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1、Unit 14 Translation: From one language to another,Unit 14 Translation: From one,Text A,Learning Objectives,Critical Thinking,Communicative Competence,Intercultural Competence,Autonomous learning,Learning Objectives Critical T,Communicative CompetenceCritical Thinking,Learning Objectives,Learn the ex

2、pressions Bellos uses to describe famous translation deceptionsIllustrate points with appropriate examples and anecdotesLearn to use concession, a commonly used literary device,Distinguish between opinions and factsExplore implications and consequences of translation for the literary worldInterpret

3、and evaluate different perspectives of looking at translation,Communicative CompetenceLearni,Intercultural Competence,Learning Objectives,Compare Chinese and English in relation to the two culturesUnderstand obstacles in translation caused by cultural differencesUnderstand similarities and differenc

4、es across cultures,Be able to check achievement or progress in various waysUse reference books/materialsCritically evaluate and validate information from the Internet,Autonomous learning:,Intercultural CompetenceLearni,Lead in,In this unit, we are going to explore the world of translation. On the on

5、e hand, translation seems to be so straightforward that anybody equipped with two languages can have a go. On the other hand, translation can also be such a daunting task that it seems to be beyond humans intellectual capacity. Have you ever wondered about the reasons behind this seeming contradicti

6、on?,Lead inIn this unit, we are go,1. About the author,Background Knowledge,David Bellos is an established scholar in the American literary world. He is also a translator himself.He was educated at Oxford and teaches French and Comparative Literature at Princeton, where he also directs the Program i

7、n Translation and Intercultural Communication.,1. About the authorBackground,Background Knowledge,Major research interests:,David Bellos is a professor of comparative literature, translator and researcher of intercultural communication. He also wrote a number of award-winning literary biographies an

8、d an introduction to translation studies, Is That a Fish in Your Ear? Translation and the Meaning of Everything, which is the source of Text A.,Background KnowledgeMajor rese,Background Knowledge,Major translation works:,His translation career is largely focused on works by George Perec, Ismail Kada

9、re, and Fred Vargas. His translation of Ismail Kadres works won him the Man Booker International Prize for translation in 2005.,Background KnowledgeMajor tran,Background Knowledge,Is That a Fish in Your Ear? Translation and the Meaning of Everything,The book Is That a Fish in Your Ear? Translation a

10、nd the Meaning of Everything can be found at Amazon and other online bookstores, with a preview of contents and sample chapters. As mentioned in his prologue, Bellos does not want to write about how to translate or how he translates.,Background KnowledgeIs That a,Background Knowledge,In this book, h

11、e writes about a series of examples and arguments that circle around what seems to him to be the real issueunderstanding what translation does. He starts the book with the inquiry into the definition of translation. Then he asks what we can learn from translation and what else we need to learn about

12、 translation, as well as topics relating to literary translation.,continued,Background KnowledgeIn this bo,Background Knowledge,Overall, Bellos is an insightful and reflective thinker, as borne out (证实) by the following quotations:,The practice of translation rests on two presuppositions. The first

13、is that we are all different we speak different tongues and see the world in ways that are deeply influenced by the particular features of the tongue that we speak. The second is that we are all the same that we can share the same broad and narrow kinds of feelings, information, understandings, and

14、so forth. Without both of these suppositions, translation could not exist.,continued,Background KnowledgeOverall, B,Background Knowledge,The more profound his thought is reflected in the two one-sentence paragraphs that immediately follow the passage above:,Nor could anything we would like to call s

15、ocial life.Translation is another name for the human condition.,continued,Background KnowledgeThe more p,Background Knowledge,The Prix Goncourt, a French literary prize,Prix Goncourt (法国)龚古尔文学奖) is a French literary prize, one of the most important in France. It was first conceived in 1867 by the br

16、others Edmond and Jules de Goncourt, and created in 1903 by a bequest (遗产) of Edmond that established the Acadmie Goncourt, a literary society of 10 members (none of whom may also be a member of the Acadmie Franaise) whose chief duty is to select the winner.,Background KnowledgeThe Prix G,Background

17、 Knowledge,Along with a monetary award, the prize confers recognition on the author of an outstanding work of imaginative prose each year; novels are preferred. This task bears significance in referring students to literary prizes other than those of the English world, expanding their horizon and co

18、unterbalancing the influence of the Anglo-American content in their perception of foreign literary world.,continued,Background KnowledgeAlong with,Background Knowledge,The translation history of the Bible,John Wycliffe (1330-1384) promoted the first complete translation of the Bible into English. Ma

19、rtin Luther(1483-1546) translated the Bible into German. Their efforts to translate were made to force the church to give up its worldly possessions and/or political powers. However, reformers were not the only group of people who translated the Bible.,Background KnowledgeThe transl,Background Knowl

20、edge,The European colonists translated the Bible into the languages of the native people in colonies, in order to serve their colonial purposes. As a quote often misattributed to Tutu goes, “When the missionaries came to Africa they had the Bible and we had the land. They said Let us pray. We closed

