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1、雅思写作考察哪些内容 雅思写作考察的不仅仅是雅思写作, 教你洞察一切,今天给大家带来雅思写作考察的不仅仅是雅思写作,希望可以帮助到大家,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。雅思写作考察的不仅仅是雅思写作 教你洞察一切雅思写作很难,所以在备考雅思的过程中,很多人选择逃避(写作低分用其他科目高分补),有些人选择走捷径(背模板,买答案),但无论买如何,在雅思写作上欠的债,迟早要还的。与其在国外求学时痛苦的反复修改论文,真的不如在这单纯而基础的雅思写作上打好基本功。比如:A类考试的小作文要求学生写图表题和流程图,地图题。而G类小作文的要求是写书信。大作文是写一篇说明文或者议论文。其实很多学生不能理解为什么

2、小作文要写这些图表类题型或者为什么大作文要写议论文,就开始埋头做题,对雅思考试的用意所在一知半解。一、对A类图表题,流程图和地图题目的的理解1. 图表类首先我们来了解一下西方人的思维模式:西方人做事情跟我们东方人不一样,西方人是讲究数字的,即他们使用统计数据,资料*,实验, 报告来突出实事求是的学术精神;用客观的数据事实来支持你的个人观点。所以要到西方国家去留学,用数据描述统计图表的能力几乎都是每门课的教授所要求学生 掌握的,也是学生写论文时常常要掌握的能力之一。所以,图表类的小作文占据了小作文出题次数80%以上的比例。2. 流程图和地图题流程图的原理是:描述事物工作原理以及流程。目的是针对理

3、工科学生在论文中需要描述机械原理,工艺流程。但是由于到海外去读工科的学生并不多,所以流程图出题的概率并不高,一年大概3-5次左右。地图题的原理是:描述某个地区或者图纸布局的变化。目的是让学生学会方位的表达,尤其是针对那些要到海外去学城市规划,地产开发,园林布局等专业的学生。但是因为这些学生数量也不多,所以地图题一年出题概率也不高,一年大概也就3-4次左右。二、对G类书信类目的的理解我们可以这样来想,对申请G类考试的学生而言,由于他们是直接移民过去的,所以他们到了国外以后在工作上要经常给老板写商务邮件,在生活上给政府写感谢 信,投诉信,询问信等。其实这个时候那些年纪稍长的G类学生就会感受到雅思G

4、类小作文的用意所在,所以老外对书信考试考察的目的是:G类考生能否有到海外 生存和工作的能力。应对真实生活中英语邮件的书写,给政府写信,都是考生在海外学习,生存,工作的基本能力。如果你连这些基本的邮件和信件也不会写,那谈何在国外生活呢?并且笔者建议考A类的同学也要掌握雅思基本书面写信能力,因为如果A类同学要给导师或者同学写邮件也要用到书信的写作格式,落款称谓等 等。所以雅思G类的小作文无论是对G类还是A类同学在国外的生活学习都息息相关。三、对雅思大作文目的的理解 (general and academic)雅思一般要求学生写一篇议论文或者一篇说明文(其中以议论文为主,当然有时候会出现议论文+说明

5、文的形式)。其实老外的目的是:无论考生是海外移民要在 工作中书写计划,报告,还是在大学里读书写一篇学术类论文,都要有写标准议论文或者说明文的能力。否则,无论是在工作中还是在学习中考生都无法完成书面任 务。这样考生是不能在国外生存下去的,雅思大作文和小作文的目的都是为了将来到国外学以致用做准备的。四、总结所以,雅思大小作文,我们其实可以把它看成是国外大学中要完成的学术论文,只不过被拆分为两个小的模块进行单独考察。小作文考察:调研数据的总结和数据分析能力。大作文考察:逻辑推导论证的书面写作能力。因此对于雅思写作,我们不能单独看成是为了提高雅思分数而去学习它。雅思写作的目的是培养将来留学所必须的学术

6、写作技能。(顺便提一下:如果一个同学雅思写作有扎扎实实的7分以上的水平,那么他到了国外以后,就有可能出现平时不用熬夜写论文,论文交上去不返工,考试论文类不挂科等情况。相反那些写作分数不高的同学,到了海外以后,极有可能会出现写论文时碰到种种困难的情况)。并且我们可以看到,现在考研英语已经出现图画类作文(描述漫画),这就是我国英语考试逐步向雅思等国际化英语考试靠拢的方向标。雅思备考:大作文观点解析之控制人口增长是好举措吗?Is it a good idea to control the worlds population growth?Arguments1. In modern times, a

7、family with few children, or even with no children at all, is still a happy family.2. With fewer children in a family, parents spend less time on household chores and concentrate more on their own interests, and their children enjoy better material and educational opportunities than those in bigger

8、families.3. The most pressing problem created by the rapid increase in population is a shortage of food. At present a large proportion of the existing population is not getting enough of the right kind of food.4. The rapid rise in world population is creating problems for all countries on earth beca

9、use there simply arent enough resources.5. Both rich and poor countries of the world should take united action to deal with the population explosion. Otherwise, there will be more people fighting for less land and fewer resources, and the future will bring poverty, misery and war to us all.6. Popula

10、tion increase in developing countries has wiped out the material benefits that they have achieved.7. Statistics show that where the population rate is high, peoples living standards are Jow. This means, peoples living conditions cannot improve unless there is a reduction in the increased rate of pop

11、ulation.8. Overpopulation creates a shortage of schools, teachers, hospitals and doctors.9. Overpopulation causes problems in housing and employment, especially in cities.10. Just imagine how much better life would be if the world population were cut by half!Counter-arguments1. People in agricultura

12、l areas need more children to help them with the work in the fields.2. Whether to have children or not is a private matter and nobody should interfere with it.3. It is unfair to blame all the problems on the increase in population. It is those greedy manufacturers and businessmen in developed countr

13、ies that make the heaviest demands on the worlds resources and cause the most pollution.4. If population control were a must, it should be carried out in developed countries as well because a baby born in USA will use in his lifetime 30 times more of the worlds resources than a baby born in India.5.

