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1、1.我认为自然奇观比人造奇观更有趣I think natural wonders are more interesting than man-made ones.2.以我看来,我们可以加入这次讨论In my opinion, we can join in the discussion.3.当我们到达的时候,正在下雨4.上个月,他们放假三天.5.我们将在那儿一直待到8月8日We will stay there till/until August 8th.6.我想去有趣的地方度暑假I want to go somewhere interesting to spend my summer holid

2、ay,They had three days off last month,When I arrived , it was raining.,1.我认为自然奇观比人造奇观更有趣They had thre,7.昨天晚上,直到洗完衣服,我才上床睡觉I didnt go to bed until I finished washing clothes last night.8.他一到家,就开始看电视He began to watch TV as soon as he got home.9.我听见有人正在唱歌I heard somebody singing.10.无论她做什么,她从不放弃Whatever

3、 she does, she never gives up.11.我认为她不仅是一名好学生,也是一名优秀的运动员(as well as)I think shes an excellent player as well as a good student.12.如果明天不下雨,我们就去野餐If it doesnt rain tomorrow, we will have a picnic.We will have a picnic tomorrow if it doesnt rain. 13.小心你的玻璃杯,别把它打破了Be careful with your glass. Dont break

4、it.,7.昨天晚上,直到洗完衣服,我才上床睡觉,14.虽然他独自在家里,但是他并不感到孤独Although he is at home alone, he doesnt feel lonely.15.贝蒂的哥哥从不依靠任何人Bettys brother never depends on anybody.16.这本书很有趣,琳达还想读一遍The book is so interesting that Linda wants to read it again.17.早饭我都没吃就得赶往学校I had to hurry to school without (having) breakfast.18

5、.昨天一家报社采访了那位勇敢的母亲A newspaper did an interview with the brave mother yesterday.19.这个男孩真好,帮我们打扫教室Its kind of the boy to help us clean the classroom.,14.虽然他独自在家里,但是他并不感到孤独,20.这个周日我要呆在家里,不去踢足球了Ill stay at home instead of playing football this Sunday.21.肖华,你应该养成做家务的习惯Xiao hua, you should get into the hab

6、it of doing housework.22.你最好把大衣脱掉吧, 屋子里太热里_Its too hot in the room.23.通常喝过咖啡之后,我无法入睡I usually cannot fall asleep after drinking coffee.24.我过去常常和玛丽一起去看电影I used to go to the cinema with Mary.,Youd better take off your overcoat.,20.这个周日我要呆在家里,不去踢足球了Youd bett,1.和去年比,我英语取得了很大的进步Compared with last year, I

7、 have made great progress with my English.2.据我所知,张老师今天不来了As far as I know, Mr. Zhang isnt coming today.3.宋祖英是公认的出色的歌唱家Song Zuying is known as a great singer.4.我的问题与今天的作业有关My question has/is to do with todays homework.5.他长大了想成为一名发明家He wants to be an inventor when he grows up.6.我没有完成作业,老师对我很生气I didnt

8、finish my homework ,so my teacher was really mad at me./angry with me.,1.和去年比,我英语取得了很大的进步,7.你能找出问题的答案吗?Could/ Can find out the answer to the question?8.斯密斯先生总是鼓励我们每天早上多读英语Mr. Smith always encourages us to read more English every morning.9.去年一个新的图书馆在这个学校被建立起来了A new library was set up in the school la

9、st year.10.今天我以学校为荣,明天学校以我的成功为骄傲Today Im proud of my school and tomorrow my School will take pride in my success. 11.你为什么阻止他上楼Why did you stop him (from) going upstairs?,7.你能找出问题的答案吗?,12.-你多长时间网购一次?-一周一次How often do you buy things online?-Once a week.13.-你收到杰克的信了吗?-不,还没有-Have you heard from Jack?No,

10、 not yet.14.据说, 昨天数千学生参观了兵马俑_visited the Terracotta Army yesterday.15.这个电梯很大,一次能容纳20个人The lift is big enough to hold twenty people at a time.The lift is so big that it can hold twenty people at a time.16.妈妈每天花一个小时浏览杂志Mum spends an hour looking through magazines every day.,It is said that thousands o

