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1、Revision,Module1-12,RevisionModule1-12,Module 1,Important expression,Module 1Important expression,欢迎回来首先失物招领箱许多,大量的小心,注意从现在开始匆忙地在飞机(火车、公共汽车)上,welcome back tofirst of alllost and found boxa lot of / lots ofbe careful withfrom now onin a hurryon plane/ train/ bus,欢迎回来welcome back to,9. 在出租车上10. 在机场11.

2、 在车站12. 几百,成百上千13. 寻找14. 两千台移动电话15. 现在,目前16. 上车(飞机、船等)17. 欢迎来到,in taxiat the airportat the stationhundreds oflook for/ find outtwo thousand mobile phonesat the momentget on the bus( the plane, the ship)welcome to,9. 在出租车上in taxi,这是谁的手套?2. 那个足球是托尼的吗?3. 这些蜡笔是你的吗?4. 不客气!,Whose gloves are these?,Is the

3、football Tonys?,Are these crayons yours?,Youre welcome!,这是谁的手套?Whose gloves are these?,词义,类型,物主代词,物主代词,词义类型物主代词物主代词,从括号中选出合适的词填空,This is _ (my, mine) sisiter._ (She, Her) name is Lisa.Lilys mother is a worker and _ (he, she) works in a factory.That is _ (our, ours) classroom and it is big.This is my

4、 cat. _ (It, Its) name is Mimi.,my,Her,she,our,Its,从括号中选出合适的词填空This is _ (my,6. The girl is Linda. _ (Her, Hers) bike is green.7. The football is _ (Tom, Toms).8. Is this your computer? - No, it isnt. Its not _ (my, mine).9. Do you know Tonys telephone number? - Yes, I do. _ (His, Her) telephone num

5、ber is 458-5423.10. - _ (Who, Whose) book is this? -Its my brothers.,Her,Toms,mine,His,Whose,6. The girl is Linda. _ (He,Module 2Important expression,弹钢琴打乒乓球骑自行车讲汉语踢足球打篮球参加音乐社团作为班长,play the pianoplay table tennisride a bike/ by bikespeak Chineseplay footballplay basketballjoin the music clubas a cla

6、ss monitor,Module 2Important expression弹,9. 与某人相处融洽10. 怎么样?11. 担心12. 新学期13. 擅长14. 正如,就如15. 仅此而已16. 乐于做某事,get on/along well with sb.How / What aboutworry about/ be worried aboutnew termbe good atjust likethats allbe ready to do sth.,9. 与某人相处融洽get on/along well wi,15. 愿意做某事16. 承诺做某事17. 帮助某人做某事18. 使(东西

7、)怎么样?19.打扫卫生20.我想,Module2 重点语法:情态动词can,would like to do sth.promise to do sth.help sb. do sth.make (made) sth./sb. adj.do some cleaningId like to do sth.,注意:can+动词原形,15. 愿意做某事Module2 重点语法:情态动词canw,Module 3Important expression,1.去野餐2. 查收我的电子邮件3. 复习功课4. 在周日上午5. 看电影6. 在公园里7. 上一节钢琴课8.帮忙干家务9.购物10. 独自呆在家里

8、,go for a picniccheck my emailgo over lessonson Sunday afternoonin the parkhave a piano lessonhelp with the houseworkdo some shopping/ go shoppingstay at home alone,Module 3Important expression1,11. 与某人做朋友12. 暑假13. 加入夏令营14.散步15. 我将要16. 做很高兴17. 去钓鱼18. 过得愉快19.我希望20.盼望21.观光,游览,make friends with sbsumme

9、r holidayjoin in summer camphave a walk/ go for a walkIm going to Its happy to do sth.go fishing/ do some fishinghave a good timeI hope (that) / hope to do sth.look forward to doing sth.go sightseeing,11. 与某人做朋友make friends with sb,Important Sentences,1.大明,周末你打算做什么?2. 你的周末计划是什么?3. 我打算自己呆在家里。4. 我盼望着明

10、天去看足球比赛。,What are you going to do at the weekend, Daming?,What is your plan for the weekend?,I am going to stay at home alone.,I am looking forward to seeing the football match tomorrow.,Important Sentences1.大明,周末你打算做,5. 我希望他们赢得比赛。6. 我打算在五一节假期好好玩。,Module 3重点语法:be going to do,I hope they win the matc

11、h.,I am going to enjoy myself during the May Day holiday.,5. 我希望他们赢得比赛。Module 3重点语法:be g,话题写作:请根据下面表格中的内容描述一下John下周末的活动。 要求包括以下内容,可适当发挥。,话题写作:,John is going to have a busy weekend. On Saturday morning, he is going to do his homework. In the afternoon, he is going to clean the room. On Saturday eveni

