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1、,语法一:虚拟语气,语法一:虚拟语气,一、If 引导的从句,1. If I were you, I would go abroad to have the further study.2. If you had done your homework, you would not have been criticized by the teacher.3. If he were to / should come back from America tomorrow, he would join our party.4.If you had done your homework, you woul

2、d not be criticized by your teacher now.,一、If 引导的从句1. If I were you, I,二、从句中的(should)do 句型,He proposed that the girl (should) be the first to leave. suggest, propose, ask, command, demand, require, urge, order, recommend, insist2. It is my suggestion that he be our monitor.3. It is required that the

3、 new law be enforced at once.上述动词的过去分词以及 strange, important, necessary, essential, urgent, natural, unusual, advisable, desirable, vital用于it is that.时,二、从句中的(should)do 句型He proposed,三、固定句型 (主句现在,从句过去;主句过去,从句过完),It is about/ high time (that) + 过去It is about time that we had dinner.2. would rather +过去

4、完成I would rather he had not invited me.3. WishI wish that I could go to France.4. If only + 过去If only I were twenty years old.5. As if / as though He talked about Egypt as if he had been there.,三、固定句型 (主句现在,从句过去;主句过去,从句过完) I,三、固定句型 (主句现在,从句过去;主句过去,从句过完),If only he had been here. 要是他当时在这儿就好了。 I dread

5、 the coming exams. If only I could have time to review my lessons. 我对即将到来的考试非常担心。如果我有时间复习该有多好啊。 If only I had another chance. 要是我再有一次机会就好了。 I am so tired. If only I can take the day off tomorrow. 太疲倦了。如果明天能不上班多好。 If only problems would come one at a time! 要是问题一次只发生一个该多好! If only it clears up, well g

6、o. 只要天一放晴,我们就去。If only one had an unlimited supply of money! 要是财源不断就好了! She would be a very good player if only she could get it together. 她若能控制得当就能成为很好的选手.,三、固定句型 (主句现在,从句过去;主句过去,从句过完)If,三、其它,should have doneYou should have arrived there earlier.2. Should not have doneHe shouldnt have presented the

7、 report to the mayor.3. neednt have doneSince the meeting has been canceled, they neednt have got there so early.,三、其它 should have done,语法二:非谓语动词,语法二:非谓语动词,一、做主语 to do,It is n. to doIt is my dream to become a super star in the future.2. It takes sb. some time to do 3. It is adj. for sb. to do sth.4.

8、 It is adj. of sb. to do sth.,一、做主语 to doIt is n. to do,一、做主语 -ing,1. It is no use, no good, no fun, a great pleasure, a waste of time, a bore, etc + doing It is no use crying over the spilt milk.2. It is expensive, good, interesting, nice, pointless, useless, worthwhile, etc. + doingIt is useless a

9、sking him for help.3. There is no doing There is no saying (telling) what may happen next.,一、做主语 -ing1. It is no use, no,二、做宾语 ing/ to,1. I remember locking the door . Remember to lock the door when you leave .2. try + doing,含义“试一试”或“试试做某事” ; try +to do,含义是“做一番努力,试图做某事。” I tried sending her flowers

10、but it didnt have any effect . I will try to finish the work on time . 3. mean + ing,含义是“意味着”; mean + to do,含义是“打算、想要”。例如: Revolution means liberating the productive force . I didnt mean to hurt your feelings . Mean, remember, forget, regret, hate, prefer, go, stop, chance,二、做宾语 ing/ to1. I remember

11、 l,二、做宾语 ing/ to,Lets go on studying Lesson 6. (让我们继续学第六课。说明前面已学了一部分。)Lets go on to study Lesson 6. (让我们接着学第六课。说明前面已学了第五课。)I remember doing the exercise. (我记得做过练习。)I must remember to do it. (我必须记着做这事。)I tried not to go there. (我设法不去那里。)I tried doing it again. (我试着又干了一次。)Stop speaking. (不要讲话。)He stop

12、ped to talk. (他停下来讲话。)I mean to come early today. (我打算今天早些来。)Missing the train means waiting for another hour. (误了这趟火车意味着再等一个小时。),二、做宾语 ing/ toLets go on stud,三、做状语 ing/ to,1. In order to, so as to, only to, tooto., so as to2. 悬垂 Going home, mother cooked a good meal.独立主格 Weather permitting, we will

13、 go for a picnic tomorrow.-ing/-ed 主动 被动 when (talking) about the new plan, we are very excited.,三、做状语 ing/ to1. In order to,四、做主语补语,1. All I want to do is (to) make you happy.2. 其他省略to的情况 (1) had better, had best, would rather, would sooner, would just as soon, might (just ) as well, cannot but (2)

14、 make, bid, command, tell, let, have & hear, see, feel, smell, watch (3) except, but 等连接前后 We have nothing to do except wait for the final decision. Theres no choice for us but to wait for the final result. (4) rather than, sooner than 位于句首 Rather than apologize for his fault, he tried to find an ex

