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1、Module 10,Unit 1 You should tidy your toys.,Module 10Unit 1 You should,外研一起五上M10U1Youshouldtidyyourtoys课件,外研一起五上M10U1Youshouldtidyyourtoys课件,down .,down .,外研一起五上M10U1Youshouldtidyyourtoys课件,You shouldnt play with the CDs!,You shouldnt take the books down.,You should tidy your toys.,You shouldnt play

2、 with the CD,should,shouldnt,II,should not,应该,不应该,should shouldntIIshould not应该,Oral practise,Oral practise,Oral practiseOral practise,外研一起五上M10U1Youshouldtidyyourtoys课件,Exercise,Exercise,请用 should, shouldnt 填空,We _ read books.We _ go to school late.He _ draw pictures on the wall.He _ help the old m

3、an.We _ tidy the toys.,should,shouldnt,shouldnt,should,should,请用 should, shouldnt 填空We _,should,shouldnt,II,should not,+,V.原形,应该,不应该,should shouldntIIshould not+V,Oral practise,Oral practise,Oral practiseOral practise,take the books down,wash hands,read books,eat some fruits,jump on the bed,be late,

4、take the books downwash handsr,Is the room clean now?,Is Tom a good boy?,Yes, it is. The room is clean now.,Yes, he is.,Is the room clean now?Is Tom a,Listen the text and choose,You should You shouldnt,make a mess B. play with the CDsC. take the books down D. tidy your toys,D A B C,Listen the text a

5、nd choose,外研一起五上M10U1Youshouldtidyyourtoys课件,根据短文内容判断句子正()误() Lucy Is an American girl. She is twelve years old. Every day, she should get up early. She should wash her face and hands. She shouldnt go to school by bus. She should listen to the teacher. She should tidy her toys. She shouldnt watch TV

6、 late.( ) 1. Lucy should wash her face.( ) 2. Lucy should go to school by bus.( ) 3. Lucy shouldnt tidy her toys.( ) 4. Lucy shouldnt watch TV late.( ) 5. Lucy is a Chinese girl.,根据短文内容判断句子正()误(),根据短文内容判断句子正()误() Lucy Is an American girl. She is twelve years old. Every day, she should get up early.

7、She should wash her face and hands. She shouldnt go to school by bus. She should listen to the teacher. She should tidy her toys. She shouldnt watch TV late.() 1. Lucy should wash her face.() 2. Lucy should go to school by bus.() 3. Lucy shouldnt tidy her toys.() 4. Lucy shouldnt watch TV late.() 5. Lucy is a Chinese girl.,根据短文内容判断句子正()误(),do morning exercises,do homework,make a mess,play with the toys,do morning exercisesdo homewor,Thank you !,Thank you !,


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