12、ng, hes going to go shopping. He is going to buy some clothes. On Sunday morning, hes going to play soccer with his friends. Then in the afternoon, he is going to help his mum to do some housework. On Sunday evening, hes going to watch TV for half an hour.,总起,分,分,John is going to have a b,一.填入适当的介词A

13、fter school, I am going to check my email. What_ you?_ cold morning, I usually get up very late.The students have four classes_ the morning and two classes_ the afternoon._ Sunday morning, he is going to stay _bed and listen _ some music.We are going to have a piano lesson_ Ginas home.We are going t

14、o go to the beach _ the weekend.,about,On,in,in,On,in,to,at,on/ at,一.填入适当的介词aboutOninin Onintoato,7. What are you going to do _ Childrens Day?8. The students usually go to school _ Monday _ Friday.9. _ the evening, I am going to revise_ my English test.10. Gina is going to have a picnic _ him _ the

15、park.,on,from,to,In,with,with,in,7. What are you going to do _,1. My sister wants a new dress. She _ it to the party.wears B. has worn C. wore D. is going to wear2. Would you like _ with my foreign friends over there?to talk B. talking C. talked D. talks3. Would you like _ milk for breakfast?any B.

16、some C. a D. an4. They _ a new car.A. has B. wants C. would like D. likes,二、单项填空。,1. My sister wants a new dress,5. What are your _, Tom?plan B. planning C. plans D. to plan6. When you feel helpless and _, just remember you are not _ in the world because your friends are around you, including me.alo

17、ne, alone B. lonely, lonelyC. alone, lonely D. lonely, alone7. Hello, Helen! What are your plans_ the coming holiday?from B. for C. of D. with8. There _ a basketball match between Class One and Class Three this afternoon.,5. What are your _, Tom?,8. There _ a basketball match between Class One and C

18、lass Three this afternoon.A. is going to be B. will haveC. are going to D. is going to have9. Jane is going to _ her lesson on Sundays.A. go down B. go over C. go up D. go for10. - _ are you going to do tomorrow? -Im going to go over lessons.A. How B. When C. Why D. What,8. There _ a basketball mat,

19、11. They have never been to Beijing. Theyre going there to _. A. go swimming B. go fishing C. go sightseeing D. go cycling12. Im _ my summer holiday. A. look forward B. looking forward to C. look forward to D. look forward to,11. They have never been to Be,13. Mary is going to_ her email this evenin

20、g. A. check B. look C. watch D. see14. Tom is looking forward to _ the new film. A. see B. to see C. seeing D. sees15. Im going to see some classic movies _ the winter holiday. A. during B. after C. before D. until,13. Mary is going to_ her em,Module 4Important expression Unit1,使用电脑获得信息回答他们老师的问题在将来在

21、20年后通过因特网、电话、电子邮件,use computersget informationAnswer their teachers questionsIn the futureIn twenty years time by Internet, telephone or email,Module 4Important expression,1. There _ a meeting tomorrow afternoon. A. will be going to B. will going to be C. is going to be D. will go to be2. Charlie _

22、here next month. A. isnt working B. doesnt working C. isnt going to working D. wont workHe _ very busy this week, he _ free next week. A. will be; is B. is; is C. will be; will be D. is; will be,二、单项选择。,1. There _ a meeting tomor,4. Im _ to Australia. A. go B. goes C. will go D. going 5. _ you _ fre

23、e tomorrow? No. I _ free the day after tomorrow. A. Are; going to; will B. Are; going to be; will C. Are; going to; will be D. Are; going to be; will be,4. Im _ to Australia.,6. There are many clouds coming. It _ rain soon. A. will B. is going to C. looks like D. likes7. The rain stopped. The sun _

24、comes out. A. will B. is going C. is going to D. are going to 8. There _ a wonderful movie on show this weekend. Would you like to go with me ? A. is going to have B. is going to be C. is going to has D. are going to be,6. There are many clouds comin,Module 4Important expression Unit2,在将来在20年后在网上获得信

25、息通过网络,电话,电子邮件问他们老师问题我不确定。检查学生的水平,in the fiturein 20 years timeget information on the Internetask their teachers questions by Internet , telephone or emailIm not sureCheck students level,Module 4Important expression,7. 能够做8. 有很多要做的作业9. 有很多空余的时间10. 那将很好!11. 如何12. 不再13. 也14. 不仅而且15. 交通堵塞,be able to doh

26、ave a lot of homework to dohave a lot of free timehownot any moreas wellNot only but alsoTraffic jams,7. 能够做be able to do,16.不再17.一种新的18.天气的变化19.细雨20.实现21.这是/这些是22.衣服的变化,no morea new kind ofa change of weatherlight rain here is/area change of clothes,16.不再no more,23.海平线24.暴雨,大雨25.强风26.不仅而且27.在陆地上28.

