1、1,现行本科翻译教材之主体内容大多都与“技能技巧”有关,虽然有学者对教材中罗列的翻译技巧(如增译法、减译法、分译法等)提出批评(翻译批评散论53-61;英汉文学翻译探索171-188),但译者都掌握并运用一定的翻译技能却是一个不争的事实。佛经翻译家玄奘当年就运用过“补充法”、“省略法”、“变位法”、“分合法”和“代词还原法”等翻译技巧(参见中国翻译简史66-68),而道安的“五失本”从某种意义说也是技巧。,2,概况1您的内容打在这里,或者通过复制您的文本后。概况2您的内容打在这里,或者通过复制您的文本后。概况3您的内容打在这里,或者通过复制您的文本后。,+,+,+,整体概况,3, 技能:掌握和
2、运用专门技术的能力; 技巧:表现在艺术、工艺、体育等方面的 巧妙的技能。, 培养学生的翻译技能,传授一些在翻译实践中行 之有效的技巧,这应该是大学本科笔译教学的一 项根本任务。当然,何谓行之有效的技巧,这是 我们要思考和探讨的问题。比如: He is a good teacher who makes no mistake. He is a good physician who cures himself.,4,5,6, Its an ill bird that fouls its own nest.: A condemnation of a person who vilifies his ow
3、n family, country, etc. The Oxford Dictionary of Proverbs ed. by Jennifer Speake Its an ill bird that fouls its own nest: Only a foolish or dishonorable person would bring dishonor to his or her self or his or her surroundings. (See also foul ones own nest.) I dont like my new neighbor. Not only doe
4、s he never mow his lawn, he covers it with all kinds of trash. Its an ill bird that fouls its own nest. 他简直就是个邋遢鬼。 foul ones own nest: to harm ones own interests; to bring disadvantage upon oneself. The boss really dislikes Mary. She certainly fouled her own nest when she spread those rumors about h
5、im. 她肯定 是在散布老板的谣言时损害了自己的形象。(搬起石头砸自己的 脚,往自 己身上泼脏水,砸自家的招牌) 家丑不可外扬。Do not wash your dirty linen in public.,7,英谚中一种特殊句型的反译(刘云波,1994-1) It/He is + adj. + n. + that /who-clause 这种句型不同于一般含有定语从句的复合句,更不是强调句型,而是一种需要反译的特殊句型。其技巧在于:一、在主句中加“再”之类加强语气的词;二、that (who)-clause是肯定则译成否定,反之则译成肯定 翻译研究与技巧(从1980通讯-1991) 翻译理论
6、与技巧(从1992年到2004年) 译学研究(从2001年第2期2006年) 译论研究(从2007年至2009年),8,It is silly goose that comes to the foxs sermon. It is a bold mouse that nestles in cats ear. It is a sad heart that never rejoices. It is a foolish sheep that makes wolf his confessor. It is a good horse that never stumbles, and a good wif
7、e that never grumbles.6. It is a good tongue that says no ill, and a better heart that thinks none.7. It will be a forward cock that crows in the shell.8. He is an ill husband who is not missed.9. He is a good physician who cures himself.,9,10、It is long lane that has no turning. 路必有弯。新英汉P.711;英汉大P.
