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1、The main spirit of western culture,Four core periods,1.The sprit of Greece2.Mid-century -the Christian spirit3.The Renaissance and the enlightenment4. The modern period,1.The sprit of Greece,Democratic spiritLegal spiritScientific spiritSpirit of freedom,2.the Christian spirit,The spirit of loveThe

2、crime awareness and savenessThe asceticism(禁欲),3.The Renaissance and enlightenment,HumanismIndividualismNew christianity spiritScientific spirit,Special topic 1,The main ideological scholars(思想家) in the enlighten time,Voltaire (伏尔泰),Attack the God church; Advocates the constitutional monarchy system

3、; Advocates the talent human rights, the free equalityThe law should take the human nature as the starting point.In front of the law everybody equality,Montesquieu(孟德斯鸠),Proposes the separation of powers theory; Advocates the constitutional monarchy systemThe law is rational manifests,Rousseau,“the

4、social contract theory” “the talent human rights“the peoples sovereignty”(人权),Conde,The core is a rationality; The sovereignty belongs to the people; both freedom and autonomy is necessary Freedom and equality should be constrained by law,Scientific spirit,Pursuing realityConquering nature Empiricis

5、m(经验主义) and rationalism,Modern western spirit,The spirit of freedomDemocratic spirit and legal spirit Empiricism and rationalism creative spirit,The development of Chinese Confucianism,The primitive Confucianism in early Qing Dynasty The Confucian in both Han Dynasty The Confucian school of idealist

6、 philosophy of Song and Ming Dynasty,The primitive Confucianism in early Qing Dynasty,To constrain oneself and recover the rite,The Confucian in both Han Dynasty,To get rid ofall schools butConfucian .,The Confucian school of idealist philosophy of Song and Ming Dynasty,To depress personal wants and

7、 enhance sky regulation.,The development of Taoist school,The Huang and Lao Thoughts of Qing DynastyThe Taoist thought of Han DynastyMetaphysics in Wei and Jin DynastyTaoist school after Sui and Tang Dynasty,The development of Chinese Buddhist,Damon founderHongren the fifth forbearHuineng and Shenxi

8、u,千万里我追寻着你,可是你却并不在意你不像是在我梦里在梦里你是我的唯一问我到底爱不爱你问自己是否离得开你我已经变得不再是我可是你却依然是你,You and me,You and me from the world we are dream a thousand miles meeting in BeiJing come together share the joy of life.,THE DEVELOPMENT OF ICM,1.The theory of ICM2. The definition of ICM(what)3.The new trend of I

9、CM()4.The triggers of ICM(),(一)罗宾森六阶段理论,(二)网络理论,在国际化的初始阶段,企业经营以国内市场为主,但有意识地寻求向外发展的机会,与行业内有实力的企业进行合作。在海外市场的积极卷入阶段,企业借助于合作伙伴的渠道,海外业务占公司企业的比重上升,利用已有的商业网络,建立起稳定的海外经营渠道,并投入资源扩大公司的海外经营网络。在国际化成熟阶段,企业的商业网络向深度和广度扩展,企业在全球范围内建立研究与开发、制造和销售网络,并开展多种形式的直接投资。,(三)国际化四要素模型,核心观点:企业国际化速度和程度取决于企业内部资源以及企业外部市场两个方面综合作用的结果

10、市场知识 企业内部资源因素 生产要素的数量企业国际化的渐进发展 市场规模 企业外部环境因素 市场结构,跨国经营,跨国经营是指企业积极参与国际分工,由国内企业发展成为跨国公司的过程。它包括:内向型和外向型视角,内向跨国经营是其外向跨国经营的基础和条件。内向跨国经营是指以母国为基础,采取进口、作为许可证交易的受约人、在母国与外国公司建立合资企业、成立国外企业全资的子公司(或被国外企业并购)等方式参与国际竞争。外向是指以东道国为导向,通过出口、向外国公司发放许可证、在国外与外国企业建立合资企业或建立与收购外国企业等方式参与全球竞争。,特征,一、跨国公司发展的新趋势,一、跨国公司发展的新趋势,企业兼并


12、李东生踌躇满志地收购了大名鼎鼎的汤姆逊,结果还是亏损;9个月之后,不解恨的李东生又将阿尔卡特手机纳入囊中,与阿尔卡特集团成立T&A合资公司,果更是尴尬,合资公司一度处于混乱和失控状态,后来TCL只好咬咬牙,将阿尔卡特手机业务全盘收购,结果仍旧是亏损。这一系列令人眼花缭乱的收购,Drivers of Globalization,What drives Globalization?,A Technological TriggersB Institutional Triggers,1. Globalization of Economic Activities,1.1 Motives for Firm

