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1、Module 3SportsUnit 3,Module 3Sports,形容词的比较级(二)及副词的比较级【新知导引】用所给词的适当形式补全下列教材中的句子。This weeks match is already _(exciting). It is _(difficult) to practise in winter. We are training _(hard) than usual. This year we want to do _(well).,模块核心语法关,more exciting,more difficult,harder,better,形容词的比较级(二)及副词的比较级模

2、块核心语法关more e,【语法探究】一、多音节或部分双音节形容词的比较级英语中, 多音节形容词和部分双音节形容词变比较级要在该形容词前加more。其比较级的句式结构为: A+谓语+more+多音节形容词/部分双音节形容词+than+B。I am more beautiful than you. 我比你漂亮。Jack is more careful than Tom. 杰克比汤姆认真。,【语法探究】,二、副词及副词的比较级1. 副词的用法副词主要用来修饰动词、形容词、副词或其他结构。副词修饰动词时, 通常放在行为动词(实义动词)之后。He walked quietly into his bed

3、room. 他悄悄地走进他的卧室。You have a very nice watch. 你有一块非常漂亮的手表。You are driving too fast. 你开得太快了。,二、副词及副词的比较级,2. 副词的构成,2. 副词的构成,3. 副词的比较级,3. 副词的比较级,三、不规则形容词和副词的比较级,三、不规则形容词和副词的比较级,【语法强化】. 根据语境用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空1. The second question is _(difficult) than the first one. 2. Simon always speaks very _ (quick). 3.

4、 With this map, you can find Green Hotel very _ (easy). 4. Everyone thinks Blue Team did _ (badly) than Park Team. 5. In our school running is _(popular) than many other sports.,more difficult,quickly,easily,worse,more popular,【语法强化】more difficultquicklyea,. 单项选择( )1. (2019达州中考)Malings Chinese isnt

5、so _as Wangmings. 世纪金榜导学号I know them very much. But now Maling studies _than Wangming does. A. good; harderB. good; hardC. better; harderD. better; better,A,. 单项选择A,( )2. (2020长春质检)I hope my school life of senior high will be _than that of junior high. A. more excitingB. very excitingC. as exciting

6、asD. the most exciting( )3. (2019天津中考)Jenny will get up _than usual in order to catch the first bus. A. earlyB. very early C. earlierD. earliest,A,C,( )2. (2020长春质检)I hope my,( )4. (2019北京中考)Julie takes good care of the family dog. She is _than her brother. 世纪金榜导学号A. patientB. more patientC. most pa

7、tientD. the most patient( )5. (2019常州中考) Can you give me some advice on how to be slimmer? Eat _meat and _cakes. A. less; lessB. fewer; fewerC. less; fewerD. fewer; less,B,C,( )4. (2019北京中考)Julie take,( )6. (2019黄冈中考)Mike plays the drums so wonderfully! Of course. He is _than any other students in h

8、is class. 世纪金榜导学号A. talentedB. more talentedC. less talentedD. the most talented,B,( )6. (2019黄冈中考)Mike play,littleinteresting-more interes,形容词和副词的比较级+than“less+原级(多音节词或部,【话题剖析】,素养培优写作关,【话题剖析】素养培优写作关,【写作佳句】【教材句】1. Nothing is more enjoyable than playing tennis. 没有什么比打网球更令人愉快。2. And staying at home wa

9、s easier than going to the stadium. 而且待在家里比去体育场更容易。3. Watching is not dangerous and its more relaxing too! 观看(比赛)不危险, 而且也更令人放松!,【写作佳句】,【拓展句】1. Everyone likes sports very much. 人人都非常喜欢运动。2. My favourite sport is basketball. 我最喜欢的运动是篮球。3. Football is more exciting than baseball. 足球比棒球更令人兴奋。4. Its rela

10、xing. 它是令人放松的。5. Sports can make us healthy. 运动使我们健康。,【拓展句】,【典例印证】 假如你是李磊, 下表是你们家各位成员的运动喜好。请你根据提示, 写一篇80个词左右的英语短文来介绍一下各自的运动喜好, 并说明理由。,【典例印证】,【审题谋篇】,【审题谋篇】,【遣词造句】1. 开篇点题引出写作目的我家里有四个人。每个人都非常喜欢运动。_,There are four people in my family. Everyone loves sports very much.,【遣词造句】There are four people in,2. 具体

11、描述运动喜好(1)危险的 _(2)令人兴奋的 _(3)令人放松的 _(4)安全的 _(5)我父亲喜欢踢足球。_(6)他认为那很危险, 但没有什么比足球更令人兴奋。_,dangerous,exciting,relaxing,safe,My father enjoys playing football.,He thinks it is dangerous, but nothing is more exciting than football.,2. 具体描述运动喜好dangerousexcitingre,(7)它很累人, 但比许多其他很多运动都便宜。_3. 介绍运动的益处运动能使我们健康快乐。_,

12、Its tiring, but its cheaper than many other sports.,Sports can make us healthy and happy.,(7)它很累人, 但比许多其他很多运动都便宜。Its ti,【连句成篇】 There are four people in my family. Everyone loves sports very much. My father enjoys playing football. He thinks it is dangerous, but nothing is more exciting than football

13、. My mother likes running in the morning. Its tiring, but its cheaper than many other sports. My brother enjoys swimming a lot because its very popular and interesting. I like playing table tennis because its safe and relaxing. Sports can make us healthy and happy.,【连句成篇】,【实战演练】 每天做运动是非常重要的。现在, 越来越多的学生对运动感兴趣了。假设你是Tony, 请介绍一下你最喜欢的运动及原因, 并根据下列提示介绍运动给同学们带来的改变。1. 同学们通常早上在操场上跑步, 课后打篮球或者踢足球。2. 学校每年举办(hold)两次运动会。去年运动会上, 你们班取得了最好的成绩。3. 学生们身体比以前强壮了, 心情也比以前开朗多了。,【实战演练】,_,_,本课结束,本课结束,


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