8、994/1071直译:不拐弯的路是长路。反诘:天下有不拐弯的路吗?归纳:(所以说)再长的路也会拐弯。It is an ill bird that fouls its own nest. 再笨的鸟也不会弄脏自己的窝。It is an ill wind that blows nobody good. 再有害的风也未必对人人都有害。He is a good teacher who never makes mistake.再优秀的老师也会出错。,10,由此可见,翻译的确有技巧不过我们应该记住四点:1、“我们的方法技巧不能有悖于原则,我们的原 则不能有悖于标准,而我们的标准永远都不 能有悖于翻译之目的。
9、”(英译汉的若干基 本原则,2004-1) 原则:as literal as possible, and only as free as necessary. (New Revised Standard Version) 凡有可能性就直译,唯有必要时才意译。 标准:信达雅;最接近、最自然 目的:让不懂原文的读者通过译文知道、了解甚至 欣赏原文的思想内容及其文体风格。,11, 既然严复用的是汉以前字法,释“信达雅”之本 义就不该用汉以后的引申义。而这三字在古汉 语中的本义是: 信者,言真也; 达者,通到也; 雅者,正也。(王力, 1999: 226.1194.945) 严复说:“信达之外,求其尔
10、雅”,证明“信达 雅”之“雅”即“尔雅”。 尔雅者,谓近于雅正也。(商务印书馆1998年 版古代汉语词典367页) 雅正者,合规范、纯正也。现汉1441页 faithfulness, expressiveness, elegance faithfulness, coherence, properness,12,2、较之对原文的理解,翻译技巧始终处在次要 的地位。 ( Techniques of translation are always secondary to the understanding of the source text. Nida & Taber, 2004: ix) 然“天
11、下之物,莫不有理,惟于理有未 穷,故其知有不尽也。”(比如双关)3、操千曲而后晓声,观千剑而后识器。 文心雕龙知音,13,14,15,4、不能像教科书那样把技能技巧固化,正如中国 翻译2005年4期“自学之友”导读在谈到翻译中 增删字词的情况时所说:“对正在学习翻译的人 来说,更重要的问题不是该不该对译文进行增删 调整,而是弄清楚翻译中的增删调整到底是怎么 回事儿,为何要“增”,为何要“删”,何时该 “增”,何时该“删”,如何“增”,如何“删”等 如果对翻译活动作最基本的概括就会发现,我们 翻译的并非语言,而是一个个具体的文本,翻译 的基本层次主要体现在译文文字的细节处理上, 体现在对译文词句
12、的调整和上。” 衬字法,16,It vaguely seems to me that I am expected to perform an allotted task, but as to what it is I have no notion. And indeed, what have I done hitherto, in the years behind me? There are some books to show as increment, as something which was not anywhere before I made it, and which even
13、in bulk will replace my buried body, so that my life will be to mankind no loss materially. But the course of my life, when I look back, is as orderless as a trickle of water that is diverted and guided by every pebble and crevice and grass-root it encounters. 我隐约觉得此生被指望去履行一项既定使命,但这是项什么使命,我却一无所知。而且真
14、正说来,我在过去的岁月里又有过什么作为呢?有那么几本书可显示为生命之赢余,可显示为在我创作其之前这世间未曾有过的东西,其体积甚至可置换我入土后的那副躯壳,从而使我生命之结束不致给人类造成物质损失。但当回首往昔,我发现自己的生命历程就像溪流之蜿蜒漫无定向,触石砄草根则避而改道,遇岩缝土隙则顺而流之。,17, And if any man should do wrong, merely out of ill- nature, why, yet it is but like the thorn or briar, which prick and scratch, because they can d
15、o no other.即令有人纯粹因为生性本恶而作了恶,那又怎 么样,也不过像荆棘一样;荆棘刺人抓人因为 它们不会作别的事啊。(商务版)即使真的有人仅仅是因为本性不好而作恶,又 怎么样呢?那也不过像荆棘或刺丛一样,它们 抓人刺人,只因为它们只能如此。(湖南版)即便有人纯然是出于恶性而作恶,那也不过像 荆棘藜楛一般,刺扎戳抓皆因没别的本事。 (参考译文),18,We looked up toward a neighboring mountain-top, and saw exquisite prismatic colors playing about some white clouds whic
16、h were so delicate as to almost resemble gossamer webs. The faint pinks and greens were peculiarly beautiful; none of the colors were deep,they were the lightest shades. 我们眺望毗邻的一座山峰,但见轻纱薄幕般的白云间,闪烁着美妙无比的七色光彩。淡淡的红,淡淡的绿,色浅光淡,分外娇美;所有色彩都浅淡素雅,全然没有深沉的色调。当年某师范学院出版的“参考译文”将这个并列句译作“全然没有深颜色,一律是最淡的” (1983,P.85),
