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1、精选,Unit 1 How can we become good learners?,一语小结1和朋友一起学习 2听磁带3备考.4.与交谈5.口语技巧 6.有点儿7. 起初 起先 8. , .的秘诀9. 因为 10. 也,work with friends,.listen to tapes,study for a test,have conversations with,speaking skills,a little,at first,the secret to.,because of,as well,精选,11. (在词典中等)查阅;抬头看 12. 以便,为了13. 的意思 14. 犯错误

2、15. 交谈 16. 依靠 依赖17. 共有的 18. 注意 关注19. 把联系。 20. 例如,look up,so that,the meaning of,make mistakes,talk to,depend on,in common,pay attention to,connect with ,for example,精选,21. 考虑 22. 即使 尽管 纵容23. 寻找 24. 担心 担忧25. 制作单词卡片 26. 向老师求助27. 大声读 28. 英语口语29. 作报告 30. 一字一字地,think about,even if,look for,worry about,ma

3、ke word cards,ask the teacher for help,read aloud,spoken english,give a report,word by word,精选,31. 如此以至于 32. 爱上33. 有趣的事情 34. 记笔记35. 多久一次 36. 做某事的能力 38. 学习习惯39. 对感兴趣 40. 感到无聊41. 在方面擅长 42. 害怕43. 彼此 互相 44. 代替 而不是,sothat,fall in love with,something interesting,take notes,how often,the ability to do sth,

4、learning habits,be interested in,get bored,be good at,be afraid of,each other,instead of,精选,二用法集萃,1.by doing sth 通过做某事 2.it +be+adj+to do sth 做某事是的3.finish doing sth 完成某事 4.what about doing sth?做某事怎么样?5.try to do sth 尽力做某事 6.the +比较近,the+比较近 越,就越7.find it+adj+to do sth 发现做某事 8.be afraid of doing sth

5、 害怕做某事9.help sb (to) do sth 帮助某人做某事 10.practice doing sth 练习做某事,精选,11.keep doing sth 一直做某事 12.be afraid to do sth 害怕做某事13.begin to do sth 开始做某事 14.want to do sth 想要做某事15.need to do sth 需要做某事 16.remember to do sth 记得做某事17.shoot 射(射着,射死等表结果) 18.shoot at( 瞄准) 射,精选,第一单元检测题,一 单项选择1._ do you study English

6、? By listening to tapes.A. How B. Where C. When D. Why 2. _conversations with others is one of the secrets to _a successful learner. A. Practice, become B. Practice, becoming C. Practicing, becoming3. A good learner often thinks about _he needs to practice more. A. that B. what C. how4.-Im going to

7、listen _the tape. -OK. Remember to listen _the key words. A. to, to B. to ,for C. for, to 5. _or not you can learn well depends on your learning habits. A. If B. Weather C. Whether,精选,6. Well go out to play _ it rains tomorrow. A. so B. unless C. because 7 -Therere a few new words in the article? -W

8、hat about _in your dictionary? A. looking it up B. looking up it C. looking them up 8. I have finished _my report. May I start to learn _the guitar? A. writing, playing B. writing, to play C. to write, playing 9. -I often make mistakes _grammar. -Why not ask your teacher _help? A. in, to B. in, for

9、C. at, to,精选,10.I discovered that listening to is the secret language learning. A.something intresting, to B.interesting something, to C.something interested, of D.interested something of11.Jenny found it very easy English well. A.learning B.to learn C.learn D.learned12. He_ with the girl with golde

10、n hair and will soon get married_ her.A. falls in love; to B. is in love; to C. loves; with D. loves; to13. -Jack used to have _writing practice. -Yes, and he had learned _. A. a lot of, a lot of B. a lot of, a lot C. a lot, a lot of,精选,24 Why not _ your teacher for help when you cant finish _ it by

11、 yourself? A. ask; write B. to ask; writing C. ask; writing D. asking; write25. I wonder if I can learn English well. . All things are difficult before they are easy. A. I am afraid so B. Youre slow C. It takes time D. Its a piece of cake26 Youll find _ easy to learn it well. A. thatB. itsC. itD. th

12、is,精选,27. I dont have a partner to practice English _.-Why not join an English language club to practice _?A. /; speakingB. with; to speakC. /; to speakD. with; speaking28. -She hardly makes mistakes _English grammar. -No, it seems that she was born _the ability to learn languages. A. in, with B. wi

13、th, in C. in, in D. with, with,精选,二用所给单词的适当形式填空。,1.Do you have fun_(learn) English?2.Do you have trouble _(take) a lot of grammar notes?3.I dont know how _(use) commas.4. Its important for us _(learn) English well.5.She was born with the ability_(learn).6.Last night I met a beautiful girl_ (call) Li

14、 Yan 7.Its not easy for me _(follow) the teachers because they speak too quickly.8 Do you enjoy _(learn) English? .,精选,9.I have to finish (read) a book and give a report next Monday.10.I often practice (speak) English after class.11.Last night they kept (write) new words12Why_ (not come) here on foo

15、t?13.Wei Fen found it difficult _(learn) English.,精选,14.We should pay more attention to _(prounouce) every word correctly.15.He is always afraid _(ask) teachers questions in class.16.I havent decided whether _(leave) or not.17.The more you eat,the (fat) you will be,精选,三.用所给单词或短语的适当形式填空。,wise,call, r

16、eview, pronounce, knowledge 1. I dont think Betty has much of American history.2. If you dont use the money , you will be in trouble.3. The little girl had little difficulty learning English .4.Do you know the movie Red Star ?5. she will do better in the exam if she _ the important points earlier.,k

17、nowledge,wisely,pronunciation,called,reviews,精选,四. 从方框中选择合适的词组,并用其适当形式填空,A(depend on, have in common, , get bored, take notes, write down, explainto, find out)1.Taiyuan and Zhengzhou a lot . For example,they are both big cities with a long history.2. By , you can make it easier for you to review wha

18、t you have learned.3. If teachers play some games in class, few students will ._ 4. Our English teacher often spends much time _ difficult points us.5. Before you make your decision, how your parents will feel about it.6. How well you learn sometimes how you learn. 7. Please the telephone number bef

19、ore you forget it.,have,in common,taking notes,get bored,explaining,to,find out,write down,depends on,精选,五. 阅读下面的对话,从方框里选择合适的单词,,(overnight, born, practices, active, brain, ability, partner, joining, increase, aloud)A: Wendy came first in the English competition. I think she is a (1) English learner

20、. B: Maybe she is. She doesnt have a super (超级的) (2). She does well in English because she (3) _it a lot every day. Do you know she reads English (4) for 20 every morning? And she is always so (5) when she studies. A: And I know she reads English magazines every week. She has the (6) to understand v

21、ery long news reports, but I cant. And I cant (7)_,born,brain,practices,aloud,active,ability,increase,精选,(overnight, born, practices, active, brain, ability, partner, joining, increase, aloud),my reading speed. Sometimes I feel it hard to learn English.B: It can be easy. All you need is to spend eno

22、ugh time on it and learn it in right ways.A: Maybe youre right. And I just think I need a (8) _to learn English with. B: What about (9) an English club? It will help you a lot.A: Sounds like a good idea. Thanks, Mrs. Lee.B: Youre welcome. Remember success doesnt come (10). You need to be patient .,partner,joining,overnight,精选,Thank you!,精选,精选,精选,


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