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1、2020年商务英语中级翻译精选五篇练习题 为了让大家更好的准备中级商务英语BEC考试,给大家整理2020年商务英语中级翻译练习题,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。2020年商务英语中级翻译练习题(1)1.India has banned the sale of electronic cigarettes, or e-cigarettes. The ban is the latest and possibly biggest move against vaping.印度已经禁止销售电子烟。该禁令是针对吸电子烟的最新以及可能最大的举措。2.Vapes are electronic devices

2、that heat liquid into a cloud of vapor that users breathe in. Most users vape with a liquid that includes the drug nicotine, several other chemicals and flavoring.电子烟是一种将液体加热成蒸汽供用户吸入的电子设备。大多数用户吸入了包含尼古丁药物以及多种化学物质和调味剂的液体。3.The ban cuts off a huge market for e-cigarette makers such as Juul Labs and Phi

3、lip Morris International. Both companies planned to expand in India.该禁令切断了尤尔实验室和菲利浦莫里斯国际等电子烟制造商的巨大市场。这两家公司都计划开拓印度市场。4.Indias health ministry said the products are “novel,” attractive and come in many flavors, but said their use has increased very quickly “in developed countries, especially among you

4、th and children.”印度卫生部表示,这些产品都很新颖、具有吸引力,并且有多种口味,但是该部门表示,这些产品在发达国家,尤其是青少年中的使用迅速增加。5.The ban comes at a time when public officials in other countries are raising questions about the safety of vaping.这项禁令出台之际,其它国家的公职人员也在对吸电子烟的安全性提出质疑。2020年商务英语中级翻译练习题(2)1.Last week, United States government announced pl

5、ans to remove flavored e-cigarettes from stores. Federal officials warned that sweet flavors were leading millions of children into nicotine addiction.上周,美国政府宣布计划将电子烟从超市下架。联邦官员警告说,它的香甜口味导致数百万儿童对尼古丁成瘾。2.Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar made the announcement during an appearance with Pres

6、ident Donald Trump. A few state governments are also taking action. The state of Michigan banned the sale of flavored e-cigarettes on Wednesday.美国卫生与公共服务部部长亚历克斯阿扎尔与川普总统一起露面时宣布了这一消息。一些州政府也在采取行动。密歇根州周三禁止了调味电子烟的销售。3.The Michigan Department of Health and Human Services said the ban was effective immedia

7、tely. It gave dealers including online sellers two weeks to obey the measure. On Tuesday, New York officially became the first state to ban e-cigarettes when officials approved a series of emergency rules.密歇根州卫生与公共服务部表示,这项禁令立即生效。它给包括网上卖家在内的销售商提供了两周时间来遵守这项法案。纽约州官员周二批准了一系列紧急措施,纽约州成为第一个禁止电子烟的州。4.India

8、reportedly has 106 million adult smokers. That number is second only to China in the world.据报道印度有1.06亿成年烟民。这一数字仅次于中国。5.Indian Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman announced the ban Wednesday at a news conference. She showed different kinds of products to the media, including a Juul vaping device that

9、 looks like a USB flash drive.印度财政部长尼尔马拉西塔拉曼周三在新闻发布会上宣布了这项禁令。她向媒体展示了各种产品,其中包括看起来像是U盘的尤尔电子烟设备。2020年商务英语中级翻译练习题(3)1.Juul had plans to launch its e-cigarette in India and has hired several top-level officials in recent months. Reuters had reported that Philip Morris also plans to launch its smoking dev

10、ice in India.尤尔公司曾计划在印度推出电子烟,并在最近几个月聘请了几位高级职员。据路透社报道,菲利浦莫里斯公司也计划在印度推出其电子烟设备。2.The Indian ban will be imposed through an executive order.印度将通过行政命令的方式实施这项禁令。3.The order calls for a jail term of up to one year and a fine of about $1,400 for people who break the law for the first time. A repeat violatio

11、n could mean a jail term of up to three years and a fine of up to $7000, the government said.该命令将对首次触犯该法律的人士处以最长1年的监禁以及大约1400美元的罚款。印度政府表示,再次触犯可能会处以最长3年的监禁以及最高7000美元的罚款。4.The ban would apply to the manufacture, importation, sale, advertisement for or distribution of e-cigarettes.这项禁令适用于电子烟的制造、进口、销售、广