17、19,The situation is uncommonly beautiful, by the side of a fine river, whose streams are there very favourable for angling, surrounded by the remains of natural woods, and by hills abounding in game. 坐落在一条美丽的河边,那环境确实异常优雅,附近有适宜垂钓的溪汊浜湾,四周有残存下来的原始森林,河两岸还有鸟兽成群的绵亘山丘。,20,Venus and Adonis L.289-300Look whe
18、n* a painter would surpass the life In limning out a well-proportioned steed,His art with natures workmanship at strife,As if the dead the living should exceed So did this horse excel a common one In shape, in courage, color, pace, and bone.Round-hoofed, short-jointed, fetlocks shag and long,Broad b
19、reast, full eye, small head, and nostril wide,High crest, short ears, straight legs and passing strong ,Thin mane, thick tail, broad buttock, tender hide: Look what* a horse should have he did not lack, Save a proud rider on so proud a back._* Look when: just as when, as when* Look what: whatever,21
20、,曹译正如有位丹青能手,画坛大家,其艺可谓巧夺天工,出神入化,他绘出的骕骦駃騠皆骨肉匀停,画就的良驹往往胜过天生骏马 眼前这匹马就这般超凡脱俗,无论其形态风骨、色泽或步伐。蹄圆,骹短,肢长,距毛蓬松,胸阔,颅小,鼻宽,目光炯炯,脊高,耳短,腿直,筋骨健壮,鬣细,尾浓,臀阔,皮毛茸茸。良驹应具备的优点它一样不缺,只差一名英武的骑手跨骥骑龙。 _ 这里可能暗指擅长画马的希腊画 师尼孔(Nicon)。 漓江社维纳斯与阿多尼38页,张译画家若想画一匹骨肉匀停的骏马,使它比起真的活马来还要增身价,那他的手笔,得比天工还精巧伟大,使笔下的死马,远超过自然的活马。现在这匹马,论起骨骼、色泽、气质、步伐,胜过
21、普通马,像画家的马,胜过天上的马。蹄子圆,骹骨短,距毛蒙茸、丛杂而翩翩胸脯阔,眼睛圆,头颅小,鼻孔宽,呼吸便,两耳小而尖,头颈昂而弯,四足直而健,鬣毛稀,尾毛密,皮肤光润,臀部肥又圆;看!马所应有的,他没有一样不具备完全,只少个骑马的人,高踞他阔背上的华鞍。 人民社莎全集第11卷第17页,22,刺扎戳抓 浅淡素雅 荆棘藜楛 溪汊浜湾 骕骦駃騠 石砄草根 善删者字去而意留,善敷者辞殊而意显。 文心雕龙熔裁,翻译中的衬字不同于汉语传统的“衬字”。传统的“衬字”是为了节奏和谐而增加虚词,翻译中的“衬字”主要也是为了译文节奏,但增加的是实义词(对应原文的动词,形容词和复数名词)。,23,no more
22、 than + 短语(从句) but Harsanyi declared that he had the soul of a shrimp, and could no more make an artist than a throat specialist could. (Song of the LarK. p.481) He knew no more about her than did the hundreds around him(Song of the LarK p.640) This country itself was sad, he thought, looking about
23、him,and you could no more change that than you could change the story in an unhappy human face. (One of Ours. p.1062),24,25, but Harsanyi declared that he had the soul of a shrimp, and could no more make an artist than a throat specialist could. (p.481) 但豪沙尼断言说他心胸狭窄,不可能培养出歌唱艺术 家,正如喉科专家培养不出歌唱艺术家一样。 (
24、p.537/单卷本p.212) He knew no more about her than did the hundreds around him(p.640) 他不了解她,就像他周围的数百名观众不了解她一样。 (p.719/单卷本p.397) This country itself was sad, he thought, looking about him, and you could no more change that than you could change the story in an unhappy human face. (p.1062) 他环顾四周,心中暗想,这片土地