27、在海上29.一整年30.做很便宜,the sea levelheavy rainstrong windnot onlybut alsoover landover the seaall year its cheap to do,the sea level,31.在空中32.工作时间短33.进入太空34.繁重、困难的工作35.轻便、简单的工作,in the airworking hours shortinto spaceheavy and difficult jobslight and easy work,31.在空中in the air,Important sentences,1. 大明,将来的

28、学校会有所不同吗?2. 在二十年后,可能不会再有学校。3. 学生们会使用电脑并从因特网得到的信息。4. 他们可以通过因特网、电话或电子邮件向他们老师询问问题。,Will schools be different in the future, Daming?,In twenty years time, maybe there wont be any schools!,Students will use computers and get information on the Internet.,They can ask their teachers questions by Internet,T

29、elephone or email.,Important sentences1. 大明,将来的学校,5. 电脑将不会做那个。6. 未来的生活会是什么样的?,Module 4 重点语法: will,Computers wont be able to do that.,What will life be like in the future?,Will +动词原形(do),5. 电脑将不会做那个。Module 4 重点语法: wil,话题写作:请根据下面的提示,以”our life in the future” 为题, 展望一下我们未来的生活,要求120词左右。提示:学生在家里学习,使用电脑和网络

30、。科学家会制造机器人。将来人人有车, 污染也很少。,话题写作:,Our life in the future,What do you think of the future will be like? It will be very different in the future. Students will study at home by computer over the Internet because there will be computers at everyones house. Scientists will make robots in the future. Robot

31、s will do heavy and difficult jobs . Robots can help us do some cleaning, cook as well. People will do light and easy work and have a long holiday. Everybody will have a car, and there will be less pollution because of clean gas. The way of our life will be changed in the future. It will better and

32、better.,总起,分,分,分,总结,Our life in the future Wh, How soon shall we start the bicycle trip? - _.In three daysAfter three daysIn three days timeAfter three days time2. What are you doing? - I am talking _ the phone.A. on B. with C. at D. in,C,A,单项选择, How soon shall we start the,3. How will you go to Sha

33、nghai? - I will go there _. A. go to B. will fly to C. on plane D. by air4. He _ ride a bike when he was six years old.Can B. could C. able to D. was able to5. Your father and I decide to buy a new car this summer. - Thats great. Then well _ go on a vaction in our own car.A.Can B. may C. be able to

34、D. could,D,D,C,3. How will you go to Shangh,6. Would you like some _ rice? A. many B. much C. more D. most7. Must I put my car here? -No, you _.mustnt B. neednt C. couldnt D. arent8. Your clothes need _ .washing B. washed C. to wash D. being washed9. Everyone in our class _ our English teacher.A. Li

35、ke B. likes C. liking D. to like,C,B,A,B,6. Would you like some _,Module 5Important expression,一、翻译下列短语:在母亲节_什么颜色_怎么样?_试穿_看_太多_等一等_半价_,on Mothers DayWhat colourWhat abouttry on look at too muchwait a minutehalf price,Module 5Important expression一,一、翻译下列句子:我能帮助你做点什么?我想给我妈妈买一件T恤。她喜欢什么颜色?她穿多大尺码?,What c

36、an I do for you?,Id like to buy a T-shirt for my mum.,What colour does she like?,What size does she wear?,一、翻译下列句子:What can I do for you,5.我能试穿一下吗?6. 稍等一下!7.他们多少钱?,May I try it on?,Wait a minute!,How much are they?,5.我能试穿一下吗?May I try it on?Wait,一、翻译下列短语:1.网购 _2.几乎所有的东西 _3.在网上 _4.选择一些东西 _5.支付 _6.几天后

37、 _,达标练习,online shopping almost everything on the Internet choose something pay for a few days later,一、翻译下列短语:达标练习 online shopping,7.通过邮递 _8.几个优点 _9.在任何时候 _10.花费一些时间 _11.对比的价格 _12.同样的产品 _13.花费很多 _,by post several advantages at any time take a lot of time compare the prices of. the same product spend

38、a lot,7.通过邮递 _,14.节约钱 _ 15.喜欢外出 _16.试穿衣服 _17.网上支付 _18.改变生活方式 _19.不再 _20.能够 _,save money like going out try the clothes on paying over the Internet change ones way of life not any more be able to,14.节约钱 _,【本单元例句 】,What can I do for you? What colour does she like? What size does she take? How much are

39、 they? When are they going to the shops? How many/much would you like? How do you pay for it?,Have A L k,【本单元例句 】 What can I do for you,We can do some shopping in the _.Factory B. supermarket C. hospital D. restaurant2. - _ do you like? -Blue.What class B. What club C. What size D. What colour3. I l

40、ike the red dress. Can I _?try on it B. try it on C. try on them D. try them on,单项选择,单项选择,4. Whats the _ of the bag? -Its fifty yuan.Name B. address C. price D. place5. -_ T- shirt do you have? -I have about ten.How many B. How muchC. How often D. How about6. She sends me a present by _ post.A. a B.