11、f students,12.-你多长时间网购一次?-一周一次It is said,17.我们常常能看到人们在上班的路上读报纸We can often see people read newspapers on their way to work.18.人们常把老师比作蜡烛People often compare teachers to candles.19.我们一次只允许借三本书We are allowed to borrow three books at a time. 20.孩子们应该学会为他们不好的行为付出代价Kids should learn to pay for their bad

12、actions.21.今天我们依然被孔夫子的思想影响着We are still influenced by Confuciuss ideas/thoughts.22.书将来会被电脑取代吗?Will books be replaced by computers in the future?,17.我们常常能看到人们在上班的路上读报纸,1.妈妈正在摆放餐桌Mum is laying the table at the moment.2.众所周知,葡萄酒是用葡萄酿造的As everyone knows, wine is made from grapes.3.哈利想知道艾尔斯岩(Ayers Rock)有

13、多大Harry wonders how big Ayers Rock is .4.露西对那个消息很吃惊Lucy was very surprised at the news.5.他们因为交通拥挤而迟到了They were/arrived late because of the heavy traffic.6.我认为写日记能帮助你提高英语I think keeping a diary can help you improve your English.7.路老师因为他的教学方法而出名Mr. Lu is famous /well-known for his teaching methods.,1.

14、妈妈正在摆放餐桌,8.你明天去车展吗?-当然了!-Will you go to the car exhibition tomorrow?-You bet !9.这次歌唱比赛的整体水准不高The general standard of the singing competition isnt high.10.迈克太矮,够不到桌子上的苹果Mike is too short to reach the apple on the table.11.只要你不放弃努力学习,你会成功的As long as you dont give up studying hard, you will get success

15、.12.多亏了他的帮助,我们才成功地解决了这个问题Thanks to his help, we solved the problem successfully.13.现在玛丽习惯了乘坐公交车上学Mary is/gets used to going to school by bus now.,8.你明天去车展吗?-当然了!,14.你离开时应该关灯You should turn off the light when you leave.15.如果河流被污染,农民不能用来灌溉庄家If the rivers are polluted, farmers cant use them for their c

16、rops.16.谈论我们不能做的事情是没有用的Its no use talking about the things we cant do.17.你介意我试用一次你的相机吗?Do you mind if I try out your camera?18.我好长时间没看见肖华了I havent seen Xiao Hua for a long time.19.刘翔是勇气和成功的象征Liu Xiang is a symbol of courage and success.20.这本书被认为是最伟大的美国故事之一The book is thought to be one of the greates

17、t American stories.,14.你离开时应该关灯,21.爸爸经常告诉我不要嘲笑别人Dad often tells me not to laugh at others.22.维多利亚大峡谷大约1700米宽,100米高Victoria falls is about 1700 metres wide and 100 metres high.23.污染对我们的健康有危害Pollution is a danger to our health.24.你把垃圾扔掉之前分类吗?Do you devide the waste before throwing it away/ before you

18、throw it away.25.他们的家庭生活和我们的在很多方面很像Their family life is like ours in many ways.,21.爸爸经常告诉我不要嘲笑别人,26.虽然把一种东西变成别的东西会消耗能源,单还是比把它们扔掉或烧掉好Although/Though it takes energy to change things into something else , it is better than throwing them away or burning them.27.莎士比亚的戏剧今天对我们还是很有意义Shakespeares plays also

19、 make a lot of sense to us today.,26.虽然把一种东西变成别的东西会消耗能源,单还是比把它们扔,28.你爸爸给了你多少条建议?How many pieces of advice did your father give?29.星期天在操场上踢足球怎么样?What/ How about playing football on the playground on Sunday?30.早上大声朗读英语来提高你的口语是个好方法Its a good way to read English loudly in the morning to improve your spe

20、aking.31.对大明来说,学好语法很困难Its very difficult for Daming to learn grammar well.,28.你爸爸给了你多少条建议?,32.许多学生写信寻求提高英语的建议Many students write to ask for advice on/about improving their English.33.他们正刻苦训练为了能够获得金牌Theyre training hard so that they can get/win medals.They re training hard to get /win medals.,32.许多学生

21、写信寻求提高英语的建议,33. 我更愿意把孔子描述成一名教育家和思想家而非一名作家Id describe Confucius more as a teacher and thinker than a writer.34. 如果你向你的父亲道歉的话,他就不会生你的气 If you apologize to your father , he wont be angry with you.35.马克吐温被认为是最伟大的美国作家之一Mark Twin is thought to be one of the greatest American writers.,33. 我更愿意把孔子描述成一名教育家和思