21、 our eyes. When we opened them, we had the Bible and they had the land. “,continued,Background KnowledgeThe Europe,Background Knowledge,In circumstances where people talk about the Bible in colonial era, they may split into believer camps and nonbeliever camps, with believers vying (争夺) for the assu

22、med “calling” of the missionaries while nonbelievers crying indignantly for native peoples justice. Should such things happen, you have to tell them that they are having a scholarly discussion on historical facts only, not playing the game of moral arbiters.,continued,Background KnowledgeIn circums,

23、Text Structure,3 Popular sayings are not necessarily true.,4 Fallacious sayings seem useful.,5 Teachers assertion concerning translation, although not necessarily truthful, is useful for other purposes.,Part SectionPara(s). I1 Intro,6 Reviewers parrot the assertion due to their lack of words.,7 The

24、assertion seems to empower the speaker.,8 Ambiguity of substitute: take the place of; be as good as,9 To make the assertion, one must be able to appreciate original as opposed to a translation.,Part SectionPara(s). I2 Why i,10 It is not easy to tell translation apart from original.,13 The Letters of

25、 a Portuguese Nun, passing for translation, was actually original.,14 Andre Makines first novels, passing for translation, were actually original.,Translation can indeed substitute the original, as borne out by so many examples. Or,It is very difficult to tell translation from original, as borne out

26、 by so many examples.,12 The Castle of Otranto, passing for translation, was actually original.,15 Pseudo-translations are hard to kill off simply because of readers self-confidence in telling translation from originals.,16 There are almost as many translations pass for originals.,17 It is difficult

27、 to tell translations from originals.,Part SectionPara(s). II3II11,18 The assertion is challenged.,19 Translations can be as good as originals, as borne out by many famous examples.,20 Translation can be as good as original, as borne out by Ismail Kadare.,21 Despite the stubborn assertion, it is imp

28、ossible for one to do away with translation.,Part SectionPara(s). II4 Tran,In Para. 1, Bellos mentions a “well-known fact.” Do you think that he really takes it as a fact? Why or why not? Please find evidence in the next two paragraphs to support your judgement.,No, he does not really think it is a

29、fact. We can find evidence in his arguments against it in the following paragraphs. In Para. 1, Bellos makes a factual claim, which can be true and it can also be false. (Para. 1),Section I Comprehension Check,In Para. 1, Bellos mentions a,2. Why does Bellos quote the three sayings in Para. 3?,Bello

30、s quotes the three sayings in order to illustrate the point that some sayings are useful but they are not necessarily true, which suggests the famous saying concerning translation can well be one of them. (Para. 3),2. Why does Bellos quote the,In Para. 5, Bellos analyzes an imagined situation where

31、a teacher tells the students that translation cannot substitute the original. What is Bellos purpose in doing so?,He does the analysis in order to show that one may utter this saying for other factors than an aesthetic one. (Para. 5),In Para. 5, Bellos analyzes an,Section I Word Study,substitute (Pa

32、ra. 1, line 1) n. a person or thing that you use or have instead of the one you normally use or have 代替者;代替物;代用品 for sb./sth.e.g. Pauls father only saw him as a substitute for his dead brother.保罗的父亲只是把保罗当作他死去的哥哥来看待。,Section I Word Studysubstitu,erfectly (Para. 2, line 1) completely 完全地;非常;十分e.g. Its

33、 perfectly normal to feel like this. 有这样的感觉是完全正常的。in a perfect way 完美地;完好地;圆满地e.g. The TV works perfectly now. 这台电视机现在状况好极了,perfectly (Para. 2, line 1) Se,3. place (Para. 2, line 2) in the place of 在位置,地方in place of sb./sth., in sb.s/sth.s place instead of sb./sth. 代替;顶替 e.g. You can use milk in pla

34、ce of cream in this recipe.fall/slot into placeif sth. complicated or difficult to understand falls or slots into place, it becomes organized or clear in your mind 明朗化;清晰;理出头绪,3. place (Para. 2, line 2) S,4. folk wisdom (Para. 3, line 2) folk science/psychology/wisdom etc.science etc. that is based

35、on the ideas or beliefs that ordinary people have, and does not involve a high level of technical knowledge 民间科学/心理学/智慧等,4. folk wisdom (Para. 3, lin,5. crime doesnt pay (Para. 3, line 2) used to say that crime does not give you any advantage, because you will be caught and punished used when warnin

36、g people not to get involved in crime 犯罪没有好处(用于警告人们不要犯罪),5. crime doesnt pay (Para.,6. fly in the face of sth. (Para. 3, line 3) to oppose or be the opposite of sth. that is usual or expected 悍然不顾;公然违抗;与相悖e.g. Such a proposal is flying in the face of common sense. 这个建议违反常识。,6. fly in the face of sth

37、. (,7. mafioso (Para. 3, line 4) /mfis/ /mfioso/ n. (plural Mafiosi /mfisi/ /mfiosi/ ) a member of the Mafia 黑手党成员,7. mafioso (Para. 3, line 4),8. bask (Para. 3, line 4) I (in sth.) to enjoy sitting or lying in the heat or light of sth., especially the sun 晒太阳;取暖e.g. We sat basking in the warm sunsh