13、s to go International,(according to Czinkota et al. 2000, p. 368),1. Globalization of Economic Activities,1.2.2 Drivers of Globalization: Institutional Change,1. Globalization of Economic Activities,1.2.2 Drivers of Globalization: Institutional Change,Hill, C. W. L. (2000): International Business, 3

14、thd ed., Boston et al.,The environment of international management,2019年9月16日晚上,华商陈九松的集装箱货柜刚运达埃尔切中国鞋城准备卸货时,400多名正在中国鞋城游行示威的西班牙人一拥而上,推倒集装箱并浇上了早已准备好的汽油。陈九松的16个货柜和仓库,在这场大火中被烧毁。据他事后清点,损失近100万欧元。,2019年8月至2019年1月,温州东艺鞋业等中国鞋商在俄罗斯遭查扣,损失约3亿元。2019年冬,20多家温州鞋企的鞋类产品在意大利罗马被焚烧,损失不详。2019年1月8日,尼日利亚政府发布“禁止进口商品名单”,温州鞋

15、名列其中。2019年2月,莫斯科“艾米拉”大市场华商货物被查抄,包括温州商人在内的中国商人损失约3000万美元。,questions,What kind of environment in which your company exists?What kinds of advantages and disadvantages that the environment would bring?How to overcome the disadvantages and make use of disadvantages ?,文化社会有机无机,夸克,粒子,原子,分子,聚集态,行星系,恒星系,星云系,

16、总星系,生物大分子,细胞器,组织,器官,系统,个体,群体,生态系,生物圈,家庭,国家,社会组织,国际组织,符号,语言,知识,科学,组织水平,微观 常观 宇观 空间,细胞,机体,生理系统,器官,组织,细胞,细胞器,核酸 DNA,分子,生 物大分子,蛋白质,有机系统的发展,家庭,社会组织,国家,国际组织,社会系统的发展,科学发展观,第一要义是发展,核心是以人为本。,一切障碍发展的思想观念都要坚决冲破,一切束缚发展的做法规定都要坚决改变,一切影响发展的体制弊端都要坚决革除。,发展是硬道理,有关于宇宙发展法则的两种见解,一种是形而上学的见解,一种的辩证法的见解。,The risk of politic

17、al elements,To confiscate(充公) property of the enterprises to host country To be forced to sale at very low priceTo be treated with prejudiced attitude different from host enterprises.The barriers for setting back profit and investment.,The infringement(违反) of intellectual rightThe interference for m

18、anagement decision.The bribery of government.The terrorism,The evaluation for political risk,The references from experts and consulting companies.The cultivation for internal employment and development of internal management.,The management of political risk,The share of profitsThe participant of ma

19、nagement.Business localizableThe development of assistance The dominance of inputThe dominance of marketThe dominance of positionThe strategy of phase contributionPolitical risk insurance,The risks of economic elements,Terms of trade Exchange rateInterest rateForeign investment policyCurrency policy

20、 and fiscal and political policyPrice riskEconomic bubble riskEconomic period fluctuation riskFinancial crisis riskCapital flee risk,年我国增长及未来可能的趋势,84年,89年,99年,92年,07年,16年,美国增长率统计图,Management of economic risks,To strengthen cooperation with international finance supervision institutions.To set and co

21、mplete prior-warning index system for finance crisis.To adopt finance measurements to amending loss of exchange rate fluctuation .,the elements of technological risk,The levels of technology.The availability of local technologyThe technological demand of the nationsThe applicability of technology.Th

22、e transportation of technologyThe fundamental facilitiesThe environmenntal protection.,Technological risks,The development of technology in goal country.The change frequency of technology in goal country.The extension of technology.,The management of technologcal risks,To choose the suitable countri

23、esTo choose the suitable opportunity To improve core technology.,The elements of legal environment,Legal systemCurrent international lawsTrade protection lawsTariff lawsContract lawsThe protection for possessions,The management of legal risks,Refering to connective expertsCollecting evidence ahead o

24、f disputationComplete all related legal documents.Deal with every document carefully and legally.,从温州烧鞋案得出的结论,走向海外,考验营销智慧建立预警机制与网络侧面迂回从销售导向到品牌导向,The microenvironment,competitors,barriers for enter,suppliers,substitute,customers,The barriers for entering,Economic of scaleThe degree of differentiation

25、The transformation costThe barriers of technologyThe domination of sales channelsPolicy and laws,The substitute,Performance and price ratioTransformation costThe desire for substitute,由于工人罢工问题,本田在中国的所有组装厂被迫暂停生产。报道称,劳资双方谈判在本周一破裂,受零部件工厂工人罢工影响,本田增城和黄埔的组装厂已经从周一晚班开始停产,本田武汉组装厂则从周三晚班开始停产。,The negotiation c

26、apability of suppliers and customers,The degree of industrial concentrationThe degree of integration backwardTransformation costThe degree of differentiation The sensitivity of price,The competitors,The demand and fluctuation of marketThe degree of industrial concentrationCost structure The industri

