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1、关于out的习语分享 关于out的习语和表达,你都知道了么?今天给大家带来了关于out的习语和表达,希望能够帮助到大家,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。关于out的习语和表达1.Blow something out of proportionDefinition: exaggerate the importance of an event to make it seem much more important than it actually is夸大某事的重要性,使其看起来比实际上更加重要。You dont need to blow your report card out of propo

2、rtion. Youll do better next time.你不需要对自己的成绩单夸大其词。下次你会做得更好的。The boss is blowing the drop in sales out of proportion.老板把销售量的下滑说的太严重了。2.Break out in tearsDefinition: begin crying suddenly, usually in an exaggerated matter突然哭起来,通常有夸大的成分。Mary broke out in tears as soon as she heard he was leaving her.当玛丽

3、听到他要离她而去时,她突然哭了出来。My cousin broke out in tears when she learned that he had cancer.当表妹知道他得了癌症时,她突然哭了出来。3.Break out in a cold sweatDefinition: become suddenly very nervous about something对某事突然非常紧张I broke out in a cold sweat when I heard they were laying off workers.当我听说他们要裁员时,我突然感到非常紧张。The news made

4、him break out in a cold sweat.这个消息让他突然感到紧张不已。4.Come in out of the rainDefinition: come inside from outside, used in a friendly manner when inviting someone into your home从外面进来,用于以友好的方式邀请别人到家中Hurry up and come in out of the rain. Ill make you a nice cup of tea.快点进来吧。我给你沏杯好茶。She told me to come in out

5、 of the rain and warm up.她让我进来暖暖身子。5.Come out aheadDefinition: gain an advantage after a series of events经过一系列事件后,赢得优势地位It was a tough year, but we came out ahead in the end.那真是艰苦的一年,但我们最后还是熬出头了。I think Ill come out ahead if I win this bet.如果我赌赢了,我觉得我就可以出人头地了。6.Come out of the closetDefinition: to s

6、tate that you are homosexual - modern usage, to admit that you like something that others might find a little unusual - more general usage表示你是同性恋现代的用法,用来承认你喜欢别人认为有点不同寻常的东西这种用法更加普遍Gary came out of the closet last week. His parents took the news well.盖里上周宣布自己是同性恋。他的父母也接受了这件事。OK, Ill come out of the cl

7、oset and admit that I love opera.好吧,我承认我就是喜欢歌剧。7.Down and outDefinition: to be in a bad position financially经济上陷入危机Ted has been down and out theselast few years.特德这几年来日子过得很拮据。I hope you never have to experience being down and out. Its no fun!我希望你永远不用经历穷困潦倒的日子。这一点意思都没有!8.Eat your heart outDefinition:

8、 an expression of jealousy at the fortune of someone else表示嫉妒他人的成功Hey, eat your heart out! I just won $50,000 in the lotto!嘿,你就嫉妒我吧!我刚刚彩票中了五万美金!He ate his heart out when he heard that Jim got the position.当他听说吉姆得到那个职位时,心里嫉妒不已。9.Feel out of placeDefinition: not feel comfortable in a situation感觉不太舒服I

9、felt a little out of place in my latest position at work.新的职位让我感觉有点不自在。Many students feel out of place the first few weeks of class.许多学生一开始上课的几周都感到拘束。10.Fork money outDefinition: spend money on something在某事上花钱I forked $100 out for those headphones.我在这些耳机上花了200美元。Jennifer doesnt want to fork out more

10、 than $1,000 for the party.詹妮弗不想为了这个聚会花掉一千多美元。11.Get out of the wrong side of the bedDefinition: be in a bad mood for a long time长时间处于心情不佳的状态I must have got out of the wrong side of the bed this morning. Nothing is going well for me today!我一定是今天早上下错床了。所有的事都在和我作对!Ignore Jane. She got out of the wrong

11、 side of the bed this morning.别管简了。她今天心情不好。12.Go in one ear and out the otherDefinition: not pay attention to something that has been instructed不注意听别人的指示Im afraid his name went in one ear and out the other. Can you tell me his name again?我恐怕没有留意他的名字。你能再告诉我一遍他叫什么吗?Unfortunately, what I say just goes

