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1、BEC-II Unit 2 B Corporate hospitality 公司商务招待,http:/,Teaching Objective,To enable Ss to talk about corporate hospitality To practice reading for gist and specific information To raise awareness of formal versus informal language in letters To review language for making and dealing with invitations To

2、 practice writing a letter of acceptance,Unit overview,Mixing business with pleasure: Speaking of suitable ways of entertaining corporate guests and discussing advantage and disadvantage of mixing business with pleasure; Reading an article about business socializing. Arranging a company visit: Readi

3、ng of an invitation letter, Language focus and writing a letter of aceptance,Content,Mixing business with pleasureArranging a company visit,Mixing business with pleasure,Vocabulary Oral PracticeReading ComprehensionOral practiceSupplementary readingSupplementary audio,Vocabulary 1-2,corporate hospit

4、ality 商务接待,企业社交 tip 技巧,窍门,忠告 to be in need of 需要 business objectives 商务目标 social setting 社交场合 training consultants 培训咨询 corporate events 商务活动 a social event 社交活动 accommodation 住处 poor timing 时间不当,Vocabulary2-2,sales figure 销售数字 the recipe for success 成功秘诀 establish/build a good business relationship

5、 建立良好的商务关系 trade fair 贸易会 fashion sportswear 运动时装 teenage 少年 production methods 生产方式 head office 总部 design team 设计小组 marketing and sales directors 营销和销售部门的主管 in due time 经过一段时间,到适当的时候,Oral Practice1-2,Read the profiles of the business people below. Choose ways of entertaining them form the following

6、 list.,Oral Practice2-2,A round of golf 一场高尔夫球 A sightseeing tour of the city 城市观光游 A visit to a sports event 观看体育赛事 A shopping trip 购物游 fact-finding mission 情况考察 offer your company a substantial contract 为您的公司提供一份客观的合同 to place an order with 向定购 a valued customer 有价值的客户 finalise one or two small de

7、tails concerning 对与有关的一两个详细情况做出最后决定。 a manufacturer of fashion sportswear 时装运动服生产商 a two-day stopover 为期两天的中途停留注:(乘飞机作长途 旅行中)中途下机逗留,中途短暂停留,Reference:,a fact-finding mission enables businessmen to understand the company 实地考察能使商人们了解公司 invite him to a round of golf 邀请他去打一场高尔夫球 be fit his social status

8、适合他的社会身份 facilitate one-to-one conversation 有利于一对一交流 take it as a chance to strengthen business ties 把此作为加强交流的机会 have the right atmosphere to talk about business 有恰当的谈论商务的气氛 can concentrate on the work without distraction a chance to know the other people better,Reading Comprehension,TextText transl

9、ationWords and expressionsReading comprehension exercise,Read the article and think about which ways of entertaining business clients are mentioned.,Text 1-7,Training to be entertaining and making it pay Diane Summers picks up some tips on how hosts and clients can mix business and pleasure more eff

10、ectively. Chinese,Text 2-7,Got a lunch with a client or contact today? Are you sure your objectives of the meal are clear? If your answer to the last question is yes-having some nice food and getting to know the other person a little better, you could be in need of a training course. Fortunately, on

11、e is now available. Called influencing in a Social Context, the three-day programme run by Huthwaite, the UK-based training consultants, will give you the knowledge and skills to plan and achieve objectives in a social setting while ensuring that your clients and prospects still enjoy themselves. Ch

12、inese,Text 3-7,The first thing the course stress is that there is no point in taking client to a rugby match if you are hoping to have some one-to-one conversations. Instead, use a sporting event or the opera, for example, as a hook, then arrange a meal afterwards for the more intimate discussions a

13、bout your companys outstanding record, or whatever business it is that you wish to do. Chinese,Text 4-7,Another common mistake many business make it to send staff to corporate events without telling them why they are there or what they should do. It is not surprising that they see this as a chance s

14、imply to stand around having free drinks on the company and chatting to each other rather than talking to clients. Everyone feels uncomfortable in this situation. Chinese,Text 5-7,Also, many business people seem to be afraid of mentioning the word business at corporate events. Ye too much social chi

15、t-chat and getting-to-know-you type conversation adds up to missed opportunities. Corporate events need to be seen for what they are-business meeting in a social setting. Chinese,Text 6-7,A further difficulty lies in deciding exactly when your bring up the matter of business at social event. Some pe

16、ople simply have poor timing. What client wants to spend an evening at the theatre listening to you whisper half-year sales figures into his ear. No matter how exciting you may think they are? Chinese,Text 7-7,According the Peter Belsey from Huthwaite, the recipe for success and the key to establish

