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1、根据汉语说英语,1.,我,(我),是,你好,!,再见,(,你)是,你好么,?,2.,3.,4.,5.,6.,好的,,,早晨,上午,健康的,谢谢,你,女士,,男孩,女孩,和,也,什么,是什么,你的,名字,请,下午,先生,指,向,这(那)个,这(那些),门,坐,向下,向上,窗户,黑板,鸟,书桌,椅子,它,它是,红色的,看,黄色的,蓝色的,一个,变色,龙,我的,熊猫,现在,绿色的,黑色的,狗,猫,帽子,多少,一二三四五六七八九十十一十二,快乐的,生日,这里,礼物,这个,铅笔,钢笔,蛋糕,多大,是的,你是,根据汉语说英语1.我(我)是, 你好! 再见(你)是你好,根据英语说汉语,1.,I am Im

2、hello goodbye are How are you ?,good morning fine thank you,2.,Ms boy girl and too what is whats,your name please afternoon Mr,3.,point to the door sit down stand up,window blackboard bird desk chair,4.,it its=it is red look yellow blue a(an),chameleon my panda now green black,dog cat cap,5.,how man

3、y one two three four five six,seven eight nine ten eleven twelve,6.,happy birthday here present this pencil,pen cake old how old yes youre=you are,根据英语说汉语1.I am Im hello goo,读对话,1.Hello, Im Daming.,Good morning, Daming.,2. Good morning, Sam.,Good morning!,3. How are you, Sam ?,Im fine, thank you.,读对

4、话1.Hello, Im Daming. Good m,根据问句选答语,1.,2.,How are you ?,Good morning, Sam .,3.,4.,A.,B.,C.,Hello, Im Xiaoqiang.,Goodbye, Li Ping.,Hi, Im Li Ping.,Good morning.,Bye-bye, Xiaoqiang.,根据问句选答语1.2.How are you ?Good m,。,1.,上午见了小强应该怎样打招呼?,Good,morning,!,下午呢?,Good afternoon,!,2.,怎样询问数学老师的身体情况?,How are you ?,

5、3.Sam,怎样向同学们做自我介绍?,Hello, I,m Sam,.,4.,放学时,怎样向老师告别?,Goodbye !,5.,怎样问别人的名字?,What,s your name ?,二。什么情景中使用以下句子,1.,Hello, Im Amy.,2.,Im fine .,3.,How are you ?,4.,Whats your name , please.,5.,Bye-bye.,6.,Good morning , Ms Smart.,。1.上午见了小强应该怎样打招呼?Good morning!,读单词,指,point,向,to,这(那)个,这(那)些,the,门,door,坐,si

6、t,向下,down,站,stand,向上,up,窗户,window,黑板,blackboard,鸟,bird,书桌,desk,椅子,chair,它,it,它是,its,红色的,red,看,look,黄色的,yellow,蓝色的,blue,一个,a (an),变色龙,chameleon,我的,my,熊猫,panda,现在,now,绿色的,green,黑色的,black,狗,dog,猫,cat,帽子,cap.,读单词指point, 向to,这(那)个,这(那)些the,复习巩固表颜色的词,Its,red,. A red cat,Its,blue,. A blue cat,Its,yellow,.

7、A yellow cat.,Its,green,. A green cat,Its,black,.,Its,orange,.,Its a black dog. Now its a blue dog.,Its a red cat. Now its a green cat.,复习巩固表颜色的词Its red. A re,读句子,Point to the window .,指向窗户,Point to the door.,指向门,Point to the desk.,指向桌子,Point to the chair.,指向椅子,Point to the blackboard,。,读句子Point to

8、the window . 指向窗户P,什么情景下使用下列句子,1.,Whats your name, please ?,2.,Sit down, please.,3.,Stand up, please.,4.,Point to the door.,5.,Point to the window.,6.,Point to the desk.,7.,Point to the chair.,什么情景下使用下列句子1.Whats your name,老师让你坐下时怎么说?,Sit down,please,让你站起来时呢?,Stand up,老师怎么说时你用手分别指向门,窗,户,黑板,桌子,小鸟,,Amy

9、 ?,Point to the door,Point to the window,Point to the blackboard,Point to the desk.,Point to the bird,老师让你坐下时怎么说?Sit down,please让你站起,单词复习,多少,how many,一,one,二,two,三,three,四,four,五,five,六,six,七,seven,八,eight,九,nine,十,ten,十,一,eleven,十二,twelve,快乐的,happy,生日,birthday,这里,here,这是,heres,礼物,present,?,这个,this,