12、in one ear and out the other.不幸的是,我说的话他们是一个耳朵进,一个耳朵出。13.Let the cat out of the bagDefinition: tell a surprise to someone that one should keep secret说出了本该保密的事Why did you tell him? You let the cat out of the bag!为什么要告诉他?你会泄露秘密的!Peter let the cat out of the bag a few days early.几天前皮特就把这件事泄露了出去。14.Like

13、a fish out of waterDefinition: to be out of place格格不入I felt like a fish out of water in my new position.我感觉在自己的新职位上格格不入。Some students feel like fish out of water for the first few days.一些学生开始几天都会感觉不自在。15.Make a mountain out of a molehillDefinition: make something seem much more important than it is,

14、 exaggerate the importance of something使某事看起来比表面上更重要,夸大某事的重要性Dont make a mountain out of a molehill. Well get bythis month and then everything will be OK.别夸大其词了。我们会把这个月挺过去,然后一切都会好的。Margret made a mountain out of a molehill. Just ignore her.玛格丽特夸大其词了。别理她。16.Odd man outDefinition: not belong to a situ

15、ation, feel strange in a situation不合群,在某种形势下感觉不自在I was the odd man out last night with Tim and Anna. I think they wanted to be alone.昨晚,我是蒂姆和安娜两人的电灯泡。我觉得他们就想过二人世界。Sometimes I feel like the odd man out no matter how hard I try to fit in.有时候,我觉得自己不管多么努力,都只是一个局外人。17.Out and aboutDefinition: away from t

16、he home离开家Doug is out and about tonight. I dont know when hell return.道格今晚外出了。我不知道他什么时候回来。I feel like we need to get out and about.我想我们需要出去一下。18.Out of luckDefinition: unfortunate, unlucky不幸的,不走运的Youre out of luck today.你今天真不走运。Im sorry your out of luck. We dont have anymore.很抱歉您今天运气欠佳。我们已经卖完了。19.Ou

17、t of the blueDefinition: suddenly and unexpectedly突然且出乎意料地Guess who I saw out of the blue? Tim!猜猜我居然看到了谁?蒂姆!The car appeared out of the blue and I barely avoided an accident.这辆车突然出现,害我差点就出了车祸。20.Out of the questionDefinition: not possible under any circumstances在任何情况下都不可能Im afraid thats out of the q

18、uestion.恐怕这是不可能的。The teacher said that retaking the test was out of the question.老师说,没有第二次考试的机会。21.Out of turnDefinition: not in the correct order不按顺序地She spoke out of turn.她没有按顺序发言。Well discuss this grammar point out of turn.我们会打乱顺序对语法点进行讨论。22.Out on a limbDefinition: taking a chance, risking somet

19、hing抓住机会,为某事冒险Ill go out on a limb and guess that he loves her.我冒险猜一猜,他是爱她的。You dont need to go out on a limb.你不需要冒险。23.Pull out all the stopsDefinition: try as hard as one can全力以赴Im going to pull out all the stops to get this job.我会全力以赴来得到这份工作。The director pulled out all the stops on this latest ma

20、rketing campaign.主任在最近的营销活动中全力以赴。24.Shape up or ship outDefinition: act correctly or stop doing something - usually used as a threat好好干,要不就走人通常用于威胁他人Tom youll have to shape up or ship out.汤姆,要不就好好干,要不就走人。I told her to shape up or ship out. Im tired of her excuses.我告诉他,不想好好干就走人。我已经厌倦她的借口了。16个关于like的实

21、用习语English Idioms and Expressions英语习语和表达1.Eat like a horseDefinition: usually eat a lot of food定义:饭量大Tom eats like a horse! Make sure to grill three hamburgers for him.汤姆饭量很大的!你一定要给他准备三个汉堡包。He doesnt usually eat like a horse.他的饭量一向不是很大。2.Eat like a birdDefinition: usually eat very little food定义:饭量小S

