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1、托福写作5大常见易错语法 盘点托福写作5大常见易错语法问题, 这些扣分细节你都知道吗?下面就和大家分享托福写作5大常见易错语法,希望能够帮助到大家,来欣赏一下吧。托福写作5大常见易错语法1. 托福写作中的数量描述托福写作中无论是综合写作还是独立写作都常会有用到描述数量的情况,而这其中用来模糊表述一些人/很多人的词大家可能第一时间就会想到lots of或者a lot of。然而这两个词其实是不太适合用在书面表达中的,可以说是更为偏向于日常用语或者说口语化的词汇。有的同学因此联想到了amounts of以及an amount of,然而这两个词却是许多同学更容易用错的词汇。因为这两个词是用来修饰不

2、可数名词的,比如water这样的词或是happiness/pain之类较为抽象的词汇。至于人或是物品建筑等可数名词则不能使用amount词汇来修饰,这也是大家常会犯的一个低级错误。对于可数名词,考生使用的修饰词一般为a number of或者numbers of。这几个词汇的用法细节大家一定要搞清楚。2. between和among的区别说到这两个词,高中英语有好好听的同学可能都会说出两者之间存在的区别在于前者用于两者之间,后面一般是接着两个人或者事的,而among则超过2个人后面要跟3个以上的人或事物。这个说法对高中阶段的同学来说可能比较方便理解和记忆,但其实也并不完全正确。between强

3、调的是两者之间相互的关系,但如果并非两者也可以使用,距离来说,the difference between threee countries也是完全可以的,3个国家两两之间各有不同,放在一起用between并没有任何问题。而among其实强调的并非对立关系,而是群体之间的共同感,比如the opinion among the students。这两个词的区别还是比较复杂的,大家在托福写作中还请多加留意。3. 举例用like还是such as?这个问题很多考生也常会纠结,不知道应该使用哪一个。其实如果只是为了举例,两者之间是完全可以互换的,因为在举例的用法上两者是一样的,都是前面给出一个大范围,

4、后面给出具体细节。比如countries like China and Russia,就可以直接替换成countries such as China and Russia,这在语法上没有问题。当然,such还可以适当提前,比如such countries as China and Russia,这也是比较常见的灵活用法。总之,为了避免用词重复,这两个词汇大家可以考虑互为替换词。4. people和persons的互换问题描述人或者人数时,考生比较容易搞混的一个地方在于people和persons的互换。这两个字其实在用法上是有一定区别的,虽然都是指人,但很多时候并不能互换使用。这不仅是语法问题

5、,更涉及到native speaker的用词习惯,如果考生随意混用会给人很不地道的感觉,比如encourage many people,改成encourage many persons就很不合适,可以说是非常糟糕的表达。另外如果涉及到具体数字,可能按照大家的习惯会觉得persons比people更好,但这也是初高中英语的遗留问题,现在的西方人早就习惯了直接在people前面加数字的做法,无论是three persons还是three people都是可以的。当然如果不是具体人数,而是many之类模糊的数字,那么用people还是比persons要更好的。5. 托福写作中的第二人称you关于托福

6、写作中是否要使用第二人称you一直都是一个比较有争议的问题。单纯从语法角度来说使用you只要没有语法错误都是可行的。但按照一般的英语写作习惯,托福写作还是比较偏向于书面化学术化的作文要求的,而这类*一般都会尽量避免使用第二人称you,这样才能让*更显正式,也会给人一种比较客观的感受。据所知,许多美国教授对中国考生的写作能力比较质疑的一点就是写的论文里大量使用第二人称,大家也需要尽早把这个习惯改正过来,不妨就从托福写作开始也好。而第一人称和第三人称相对更容易被接受一些,大家可以在写作时放心使用。托福写作素材:讨论的好处Benefits of a discussionStudents react

7、to content, share challenges, teach each other, learn by stating and understanding, clarify assumptions, experiment, own new skills and ideas.Distance education greatly extends classroom learningIndividualization of learning: Personal responses to forum topics are not limited in time or the length.

8、Students have the freedom to continue dialogues about the topics that interested them most.Encouragement of critical thinking: Effective forum topics are open-endedand designed to encourage students to take a position on issues. To respond to a forum topic requires organized thought and synthesis of

9、 concepts introduced in class. If a students views were challenged, he or she typically adds carefully considered reasons to back up previous comments.Student autonomy: Students have the flexibility to reflect on their thoughts and read the responses of others. Many students have stated that they ro

10、utinely discussed the forum topics with friends, family and colleagues outside of class before putting their comments online.Increased interaction time: A 45-hour semester places severe limits on the quality of discussions and experiences possible in a course. Often a course is the only one of its t

11、ype required in a program. The instructor isthus under extreme pressure to provide extensive and meaningful learning. In a three-hour class meeting of an average class size, an equal division of time allots only 5 minutes of discussion per student. Regular forum discussion adds hours of interaction

12、over a semester.More democratic exchange: In any class of 25-30 students, there will bedominant personalities, and students who may feel intimidated or unmotivated to speak. Therefore discussions, even in small groups, do not allow equal time to all students. In the online forum, each student has a

13、voice that will be heard by anyone who chooses to read his or her comments.More time to formulate responses and opinions: Because the forum discussions occur completely online, students have the flexibility to add their input when they are prepared. Some choose to answer questions immediately, while

14、 others prefer to consider the responses of others first. Undergraduate students are often much more comfortable discussing topics online after reading the viewpoints of the more experienced students. Students are encouraged to revisit past topics during the course, as their opinions changed.Flexibi

15、lity and convenience: Students set their own schedule for the forum. A forum is available at all times of day or night to accommodate school, work, and family demands. The forum is accessible from any Internet connection via the World Wide Web, allowing students to participate even when they were si

