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1、,Module 6Unit 2 Ive got a stamp from China.,Module 6,Learn about some Chinese stamps,Learn about some Chinese stamp,1. Look, listen and say.,1. Look, listen and say.,2. Listen and read.,Sam: Have you got a knife and fork or chopsticks? Lingling: Ive got a knife and fork, and chopsticks.,Lingling: Ha

2、ve you got a Chinese kite or a Japanese kite?Sam: Ive got a Chinese kite and a Japanese kite.,Sam: Have you got a book about China or a book about the US?Lingling: Ive got a book about China, but I havent got a book about the US.,Lingling: Have you got a stamp from China or a stamp from Canada?Sam:

3、Ive got a stamp from China, but I havent got a stamp from Canada.,2. Listen and read.Sam: Have y,Have you got a knife and fork or chopsticks? 你有一 副刀叉还是筷子?,知识点 1,Have you got a knife?你有一把刀吗?,例句:,Chinese 中文 Japanese 日语 English 英语,整体记忆法:,发音:,kn 开头的单词,字母 k 一般不发音。例如:know 知道,knock 敲。,knife / naf / n. 餐刀;刀

4、子,复数:,knives,Have you got a knife and fork,魔法记忆:,树叶(leaf)半数(half)自己(self)黄,妻子(wife)拿刀(knife)去割粮,架(shelf)后窜出一只狼(wolf),就像小偷(thief)逃命(life)忙。,魔法记忆:树叶(leaf)半数(half)自己(self)黄,I have got a knife and fork. 我有一副刀叉。,例句:,复数:,短语:,fork /fk/ n. 餐叉,forks,a knife and fork 一幅刀叉。,I have got a knife and fork. 例,or 在句

5、中意为“或者,还是”,用来连接 a knife and fork 和 chopsticks,表示选择。or 连接的选择疑问句,不能用 yes 或 no 来回答,而是选择一种来回答。,用法:,例句:,or / (r) / conj. 或者,还是,Has she got a red pen or a blue pen ?她有一支红色的钢笔还是一支蓝色的钢笔?She has a red one. 她有一支红色的。,or 在句中意为“或者,还是”,用来连接 a knife a,Can you use chopsticks,Simon ?西蒙,你会用筷子吗?,例句:,联想记忆法:,chopsticks

6、/tpstks / n. 筷子 ( 复数 ),像 glasses(眼镜),trousers(裤子),shoes(鞋)这类名词,常用复数形式。,加法记忆法:,chop(砍)+ sticks(板条)= chopsticks,Can you use chopsticks,Simon ?,Japanese /dp ni:z/ adj. 日本的,知识点 2,例句:,She is a Japanese girl. 她是一个日本女孩。,一词多义:,作为名词,意为“日语,日本人”,词形变化:,作为名词,意为“日语,日本人”,词形变化:,Japan n. 日本,联想记忆法:,American 美国的,Briti

7、sh 英国的,Japanese /dp ni:z/ adj. 日本,3. Read and complete.,Hello. Im Sally and I live in Australia. Australia is a very big country and I live in the north. Ive got a sister. We dont live near any schools, so my mother teaches us at home. We have classes in the morning and in the afternoon. We also go

8、swimming and ride our horses. Id like to have a pen friend in China because Im studying Chinese history.,1.Sally has got one .2.Sallys teacher is .3.Sally is learning about .,3. Read and complete. Hello.,寻读法,知识点 3,寻读法,即先读题,然后带着问题或者题干中的关键词汇去快速阅读短文,以求在短时间内准确地寻找到所需要的信息。步骤:(1)用题干中的关键词(汇)在文中搜索,迅速确定相关词句或信

9、息点所在的位置。比如:第 1 小题,关键词汇是 has got,我们就可以确定在课文原文的第二段首句中。(2)找到关键词(汇)后,仔细阅读,准确理解,比如:第 3 小题,通过关键词 learning及其在短文中的同义词 studying,从而确定在课文原文最后一段找出答题信息。,寻读法知识点 3 寻读法,即先读题,然后带着问,4. Listen and learn to say.,I want to be your friend too. Its difficult for me. I can send you one. We can be pen friends.,4. Listen and

10、 learn to say.,趣味活动:我是朗读小明星。 请大声读出下面的句子, 并标出句子的语调, 看谁读好,标得最准确!示范语言:1. I live in Australia.2. Ive got a sister.3. We have classes in the morning and in the afternoon.,趣味活动:我是朗读小明星。,5. Listen and say. Then chant.,5. Listen and say. Then chant.,6. Follow and say.,6. Follow and say.I havent g,7. Do and

11、say.,Talk about the differences between you and your friend.,My name is Lulu. Im Chinese. This is my friend Anne. She is American. I use chopsticks, but Anne.,7. Do and say.Talk about the,一、单项选择。1. Have you got ?A. knife and forkB. a knife and forkC. knife and a fork,B,点拨:,a knife and fork意为“一副刀叉”,表

12、示整体。故选B项。,一、单项选择。B点拨:a knife and fork意为“,2. We often eat noodles with in China.A. fork B. chopsticks C. knife,B,点拨:,我们中国人常用筷子吃面条。故选B项。,点拨:,chopsticks是复数名词,其前不能用a或an。故选C项。,3. Can you use chopsticks?A. a B. an C. the,C,2. We often eat noodles with,5. Do you use a knife and fork chopsticks at meals ?A.

13、 at B. or C. of,B,点拨:,or在句中意为“或者,还是”,用来连接a knife and fork 和 chopsticks,表示选择。故选B项。,点拨:,chopsticks是复数名词,其前不能用a或an。故选C项。,4. Laura says chopsticks difficult for her to use.A. am B. is C. are,C,5. Do you use a knife and fork,二、看图片, 用 and 或 or填空。 1Ive got a maths book a Chinese book. 2. Have you got a cak

14、e an apple ? Ive got an apple.,and,or,二、看图片, 用 and 或 or填空。andor,本节课我们学习了以下知识,请同学们一定加强巩固,以便能和同学们进行灵活交流哦!,重点词汇:knife, fork, Japanese, or, chopsticks 重点句式:Have you got a knife and fork or chopsticks?寻读法,本节课我们学习了以下知识,请同学们一定加强巩固,Module 1 模块小结词汇数词thousand一千million百万短语look at 看,看着more than 超过how long 多长how

15、 big 多大a picture of . 一幅的图画/一张的照片a map of . 一张的地图in the east/west/south/north 在东/西/南/北部其他kilometre千米,公里something某事物,某种东西map地图right正确的country国家,Module 1 模块小结,句型1. 询问并回答事物的长度How long+be动词+事物?Its/Theyre+数字+长度单位+long.How long is the Great Wall? 长城多长?Its more than twenty thousand kilometres long. 它有两万多千米长。2. 询问并回答城市的地理位置Where is+城市名称? Its+介词短语 (+其他).Where is Nanjing?南京在哪里?Its in the east of China. 它在中国的东部。,句型,


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