27、al differentiation and transformation costThe barriers of withdrawal,Internal enterprises environment,Production riskResponsibility riskR&D riskReputation riskBehavior riskHR riskTransaction risk finance risk,Production risk,Careful plan and explicit requestOrganizing all elements efficiently.Proced

28、ure managementInformation management,Responsibility risk,R&D risk,The suitability with strategyMarketization riskTransformation cost and industrializationThe uncertainty of enterprises,Reputation risk,How to avoid reputation risk:Methods and channelsTo make investment by oneself To turn to professio

29、nal companiesTo turn to connective company to turn to trade and industry association,Bulk commodity set out seperatelyReject unfair requestL /C,Behavior risk,HR risk,Transaction risk,To choose beneficial currencyAdjust receipt time of foreign exchange To use finance tools,Finance risk,Fire Flooding

30、Earthquake Volcano Disease,Strike Insurrection Terrorism War,Force Majeure Events,PoliticalRisks,Corruption Legal/regulatory -irregularities License/Permit Concession Taxes Equity-holding Currency -inconvertibility Expatriation Preemption/priority Breach of contract Foreign worker limitation Law enf

31、orcement,Construction Facility site Equipment Technology Off-take Input Operation Utility Collateral Mineral reserves Reporting accuracy,Contractual Risks,CommercialRisks,CreepingExpropriation,OutrightExpropriation,NaturalDisaster,Expropriation Confiscation Nationalization,War & Civil Disturbances,F

32、inancialRisks,MarketRisks,CivilMovements,Environment Human rights CSR Religion Nationalism Globalization,Interest rate Exchange rate Inflation rate Labor cost Product market Input market Salvage cost,Project Finance Credit Risks Overview,火灾 水灾 地震 火山 疾病,罢工 暴动 恐怖活动 战争,不可抗力,政治风险,腐败 法律/法规 -不合法 专利权/许可权 特

33、许权 税赋 持股经营 货币-不可转换 派遣 优先购买权/优先权 合同违约 外籍员工限制 执法,建造 场地 设备 技术 生产包销协议 投入 运营 动力 抵押 矿产储量 报告的正确性,合同风险,商业风险,间接征用,征用,自然灾害,征用 没收 国有化,战争及民间干扰,金融风险,市场风险,利率 汇率 通货膨胀率 人工成本 产品市场 产出市场 回收成本,项目融资的信贷风险-概况,民间运动,环境 人权 企业社会责任 宗教 民族主义 全球化,Alternative modes for international market entry,引子:迪斯尼乐园的东京模式和巴黎模式,1984年,美国的沃特 迪斯尼集

34、团在美国加州和佛罗里达迪斯尼乐园经营成功的基础上,跨出了跨国经营的第一步:开设东京迪斯尼乐园。由于这是第一次在美国国外开设迪斯尼乐园,经验少,风险大,沃特 迪斯尼集团决定自身不投资产,不参股,采用了向日方技术转让,收取转让费和管理服务费的进入方式,由日方的东方地产公司投资建造和经营东京迪斯尼乐园。结果是一想不到的成功,当年游客就突破了预计的指标,达到1000万人次,游乐支出大3550万美元,比预计数高出1550万美元。人均支出30美元,超过预计数21美元近一半。到1990年时,东京迪斯尼乐园的游客人数已经达到每年1400万人次,超过了美国加州迪斯尼乐园的游客人数。东京迪斯尼乐园的成功。大大增强

35、了沃特 迪斯尼集团对于跨国经营的自信心,决定继续向国外市场努力,再在欧洲开办一个迪斯尼乐园。东京迪斯尼乐园的成功同时也使沃特 迪斯尼集团发现,以技术转让的方式跨国经营虽然风险小,所得的利润也相应有限。除去开办时的咨询费以外,沃特 迪斯尼集团的收入仅仅限于门票收入的10%和园内商品销售额的5%。,于是,在开办第二个国外迪斯尼乐园法国巴黎的欧洲迪斯尼乐园时,采取了股份合资的办法,投资18亿美元,在巴黎郊外开办了占地4800公顷的大型游乐场,又有由于有占49%股权所带来的经营管理上的相当大的控制能力,巴黎迪斯尼乐园的经营却至今为止并不理想。不但巴黎乐园的第一年游客人数大大低于预计,而且人均游乐支出也

36、大大低于预计水平,使得巴黎乐园的当年经营亏损达9亿美元,迫使巴黎乐园关闭了一所附设旅馆,解雇了950名雇员,全面推迟第二线工程项目的开发,巴黎迪斯尼乐园的股票价格从164法郎跌到68法郎,欧洲舆论界戏称欧洲迪斯尼为“欧洲倒霉地”。,question,1.What kind of entrance models for Disney cooperation to get much more profit?2.Why?3.How?,Entrance modes for international market,Trade modesContract modesInvestment modes,Tr