15、cuse. (5) What he will do is (to) help you. All you have to do now is tell us the whole thing,四、做主语补语1. All I want to do is,语法三:情态动词,语法三:情态动词,一、情态+完成体 对过去的推测,Must have done 一定发生了;Since the ground is wet, it must have rained last night.Could / may / might have done 很可能,或许发生了;Should / ought to have do

16、ne 本来该发生却未发生Neednt have done 本不必却发生了It is Sunday today, you neednt have gone to school!,一、情态+完成体 对过去的推测Must have done,二、may can might could 的异同,May / might 事实上的可能Can / could 理论上的可能The road may be blocked. The road can be blocked. Can he tell a lie? Yes, he may.Not 否定 may /might, 否定的是句子中的主动词。They may

17、 / might not get there on time tomorrow.They can / could not get there on time tomorrow.,二、may can might could 的异同May /,二、may can might could 的异同,4. May / might 表示说话人给予的许可,而can / could 是规章制度的许可According to the rule you cannot part the car here.5. Might / could 相比之下更加委婉,二、may can might could 的异同4. Ma

18、,三、must have to,Must 表示必要性和推测如表示必要性,含义为主观上的必要,而have to是客观上的必要。Must 做“必须”讲的否定式 neednt, do not have to ; 表推测时否定式为cant3. Musnt 表禁止,三、must have toMust 表示必要性和推测,四、ought to, should,Ought to 与should 基本类似,但强调责任、义务、应该做,或者逻辑上的必然性时用ought toAs a student you ought to study hard.I think I should try to lose some

19、weight.It is starry tonight; it ought to be a fine day tomorrow.,四、ought to, shouldOught to 与,五、dare,多出现于否定句、疑问句、条件句 He wanted to go with me, but darent.How dare you cheat me!There is something wrong with him, I dare say.,五、dare多出现于否定句、疑问句、条件句,语法四:从句,语法四:从句,一、特殊句型,1. Air is to people what water is t

20、o fish.2. There is no one but loves his country. There is no rule but has exceptions. (= that not)3. Now (that) 既然 Now that all of you are present, lets have a quiz. Now that it is rainy today, we have to cancel the travel.4. the moment, the minute, directly, immediately = as soon as I will tell you

21、 the truth directly I know it. The professor went to the lab the moment he got off the train.,一、特殊句型1. Air is to people wha,二、关系从句关系代词,1. anything, something, all, little, anybody. 只用that2. 先行词既有人又有物,并列 的情况 只用that3. Which 和 that, 引导非限定,?4. As 和 which?,三、such that & so that,He is such a good student

22、that we all like him.He is so good a student that we all like him.,二、关系从句关系代词1. anything, someth,语法五:特殊句型,语法五:特殊句型,一、倒装,1. Were it not for your help, we would not have finished the work on time.2. Come what may, Ill be on your side.3. 否定副词引起 Never did he betray the country.频度副词引起 Often did he go abr

23、oad on business.,一、倒装1. Were it not for your h,二、强调,It is me whom he helped. It is for you that I hold the party.2. What I want is your love. What I like best is black coffee.,二、强调It is me whom he helped.,三、省略,1. 并列 Tom is a doctor, and Amy a nurse.2. 独立主格 Weather fine, we go to the park. Meeting ca

24、ncelled, we dont need to worry.3. 主补或宾补 We chose him monitor.4. 并列的不定式 I was asked to type the letter, copy the files, and clean the office.5. 时间、地点、方式、条件、让步等从句 I didnt finish the home work until very late. Notice your behaviour when possible. Although old and weak, he still tried his best to help u

25、s.,三、省略1. 并列 Tom is a,三、反意疑问句,1. I suppose/ think/believe/expect 依据后半部分定 I dont think he will come, I believe we will solve the problem, 2. Anything 等不定代词代物时,主语用it。anyone 等代人时,主语用they3. I wish, may I?4. I am, arent I? I am not, am I?,三、反意疑问句1. I suppose/ think/bel,三、反意疑问句,5. may, mightnt/ cant / won

26、t?6. Used to be., used there to be?7. Ought to, should?8. Must have done, didnt you/ havent you?9. Let us, let me, will you?10. lets, shall we?11. 祈使句 will you / wont you / can you?,三、反意疑问句5. may, mightnt/ ca,语法六:比较结构,语法六:比较结构,一、同级,.as as. almost/ just / already as asas many + 复数名词+as, as much +不可数名

27、词+as as+形容词+ a/an + 单数可数名词+ as,一、同级.as as,二、含 than 结构,The weather in Beijing is much better than that in Bangkok.More than 结构 He is mo re a scholar than a businessman. I am more than 30 this year.3. No more than I am no more than 30 this year. 我今年恰好30岁。 Mary is no more beautiful than Jane. Oxygen is no more liquid than solid.4. Not more than I am not more than 30 this year. 我今年至多30岁。 Mary is not more beautiful than Jane.,二、含 than 结构The weather in Beij,作品欣赏谢谢观看!,作品欣赏,


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