22、he eats like a bird, so dont make too much for dinner.她的饭量很小,所以晚饭不用准备太多。He weighs 250 pounds even though he eats like a bird.即使吃得很少,他还是有250磅重。3.Feel like a millionDefinition: feel very good and happy定义:感觉开心愉悦Im feeling like a million today. I just got a new job!今天我很开心。我有了新工作啦!After his promotion, he

23、 felt like a million.自从升职后,他心情一直都很不错。4.Fit like a gloveDefinition: clothes or apparel that fit perfectly定义:衣服非常合身My new shoes fit like a glove.我的新鞋子非常合脚。Her jeans fit like a glove after she went on a diet.减肥之后,她的牛仔裤穿起来合身极了。5.Go like clockworkDefinition: to happen very smoothly, without problems定义:进展

24、得非常顺利,没有出现任何问题The presentation went like clockwork.陈述进展得非常顺利。Her plans went like clockwork and she was able to join the company.一切都按她的计划那样进行,她能够进入这家公司了。6.Know someone or something like the back of ones handDefinition: know in every detail, understand completely定义:知道每一个细节,非常了解情况She knows me like the

25、back of her hand.她对我非常了解。I know this project like the back of my hand.我对这个项目的情况了如指掌。7.Like a bat out of hellDefinition: very fast, quickly定义:非常快He left the room like a bat out of hell.他风一般地离开了房间。They drove off like a bat out of hell.他们飞快地驾车离去。8.Like a bump on a logDefinition: not moving定义:乏味的Dont si

26、t there like a bump on a log!别像个呆子一样站在这里!She sits around all day like a bump on a log.她像块木头似地整天无所事事。9.Like a fish out of waterDefinition: completely out of place, not belonging at all短语:感觉非常不自在,格格不入He looks like a fish out of water on the football field.在足球场上,他看起来格格不入。The boss felt like a fish out o

27、f water in San Francisco.老板感觉自己在旧金山格格不入。10.Like a sitting duckDefinition: be very exposed to something短语:完全被暴露出来He felt like a sitting duck and moved to cover his position.他感觉自己暴露了,便回到自己的位置。Your investments have left you like a sitting duck in this market.你的投资使你在市场犹如瓮中之鳖。11.Out like a lightDefinitio

28、n: fall asleep quickly定义:快速入睡He went out like a light.他很快就睡着了。I hit the pillow and was out like a light.我拍了拍枕头,很快便睡着了。12.Read someone like a bookDefinition: understand the other persons motivation for doing something定义:了解了某人做某事的动机She can read me like a book.她非常了解我。I know you dont mean that. I can re

29、ad you like a book.我知道你不是这个意思。我太了解你了。13.Sell like hotcakesDefinition: sell very well, very quickly定义:卖得又多又快The book sold like hotcakes.这本书很快便销售一空。The iPhone initially sold like hotcakes.一开始iphone特别畅销。14.Sleep like a logDefinition: sleep very deeply定义:睡得很熟I was tired and slept like a log.我疲惫不已,睡得很熟。S

30、he went home and slept like a log.她回到家,沉沉地睡去了。15.Spread like wildfireDefinition: an idea that gets known very quickly定义:消息散播得很快His solution to the problem spread like wildfire.他的解决方法很快就传播出去了。Her opinions spread like wildfire.她的观点被迅速传播出去了。16.Watch someone like a hawkDefinition: keep a very close eye

31、on someone, watch very carefully定义:严密监视某人Dont make any mistakes because Im watching you like a hawk.不要犯任何错误,因为我会严密监视你。She watches her son like a hawk whenever he goes outside to play.不管她儿子什么时候出去玩,她都要严密监视着。关于head的21个习语1.able to do something standing on ones head - do something very easily and without

32、 effort做某事轻而易举Hes able to count backward standing on his head.倒着数数对他而言轻而易举。Dont worry about that. I can do it standing on my head.别担心。这对我来说是小菜一碟。2.bang your head against a brick wall - do something without any chance of it succeeding做不可能成功的事情Ive been banging my head against a brick wall when it come

33、s to finding a job.我根本就找不到工作。Trying to convince Kevin is like banging your head against a brick wall.想要说服凯文是不可能的事。3.beat something into someones head- teach someone something by repeating it over and over again通过不断的重复来教给某人某事Sometimes you just need to beat grammar into your head.有时候,你只需要通过不断地重复来学习。My

