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1、家庭的定义,藉由婚姻、生育或領養而有關連的一群人所組成的社會單位,其關係被法律所界定。家庭成員產生經濟合作、繁殖與養育孩童。他們的身分緊密的和這個群體連結並承諾長期維持這個群體的關係家庭的经济功能:生产、消费、分配,家庭是一定范围内的亲属所构成的生活单位;家庭关系就是一定范围内的亲属之间的权利义务关系。 夫妻关系是指由合法婚姻产生的男女之间在人身和财产方面的权利义务关系,它是家庭关系的核心和基础。,夫妻在家庭中的地位是平等的。主要体现在人身权和财产权两个方面。在人身权方面,夫妻双方都有各用自己姓名的权利;都有参加生产、工作、学习和社会活动的自由;都有平等的子女监护权;都有实行计划生育的义务。在


3、姻结构。,甲女当地独生女。1有房子2有户口3将来老人可以带孩子4家庭关系简单,婚姻坡度(marriage gradient):上嫁婚配(hypergamy),下嫁婚配(hypogamy)。有趣的是甲女嫁乙男,丙男,丁男;甲男娶乙女,丙女,丁女。目前最优秀的女性(剩女,一般在城市),和条件稍微差的男性(剩男,一般在农村)。越来越多的男性难以结婚,女性惜嫁,导致更多的消费市场没有形成。,中国国际婚博会结婚产业调查统计中心主任廖俊国告诉记者,2006年经过调查的北京结婚平均费用为15万,近几年这个数字涨到约17万左右。上海则更高,约在20万左右。,旅美学者哥伦比亚大学教授魏尚进:相亲成本过高的结果是

4、一场关乎宏观经济的长波效应,中国男比女多引起结婚成本上升,已经影响到整个社会的储蓄率,这是整个经济消费率长期偏低的重要原因。竞争性储蓄动机:来自中国性别比的解释结婚成本:生子建设银行、生女招商银行,目前,美国家庭中有子女的已婚家庭比例尚不足四分之一,这一比率只是1960年时的一半。从2005年开始,已婚家庭(不论其类型)已经成为美国社会中的少数群 。,采取?行动来改变现状呢?,现在有两个选择:让婚姻在经济和社会层面上变得更有吸引力;或者遵从大众意见,扩充事实婚姻伴侣的权利和义务。现在的情况是我们对一切放任自流,其结果便是让婚姻作为一种制度继续破灭。“配偶”这个词正在越来越多地被“伴侣”代替。,

5、根据贝克尔的分析,在“两个收入能力差别较大的人之间结婚的概率较大,因为其中存在着有报酬的工作和家庭生产的互补”。实际上,互补性使结婚成为了一个双赢的方案,无论对男性还是女性都是如此。 风险规模经济,The crucial role of information,More recent, refined marriage models focus on the significance of information in marriage markets.The success of the matching process in the marriage market depends both

6、:on the number of potential partnerson the reliability of information about important characteristics of both the searcher and the potential partners,信息经济学与择偶,所谓信息经济学就是研究非对称信息情形下的决策或者对策论问题。婚配市场的信息不对称,信息的分类等级:,按照信息的确定性或完美程度,可以把信息分为以下等级:无知或不知晓(ignorance),比如说“911事件”,对联邦调查局就是一个ignorance;不完全程度稍弱一点的就是可预见(



9、选择问题,有二条途径:一条被称为信号传递(Market Signaling),即具有较多信息或其他信息优势的一方为了把自己的某些优秀特征显示出来,而通过某种方式向信息少或处于信息劣势的一方发出市场信号以表明其优秀特征的行为。,产品的保修保证就是典型的市场信号传递行为。具有较强工作能力的人,可以通过所拥有的名牌大学的学位向雇主传递自己是高素质的员工的信息。市场信号的传递有助于解决逆向选择问题,但是也会导致资源的浪费。如企业花费巨资做广告等。,信号传递模型(Signaling Model),信号传递模型在本质上是一个动态不完全信息博弈。这个博弈包括两个参与人,一个叫sender,一个叫receiv