17、ing or building a good business relationship seems to be the ability to mix social conversation with purposeful conversation and to move smoothly and effortlessly between the two. So, if youre having lunch with a client today, Chinese,Words and expressions 1-7,Pick up 这个短语是“学会,学到”的意思,比如:She soon pic

18、ked up French when she went to live in France.她到法国居住后很快就学会了法语。另外,pick up还有一个常见的意思,那就是“接某人”,比如,pick me up at the airport. 在机场接我。 contact 做名词,意思是“熟人,在业务上有关系的人”,“可能有利用价值的人”(a person, esp. in a high position, whom you can use to your knowledge in your work or socially to give you information or instruct

19、ions )例如,the contact at city hall 在市政府工作的人,Words and expressions 2-7,available 的意思是可以得到的。比如,a lot free English courses are now available in the internet .现在在网络上有很多免费的英语课程。available 这个词很有用。比如说:I am not available. I am already engaged.不好意思。我已经订婚了。用这句话可以很明确地拒绝那些追求你的人。,Words and expressions 3-7,有两个很重要的单

20、词,第一个是context: 环境, 背景, 来龙去脉; 前后关系.You can often tell the meaning of a word from its context.我们往往可以从一个字的上下文知道它的意思。Crime has to be studied in its social context.研究犯罪活动必须联系它们所在的社会背景。 另外一个单词是prospect.这是一个可数名词,意思是“可能的/潜在的顾客”,“委托人或购买者”(a potential customer, client, or purchaser)比如:The car salesman talked

21、to several prospects.那汽车销售员和好几个可能成为客户的人谈话。,Words and expressions 4-7,Seeas把看作是,认为。比如:I didnt see his determination as a defect. 我不认为他的果断是一种缺陷。 Stand around 闲站着,也可以写成stand about.例如:dont stand around doing nothing, give me a hand with the luggage.别闲站着啥也不干,帮我提提行李。类似的表达有sit around/about 闲坐着。 on the comp

22、any 在这段话中的意思是“由公司付钱”。我们也可以说:This meal is on me.这顿饭我请客,我买单。Having another coffee on me .再来一杯咖啡,我买单。,Words and expressions 5-7,Be afraid of doing sth害怕做某事: I am afraid of speaking to the public.我害怕在公众场合讲话。 Chit-chat 是“非正式的闲聊”,也可以做动词用。比如:we are just chit-chating about this and that.我们只是在随便闲聊而已。 Add up

23、to 意味着,说明。比如:their action added up to a deliberate flouting of rules.他们的行动说明他们在故意违反规则。,Words and expressions 6-7,Lie in (原因,答案,兴趣等)在于 比如:The causes of the war lie in the greed and incompetence of politicians on both sides.战争的起因在于双方面政界人士的贪婪和无能。注意,如果指责任,选择,决策等方面的关键在于某人,习惯上是用 lie with 。例如;Responsibilit

24、y for the disaster must ultimately lie with the government.灾难的责任完全在于无能的政府。The choice lies with you.由你选择。 Some people simply have poor timing. 有些人总是提得不合时宜。,Words and expressions 7-7,Recipe 是“处方,秘诀”的意思,比如He thinks the one recipe for success lies in hard work.他认为成功的唯一诀窍在于勤奋。 The key to establishing or

25、building a good business relationship 建立良好的商务关系的关键是注意,这里的to 是介词,所以必须跟动名词establishing和building 连用。 mix social conversation with purposeful conversation把“社交活动”与“目的性对话”交织起来。又比如其它例子:mix business with pleasure.把公务和娱乐结合起来。,Reading comprehension exercise,Using the information in the article, complete each

26、sentence with a phrase from the list Read the article again. Choose the best title for each numbered paragraph.,Oral practice,build a good business relationship 建立良好的商务关系 establish rapport with clients 与客户建立联系 enhance mutual understanding 增进相互理解 a more colorful life 更为丰富多彩的生活 work and play are one 工

27、作与休息融为一体 difficulty of s roles 角色交换的困难 forget your role 忘记自己的角色 too preoccupied with your work 对工作过于专心,Speaking. What are the advantages and disadvantages of mixing business with pleasure.把商务和娱乐结合的有利之处和不利之处是什么?,参考词汇和表达,Arranging a company visit,Reading comprehensionReading exerciseLanguage pointsWri

28、ting practice,Reading comprehension,Reading. Mr Fellini, the Purchasing Manager of Cuore Sportivo, has received this invitation from Angela Goddard of Trackplus Ltd. Read her letter. What is the invitation for?,LetterWords and expressions,Letter 1-4,Dear Mr Fellini, I was delighted to finally meet y

