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1、2022/12/17,1,导游英语 第二版,2022/9/241,2022/12/17,2,Unit Twelve Sending off the Tour Group,Travel in Guangxi 送客离站广西导游,2022/9/242Unit Twelve Sendin,教学内容,2022/12/17,3,Part A Know-how for Tour Guides导游实务1. Preparations for Sending off the Tour Group离站准备2. Possible Delay of Sending off the Tourists离站可能遇到的延误3.

2、 Handling the Issues after Sending off the Tourists离站送客后续事宜Part B Listening Comprehension导游听力训练Elephant Trunk Hill象鼻山,2022/9/243Part A Know-how for,教学内容,Part C Situational Dialogue情景对话Reed Flute Cave芦笛岩Part D Farewell Speech欢送词 A Farewell Speech by the Local Guide 地陪致欢送词,Part C Situational Dialogue情

3、景对,教学内容,Part E Introduction to Tourist Sites景点讲解Lijiang River漓江Part F Tourism Culture旅游文化Chinese Calligraphy 中国书法Part G Translation景点翻译Tourist Sites in Guangxi广西旅游景点,Part E Introduction to Tourist,Part A: Know-how for Tour Guides,fridge n.电冰箱postpone v.推迟, 使延期modify v.更改, 修改obligation n.义务, 职责questi

4、onnaire n.问卷,调查表,New words,导游实务,Part A: Know-how for Tour Gui,Proper Nouns Guilin桂林 Lijiang漓江 Guilin Overseas Travel Service桂林海外旅行社 OK ticket OK机票,座位已经确认的机票,Proper Nouns,导游实务,2022/12/17,8,1. Preparations for Sending off the Tour Group,According to the travel schedule the Browns will have a city tour

5、 of Guilin today, and then tour the beautiful Lijiang tomorrow. They will leave Guilin for New York by way of Hong Kong. Mr. Huang Dong, the deputy manger of Guilin Overseas Travel Service advises Miss Liu Ting to make preparations for sending off the tourists in advance.,2022/9/2481. Preparations f

6、or,1.Listen carefully, and fill in the words or phrases you have heard.,(1) Check the names, numbers of the tourists as well as the tickets. Help the tour leader confirm_.(2) If tourists who have OK tickets do not leave within 72 hours, the guide should reconfirm_; otherwise the airline company may

7、not reserve the seats.(3) Confirm the correct time and _ for the tour group;,the air tickets,the seats,place of the departure,1.Listen carefully, and fill i,(4) Confirm the time for_;(5) Confirm the time for_; (6) Remind tourists to _before they leave the hotel if they take drinks and others in the

8、mini fridges in the room;(7) Return their identity cards or passports before_.,the wake-up call and mealtime,the delivery of luggage,pay their bills,foreign tourists leave China,(4) Confirm the time for_,导游实务,2022/12/17,11,2. Listen again and answer the following questions.,1. Do you think it is nec

9、essary to confirm the time for the wake-up call?Yes, the guide should confirm the time for the wake-up call for fear that some tourists may oversleep.,2022/9/24112. Listen again and,2. Why does the guide announce the time for delivery of luggage?The guide should announce the time for delivery of lug

10、gage so that the tourists could get ready in advance.,2. Why does the guide announce,导游实务,2022/12/17,13,2. Possible Delay of Sending off the Tourists,The accidents or other incidents may postpone the departure of the tourists. The most possible delay is the traffic jam. Mr. Huang Dong gives Miss Liu

11、 some advices if tourists are held up by the traffic jam and fails to catch the flight.,2022/9/24132. Possible Delay o,1. Listen carefully, and match the information in column A with that in column B(There are two extra items in column B).,1. do an apology to the touris,导游实务,2022/12/17,15,Suggestion

12、s:,1.Do an apology to the tourists on behalf of the travel agency if tourists miss the airplane.2.Contact the ticket office to see if the earliest flight is available. Try your best to catch the earliest flight.,2022/9/2415Suggestions:1.Do an,2022/12/17,16,3.Choose other modes of transport to send o

13、ff the tourists upon approval of the travel agency. 4.Make arrangements for their accommodations in Guilin and notify the next stop as soon as possible of the modified travel schedule if the package tour is not over.,2022/9/24163.Choose other mode,导游实务,2022/12/17,17,2. Listen again and answer the fo