10、铅笔,pencil,钢笔,pen,蛋糕,cake,岁的, old,多大,how old,是的,yes,单词复习多少how many, 一one,二two, 三t,How many,的用法,How,many,后面的名词词尾,应加,s,如:,How many,girls,?,How many,boys,?,How many,doors,?,How many,windows,?,How many 的用法Howmany 后面的名词词尾应加s,How many,desks,?,How many,chairs,?,pandas,How many,dogs,?,cats,?,caps,?,How many,

11、?,How many,How many,How many desks ? How many chai,掌握下列句子,1.,birthday ! Heres a,present !,.,2.,Whats this ?,Its a ,3.,Heres your cake.,Thank you.,4.,Heres your pen. Heres a pencil.,Thank you.,5.,Hello ! Look, Im nine.,6.,How old,are,you ?,Im three,.,掌握下列句子1.birthday !,1.,2.,3.,4.,5.,6.,7.,妈妈过生日时,你应该

12、对她说什么?,妈妈该怎么说?,你给妈妈礼物时说什么?,送给别人钢笔时说什么?,不知道别人的年龄,应该怎么问?,想知道别人的名字怎么问?,你六岁了,怎么说?,用,am is are,填空,I _ nine.,You _ ten.,妈妈过生日时,你应该对她说什么?,Heres a birthday cake.,How old are you ?,Heres a birthday cake.How old,Whats this ? Its a ,Is it a cake ? Yes, it is .,Whats this ? Its a Is it a,Happy bir

13、thday,!,Happy birthday!,a pen.,How many pens ?,Four pens.,How many pencils ?,Four pencils.,a pen.How many pens ? Four pe,Whats this ?,Its a ,Is it a ?,No, it isnt. Yes, it is.,How many cats?,Whats this ?Its a Is it a ,What colour is,?,What colour is ?,What colour is the bag? Its,What colour is the b

14、ag? Its,Y,e,Is it a school ?,Yes, it is.,YeIs it a school ?Yes, it is.,7.,teacher pupil school classroom,English that say again schoolbag ball,8. monster new kite or dont=do not,know no not isnt =is not help,where wheres=where is in bag,9.,mother father sister brother she,shes=she is grandpa grandma

15、,thats=that is me he hes=he is,doctor policeman nurse driver farmer,10 his head leg foot on arm hand,her nose eye mouth ear,7. teacher pupil school cl,根据汉语说出英语,7.,教师,小学生,学校,教室,英语,那个,说,再一次,书包,球,书,8.,怪物,新的,风筝,或者,不,知道,不,不是,救命,哪里,在,里,包,9.,母亲,父亲,姐妹,兄弟,她,她是,他,他是,祖父;外祖父,祖母;外祖,母,那是,我,医生,警察,护士,司,机,农民,10.,他的,

16、头,腿,脚,在,上,胳膊,根据汉语说出英语7.教师小学生学校教室英语那个说再一次书包球,mother,母亲,father,父亲,sister,姐妹,brother,兄弟,she,她,shes =she is,她是,grandpa,祖父,外祖父,grandma,祖母,外祖母,那是,me,我,he,hes =he is,他是,doctor,医生,policeman,警察,nurse,护士,driver,司机,farmer,农民,thats =that is,他,mother母亲father父亲sister 姐妹broth,掌握句型,1.,Whats this / that ? Its a /an,

17、(door window bird desk chair panda,chameleon dog cat cap pen pencil cake,school classroom schoolbag ball book,monster kite bag head leg foot arm,hand nose eye mouth ear ),1.,Is it a ? Yes, it is./ No, it isnt.,2.,Wheres the ? Its in the / on the ,3.,Is it ? Yes, it is . / No, it isnt.,(red green yel

18、low black blue orange ),1.,Is this your sister ? No, it isnt. / Yes, it is.,(,brother sister mother father grandpa,掌握句型1.Whats this / that ? It,单词归类,1.,表身体部位的单词,:,head leg,foot arm hand nose,eye mouth ear,2.,职业,:,farmer driver nurse,policeman doctor teacher,pupil,3.,家庭称谓:,mother father,sister brothe