12、告或是分销。5.Such executive orders are usually given as an emergency measure when Indias parliament is not meeting. The ban could end if it is not approved when lawmakers return to parliament. The next parliamentary term will likely be held in November.这类行政命令通常作为印度议会休会期间的紧急措施。如果该禁令在议员回归议会时未能获得批准就会终止执行。下轮

13、议会议程可能将于11月举行。2020年商务英语中级翻译练习题(4)1.You cannot count on bankers or angels to get your venture off the ground你不要指望银行家或者大使使你的风险经营顺利进展2. In todays lean business, committed employees who go the extra mile help the compan. get to the winning tape first在当今业务歉收年,不辞辛劳的忠诚员!帮助公司最先到达成功的终点站。3. A nuclear power st

14、ation has been built to generate electricity in that remote area在那个偏远地区,为了满足对电力的需求,已经建立了一座核电站。4. For business owners plagued by a dearth of candidates for key job openings. the Web was supposed to provide an ideal solution企业老板苦于里要全位缺乏候选人,网格应该司以给他们一个理想的解决方案5. As this is true of the techniques of mank

15、ind. so it is true of mankindsspiritual resources人类技术的发展是如此,人类精神财富的积累也是如此PassageCultural or workplace diversity refers to the differences among people in a work force to race, ethnicity. and gender. With the increase of women, minoritiesand immigrants entering the U.S. work force. management is pose

16、d with both challenges competitive advantages. Some organizations are implementing diversity-training programs and working to keep cultural diversity alive. With the proper guidance and management. a culturally diverse organization can prove to be beneficial to all involved文化或工作地点的多杆性与劳动力的民族种族和性别差异有

17、关.随着妇女,少数族裔利移民人晕进入美国的劳动力队伍,对管理既带米了挑战,也带来了竞争优势些组织实施多样化的培训顶日使文化多样性保持活力有了合适的指导和管理个文化多样性的组织能够证明对所有参与者都有益2020年商务英语中级翻译练习题(5)Although we havent made any major mistakes. we have made many minor onesbecause we have no experience.虽然我们没有犯人错,但小错议没有断I,因为我们没有经验2.One recent survey卜the consumer research firm OTX f

18、ound that many of us usehigh-tech gadgets to get 3 I hours of work out of a 24-hour day-surely no mean feat消费者研究公司O丁X最近的一项调查显示,我们许多人利用高科技产品在一天24小时的时间里工作了31小时这当然绝非轻而易举的事3. Mistakes must not be covered Lip. They must be exposed before you can correct them错误不应当加以掩饰,而必须加以揭庵,才能加以改正。4. Nowadays such finan

19、ciers want to see businesses with revenue. customers and a logesolidly in places before they commit capital如今在这些金逊家们投入资金之前,他们想石到的是有一定的收益 .客户群以及拥有白己固定商标的业务5;. In her first position. as a field marketing manager- she frequently found herselfslugging it out with the financial department over the staffs

20、 expenses在她第一个职位上,为了她部门人员的开支问题经常和财务部门人吵大闹6. I hope youll see from the reduction that we are really doing our utmost希望贵方能从这一降价中看出我方真的在尽最大的努力7. His lifes aim was clear to him: it was to rest amp the currency: to take the cleanmetal of human life. to erase the old false conventional markings. and to im

21、print itwith its true values他终身奋斗的目标非常清楚,他要重铸钱币,他要吧人生中寸劲的金子提炼出来,擦去上面哪些虚伪传统的记号,根据他的真实价值来重新标价8.wed like to express our desire to establish business relations with you on the basis of equality. mutual benefit and the exchange of needed goods我方希望能在平等互利互通有无的基础上与贵公司建立业务关系9. Subtlety and modesty are appropriate for nuns and therapists.but if you are in businessto the world.修女和临床医学家需要粉明和谦巡,但足如果你是经营企业,你最如学会大声宣传你对州界的贡献10. He realized the subtlety of Chinas messages. the gap between her hot rhetoric andher cool action


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