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1、111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111,Module 1,WY 五年级上册,Unit 2 We bought ice creams.,111111111111111111111111111111,Do you like ice creams?,Do you like ice creams?,1. Look, listen and say.,1. Look

2、, listen and say.,send you an email 给你发电子邮件,知识点 1,Did he send you an email?他给你发电子邮件了吗?,例句:,send /send/ v. 发送,寄,例句:,Lets send an email to Dad.咱们给爸爸发一封电子邮件吧。,字母e 在单词中发/e/,类似发音的单词还有leg,desk,well 等。,发音:,send you an email 给你发电子邮件知识点 1,加法记忆法:,s + end(结局)= send(发送)加法记忆法就是一个单词在另一个单词的基础上加上一部分字母组成的。利用加法记忆法能让同

3、学们更好、更快地记住单词,熟练掌握单词的音、义、形。,过去式sent,现在分词 sending,词形变化:,send. to. 发送到,短语:,加法记忆法:s + end(结局)= send(发送)过去式,联想记忆法:,一些不规则动词的过去式,是把动词末尾的 “d”改成 “t”。如:spend spent, build built,联想记忆法:一些不规则动词的过去式,是把动词末尾的 “d”改,email / imel/ n. 电子邮件,例句:,I can write an email now.现在我会写电子邮件了。,字母e 在单词中发/i/,类似发音的单词还有he,me。,发音:,复数emai

4、ls,词形变化:,email / imel/ n. 电子邮件例句:I ca,易错点提示,表示“一封电子邮件”时,用“an email”,不用“a email”,类似的用法有:an apple 一个苹果, an orange 一个橘子。,易错点表示“一封电子邮件”时,用“an email”,,2. Listen and read.,Dear Daming,Yesterday I went to the park with Sam andAmy. We met John in the park. Hes Sam and Amys friend. We bought ice creams. Then

5、 we went home by bus. I ran to the bus 18. And I dropped my ice cream on Johns new shoes!I was very sorry.Love 19,Lingling,2. Listen and read.Dear Daming,ran to the bus 跑向公共汽车,知识点 2,We ran to the bus. 我们跑向公共汽车。,用法:,“动词(或动词过去式)+to+ 名词”表示一种动作,如walk to school 步行去学校。,例句:,ran to the bus 跑向公共汽车知识点 2We r,r

6、an /rn/ v.(run 的过去式)跑,典例,I to school yesterday.A. run B. ran C. runs,B,I ran to the bus. 我向公共汽车跑去。,例句:,字母a 在单词中发/。,发音:,ran /rn/ v.(run 的过去式)跑典例I,love /lv/ n. 爱你的,知识点 3,字母o 在单词中发/ / 。,发音:,形近词:,live (v.)居住,love /lv/ n. 爱你的知识点 3字母o 在单词中,词语辨析:,词语辨析:like喜欢(指不反感,但不引起强烈的感情和迫切的,3. Now answer the questions,D

7、id Lingling go to the park yesterday? _Did she meet John? _Did they buy ice creams? _Did they go home by bike? _Did Lingling walk to the bus? _Did Lingling drop her ice cream? _,Yes, she did.,Didnt. They went home by bus.,Yes, she did.,Yes, they did.,No, she didnt. She ran to the bus.,Yes, she did.,

8、3. Now answer the questionsDid,寻读法,知识点 4,这是一种根据题目从阅读材料中迅速查出所需信息的阅读方法,带有明确的目的性。例如,第1 小题问的是玲玲昨天去公园了吗,那我们就需要去原文中查找:玲玲昨天去了哪里?是不是公园?带着疑问去材料中寻找答案。这样目的性就很强,事半功倍了。,寻读法知识点 4这是一种根据题目从阅读材料中迅速查出所需信息,4. Listen and repeat.,4. Listen and repeat.e, eaChin,字母(组合)e, ea, I, a 在单词中的发音规则,知识点 5,字母(组合)e, ea, I, a 在单词中的发音规

9、则知识点,5.Listen and say. Then sing.,5.Listen and say. Then sing.,6.Follow and say.,6.Follow and say.,7.Look and say.,7.Look and say.,一、用所给单词的适当形式填空。1. Here are two (email) from Amy.2. Did she (send) you an email?,emails,send,点拨:,Did后的动词要用原形。,一、用所给单词的适当形式填空。emailssend点拨:Di,二、选出下列每组中画线部分发音不同的一项。 ( ) 1.

10、A. metB. tellC. live D. well( ) 2. A. emailB. weC. send D. Chinese( ) 3. A. finishB. iceC. ship D. big( ) 4. A. backB. ratC. came D. apple( ) 5. A. loveB. thoseC. old D. home,C,C,B,C,A,二、选出下列每组中画线部分发音不同的一项。,本节课我们学习了以下知识,请同学们一定加强巩固,以便能和同学们进行灵活交流哦!,重点词汇:email, love 重点短语:send you an email, ran to the bus重点句式:Did she send you an email? I ran to the bus.,本节课我们学习了以下知识,请同学们一定加强巩固,Thank you!,Thank you!,


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