29、ou at the Milan trade fair last week and I would like to thank you for the interest you expressed in Trackplus and our range of childrens and teenage fashion sportswear and accessories.,Letter 2-4,we would like to invite you to spend two or three days in the UK to visit our factory in Oxford and giv

30、e you an overview of our facilities and production methods. This would also be an opportunity for you to visit our Head Office in London to meet our design team and Marketing and Sales Directors to discuss common areas of interest.,Letter 3-4,As you would be our guest, we would of course meet all yo

31、ur expense. We can also put a company car and driver at your disposal during your stay in London. I believe you mentioned that you are a keen theatre-goer. We would, therefore, be pleased to arrange for you to see a West End Play if this would interest you.,Letter 4-4,Letter 4-4In terms of possible

32、dates, we were hoping that we could arrange something for the end of the month. I would be grateful if you could tell me in the next few days if this would be suitable for you. Please let me know, however, if you would prefer alternative dates. I do hope your schedule will allow you to accept our in

33、vitation I look forward to hearing from you in due course,Words and expressions 1-4,Our range of childrens and teenage fashion sportswear and accessories.这里的“range”一词的意思是“(变化)范围”。比如:a wide price range 极大的价格变化范围。另外, teenage 是形容词,所以后边直接跟名词,,Words and expressions 2-4,Facilities 是“设备”,“设施”的意思。一般都是用复数。例如

34、:hospitals and other health care facilities 医院和其他的医疗保健设施。 Meet all your expenses中的meet是“支付”,“付清”。例如:Can you meet this account? 你能付清这笔钱吗? Put/leave/place sth at sbs disposal 把某物交给某人自由处理。比如,我们还可以说,my library is at your disposal.我的书房由你随意使用。,Words and expressions 3-4,a keen theatre-goer中的keen 意思为“对入迷”。比

35、如,he is a keen gardener 他是个园艺迷。在商务英语中,keen常常表示“激烈的,强烈的”。比如,a keen competition激烈的竞争。 In terms of :从的角度来看,(in relation to; with reference to)比如:In terms of natural resources, it is one of the poorest countries in Western Europe.就自然资源而言,这是西欧最贫穷的国家之一。,Words and expressions 4-4,in due course/time:经过一段时间,

36、到适当的时候。比如:we shall no doubt get the information in due course. 毫无疑问,我们到时候会得到信息的。,Reading exercise1-2,Reading exercise1-2Read the article again. Are the following statements true of false?Mr Fellini first met Ms Goddard at the Milan trade fair. Mr Fellini has already seen Trackpluss production proces

37、s. Trackplus will pay for Mr Fellinis accommodation expense only. Ms Goddard would like Mr Fellini to visit at the end of November. Ms Goddard is sure that the dates will be convenient for Mr Fellini. 答案:1 true 2 false 3 false 4 true 5 false,Reading exercise2-2,Choose the most appropriate phrase (A

38、or B) to fill each numbered space in the letter.A. it was really greatI was delightedA. wed really like you to comewe would like to invite you. A. I believe you mentionedIm pretty sure you told me.A. I would be grateful if you could tell meitd be nice if you could let me know. A. Im really hoping.I

39、do hope. A. I look forward to hearing from you.Please drop me a line.,Language points1-3,Letter of invitation 邀请信中常见的句型The following phrase are useful for formal written invitations Inviting/offering发出邀请(注意:情态动词的使用使语气更加委婉) We should like to invite youWe should be very pleased if you couldWe would be

40、 delighted if you could,Language points 2-3,ThankingThank you(very much)for your(kind) invitation toIt was very kind of you to invite me toI was delighted to receive your invitation toI was delighted to receive your invitation to,Language points 3-3,AcceptingI would be very pleased toI should be del

41、ighted toDecliningUnfortunately, due to. I am unable to,Writing practice,Dear Ms Goddard With reference to your letter of November 13, I am writing to thank you for your kind invitation. I would be very pleased to accept your invitation to visit Oxford and see Trackplus production facilities. I woul

42、d also be interested in meeting your colleagues at Head Office, the design team in particular. I should also be delighted to accept your offer of arranging for me to see a play in the west end. Unfortunately, due to a business trip abroad, I am unable to come to England at the end of November as you

43、 suggested. However, as I feel it is important that we meet before Christmas I would be grateful if you could tell me if the second week of December would be suitable for you? I look forward to hearing from you again. Yours sincerely. Paolo Fellini.,Homework,Self-study 2b and exam practice. Write a letter of acceptance of 120-140 words. It should be clear,appropriately formal and include the five listed points.,此课件下载可自行编辑修改,供参考!感谢您的支持,我们努力做得更好!,


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