14、llowing questions.,1. Who is to blame if tourists miss the airplane?Generally speaking, the guide is to blame.,2022/9/24172. Listen again and,2. Which is the better way for sending off the tourists? To catch the earliest flight or to choose other modes of transport?To catch the earliest flight is th

15、e better way for sending off the tourists. If the travel agency sends off tourists by other means the tourists may complain; the travel agency may pay more cost for the change of the mode of transport.,2. Which is the better way for,导游实务,2022/12/17,19,Additional Tips for Tour Guides,Handling the Iss

16、ues after Sending off the TouristsAfter sending off the tourists a guide should handle the issues which are associated with the travel.Submit the bills to the accounting department and settle the account within the given time.,2022/9/2419Additional Tips for,2022/12/17,20,Review the questionnaires an

17、d study the suggestions raised by tourists so as to improve his work in the future.Write a brief summary of the tour.Submit a written report to the travel agency if a serious accident or safety incident occurs during the travel.,2022/9/2420Review the question,导游实务,2022/12/17,21,Exercise: Decide whet

18、her the statements are true or false,If it is true, put “T” in the space provided and “F” if it is false.1. _ A guide should reconfirm the seats of international flights 72 hours before departure.,2022/9/2421Exercise: Decide wh,2022/12/17,22,2. _ A guide can choose other modes of transport to send t

19、ourists if they are held up by the traffic.,2022/9/24222. _ A guide,2022/12/17,23,3. _ A guide should notify the next stop of the modified travel schedule if tourists cannot leave on time.,2022/9/24233. _ A guide,2022/12/17,24,4. _ A guide should pay for what tourists take from the mini fridges in t

20、heir rooms.,2022/9/24244. _ A guide,2022/12/17,25,5. _ A guide should have a good rest after he sends off the tourists because he is tired.,2022/9/24255. _ A guide,trunk n.象鼻penetrate v.穿透;渗透,Part B : Listening Comprehension,New words,导游听力,Elephant Trunk Hill,Part B : Listening Comprehensi,Proper No

21、uns Elephant Trunk Hill象鼻山 “Moon-over-Water Cave” 水月洞 Treasure Vase Hill宝瓶山 Sword Handle Hill剑炳山,Proper Nouns,Elephant Trunk Hill is regarded as the symbol of Guilin,Elephant Trunk Hill is regarde,2022/12/17,29,Elephant Trunk Hill,2022/9/2429Elephant Trunk Hill,2022/12/17,30,Moon-over-water Cave,202

22、2/9/2430Moon-over-water Cav,2022/12/17,31,The symbol of Guilin,2022/9/2431The symbol of Guili,2022/12/17,32,Multicoloured marvellous spectacle,2022/9/2432Multicoloured marve,2022/12/17,33,Fubo (Taming Wave) Hill,2022/9/2433Fubo (Taming Wave),导游听力,2022/12/17,34,Miss Liu Ting takes the Browns to visit

23、 the first site of Quilin the Elephant Trunk Hill. It is the landmark of the landscape city of Guilin.,1. Listen carefully, and fill in the blanks with the words or phrases youve just heard,2022/9/2434 Miss Liu Ting t,导游听力,Situated majestically at the southeast of Guilin City and west bank of the Li

24、jiang River, Elephant Trunk Hill is regarded as the symbol of Guilin (1)_. Resembling an elephant that is leisurely (2)_ water from the river with its long trunk, this hill is famous for its shape of a giant elephant. The hill towers 55 meters above the water. Between the trunk and the legs of the e

25、lephant is a (3)_, in the shape of a full moon, penetrating the (4)_ from side to side. People named it “Moon-over-Water Cave”. It is possible for boats to go through and especially in the (5)_ night you will see the moon being reflected in the water.,landscape,sucking,cave,hill,moonlit,Elephant Tru

26、nk Hill,Situated majestica,When the water wave and the moonlight gleams, the scene is exceedingly (6)_. On the walls in and around this cave, over 70 inscriptions from the Tang and Song dynasties were found, praising the (7)_ of hills and waters nearby. Halfway up the hill lies another cave, which g

27、oes through the hill and serves as the (8)_ of the elephant, through which visitors can overlook the beautiful scene of Guilin City. There are stone steps for tourists to ascend the hill which has a flat top (9)_ with trees. Built on the top is a three-tiered (10)_ of the Ming Dynasty, which looks m