37、ade mode,Go-betweens abroadOffices abroadBranches abroad,contract mode,LicensingFranchisingTechnological agreementManagement contractTurnkey projectOEM&ODMInternational sub contract,2022/12/16,101,著名的生产纤维板的跨国公司塞拉尼斯公司(英国)(Celanese)在西西里购买了一大片长满桉树的土地,计划在那里建造木浆加工厂,并使用当地的桉树作为原材料。直到工厂建成将要开始生产时,公司才发现这些桉树太小

38、,原料有限,树干不能使用。结果,被迫高价进口纸浆,损失达五千五百万美圆。这一代价昂贵的教训之所以发生,原因是由于公司在购买土地前为了节约成本、减少费用,而没有派专家去考察这些桉树。,2022/12/16,102,美国一位食品加工商在墨西哥一条河流的三角地带建造了一个菠萝罐头厂,由于菠萝种植园在该河的上游,公司打算用驳船把成熟的菠萝运到罐头厂加工。然而,令人失望的是,在菠萝的收获季节里,河水太浅,无法行船。由于没有其他可行的运输方案,工厂被迫关闭。新设备以极低的价格卖给了墨西哥的一个社区,他们立即把罐头厂搬走。这使该公司付出的代价太大。,Investment modes,individual p

39、roprietorship Joint ventureNew founded and merger,International strategy management,Main content,The methods of strategic planThe procedure of strategy,International strategy management,1.The benefits of strategic plan2.The methods for strategy draft2.1economy oriented2.2politics-oriented2.3quality-

40、oriented2.4 administrative coordination-oriented,The procedure of strategy management,General objective and purposeEvaluate opportunity and threatsEvaluate strength and weaknessList all necessary strategy by competitive analysisChose suitable strategy,Environmental scanning,Decision for internationa

41、l market entryAnalysis for special areaPass unsuitable areaAnalysis for political and economic risksEvaluation for fundamental facilitiesChoice for suitable nations by withdrawing spheres,Analysis the investment intention and market potentialChoice for nations Analysis for suitability of local cultu

42、re Society technologyAnalysis for competitionDecision for localization or notEvaluation for entry strategy,List all partersEntry New scanning,Evaluate strength and weakness,International experiencesCore competitive powerPatent national cultureEnterprises culture,Entrance modes for international mark

43、et,Trade modesContract modesInvestment modes,Training for international HRM,1.The objective of international HRM1.1For organization *To clear home-oriented opinion * To strengthen communication between mother-companies and branches. *To strengthen efficiency and profits overall.,1.2 For individual r

44、easonsCase: Arabian managementThe head of a family LoyaltyTime-valueconflict-avoidance,The effective elements for training,1 HRM effective elementOrganization enforcementDevelopment of HRMThe welfare of companyEfficiencyLong-time conception2philosophy of company,Stimulating and leading,How to stimul

45、ate the employees?NeedsObjectivesValue systemExpectations,Ethnocentric-orientedfirmsKey management positions are filled by parent-country nationalsReasons: Lack of qualified local senior managers Maintain unified corpo- rate culture and tighter control Transfer of firms core competenciesExample:Dutc

46、h national financial controllers at Royal Dutch Shell worldwide,Polycentric-orientedfirmsHost-country nationals in foreign subsidiaries headquarter with parent-country nationals. Reasons: Reduction of cultural mis- understandings locally in comparison to expatriates Usually less expensiveExample:Vol

47、kswagen AG,Geocentric-orientedfirmsBest suited person, regard-less of nationality, is transferred to any appropriate open positionReasons: Most efficient use of HR resources of the firm Building stronger and consistent culture Building of team spirit and bonds between team membersExample:General Ele

48、ctric Corp.,7.2 International Staffing Policy,International staffing policies,Source: Dessler, G. (2000), pp. 623 f.,7. International HR Management,1.Meanings of the work2.satisfactions,Appraisal,1.What is performance: extent of finishing job2.Decisive elements: Hard-work capability role-identificat

49、ion3.Methods of appraisal:work standards ranking methodsEssay appraisal forced distributioncritical-incident appraisal,Safety and health,The effects of unionsThe safety and health,5. Entering Foreign Markets: Choosing the Organizational Form,Hill (2000), p. 443.,5.2 Alternative Modes of Foreign Entr

50、y,5. Entering Foreign Markets: Choosing the Organizational Form,5.2 Alternative Modes of Foreign Entry: Opportunities and Risks,Property rights allocation in expansion strategies,Number of Partners,Many,None,Sales Office,Prod. Plant,Subsidiary,Consortium,Joint Venture,Licensing,Franchising,Strategic


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