14、 Children are the most important in life. With fewer children around, life will be dull, meaningless and unhappy. It is incredible for a couple to have no children at all.6. Children in a family give the parents a sense of responsibihty and pride. They are very important to the stability of a family

15、.7. Population control does greater harm than we realize. For instance, if the one-child pohcy is still in practice in 100 years, people then will have little idea of kinship ties, for most of them will have no brothers, sisters, uncles, aunts, or cousins.8. With the govermnents family planning poli

16、cy in operation we now have a generation of only child families: most of them are arrogant, selfish, and spoilt.9. A big family offers children a chance to learn how to cope with and care for other people.10. Children in big families have the chance to compete with each other, in terms of their mann

17、ers at home, their study at school, their performance at their place of work, etc. Older children usually have a great influence on the younger one.雅思备考:写作成败的七个细节雅思写作细节一、时间安排雅思写作要求考生在一个小时之内完成一篇至少150个单词的说明文或信件(20分钟)和一篇至少250个单词的议论文(40分钟)。考生需合理安排时间。疑问:先写Task 1还是Task 2?专家:建议考生先简后难,Task 1 尽量控制在20分钟内完成,然后

18、安心写 Task 2。所以考生在考前一定要多练多写,掌握时间。雅思写作细节二、字数雅思写作字数是有下限的,但没有上限,所以很多考生都有疑问,到底多少单词的*可以拿到高分。当然这没有绝对的限制,但据统计看来,大多数的高分小作文字数都在180左右,而大作文也在280左右。疑问:字数不够怎么办?专家:就Task 1而言,说明该考生对图表的分析能力还有待提高,多练习看图审题构思。如果Task 2字数不够,说明考生思路不开阔,论据无法扩展,考生需增加阅读量,多看和雅思写作话题相近的*和精读雅思范文来掌握论据扩展方法。雅思写作细节三、标题与格式雅思的大小作文都不需要题目。雅思写作有两种格式:一是空行不空格

19、式,即*每段开头顶格写,段与段之间空一行;二是空格不空行,即除首段顶格外,*每段开头空五个字符,段与段之间不空行。雅思写作细节四、机经雅思考试是非常系统而且专业的语言水平测试,它有着庞大的题库,有些题目也会重复出现,所以考生可以通过了解以往考题,即机经充分把握写作题型、话题等,为考试做好充分准备。疑问:要不要背范文?专家:背范文对提高考生的英语语言水平有很大帮助,但考生要明确背范文的目的是吸收其中的精华,如观点、语言、结构等,而不是在考试时遇到相同题目全盘照搬,否则被考官发现,将影响最后的得分。雅思写作细节五、评分大小作文在写作中所占比例大约是6比4。可见Task 2在最后写作得分中所占比重较

20、大,但也不能忽略Task 1。疑问:卷面不整洁会否扣分?专家:潦草的字迹和不整洁的卷面将在一定程度上影响考官理解*内容,从而影响得分。雅思写作细节六、时态图表作文通常会给出特定的时间,考生要根据此时间决定*的时态。通常情况下有以下三种情况:过去时间用一般过去式,现在时间或没给出时间用一般现在式,预测用一般将来式。议论文根据内容确定时态。雅思写作细节七、学术类*的一些文体注意事项让我们通过具体的例子来了解此类*书写和文体的特点1. N2O wasnt produced until 1990, after which, its production grew rapidly.雅思*为正式文体,所以

21、尽量不要出现缩写,wasnt建议写成was not 。2. The bottles are first divided by color into clear, brown and clear ones which are then washed by high-pressurised water.拼写出现问题。在雅思写作中,英式和美式拼写都接受,但我们还是尽量做到两者不混淆。如or和our,se和ze。or和ze为美式拼写,而our和se为英式拼写。3. Nowadays, more and more people have private cars.more and more词汇过于简单,

22、我们可以用an increasing number of来替代。4. Let all of us make great efforts to construct a more civilised China!此句子喊口号,抒发情感。雅思大作文为议论文,不需要任何形式的情感抒发和口号,所以这句话不适合这样的语言环境。雅思备考:大作文观点解析之大城市生活好吗?Is it good to live in a large modern city?Arguments1. Most people love cities and many are flocking there from the countr

23、y.2. Modern man is too sophisticated for simple country pleasures.3. It is enough to visit the countryside at weekends.4. Commuting does not really affect those who live in cities; it is only a small inconvenience.5. People easily adapt themselves to city life; noise and traffic are hardly noticeabl

24、e.6. There are many reasons why city life is preferable: there are more places for entertainment, etc.7. There are better schools and services in big cities.8. There are more chances of employment. The range of jobs is greater and the pay is higher.9. There is more opportunity to succeed in life.10.

25、 The educational level is higher; it is a better place for children.Counter-arguments1. Large modern cities are too big to control.2. Commuting stretches mans resources to the utmost.3. Cit123wellers adopt a wholly unnatural way of life. They lose touch with the land and the rhythm of nature. They a

26、re barely conscious of seasons. Flowers, leaves, the changes of season become irrelevant in their lives.4. Rents are high; buying a house is impossible for average people.5. Cities breed crime and violence; houses are often burgled.6. Tension in big cities shortens peoples lives.7. People lose too much time in getting to work.8. In big cities there are not enough public toilets.9. Pollution in big cities is becoming more and more serious.10. City people are not as warm-hearted and friendly as country people.


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