled up,Where there exists a nuclear power station,_1_it can _2_ environment.The nuclear leakage _3_in Japan in 2011.People in the world got into a panic. Hearing that some measures were taken _4_ to prevent it from getting bad to worse,we all _5_.有核电站的地方,核电站就有可能对环境造成损害。2011年,在日本爆发了核泄漏事件,全世界人们都陷入恐慌中。听到已经及时采取措施并阻止了事件进一步恶化,我们都感到振奋。,there is a chance that,do harm to,broke out,in time,cheer up,Thank You,


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