41、 the C. an D. /,4. Whats the _ of the ba,7. You can call me _ any time.for B. in C. with D. at8. I dont like lonely because I have _ friends in China.Little B. a little C. few D. a few9. It _ me about half an hour to do the job.pays B. takes C. costs D. spends10.There is _ in the bottle. Its empty.A

42、. something B. anything C. nothing,7. You can call me _ any ti,随着网络的发展, 人们消费观念的转变, 购物方式也在悄然地发生变化。 “网购”成为一种时尚,越来越多的学生也正加入到网络群体当中。 请你根据以下表格的提示, 写一篇网上购物的文章。词数:80词左右,文章开头已给出,不计入总次数。,随着网络的发展, 人们消费观念的转变, 购物方式也在悄然地发,With the development of the Internet, many people are used to shopping online._,With the de

43、velopment of the In,With the development of the Internet, many people are used to shopping online. It has become a fashion in our daily life. Some of us students also join the group.,With the development of the In,Module6,1.学校对面2.打扰一下3.去.的路4.穿过5.沿着.走6.左转7.在第三条街8.在附近9.为什么不.,opposite the schoolExcuse

44、me the way to go acrossgo along turn leftat the third street near hereWhy not.,Module61.学校对面opposite the scho,10.乘地铁11.祝你愉快12.远离13.、之旅14.、的中央15.一个收藏许多名画的博物馆16.做某事花某人、时间17.大部分18.在一个晴朗的日子,take the undergroundhave a nice daybe far fromthe tour of the middle ofa museum with lots of famous paintingsit ta

45、kes sb. time to do sth.most ofon a clear day,10.乘地铁take the underground,19.做某事最好的方法20.上车/下车21.900多岁22.经过23.结束我们的旅行24.因。而著名25.需要做26.邮局27.怎么样去那儿28.在另一边,the best way to do sth.get on/offover 900 years oldgo pastfinish our tourbe famous for/asneed to do post officehow to get thereon the other side of,19

46、.做某事最好的方法the best way to do,问路句型:,Excuse me . Where is+地点?某地在哪里?How can I get to+地点?我怎样才能到达某地?Is there a +地点+near here?在附近有什么地方吗?Can you tell me the way to +地点?你能告诉我到某地的路吗?Could/Can you tell me how to get to+地点?你能告诉我怎样到达某地吗?,问路句型:Excuse me .,我出生在山西省的小村庄里。我出生于1999年。我出生于10月1日。小学对某人严格对某人友好起居室剧院名字在西岸,I

47、was born in a small village in Shanxi Province.,I was born in 1999.,I was born on December 1.,primary schoolbe strict with sb. /be strict in doing sth.be friendly to sb.living roommovie theatrethe name of on the east coast of,Module 7,我出生在山西省的小村庄里。I was born in a s,8. 带有,拥有_9. 回去_10. 盼望做某事_11. 许多_12

48、. 沉闷_13.第一次_14.最后一次_15. 怎么样?/如何?_16. 在那里玩很开心。,with,go back,look forward to doing sth.,many of them,be bored,the first time,the last time,be like,It is great to play there.,8. 带有,拥有_withgo backloo,一般过去时I (be 动词)若主语是第一人称单数或第三人称单数时,谓语动词用was;主语是第二人称或其它人称的复数时,谓语动词用were。例如:,He was in a bank a moment ago.

49、刚才他在银行。 They were at KTV last night. 昨晚他们在KTV。You were at home yesterday. 昨天你在家。,Grammar,一般过去时I (be 动词)He,Tom and Li Ming were not (=werent) in the classroom just now.汤姆和李明刚才不在教室。He was not (=wasnt) in Chengdu last year.他去年不在成都。I wasnt in Grade Six last year.我去年不是6年级。Tony wasnt a teacher two years a

50、go.托尼两年前不是老师。,否定句,在was/were后 + not 即可变为否定句。,否定句在was/were后 + not 即可变为否定句。,把was/were提到句首, 句末用问号?即可变为一般疑问句。即:Was / Were主语表语其它?若对一般疑问句做出回答,肯定形式用:Yes, 主语was / were. 否定形式用:No, 主语wasnt / werent.,一般疑问句及回答,把was/were提到句首, 句末用问号?即一般疑问句及回答, Were you on the farm yesterday? 昨天你在农场吗? Yes, I was. 是的,我在农场。No, I wasn


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