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1、课本关键知识点,Unit 1 谈论能力,Words: 1 sing sings sang sung singing 2 swim swims swam swum swimming vi go swimming 3 draw draws drew drawn drawing 4 write writes wrote written writing 5 show shows showed shown showing 6 make makes made made making 7 teach teaches taught taught teachingJoin 加入社团或组织 Join the ar

2、my; join the Young Pioneers; join the NBAEnglish club/art club/music club/chess club/swimming club/ sports club/soccer club/story telling club,speak/ tell/ talk/ say 区别 (P351)too/ also/ either 区别 (P418)be good at sth./doing sth 擅长于be good with sb/sth 善于应付Make friends with sb 和某人交朋友Help (sb)with sth

3、在某方面帮助(某人)电话号码前用介词at call sb at+ 号码 on the weekend/on weekends 在周末,What club do you want to join?What sports can you play?What can you do?want to do sth/like to do sth/need sb to do sthCan you ? Yes/NoI can do kung fu.情态动词can的用法情态动词: can 和 may1、情态动词不能单独使用,后面必须接原形动词。2、含情态动词的肯定句,变否定句,在情态动词后加not;变一般疑问句

4、,把情态动词提到主语前。一般现在时,Unit 2 时间的表达,what time “什么时候” ,常用来询问表示“几点几分”的时间。“几点几分”时间的表示法:用基数词,先说点钟,后说分钟。“几点几分”时间,前面要用介词 at 。 1:00 one oclock 2:00 two oclock oclock , 只用于正点 12:00 twelve oclock 3:15 three fifteen 5:30 five thirty 4:20 four twenty 6:35 six thirty five分钟数不超过30分钟,可用介词“past”。 如:11:05five past eleve

5、n 8:15a quarter past eight/fifteen past eight 9:30half past nine或thirty past nine 分钟数超过30分钟,用介词to,表示“差,不到”。如: 11:50ten to twelve 9:45a quarter to ten或fifteen to ten,短语get up/ go to school/work/bed get dressed brush(ones) teeth go home /get home get to schooleat/have breakfast/lunch/dinnertake a show

6、er/walk take a/an +名词 “从事活动”be late for迟到do (ones) homeworkclean (ones)room,timefor 做的时间like to do sthin/at/on/for 表时间的区别eitheror 表示选择much/many/lots of /a lot ofbe good for/ be bad fortaste good频度副词 (系动词后/实义动词前)always, usually, sometimes,often,never, hardly, seldom,Unit 3 如何到达目的地,问交通方式 How do you?问花

7、多长时间 how long does it take? It takes sb. some time to do sth问多远 How far is it fromto? It is常见的乘交通工具:take a/the +交通工具名词by+交通工具名词in/on +冠词/物主代词/指示代词 +交通工具名词 take a/the train by train on a/his/the trainride a/the bike by bike on a/his/the bikedrive a/the car by car in a/his/cargo on a ropewaywalk/ on f

8、oot,It is + adj/n (for sb) to do sthThere be 句型 (P353)介词to 向、到、对11-year-old = 11 years oldbe afraid of sth =be afraid to do sthcross the rivercome true,Unit 4 讨论规则,祈使句Be 型 Be quiet./ Dont be quiet.Do 型 Come here, please. Dont Let型 let me help you. Dont let Let me notNo +n/v-ing型 No parking./No photo

9、s.情态动词 must/have to (P180)直接引语和间接引语(P333),短语 arrive late for = be late for be on time eat in class/in the classroom/in the dining hall/outside listen to music outside wear a hat/a uniform/glasses at school bring to / take to be quiet/noisy go out see friends practice the guitar playing the guitar fi

10、ght with sb,wash/do the dishes watch TV help sb make breakfast/lunch/dinner clean ones room on school days/nights make (ones) bed make rules break/follow the rules be strict with sb/oneself keep ones hair short have fun too many/too much school rules,Unit 5 为什么你喜欢熊猫?,Welcome to “欢迎来某处”kind of 相当于副词,

11、修饰形容词或副词,意味“稍微,有点” a kind of/some kinds of/all kinds ofwalk on “用某种方式行走” walk on ones hands walk on ones kneesWhy dont you + V = why not + VBe / come from 来自made of (能看出原材料) a boat made of paper 后置定语,短语 all day one of/some of a symbol of be/get lost be in danger = dangerous be out of danger 脱离危险 cut