34、 father beat the importance of kindness into my head.爸爸一直在我面前说着友善的重要性。4.bite someones head off - criticize someone strongly严厉批评某人Tim bit my head off last night at the party.蒂姆在昨晚的派对上严厉地批评了我。Dont bit my head off just because I made a mistake.不要只是因为我犯了错误就对我大加指责。5.bring something to a head - cause a cr

35、isis to happen使产生转折点We need to bring the situation to a head to get a resolution.我们需要使情况出现转机,从而找到解决的办法。The immigration situation brought the political crisis to a head.移民情况使得政治危机出现转折。6.bury ones head in the sand - ignore something completely完全忽略某事Youre going to have to face the situation and not bur

36、y your head in the sand.你要面对事实,不要畏畏缩缩。He chose to bury his head in the sand and not confront her.他选择逃避,不去面对她。7.cant make heads or tails out of something - not be able to understand something无法理解某事物I hate to admit that I cant make heads or tails out of this math problem.我不想承认,我完全无法理解这道数学题。The politic

37、ians cant make heads or tails out of the current employment crisis.这些政治家们完全不理解当前的就业危机。8.drum something into someones head - repeat over and over until someone learns something一遍遍地重复,直到某人学会某事I had to drum German grammar into my head for two years before I could speak the language.在我学会德语之前,只能将语法一遍又一遍地

38、学习了两年。I suggest you drum this into your head for the test next week.为了准备下周的测试,我建议你多重复几次。9.fall head over heels in love - fall deeply in love深深爱上She fell head over heals in love with Tom.她深深地爱上了汤姆。Have you ever fallen head over heels in love?你有没有深深地爱过一个人?10.from head to toe - dressed or covered in so

39、mething completely全身都穿着或覆盖着某物Hes dressed in blue from head to toe.他从头到脚都是蓝色的衣服。Shes wearing lace from head to toe.她全身都穿着蕾丝。11.get a head start on something - begin doing something early早早地开始干某事Lets get a head start on the report tomorrow.每天我们早点开始报道吧。She got a head start on her homework immediately a

40、fter school.一放学,她早早地就开始写起作业。12.get your head above water- keep going in life despite many difficulties困难重重,却仍然坚持If I can find a job Ill be able to get my head above water.如果我能找到工作,就能维持生活了。Study these pages and youll get your head above water.学习这几页的内容,你就能明白了。13.get someone or something out of ones he

41、ad - remove someone or something from your thoughts (often used in the negative)将某人或某事从你的脑子里脱离出去Im really upset that I cant get her out of my head.我忘不了她,这使我很难受。She spent three years getting those experiences out of her head.她花了三年的时间将这些经历从脑海中忘记。14.give someone a heads start - let someone else begin b

42、efore you in a competition of some kind在比赛中让某人先开始Ill give you twenty minutes heads start.我先让你来20分钟。Can you give me a heads start?你能让我先开始吗?15.go over someones head - not be able to understand something无法理解某事Im afraid the joke went over her head.恐怕她听不懂这个笑话。Im afraid the situation goes over my head.我恐怕

43、还无法理解情况。16.go to someones head - make someone feel better than others使某人觉得自己比他人优秀His good grades went to his head.他的好成绩使他觉得自己比别人更优秀。Dont let your success go to your head. Stay humble.不要被胜利冲昏了头。谦虚一点。17.have a good head on your shoulders - be intelligent聪明的Shes got a good head on her shoulders.她非常聪明。Y

44、ou can trust him because hes got a good head on his shoulders.你可以相信他,因为他十分聪明。18.head someone or something off - arrive before someone or something else比别人先到达Lets head them off at the pass.先发制人。We need to head the problem off.我们需要比别人先解决这个问题。19.hit the nail on the head - be exactly right about something一针见血I think you hit the nail on the head.我觉得你真是一针见血。His answer hit the nail on the head.他的答案说到点子上了。20.in over ones head - do something that is too difficult for a person某事对某人而言太难了


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