38、ine.bask in sth.to enjoy the good feelings that you have when other people praise or admire you, or when they give you a lot of attention 沉浸,沐浴(在赞美、关注等中)e.g. He had always basked in his parents attention.,8. bask (Para. 3, line 4) Se,9. Riviera (Para. 3, line 4) an area by the sea that is warm and p

39、opular for holidays, especially the Mediterranean coast of France 海滨度假胜地(尤指法国的地中海海滨)e.g. the French Riviera 法国的里维埃拉地区,9. Riviera (Para. 3, line 4),drizzle (Para. 3, line 4) /drzl/U, sing. light fine rain 毛毛细雨adj. drizzlye.g. a dull, drizzly morning 阴雨蒙蒙的早上I when it is drizzling, it is raining lightl

40、y 下毛毛雨;下蒙蒙细雨 T sth. (over sth.) to pour a small amount of liquid over the surface of sth. (毛毛雨似的)洒落SYN dribble,drizzle (Para. 3, line 4) Sect,11. get out (Para. 3, line 5) to become known 泄露;被人知道 e.g. If this gets out therell be trouble. 这事要是被人知道就麻烦了get sth.outto produce or publish sth. 生产;发表;出版 e.g

41、. Will we get the book out by the end of the year?to say sth. with difficulty 困难地说出;勉强地说 e.g. She managed to get out a few words of thanks.,11. get out (Para. 3, line 5),12. adage (Para. 3, line 5) /dd/ n. a well-known phrase expressing a general truth about people or the world 谚语;格言SYN saying,12. a

42、dage (Para. 3, line 5)Se,serve to (Para. 3, line 6) I, T to have a particular effect or result 产生的效果(或结果) as sth.e.g. The judge said the punishment would serve as a warning to others. to do sth.e.g. The attack was unsuccessful and served only to alert the enemy.,serve to (Para. 3, line 6)Sec,console

43、 (Para. 3, line 6)to give comfort or sympathy to sb. who is unhappy or disappointed 安慰;抚慰;慰藉SYN comfort sb./yourself sb./yourself with sth.e.g. Console yourself with the thought that you did your best. 你可以安慰自己的是你已经尽了最大的努力。,console (Para. 3, line 6)Secti,14. forensic (Para. 3, line 8)/frensk/ adj. on

44、ly before nounconnected with the scientific tests used by the police when trying to solve a crime 法医的e.g. forensic evidence/medicine/science/tests 法医证据学科学检验 the forensic laboratory 法医检验室 a forensic pathologist 法医病理学家,14. forensic (Para. 3, line 8,trap (Para. 3, last line)IDM to fall into/avoid the t

45、rap of doing sth.to do/avoid doing sth. that is a mistake but which seems at first to be a good idea 掉进避免掉进陷阱e.g. Parents often fall into the trap of trying to do everything for their children.家长经常陷入极力为子女操办一切的误区。,trap (Para. 3, last line)Secti,filch (Para. 4, line 1)/flt/ v. sth. (informal) to steal

46、 sth., especially sth. small or not very valuable 偷(尤指小的或不贵重的物品)SYN pinch,filch (Para. 4, line 1)Section,17. steer (Para. 4, line 3)T sth. + adv./prep. to take control of a situation and influence the way in which it develops 操纵;控制;引导e.g. He managed to steer the conversation away from his divorce. 他

47、设法避开他离婚这话题。She steered the team to victory.她率领全队取得胜利。,17. steer (Para. 4, line 3)S,18. admonish (Para. 5, line 3) /dmn/ v. (formal) sb. (for sth./for doing sth.) | + speech to tell sb. firmly that you do not approve of sth. that they have done 责备;告诫;警告SYN reprovee.g. She was admonished for chewing g

48、um in class. sb. (to do sth.) to strongly advise sb. to do sth. 力劝;忠告e.g. A warning voice admonished him not to let this happen. 他耳边响起警钟,警告他别让这种事情发生。,18. admonish (Para. 5, line 3,spur (Para. 5, second line from bottom)/sp(r)/ v.to encourage sb. to do sth. or to encourage them to try harder to achie

49、ve sth. 鞭策;激励;刺激;鼓舞 sb./sth. (on) to sth./to do sth. e.g. Her difficult childhood spurred her on to succeed. sb./sth. into sth. e.g. I was spurred into action by the letter. sb./sth. (on)e.g. The band has been spurred on by the success of their last single.,spur (Para. 5, second line fro,20. assidui

50、ty (Para. 5, last line)勤勉,刻苦adj. assiduous /sdjus/(formal) working very hard and taking great care that everything is done as well as it can be 兢兢业业的;勤勤恳恳的SYN diligent,20. assiduity (Para. 5, last,Section I Sentence Analysis,Adages of this sort dont have to be true to be useful. Typically, they serv


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