25、本身就使人忧伤, 你不可能将其改变,就像你不可能改变刻在一副愁容上的 那个故事。(p.1192),26, We have no more right to consume happiness without producing it than to consume wealth without producing it. 我们若不创造幸福,就无权享受幸福,正如不 创造财富就无权享受财富一样。 Hes no more your friend than Im your mother. 他不是你的朋友,就像我不是你母亲一样。 A fool can no more see his own folly
26、than he can see his ears. 蠢人看不见自己之愚蠢,就像他看不见自己的 耳朵一样。 Hes no more fit to be a minister than a school boy would be. 他不适合当部长,就像小学生不适合当部长一样。,27, I am not more sure that my soul lives, than I am sure that perverseness is one of the primitive impulses of the human heart. (Poe, p.599) 正如我确信自己的灵魂存在一样,我也确信反
27、常是人类心灵的一种原始冲动。(坡,p.667) I am not more certain that I breathe, than that the assurance of the wrong or error of any action is often the one unconquerable force. (Poe, p.827) 就像我确信自己在呼吸一样,我也确信任何行 为上的邪恶或罪过往往是一种不可抑制的力量。 (坡,p.919)no more than + 短语(从句)不就像不 not more , than + 短语(从句)就像(正如)也,28,英语定语(从句)译法 就英译
28、汉而论,定语从句的翻译既是重点又是 难点。大凡译文之生硬、拗口甚至晦涩,多半 都是因没能译好定语从句所致(2001-5)。 凡是像汉语定语一样起修饰限制作用的英语定 语从句都必须译成定语。 技巧(C 译法):首先译出定语从句前的主句, 然后重复先行词(或者说把代表先行词的关系 词还原为先行词),再把定语从句译成定语置 于被重复的先行词之前。,29,For one of Emersons most fundamental and frequently recurring ideasis that of a “ great nature in which we rest as the earth
29、lies in the soft arms of the atmosphere.” 爱默生反复提到的一个最基本的观点是:“自然崇高伟大,人类栖息其中,一如地球依偎在大气温柔的怀抱里。”(获奖译文) 因为爱默生频频论及的一个基本概念就是“自然”,即这个“我们像大地卧于大气温柔怀抱那样存在于其中的自然。”(参考译文),30,The Supreme Critic on the errors of the past and the present, and the only prophet of that which must be, is that great nature in which we
30、rest, as the earth lies in the soft arms of the atmosphere from The Over-Soul 对古今谬误的最高批评者,对必有之事的唯一预言家,就是大自然,即我们像大地卧于大气温柔怀抱那样存在于其中的自然 (论超灵第3段),31,I want a man who will throw his hat over the Chindwin and then lead his troops after it. 我要的是这样一个人,他决心在钦敦江破釜沉舟,然后 率领部队前进。(P.14) 我要的是这样一个人,一个能在钦敦江破釜沉舟并率部 过江
31、的人。(曹译) They are striving for the ideal which is close to the heart of every Chinese and for which, in the past, many Chinese have laid down their lives. 他们正在为实现一个理想而努力,这个理想是每个中国 人所珍爱的,在过去,许多中国人曾为了这个理想而牺 牲了自己的生命。(P.131) 他们正努力去实现那个理想,那个每一位中国人珍藏于 心中的理想那个许许多多中国人曾为之献出了生命的 理想。(曹译),32, 凡是像汉语定语一样起修饰限制作用的英语
32、定语从 句都必须译成定语。 Seek not proud riches, but such as thou mayest get justly, use soberly, distribute cheerfully, and leave contentedly. 不要梦想发横财,财富应当用正当的手段去谋求, 应当慎重地使用,应当慷慨地用以济世,而到临死 时应当无留恋地与之分手。(何译湖南版) 不要追求炫耀的财富,仅寻求你可以用正当手段得 来、庄重地使用、愉快地施与、安然地遗留的那种 财富。(水译商务版) 别为炫耀而追求财富,只挣你取之有道、用之有度、 施之有乐且遗之有慰的钱财。(曹译人文版),
33、33,一、There be句型中主语后的定语从句There are many people who want to read this book. 有许多人想读这本书。There was another man who seemed to have answers, and that was Forrest Gump. 另外有个人显得胸有成竹,那就是弗雷斯特甘普。There were men in the crowd who had stood there every day for a month. 人群中有些人一个月来每天都站在哪里。There is a man downstairs wh
