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1、美剧中最常用有关艺术的习语和句子表达 美剧中最常用有关艺术的习语和句子表达有哪些呢?下面就和大家分享美剧中最常用有关艺术的习语和句子表达,希望能够帮助到大家,来欣赏一下吧。美剧中最常用有关艺术的习语和句子表达1.To paint (oneself) into a corner.把自己陷入困境之中比如在生活中,你不擅长做饭,可是为了在朋友们面前逞强,硬是要做饭。那么这时候你就可以在心中表达:I paint myself into a corner.2.A picture is worth a thousand words.一幅画胜过千言万语。仅仅一个图像就能更加能够表达清楚意思, 简单一点理解,

2、可以理解成,你朋友对你说:“你看了这个图片就懂我的意思了。”3.To paint the town red.尽情地去狂欢吧你可以说:Lets go out tonight. Lets paint the town red.我们今晚出去吧。让我们尽情狂欢吧。4.To see/look at the big picture.观察大局5.Whats wrong with this picture?讽刺地请别人指出问题所在。6.Do I have to paint you a picture?我到底还要怎么说你才能明白?当你已经尽力地向某人说解释一些东西,但是那人还是不能理解你所说的东西的时候,你就可

3、以用这一句话了。7.Something is like watching the paint dry.有些东西真的很无聊,很浪费时间。8.To paint a ( )picture.描述某事( )括号填入形容词来表达你想描述事情怎么样。每天来十个美国英语日常俚语与表达1.piece of cake表示某些事情非常简单2.to run late/ to run behind表示晚于预定的时间或者早于预定的时间3.to get the hang of (something)形容开始掌握某件事的窍门4.all set / good to go一切准备好了例句:I am all set/en我准备好了

4、5. ento sound like a broken record形容某人像个坏掉的唱片一样不断重复同样的话。6.to pitch in投入、出一份力。7.to blow off some steam做或者说一些事情来帮助你摆脱一些多余能量。8.its not rocket science用来表示某些东西不是很难甚至应该可以很容易理解。9.to table (something)表示现在先放置某件事情过后再讨论。10.to jump on the bandwagon表达支持有潮流导向的人或者事情。与game有关的习语和表达1.Ahead of the gameDefinition: To h

5、ave an advantage over a situation在某种形势中占优势I need to get up early to keep ahead of the game.我要早点起床,抢占先机。Try studying thirty minutes before you go to bed to stay ahead of the game in math.睡觉之前先学习30分钟,这样你的数学就会领先他人。Can you give me any tips so I can keep ahead of the game at work?你可以给我一些在工作上夺取优势的建议吗?2.At

6、 this stage of the gameDefinition: at a certain point in a process过程中某一特定时刻I think you should talk to a lawyer at this stage of the game.我觉得你应该找个时间跟律师谈谈。He feels like hes sure to win at this stage of the game.在这个时刻,他觉得自己一定会赢。Im not sure were ready to launch the product at this stage of the game.我不确定

7、在这个时候我们要不要推出产品。3.Fair gameDefinition: Something that is allowed to take advantage of准许利用的事物I think its fair game to enter that market.我觉得进入市场是理所应当的。She told me her friend wasnt fair game.她告诉我,不要觉得欺负她朋友是理所应当的。Ive decided to not focus on that region. Its fair game if you want to take over.我觉得不再关注那片地区了

8、。如果你想接任的话,也是理所应当的。4.Fun and gamesDefinition: Enjoyable activities令人愉快的活动You know working at a newspaper isnt all fun and games.你知道,在报社工作可是一点意思都没有。Lets make sure to enjoy the fun and games before we leave.让我们走之前好好玩一场吧。I think he was surprised that the new job wasnt all fun and games.我觉得他会很惊讶地发现,新工作很乏

9、味。5.Game that two can playDefinition: Used generally to refer to a negative tactic that someone could also use to compete通常用来指一种消极的战略,即对方也会采用的方法。You know thats a game that two can play. If you try it, Ill do the same to you.你知道这是一场双人游戏。我会以彼之道,还施彼身的。She doesnt realize that shes playing a game that tw

10、o can play. It will come back to bite her.她还没意识到这是一场双人游戏。她自己也会被反咬一口的。He warned me that my ratting her out to the teacher was a game two could play.他警告我,我能向老师打小报告,他也能。6.Give the game awayDefinition: Reveal a secret泄露秘密If I tell you our plans, Ill give the game away.如果我把计划告诉你,就会泄露了。He gave the game aw

11、ay when he said that he had been in New York on business.当他说自己还在纽约出差时,就泄露了秘密。Dont give the game away! Well never get ahead if you tell everybody before weve even begun!保守秘密!如果在我们开始之前你就告诉别人,我们就做不成啦!7.Name of the gameDefinition: The type of activity mentioned提及的活动的类型Winning at any cost is the name of

12、the game in finding a job these days.这段时间以来,求职就是拼上一切都要赢的事。Do you really think that being completely dishonest is the name of the game?你真的觉得在这次活动中就应该满嘴谎言吗?She feels that making the right connections is the name of the game in Hollywood.她觉得在好莱坞就应该有买好的人脉关系。8.New ball gameDefinition: A new situation新局面I

13、 think weve just entered a whole new ball game with that deal!我觉得,在这样的条件下,我们进入了一个新的局面!Remember that Chicago is completely new ball game. Itll be very challenging.记住,芝加哥完全是一番新天地。它会是充满挑战性的。Now that weve moved to Seattle, youll have to remember that its a whole new ball game. You can do anything you wa

14、nt.既然我们已经搬到西雅图,你就得记住,这是一个全新的世界了。你可以放飞自我。9.The game is upDefinition: The situation is lost and has a negative outcome/en形势不佳,且结果不如人意。enI realized the game was up and packed my bags to come home and start again.我意识到大势已去,就收拾包袱准备回老家从头开始。She told him the game was up and that she was moving out.她告诉他,一切都完了,她会搬出去住。Well, the game is up and were going to have to close down the company.好吧,大势已去,我们的公司即将倒闭了。美剧中最常用有关艺术的习语和句子表达


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