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1、Unit 5Why do you like pandas?,单元复习,tiger,elephant,giraffe,panda,koala,lion,animals,very quitereallyprettykind ofa littlea bita little bit,description words,知识点二短语1.稍微;有点儿_2.来自于_3.南非_4.整天_5.很长时间_6.迷路_,kind of,be from=come from,South Africa,all day,a long time,get lost,7.有食物和水的地方_8.砍倒_9.处于(极大)危险中_10.十

2、二岁_11.由制成的_,places with food and water,cut down,be in (great) danger,twelve years old,be made of,be made from,13.让某人做某事_14.想要做某事_15.之一_16.忘记要做某事_17.忘记做过某事_18.对某人友好_,let sb. do sth.,want to do sth.,one of the +可名复,forget to do sth.,forget doing sth.,be friendly to,重点句型:1.你为什么喜欢熊猫?-_ do you like panda

3、s? 2. 因为他们有点儿有趣_theyre_interesting.3.约翰为什么喜欢树袋熊? -Why _John _koalas?4.因为它们非常可爱。-Because theyre very _.,Why,Because,kind of,does like,cute,重点句型:5.-_ you like tigers? 你为什么不喜欢老虎? -Because theyre _. 因为它们真的吓人6.-Where _lions _? 狮子来自哪里? -Theyre from _. 它们来自南非。,Why dont,really scary,are,from,South Africa,重点

4、句型:7.Elephants can walk _a_ time and never _. 大象能长时间行走并且从不迷路。8.它们也能记住有食物和水的地方。 They can also remember _ _ _and _,for,long,get lost,places,with food,water,重点句型:9.但是,大象处于极大的危险之中。/大象 面临巨大的危险。 But elephants are _.10.人们砍倒了许多树,因此,大象正渐渐失去它们的家园。People _many trees so elephants are _ their homes.,in great dan

5、ger,cut down,losing,重点句型:11 .现在仅有大约3000头大象(之前有超过10万头大象)。Today , there are only about 3,000 elephants (_100,000 before). 12.There are over _ boys in our class A nine hundred B hundred of C hundreds of D hundred,over,A,Writing 写作提升,熊猫是中国的象征之一。它们非常可爱, 它们喜欢吃竹子, 然而, 目前熊猫处于危险中, 请你以 “ My Favorite Animals”

6、为题, 写一篇介绍熊猫的文章,并谈谈你对保护动物的看法。提示词: symbol, lovely, bamboo, climb trees, sleep, in danger, save the pandas,My Favorite Animals I like pandas best. The panda is one of Chinas symbols. They are white and black. They are lovely animals. They like eating bamboos. They also like climbing trees and sleeping.

7、However,pandas are in great danger now. People cut down too many trees,so pandas are losing their homes. In my opinion, its important for us to save the animals.Loving animals is loving ourselves.,知识点一精练,1.The movie is _ interesting .We want to go and see it. A. a kind of 一种 B.kind of 有点,有几分 C.kinds

8、 of D.one kind of,B,x,x,知识点二精练,1.Lets _ (help) mother do the housework.2.-Lets play computer games. - _, I have too much homework to do. A. Good idea B. All right C. Sorry,help,C,let sb. do sth.,-lets .-Sounds good,-sorry, I .,知识点三精练,1.Why not _(has)lunch at school?2.Why _ (not)you play soccer after

9、 school?3.Let us _(sing)with you.4.Let s _(begins)our class.,have,dont,sing,begin,Why not do sth.,Why dont you do sth.,let sb. do sth.,知识点四精练1.I remember the beautiful places _ the long river. A.at B.have C.with D.in2.This is an elephant _ a long nose. A.at B.with C.have D.in,C,B,Places with .有.的地方,

10、with 拥有,有 , 和 ,携带,知识点五精练,1.Where are they from?(同义句转换) Where _they _?2.Half the doctors in the hospital _ Beijing. A.comes from B.is from C.be from D.come from3.-Where_the singer Liu Dacheng_? -Shandong. A.do; come from B.does;from C.is;from D.is;come from,do,come from,D,C,be from =come from,知识点六精练,

11、1.One of our English teachers_from Americal. A.be B.are C.is D.was2.One of the_comes from China. A.Writers B.Writer3.Tom is one of_. A.they B.their C.them4.One of the singers_to go to France. A.want B.wanted C.wants,C,A,C,C,one of +复数。表示单数,知识点七精练,1.The bike is made _Beijing. A. from B.in C.of 2.The

12、interesting story makes me_ ( relax). 3.The movie makes the girl( ) A laugh B to laugh C laughing,B,relaxed,A,be made in,make+形容词 使某人,make sb. do sth.使某人干某事,,知识点八精练,1.They will_the trees because they want to build a museum here. A.cut down B.put down C.sit down D.slow down2.Trees are very important.

13、We cant _. A.cut them down B.cut it down C.cut down them,A,A,cut 代词 down,cut 代词/名词down,cut down 名词,知识点九精练,( )1.Dont forget _thanks when other people help you. A.accept B. to accept C.say D.to say,D,2.妈妈忘记已经把厨房的灯关上了Mom forgot _ _ the light in the kitchen,turning off,forget to do sth.,forget doing sth

14、.,知识点十精练,1.The old dog is kind of scary,but she is _to us.She is our_. A.friendly;friendly B.friend;friend C.friendly;friend D.friend;friendly2.They say that Chinese people are very_. A.friend B.friends C.friending D.friendly,C,D,be friendly to sb.,知识点十一精练,1.The dog is very clever.It never gets_(lose).2.If you get _(lose),you should ask the policeman for help.,lost,lost,get lost,


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