34、o wants to see you. 楼下有个人要见你。There is a transparency about the light here which cannot be described or painted. 那片柔光周围有一种说不出的清澈明净。,34,There be + n. + verbThere is something keeps upsetting them. 有件事一直使他们心烦意乱。(英汉大词典P.1962)There is no man doth a wrong for the wrongs sake. 世间并无为作恶而作恶之人。 Here will I hol
35、d. If theres a power above us And that there is all nature cries aloud Thro all her works), He must delight in virtue; And that which he delights in must be happy. from Addisons Cato 我会在此坚持。若我们头顶有神灵, 而且有因其神迹而欢呼的世间万物, 那神灵所喜爱的必定是高尚的道德, 而令神灵喜爱的人必定会非常幸福。 艾迪生加图,35,这种用法在莎士比亚戏剧中更为常见。如: Sir, there is especi
36、al commission came from/ Venice to depute Cassio in Othellos place. 先生,有特使从威尼斯来任命凯西奥取代奥赛 罗的位置。 奥赛罗第4幕第2场第220-221行 Theres one did laugh ins sleep, and one cried, “Murther!” 有人在梦中大笑,有人喊了声“杀人!” 麦克白第2幕第2场第20行 Theres many have committed it. 有许多人都犯过这种罪。 一报还一报第2幕第2场第89行,36,二、语法上是定语而语义上是状语的定语从句 汉语中的定语分为修饰性和
37、限制性两类,修饰性定语指有描写作用的定语,描绘人或事物的性质、状态限制性定语在于给事物分类或划定范围。换言之,汉语中的定语只起对名词进行限制或修饰的作用。而英语的定语从句不仅可以对其先行词(名词)起修饰限制作用,还可以对其先行词所在的主句起补充说明作用,起前一种作用的定语从句我们称为限制性定语从句,后一种则被我们称为非限制性定语从句。非限制性定语从句既然起的是补充说明作用,其意义功能就与状语从句重合,因此翻译成汉语时往往被译成相应的状语从句,严格说是译成汉语偏正复句中相应的分句。,37,例如好些翻译教材都用到的这个例子: We know that a cat, whose eyes can t
38、ake in many more rays of light than our eyes, can see clearly in the night. 我们知道猫在夜里也能清楚地看见物体,因为猫的眼 睛比人的眼睛能吸收更多的光线。 Such, in some attempt at an organization, are a few of Emersons favorite ideas, which occur over and over again, no matter what may be the subject of the essay. 如果非要理出个头绪,以上便是爱默生最为津津乐道
39、 的一些理念,因为无论他的文章涉及什么主题,这些 理念都会在其字里行间一再重复。,38,三、不起限制修饰或补充说明作用的定语从句 英语中还有一类定语从句中既不起修饰限制作用,也没有补充说明功能,而仅仅是为了使句子紧凑而使用的一种语法手段。如 Tom passed the rumor to John, who passed it to Jack,who passed it to Mary,who passed it to。这类定语从句不难判断,因为其余几类定语从句从语法上都可以翻译成定语,如我们完全可以把 There are many people who want to see the fil
40、m 翻译成“有许多想看那部电影的人”,再如若把刚才讲的那个句子翻译成“我们知道其眼睛比人的眼睛能吸收更多的光线的猫在夜里也能清楚地看见物体”虽说逻辑上经不起推敲,但语法上却没有任何毛病;然而,即便不顾逻辑上是否经得起推敲,也不管语句多么诘屈聱牙,我们都没法把这类定语从句翻译成定语。,39, At this point of narrative the cook turned pale, and asked the housemaid to shut the door, who asked Brittles, who asked the tinker, who pretended not to
41、hear. 听到这儿厨子脸色变得苍白,叫女仆去把门关上,女仆叫布立特 尔区关,布立特尔又叫补锅匠关,补锅匠却装作没听见。 Oliver Twist, 28 If she did not speak with Rebecca on the tender subject, she compensated herself with long and intimate conversations with Mrs. Blenkinsop, the housekeeper, who dropped some hints to the ladys-maid, who may have cursorily