16、ck or traveling.Students learn about the content from another perspective.Students experience a professional communication process. Participantsexperience personal and academic gains as result of their communication with their peers. A goal is for the students to value such professional interchange,

17、 and seek it out among their colleagues, and for electronic communication to facilitate the process.Students find a content/expertise resource. Some professions tend to be somewhat isolated. The forum introduces to others who could serve as resources during the course, and into employment.托福写作素材摘抄:S

18、tudents react to content, share challenges, teach each other, learn by stating and understanding, clarify assumptions, experiment, own new skills and ideas.学生会对内容做出反应, 分享挑战,彼此教导,通过表述和理解学习,澄清假设, 做实验,并且掌握新技能和想法。extends classroom learning: 延伸课堂学习Individualization of learning:个性化的学习have the freedom to c

19、ontinue dialogues about the topics that interested them most. 可以自由对他们最感兴趣的主题继续对话。Encouragement of critical thinking: 鼓励批判性思维open-ended: 开放式的designed to encourage students to take a position on issues旨在鼓励学生问题上采取立场requires organized thought and synthesis of concepts introduced in class:需要组织思考和合成的概念引入类

20、carefully considered reasons to back up previous comments: 仔细考虑原因来支持先前的评论have the flexibility to reflect on their thoughts and read the responses of others: 可以灵活地反思自己的想法和看别人的反应thus under extreme pressure to provide extensive and meaningful learning: 因此在极端的压力下提供广泛的和有意义的学习dominant personalities: 占主导地位

21、的性格may feel intimidated or unmotivated to speak: 可能会感到害怕或没有说话的动机do not allow equal time to all students: 不给学生同样的时间each student has a voice that will be heard by anyone who chooses to read his or her comments:每个学生的声音都将被选择读他的评论的人停到have the flexibility to add their input : 灵活地加入他们的想法the viewpoints of t

22、he more experienced students: 的观点更有经验的学生set their own schedule: 设定自己的时间表accommodate school, work, and family demands: 适应学校、工作和家庭的需求is accessible from any Internet connection via the World Wide Web: 可以从任何网络连接接入万维网experience personal and academic gains:更有经验的学生的观点communication with their peers: 与同龄人沟通v

23、alue such professional interchange: 很看重这样的专业交流seek it out among their colleagues: 找出来他们的同事use electronic communication to facilitate the process: 通过电子通信来促进这个过程tend to be somewhat isolated:往往是一些孤立的serve as resources during the course: 在课堂中作为资源托福写作适用题目:Some believe that teachers (for students from age

24、 14-18) should focus on lecturing and asking students to take notes during lectures. Others believe that teachers should get students involved in discussion and encourage them to exchange ideas in class. Which way of teaching do you think is more effective for students learning?托福写作范文:应该接受家人还是政府的帮助A

25、/D: People can solve important problems in their daily life on their own or with the help from families; The help from the government is not necessary.题目解析题目大意:人们可以自己或通过家人的帮助来解决生活中的重大问题,所以政府的帮助是没有必要的。波波建议此题目选择不同意,即认为政府的帮助还是很有必要的,思考分论点的方向使用拆分,对题目中的抽象名词 important problems 拆分具体化为环境问题和教育问题,然后分别展开。托福独立写作

26、题目:Some teachers are just lecturing(speaking) on the class and students only take notes; some other teachers make their class time on discussion and projection and students sharing their ideas with their classmates. Which one do you prefer?托福独立写作题目:Do you agree or disagree with the following stateme

27、nt? People can solve important problems in daily life on their own or with the help from families, so the help from government is not necessary.托福写作模板及参考答案:托福写作范文参考一:20XX年11月13日托福独立写作范文:In a society that changes as amazingly as ours, the role played by government in our daily life has been brought u

28、nder the spotlight of mass media. Consequently, the general public and sociologists are wondering whether people can solve important problems individually or with the governmental support. Towards such a long running tug-of-war, I am inclined to claim that the help from government is necessary in th

29、e process of resolving important problems, especially in the aspects of protecting environment and addressing the disparity of educational resources.In the first instance, consider the environmental issues. As is common sense, the deteriorating natural environment is so severe and complicated that t

30、he solution of such a problem is far beyond the reach of any individuals or families. The serious air pollution in China is a good case in point. Despite the fact that people can take some actions such as wearing masks or taking the public transportation to relieve the haze occurring frequently in t

31、he major cities of China in some degree, the problem cannot be radically solved. To illustrate, the major cause responsible for the smoggy weather is nothing but the emission of waste gas such as dust and smog from an appalling number of heavy-pollution factories. In this case, it is the government

32、that can get rid of the fundamental cause by shutting down these plants and enacting laws or regulations to restrict their production, which cant be achieved by any individuals.In the second instance, the same logic goes to the educational problems. As is known to all, many school-age children in ru

33、ral and remote areas are not able to receive education in school due to the lack of educational resources. According to a survey conducted by the Education Ministry in China in 20XX, approximately 3 million kids in the Southwest of China didnt have the chance to get educated on account of lacking in

34、 tables, textbooks and even spacious classrooms. When confronted with the issue mentioned above, what individuals or families can do is quite limited. Undoubtedly, only the government has the adequate financial resources and power to allocate educational resources to those places. For example, the g

35、overnment of China builds nearly 10,000 primary schools called Hope School in the distant places, which alleviates the disparity in educational resources between different regions to a large extent.Judging from what has been discussed above, we can draw the conclusion that although the ability of individual or families is becoming stronger and greater than before, the help from government is of great necessity in the course of solving significant problems, especially those in the areas of education and environment.


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