28、uch like a treasure vase or the handle of a sword, hence its other names the Treasure Vase Hill or the Sword Handle Hill.,enchanting,beauty,eyes,overgrowing,pagoda,When the water wave a,导游听力,2. Listen again, and answer the following questions.,1. What is the symbol of Guilin landscape? What does it

29、look like?The Elephant Trunk Hill is regarded as the symbol of Guilin landscape. It looks like an elephant that is leisurely sucking water from the river with its long trunk.,2. Listen again, and answer th,2. Where is the “Moon-over-Water Cave”? What can the tourists view on the wall of the cave?Bet

30、ween the trunk and the legs of the elephant is the “Moon-over-Water Cave”, in the shape of a full moon, penetrating the hill from side to side. On the walls in and around this cave, tourists can see over 70 inscriptions from the Tang and Song dynasties, which praise the beauty of hills and waters ne

31、arby.,2. Where is the “Moon-over-Wat,3. How When was the three-tiered pagoda built? What does it look like?The three-tiered pagoda on the top of the Elephant Trunk Hill was constructed during the Ming Dynasty. It looks much like a treasure vase or the handle of a sword.,3. How When was the three-tie

32、r,4. What are the other names of the Elephant Trunk Hill? Why?The Elephant Trunk Hill is also called “Treasure Vase Hill” or “Sword Handle Hill” because some people think it presents the shape of a treasure vase, while others believe it looks like the handle of a sword.,4. What are the other names o

33、f,情景对话,Part C: Situational Dialogue,New words,wizard adj.奇异的,有魔力的stalactite n.钟乳石stem n.茎, 干grove n.小树林crouch v.蜷缩,蹲伏aspiration n.渴望;雄心corruption n.腐败,堕落stalagmite n.石笋,Reed Flute Cave,Part C: Situational Dialogue,Proper Nouns Reed Flute Cave芦笛岩 Morning Glow over Lion Forest狮林朝霞 Pagoda-shaped Pine D

34、efying the Snow塔松傲雪 Enjoy Charming scenes on Cloudy Terrace云台览胜,Proper Nouns,2022/12/17,43,2022/9/2443,stalactite,stalactite,2022/12/17,45,2022/9/2445,2022/12/17,46,Stone pillar looks like a snow-pine in the shape of a pagoda,2022/9/2446Stone pillar looks,2022/12/17,47,2022/9/2447,2022/12/17,48,Stal

35、actites are illuminated by colored lighting,2022/9/2448Stalactites are ill,2022/12/17,49,This is the best place to enjoy charming scenes in the reed flute cave.,Cloudy Terrace,2022/9/2449This is the best pl,情景对话,2022/12/17,50,Useful Expressions for a dialogue1)好一个“阳朔山水甲桂林”,看来真是一点也不夸张! No wonder they

36、 say “Yangshuos landscape is even better than that of Guilins”. It looks like its no exaggeration! 2)这里的风景好像一幅立体图画一样,我有一种“人在画中游”的感觉。 The scenery here is like a three-dimensional picture. I feel like Ive walked into a beautiful painting.,2022/9/2450Useful Expressions,2022/12/17,51,3)行了,你就别卖关子了,还是告诉他这

37、个传说吧。 Come on. Dont leave him hanging. Youd better tell him about the legend. 4)哈哈,你看他,都入迷了!还有更好的风景等着你们呢。 Haha, look how far gone he is There are even better sights waiting for you.,2022/9/24513)行了,你就别卖关子了,还是告诉他这,2022/12/17,52,Early in the morning, Miss Liu Ting takes the tourists to the Reed Flute

38、Cave. It is one of the spectacular and picturesque caves in the area of Guilin and a must-see tourist site for tourists from all over the world.,Reed Flute Cave,情景对话,2022/9/2452Reed Flute Cave,情景对话,1. Listen to the dialogue, and decide whether the statements are true or false. If it is true, put “T”

39、 in the space provided and “F” if it is false.,1. _ Reed Flute Cave is a spectacular world of various stalactites, stone pillars and rock formations.,1. Listen to the dialogue, and,2. _ All of the stalactites, stone pillars and other rocks in the Reed Flute Cave are illuminated by colored lighting.3