42、mentioned the matter to the cook, who carried the news, I have no doubt, to all the tradesmen. Vanity Fair, 6 就算她没能就这件微妙的事与吕贝卡进行过交谈,她也从与女管 家布伦金索普太太的数次推心置腹中得到了补偿,而女管家向夫 人的贴身女仆露了点口风,女仆可能又对厨娘草草说起过此事, 而我毫不怀疑,厨娘又把这消息告诉了所有那些商贩。,40,引导此类定语从句的关系代词未必都用who,下面两例就分别用了which和whose: After dinner, the four key negot
43、iators resumed their talks, which continued well into the night. 四个主要谈判人饭后又继续会谈,会谈一直持续到深夜。 There is a spider, too, in the bathroom, of uncertain lineage, bulbous at the abdomen and drab, whose six-inch mess of web works, works somehow, works miraculously, to keep her alive and me amazed. 屋里还有只蜘蛛,在浴室
44、里,一只种属不明、腹部滚圆 的褐色雌性蜘蛛。它那张六吋见方、错杂凌乱的蛛网以 种方式某种神奇的方式使它一直活着,使我一 直惊奇。,41,四、译文中不得已而后置的定语从句 A good deal went on in the steppe which he her father did not know. 草原发生了许多事情在发生,他她父亲并不知道。132 Elizabeth was determined to make no effort for conversation with a woman, who was now more than usually insolent and disa
45、greeable. (Pride and Prejudice, cha. 56) 伊丽莎白不肯再和这样一个女人说活,这个女人现在异常无 礼,十分令人反感。(武大版72) Kissinger and his small group of aides toured the Forbidde City, where the Chinese emperors had once lived in lofty splendor. 基辛格和他的一小组随从参观了故宫,从前的中国皇帝曾在 这里过着奢华显赫的生活。(上外版133-134),42,要使以上译文主次分明,语气连贯,我们可在分句前加“而” 字或语气所要
46、求的其它汉语连词,或者把定语从句当作同位语来翻译。比如以上三句可译为:当时大草原上有许多事情在发生,而他(即她父亲)却一无所知。2. 伊丽莎白决定不再勉强自己与这样一个女人交谈,更何况此时这女人异常傲慢,令人反感。3. 基辛格和他的一小组随行人员参观了故宫,那座历代中国皇帝养尊处优的宫殿。,43,这样翻译不仅可使句子本身语气连贯,而且能使其与下文衔接。比如我们将第3句原文扩展为: Kissinger and his small group of aides toured the Forbidden City, where the Chinese emperors had once lived
47、in lofty splendor. And then they went to the Beihai Park, which is one of the oldest and most authentically perserved imperial gardens in China. 基辛格和他的一小组随从参观了故宫,从前的中国皇帝曾在这里过着奢华显赫的生活。然后他们又去了北海公园 基辛格和他的一小组随行人员参观了故宫,那座历代中国皇帝养尊处优的宫殿。然后他们又去了北海公园,44,诗歌翻译之用韵技巧 用韵丰富 用韵色彩 偶通谐韵,45,46,47,48,49,50,51,52,53,诗歌翻
48、译之用韵技巧 用韵丰富 用韵色彩 偶通谐韵,54,55,诗歌翻译之用韵技巧 用韵丰富 用韵色彩 偶通谐韵,56, 诗的感情色彩主要是由内容决定的,但用恰当的韵可以 起到烘托感情气氛的作用。比如: 由求韵有助于表现缠绵悱恻或凄切哀婉的气氛,离愁相 思诗常用,如: 江洋韵会给人一种雄奇壮观、轩昂豪迈、粗犷剽悍的感 觉,如:天苍苍,地茫茫,风吹草低见牛羊/ 雄赳 赳,气昂昂,跨过鸭绿江/ 钟山风云起苍黄,百万 雄师过大江 乜斜韵则给人一种悲怆而轩昂、抑郁而豪放的感觉,如 忆秦娥娄山关满江红怒发冲冠 歌波韵往往能烘托一种幽默诙谐的气氛:如:元曲红 锈鞋、民歌拖太阳、民歌如今天下怪事多: 河里石头滚上坡
49、,凌冰挂在开水锅,老鼠咬断猫颈项, 妈妈结婚儿打锣 ,57,58,59,60,A Drinking Song W. B. YeatsWine comes in at the mouth ,And love comes in at the eye;Thats all we shall know truth,Before we grow old and die.I lift the glass to my mouth,I look at you, and I sigh.,酒 歌爱尔兰叶芝 曹 明 伦 译 美酒自口中而入, 爱情从眼里而来, 此乃必知之真理, 趁我们未老未衰。 我举杯凑向嘴边, 望着
50、你一声长唉。,61,诗歌翻译之用韵技巧 用韵丰富 用韵色彩 偶通谐韵,62,63,64,65,评介湖南文艺出版社“诗苑译林” http:/ 这套丛书里,谢婉莹、郑振铎、查良铮、周煦良、曹明伦当属上品,不惟有跨文化之功力,亦饱受母语恩泽,珠玑字句,点滴心血,好此道者,宜反复把玩;梁宗岱、朱湘、卞之琳、戴望舒、程抱一为中品也,似以气质胜,气质胜者,难免意气用笔,乖悖原旨,文字往往与原著者本文殊非,读时宜慎;陈敬容、刘半九、王佐良、飞白、北岛、郑敏皆下品,或有一时文名,草率命笔,于所译文字不仅不通、且态度可疑、母语修为浅薄,辗转迻译而来的文字,不仅不信不达不雅,甚至面目可憎。而因其具一时之文名,不明