11、个信号(signal);第二个阶段,receiver接收到信号后做出一个行动,博弈结束。这时,两个参与人的效用就得到决定。他们的效用既是私人信息、又是message,同时也是receiver所选择的行动的函数。注意,第一阶段receiver只能看到sender发出的信号,而看不到sender所拥有的私人信息。,Signal screening,解决逆向选择问题的另一条途径为信号筛选。信号筛选是具有较少信息或处于信息劣势的一方通过某种方式获得所需要的信息,以提高决策的可靠性,是具有较少信息的一方对于具有较多信息的一方所进行的挑选。,为了解决保险市场上的逆向选择问题,保险公司可以给投保人提供2类保


13、例1比2;天津相亲,男女比例1比3;广州相亲,男女比例1比6;上海相亲,男女比例1比10。越是大城市,越多大龄剩女。,温州初婚年龄统计,男女初婚年龄延后也是“剩”因,那么,为什么男女初婚年龄延后了呢?,为什么说女人是好学校?,男士的婚姻升水,Marriage Wage Premium,On average married men earn between 5-40% more than never married menControls for education, race, region, age, work, experience, occupation, and industrySig

14、nificant in 14 of 16 other developed countriesThe marriage premium is comparable to the higher wages earned after 2-4 years of additional education,Specialization Hypothesis,Married men earn more because they are more productiveBased on Gary Beckers theory of the familySexual division of labor allow

15、s specialization increase in productivity,In support of specializationMarriage premiums arise over time and married workers receive higher performance ratingsFor each additional hour that a wife works, the gain from marriage decreases by 0.6%,Selection Hypothesis,Marriage does not make men more prod

16、uctive, productive men are selected into marriageThe same unobservable characteristics valued by firms are valued by women,Employer Favoritism Hypothesis,Employers favor married men over single menConform to social expectationDistributive justice or perceived need,四、通婚区域的变迁,等级通婚圈与地理通婚圈婚姻的路为什么越走越近(远)

17、?内卷与扩大的原因,五、家庭财产制度与女性权益保护,性别与家庭分工在经济学上照料责任的作用正如同对妇女工资的税收,Women invest mainly in human capital that raises household efficiency, especially in bearing and rearing children, because women spend most of their time at these activities. Similarly, men invest mainly in capital that raises market efficienc

18、y, because they spend most of their working time in the market. Such sexual differences in specialized investments reinforce any biologically induced sexual division of labor between the market and household sectors and greatly increase the difficulty of disentangling biological from environmental c

19、auses of the pervasive division of labor between men and women.(Becker 1991: 39),它减少了 “找工作” 时间相对而言更多的妇女必须找离家近的工作, 无论有多少工作机会 妇女在低工资部门相互竞争,The harsh consequences of divorce on older women,The soaring divorce rate in the United States brought about a significant increase in the number of displaced home

20、makers and incited a growing public and academic concern about the socio-economic status of divorced older women.The major reason why homemakers are particularly vulnerable upon and after divorce is because their contributions during marriage are asymmetric in relation to the contributions of their

21、husbands (see esp. Cohen 1987).,北京房价低迷损失大 全市离婚夫妻急“刹车” (北青报,2012年02月22日 )据民政部门介绍,去年一年全国有超过211万对夫妻在民政部门登记离婚,其中北京共有32999对夫妻离婚,和2010年相比,离婚人数仅多了404对,增长幅度为1.2%,增幅创7年新低。根据美国多位专打离婚官司的律师表示,其实离婚案件的多寡可以做为另类的经济指标,当景气低迷时,离婚案件会减少,而在景气改善后,想要离婚的人则会增加。,时间的影响专一与忠诚的收益,李兆基复旦大学名誉博士授予仪式(2008.2.29),年青人要賺錢致富,有幾方面好重要:1一定要刻苦

22、耐勞,勤奮努力,才可以成功2不要太早有家庭負擔,最好等事業有成才考慮成家立室,免綁住一世3最重要先找到(第一桶金),然後以錢賺錢,才容易致富4最後要記住男最怕入錯行,女最怕嫁錯郎,以此為戒,Why dont marriages stay together as much as in the past?,Women have increased their comparative advantage in the workforceBenefits of marriage are less,Why do people decide to divorce?,Couples divorce when

23、 they no longer believe they will be better off by staying married (Becker 1991).Couples divorce when the wife has financial autonomy and can exit the marriage first. In most countries of the West, women have increasingly initiated divorce proceedings (Brinig and Allen 2000).Couples divorce when div