12、 down lose ones home be made of 看出原材料 be made from 看不出原材料 be made in 表产地,Unit 6 正在做什么,现在进行时 (P204)watch see read look watch 观看,看 watch TV 看电视 watch a football game 看一场足球比赛 see 看见(看的结果) I can see the bird in the tree. look 看(看的动作) Please look at the blackboard. read 阅读,读书,读报 She is reading a story.,短

13、语 read a newspaper talk on the phone use the computer make soup go to the movies be at home eat out make zongzi any other 其他任何一个+可数名词单数 not much=nothing much 不忙什么,讲电话: this is (speaking)/ it is(speaking) sb speaking句型: join sb for sth Id love to. live with sb/ live in +地点 wish to do sth谚语:No place l

14、ike home. East, west, home is best.,Unit 7 讨论天气, 练习现在进行时,询问天气 How is the weather in + 地点? whats the weather like in + 地点 回答:it is 反义疑问句(P276)短语 right for 适合 just right for doing sth by the pool have fun go / be on a vacation in the mountains take home take a photo/photos write to sb,句型 How is it goi

15、ng? How is everything going? (it) sounds like 听起来好像 have a good time / have a great time / have fun / enjoy oneself 过得很愉快 take a message for sb tell sb to do sth call sb back have a great time/have fun + (in) doing sth. 愉快地做某事 Be going to be + adj + to do sth leave sth. sp,Unit 8 问路和指路,There be 句型的一

16、般疑问句形式 Is/are there? Yes, there is. No, there isnt.表示地点、位置的介词(P144) in at on under before 在前面 in front of 在前部 in the front of in the middle of behind near next to beside/by inside/outside between and along at the back of across from,问路 Where is/are? How can I get to ? Can/could you tell me the way t

17、o ? Which is the way to ? Is/there ?,How can I help you? what can I do for you?be in town “进城”某人从外地来本地 in the town 单纯指位置in ones neighborhood 在某人的街区Like to do sth / love to do sthspend/cost/pay/takewatch sb doing/do sthlook like 看起来好像 sound like 就好像To get there (若)要到那儿 To do, (若)要做的话on the right/left

18、When 当的时候 (时间状语从句),Unit 9 描述人的外表,Whatdoes/do+主语 +looklike? 长得什么样?sb.+be+of+mediumbuild/height 某人中等身材/个子sb.+have/has/wear+hair 某人留着发sb.wears+clothes/glasses 某人穿着/戴着can/ may /would/ could / must /have to多个形容词的顺序,Unit 10 点餐 order food,What would you like?What kind of would you like?What size would you

19、like?Would you like?Would like sth/(sb) to do sthHave/take ones order 点菜onesmall/medium/largebowlof 一小/中/大碗的,短语 one bowl of / two bowls of the number of + 可数名词复数 is/was 的数量 a number of + 可数名词复数 are/were 许多 make a wish blow out in/at one go 一口气 get popular cut up bring good luck to be short of 缺乏,Uni

20、t 11 谈论过去发生的事情,一般过去时短语 go for a walk milk a cow ride a horse feed chickens talk with a farmer grow/pick apples show sb around learn a lot in the countryside go fishing lucky you/me/him! come out climb a mountain visit a museum a fire station go on a school trip all in all,How was your school trip? W

21、hat is your school trip like? 比照询问天气teach sb how to do sthbuy sth for sbbe interested innotat all 一点也不 quite a beautiful girl a very beautiful girl,Unit 12 谈论过去发生的事情,go + v-ing 去从事某种(室外)活动 go shopping/ swimming/ skating/ dancing/ skiing/ boating/ climbing/ camping/ hiking (徒步旅行)do some + v-ing去从事某种(

22、室内)活动 do some writing/ washing/ cooking/ cleaning/ readingstudy for a testgo to the cinemago to the beachhave a good weekendstay up late to do sth,shout at/to sbput upmake a fireso thatget a surprisestart to do/ doing sthkeep sb/sth + adj/adv/prep phrasehear/ feel/ watch sb do sth (过程) doing (动作正在进行),此课件下载可自行编辑修改,供参考!感谢您的支持,我们努力做得更好!,


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