19、r grandpa,grandma,单词归类1.表身体部位的单词:head leg foot,1.,数量:,one two three four five,six seven eight nine ten,eleven twelve,2.,学习用品:,book pen pencil desk,chair blackboard schoolbag,3.,颜色:,red yellow blue green,black,4.,时间,:,morning afternoon now,1.数量:one two three four five s,1.,场所和室内物品:,school classroom,2

20、.,window door,玩具:,kite ball,3.,食物:,cake,4.,动物:,dog cat panda monster,bird,5.,动词:,thank sit down stand,up look say help point,know (am is are ),6.,介词,in on,1.场所和室内物品:school classroom 2.w,1.,形容词,:,good fine happy,1.,2.,3.,old new,人称:,I you he she me(,宾格,),物主代词:,my your his her,疑问词:,how many,how old wh

21、ere what,how,this that boy girl Ms Mr,1.形容词:good fine happy 1.,连线,1.,2.,3.,4.,5.,6.,( )Good afternoon !,B. Im Fangfang.,( ) How are you ?,C. Good morning,!,( ) Whats your name?,D. Im nine,.,( ) How old are you ?,E Good afternoon!,( ) How many boys ?,F Nine.,( ) Whats that ?,G. Its in the yellow,bag,

22、.,7.,( ) Is it a red ball ?,H. Its a red ball.,8.,( ) Where is the bird ?,I. Thank you.,9.,( ) Heres your present.,J. Yes, it is .,连线1. )Good afterno,B,Whats your name ?,A. Yes, it is .,1,( ),F,Good morning !,B. Im Sam.,2.,( ),3.,( ),D,How old are you ?,C. Im fine.,C,How are you ?,D. Im n

23、ine.,4.,( ),E,Where is the cat ?,E. Its in the red,5.,( ),cap,.,A,Is it in the red cap ?,F. Good,6.,( ),morning.,H,Whats this ?,G. Thank you.,7.,( ),8.,( ),G,G,Happy birthday .,H. Its a monster,BWhats your name ? A. Yes,情景选择,1.,想知道你的书在哪里,怎么问,?,A. wheres my book ? B. Its your book.,2.,有人问你,你爸爸是干什么的。你

24、会说:,A. She is a driver. B. He is a doctor.,3.,你指着远处的东西说:,A. This is a cat. B. That is a black dog.,4.,你想别人介绍你的英语老师,你会说,:,A.This is my English teacher. B. This is an,English teacher.,5.,你的同学过生日,你会对他说:,A. Thank you. B. Happy birthday.,6.,你的同学送给你礼物时,他会说,:,情景选择1.想知道你的书在哪里,怎么问?A. wheres,7.,别人问你的年龄,你会说:,A

25、.How old are you ? B. Im fine. C. Im nine.,8.,你想知道别人的名字,你会说:,A.How are you ? B. How old are you ?,C. Whats your name ?,9.,别人问你的名字,你会说:,A.Im fine B. Im Sam.,10.,别人问你的钢笔在哪里,你会说:,A.,Wheres your pen ?,B.,B. My pen is in the book.,11.,你想知道,是不是一只黑色的猫,你会说:,A.Is it a black cat ? B. Its a cat.,7.别人问你的年龄,你会说:

26、A.How old are yo,12.,想知道小猫是不是在蓝色的盒子里,你会说:,A.Is the cat in a blue box? B. Is it a blue box ?,C. The cat is in the blue box.,12. 想知道小猫是不是在蓝色的盒子里,你会说:A.Is t,听力,根据问句选答语,1.,(,),A. Goodbye ! B. Hello!,2.,(,),A. Im Sam. B. Hello, Sam.,3.,(,4.,(,5.,(,6.,(,7.,(,8.,( ) A. Its in the yellow bag. B. Its a bag.,

27、9.,( ) A. Nine B. Im nine.,10.( ) A. Yes, it is. B. No, it is.,),A. Im Lingling. B. Im fine.,),A. Bye-bye, Ms Smart. B. Hi, Sam.,),A. Hello! B. Fine, thank you.,),A. Good afternoon. B. Fine.,),A. Its a chair B. Yes, it is.,听力根据问句选答语1.()A. Goodbye !,听力材料,?,1.,Goodbye.,?,2 Whats your name ?,?,3. How old are you ?,?,4. Hello, Amy!,?,5. How are you ?,?,6 Good afternoon!,?,7. Whats this ?,?,8. Where is the cat ?,?,9. How many boys?,?,10. Is it a panda ?,听力材料?1. Goodbye.?2 Whats you,


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