24、orce law provides the breaching party an easy exit to marriage by lowering the transaction costs.,Divorce Rates of Selected Countries,2007城市离婚率排名(房价与离婚率的正相关),第一名北京39%第二名上海38% 第三名深圳36.25% 第四名广州35% 第五名厦门34.9% 第六名台北34.8% 第七名香港33.8% 第八名大连31% 第九名杭州29% 第十名哈尔滨28%,Why did women begin devoting more time to w

25、orking after 1960?,Less products “homemade”Less time needed to do housework because of washing machines, vacuumsDecrease in the fertility rates of women10 in the 18th century5 in the early 19th century3 in the 20th century2.1 presently,Womens economic position and marriage formation,Prominent theori

26、es in the literature converge in suggesting that:a wifes resources are positively related to marital dissolution (i.e., the wifes independence hypothesis)a husbands resources are inversely related to dissolution (i.e., the husbands income hypothesis).Previous studies of the economic context of marri

27、age had focused primarily on the effects of good economic prospects on marriage among men.In recent years, there has been a shift of attention to the importance of womens labor market position and economic prospects for marriage formation.,Spouses earning capacity & the divorce hazard,Weiss and Will

28、is (1997) investigated the role of surprises in marital dissolution. Surprises consist of changes in the predicted earning capacity of either spouse.They used data from the National Longitudinal Study of the High School Class of 1972.They found that an unexpected increase in the husbands earning cap

29、acity reduces the divorce hazard, while an unexpected increase in the wifes earning capacity raises the divorce hazard.,Couples sort into marriage according to characteristics that are likely to enhance the stability of the marriage.The divorce hazard is initially increasing with the duration of mar

30、riage, and the presence of children and high levels of property stabilizes the marriage.,突击离婚为哪般?上有政策,下有对策,福利住房政策:假离婚户口政策:假结婚或突击结婚二套房交易税政策:假离婚人性化的上岗政策:假离婚或者突击离婚计划生育政策:离婚超生偿债法:离婚逃债,离了吗?竟成打招呼用语,2005年8月,河北任丘华北石油管理局出台了一份旨在促进买断工龄下岗职工再就业的政策,令不少在年前买断工龄的职工动起了离婚念头,短短天内竟有近对华油职工到当地婚姻登记处集中办理离婚手续,而离婚的目的仅仅是为了能得到一

31、次就业机会。政策规定:单职工买断工龄的,可以再就业;双职工都买断工龄的,有一方可以再就业;离婚后的下岗职工等同于单职工,可以再就业,但以离婚证为准。,谁让教师离婚证成了上岗证?,2006年9月15号以来 ,辽宁丹东市振安区同兴镇的80多名老师,竟然有近60名老师为上岗指标突击离婚,学生全放假。起因是区教育局出台的一份文件。,The Economic Consequences of Divorce: The Gender Divide,Weitzman (1985) found that in the first year after divorce, the average standard

32、of living of divorced men increased by 42 percent while that of divorced women decreased by 73 percent.Duncan and Burkhauser (1988) used data from the Panel Study of Income Dynamics and found that one-quarter of married women ages 26 to 35 who divorce or separate experience a decrease in their incom

33、e-to-needs ratio of at least 50 percent. See also Burkhauser et al. (1990) for a comparative analysis of the costs of marital disruption in the United States and Germany.,The major reason why homemakers are particularly vulnerable upon and after divorce is because their contributions during marriage

34、 are asymmetric in relation to the contributions of their husbands (see esp. Cohen 1987).,Asymmetries in the accumulation of human capital during marriage,The human capital accumulated by homemakers is marriage-specific (or home-specific) and thus not portable. By contrast, human capital accumulated

35、 by wage-earners (earning capacity) is entirely portable and not marriage-specific.Older women have exhausted their primary capital asset (that of “wife”) during their first marriage; their advanced homemaking skills have little or no market value.,Homemakers: A Vulnerable Subpopulation,Since full-time homemakers have specialized in domestic labor during marriage, the dissolution of marriage often means an end to their occupation.This occupation, though invaluable to the welfare of the national economy, accrues no health, retirement, or unemployment benefits.,


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