40、. _ The snow-pine has a lofty spirit, which expresses a noble ideal which defies the authority and corruption in ancient times according to Chinese scholar officials.,导游英语(第二版)电子教案Chapter12SendingofftheTourGroup课件,4. _ The site of Morning Glow over Lion Forest is the best place to enjoy charming sce

41、nes in the Reed Flute Cave.5. _Visitors can enjoy a scroll painting of Guilin landscape at the site of Enjoy Charming scenes on Cloudy Terrace.,4. _ The site of Morning,情景对话,2. Divide the class into groups, and do the dialogue. Pay attention to your body language.,2. Divide the class i,attentive adj

42、.注意的, 专心的,Part D Farewell Speech,New words,欢送词,attentive adj.注意的, 专心的 P,Proper NounsNew York 纽约Hong Kong 香港Guilin International Airport 桂林国际机场boarding pass登机牌Seven-star Hill Scenic Area七星山风景区Flowery Bridge花桥Crescent Hill月牙山,Proper Nouns,欢送词,2022/12/17,59,Tips for a Farewell Speech,Greet tourists cor

43、dially.Extend your compliments to their understanding and cooperation. Look back on the sightseeing activities or the major sites they have visited.Ask them for the advice and suggestions on your service.Wish them a pleasant journey back home or a good trip to the next stop.,2022/9/2459Tips for a Fa

44、rewell,low v.耕作descend v.下来,下去ferry n.摆渡, 渡口vanguard n.前锋, 先锋,Part E: Introduction to Tourist Sites,New words,景点讲解,Lijiang River,low v.耕作 Par,Proper NounsZhujiang Port竹江码头Lijiang River漓江Yangshuo阳朔Three Gorges三峡Zhujiang Scenic Area竹江风景区Bat Hill蝙蝠山Caoping Scenic area 草坪风景区Crown Hill 冠山,Proper Nouns,Gu

45、anyan (Crown) Cave冠岩Banbian Du (Half-Side Ferry)半边渡Yangdi Scenic area杨堤风景区Xingping 兴坪Nine-horse Painting Hill 九马画山Dr. Sun Yet-sun 孙中山Bill Clinton 比尔克林顿West Street西街,Guanyan (Crown) Cave冠岩,Lijiang River,Lijiang River,2022/12/17,64,Yangshuo(阳朔),2022/9/2464,2022/12/17,65,Numerous strange peaks,A painti

46、ng in a poem and a poem in a painting.,2022/9/2465Numerous strange,2022/12/17,66,Zhujiang Scenic Area,2022/9/2466Zhujiang Scenic Are,2022/12/17,67,Bat Hill,2022/9/2467Bat Hill,2022/12/17,68,Caoping Scenic Area,2022/9/2468Caoping Scenic Area,2022/12/17,69,Crown Hill,2022/9/2469Crown Hill,2022/12/17,7

47、0,Crown Cave,2022/9/2470Crown Cave,2022/12/17,71,Stalactites,2022/9/2471Stalactites,2022/12/17,72,Half-Side Ferry,2022/9/2472 Half-Side Ferry,2022/12/17,73,Yangdi Scenic Area,2022/9/2473Yangdi Scenic Area,2022/12/17,74,Nine-horse Painting,2022/9/2474 Nine-,2022/12/17,75,One The Way To Xingping,2022/

48、9/2475One The Way To Xing,2022/12/17,76,Sights on the Way,2022/9/2476 Sights on t,2022/12/17,77,Our Destination: Yangshuo,2022/9/2477Our Destination: Y,景点讲解,2022/12/17,78,Lijiang River,Make a simulatedeep in your mind the following places of interest, events and their futures when you make your intr

49、oduction.1. The Bat Hill derives its name from two peaks with flat yellow cliffs which look like two flying bats. The peaks surrounding the Bat Hill is also breathtakingly marvelous.2. The Crown Hill can be comparable to the Reed Flute Cave, and Banbian Du (Half-Side Ferry) is a scenic attraction wh

50、ere tourists can see idyllic life of the local people.,2022/9/2478Lijiang River,2022/12/17,79,3. Nine-horse Painting Hill always inspires peoples imagination and their love for the landscape. You may ask tourists to figure out the number of horses on the natural fresco.4. A small village in Xingping


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