22、想家而非一名作家,1.如果我在电脑上玩游戏,它可能出故障Something may go wrong if I play games on the computer.2.告诉他真相,至少会证明你是诚实的Tell him the truth, and at least youll show you are honest.3.不要大声喧哗,它违反了校规Dont shout. Its against the rules.4.作为青少年,不要过多依赖父母As teenagers/ a teenager, dont depend too much on your parents.5.即使有时候我们不同意

23、彼此的意见,但我们仍然是好朋友Although sometimes we dont agree with each other , we are still good friends.,1.如果我在电脑上玩游戏,它可能出故障,7.我们最喜欢的照片是小明拍摄的The photo which/that we like best was taken by Xiao Ming.8.如果大家都开始做点什么,世界将会被拯救If everyone starts to do something, the world will be saved.9.我想加入一个互联网群来讨论由著名作家写的名著I want to

24、 join an Internet group to discuss great books by great writers.10.收集可再利用的废弃物是有用的Its useful to collect waste that can be used again.11.我们不希望快速的变化,但我们可以采取简单的步骤We cant hope for rapid change, but we can take the simple steps.,7.我们最喜欢的照片是小明拍摄的,12.玲玲有一些她在深圳拍的照片Lingling has some photos that she took in Sh

25、enzhen.Lingling has some photos taken by her in Shenzhen.13.我骑的马很懒,所以我被别人远远的抛在后面The horse (that) I rode was very lazy, so I was far left behind the others.14.它就像一个三面环水的巨大的帆船Its like a huge sailing boat with water on three sides.15.他不得不把粘在裤子上的蚂蚁刷掉He had to brush the ants off his trousers.16.在2017年,一个

26、特殊的项目被建立去帮助年轻的运动员A special programme was set up in 2017 to help young sportsmen.17.如果我的记忆正确,托尼上次没被选上参加比赛If my memory was correct, Tony wasnt chosen to enter the competition last time.,12.玲玲有一些她在深圳拍的照片,18.你应该考虑什么是最重要的事情You should consider /think about what the most important thing is .19.如果他有困难,他就会找老

27、师寻求建议If he has some difficulties, he will ask the teacher for advice.20.实际上,它们掌控我生活中的每时每刻Actually/ In fact , they manage every minute of my life.21.我对父母的命令感到如此厌倦,以至于我希望他们能让我单独留下I was so bored with my parents orders that I wished they would leave me alone.,18.你应该考虑什么是最重要的事情,23.自从他搬到小镇的另一端,我就没有见过他I ha

28、vent seen him since he moved to the other side of the town.24.在晚饭之前,我爸爸我我们拥有的实物表示感恩Before dinner,my father gives thanks for our food.25.那个女孩独自一人穿过了森林That girl went through the forest on her own/alone.26.老师设法让他们的课生动有趣Teachers manage to make their lessons interesting.,23.自从他搬到小镇的另一端,我就没有见过他,28.白求恩研究出了

29、照料病人的新方法Dr. Bethune developed new ways of taking care of the sick.29.如果你要去伦敦的话,你一定要参观伦敦眼If you go to London, make sure to visit the London Eye.30.如果你想要所有问题的答案,这儿对你来说就是合适的地方If you want answers to all the questions, this is the right place for you.31.为什么不加入讨论呢?Why not jion in the discussion?,28.白求恩研究出

30、了照料病人的新方法,33.如果你想借我的相机,你必须承诺正确地使用If you want to borrow my camera, you must promise to use it properly.34.在将来电脑将比书被用的更多In the future, computers will be used more than books.35.这种包手工一次只能生产一个This kind of bag can be only produced one at a time.36.祝贺你成立了自己的公司Congratulations to you on setting up your own

31、company.,33.如果你想借我的相机,你必须承诺正确地使用,39.我不认为书将会被网络取代I dont think books will be replaced by the Internet.40.尽管所有的照片都很好,但是我们抱歉地说我们不能给每个人颁发奖品Even though all of the photos are excellent, we are sorry to say that we cannot give prizes to everyone.41.它们将被公示在学校网站上They will be put up on the school website.27.我很早就起床了为的是能按时到校I got up very early so that I could get to school on time.,39.我不认为书将会被网络取代,22.中华人民共和国什么时候成立的?When was The Peoples Republic of China founded?,22.中华人民共和国什么时候成立的?,


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