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1、,America_A large melting pot,农林经济管理1101班 吴爱珍,a,2,Melt,Foreign,American,What is American Melting Pot?,a,3,The melting pot here means that people with different cultural and ethnical backgrounds immigrate to the States, live together, get mixed and build up this wonderful culture that we call American

2、 culture today.,熔炉在此是指不同文化与种族的人移居到美国,共同生活,融合在一起,创造了我们今天称作美国文化的奇妙文化。,a,4,Immigrants,the united states is a country of immigrants,where various immigrants and ethnic groups have learned to work together to build a unique nation.Even those original Americans, the Indians, probably walked a land bridge

3、from Asia to North America some thousands of years agothe immigrants are mainly from Europe,Asia ,Africa there are three immigrant migrations in America history,which are called the great human migration,from 1820 to 1860 for the first,from 1861 to 1880 for the second,and from 1881 to 1920 are the t

4、hird,a,5,in the 50s,a,6,chinese seach for gold,from 1850s ,some chinese go to San Francisco to digging gold for living,and contributed to the local development,a,7,influence of the immigrants,As we all know, America has a short history but it develop so quick ,it dose thanks to its immigrant policy.

5、The Europeans take technology to there,which conduce to America.However,during the migration,there are some prombles,like racial issues and foreign discrimination(外来歧视)。,a,8,Ingredients: White 77.1% Black 12.9% Asian 4.2% Native American 1.5% Others 4.3%, Race Melting,the Great Soup of Americans,a,9

6、,African black & Scotland white,French & Italian,Kenyan black & American white,MichaelJordan Obama Madonna,More mixed-bloods,-eg.California,500,000 Asian mixed bloods,a,10,Maggie.Q 美越混血,Midi 中美混血,a,11,Multiculturalism,Literature MusicLanguageEating cultureFestival,Immigrants bring their native cultu

7、ral, political, and social patterns and attitudes, varied academic and religious backgrounds, as well as their ethnic arts, sports, holidays, festivals, and foods. They have greatly enriched American life.,a,12,Literature,America has a lot of famous literature works,but their authors may comes from

8、foreign.,a,13,Music,there are many kinds of music in the country.And some are composed by blacks.,a,14,Festival,many religion festivals are reserved and respected.Valentines Day,April Fools Day,a,15,Language Melting,Porridge of American EnglishMain ingredient: British EnglishAccessories: American In

9、dian moose Dutch coleslaw, cookie Deutsch semester, hex French pumpkin, voyager Spanish jerk,a,16,How the language is melted,Authority of English. Dispell all non-English languages. Changes of languagesEnglish words(American: inquire ,tire British: enquire ,tyre) pronunciation daily expression (long

10、 time no see)Other languages change more or less in an American way,a,17,In our mind, the most typical food in America are hamburgs and chips.,eating,a,18,As the development of the society, the food in America is also become more and more plural(复杂) now. Except the fastfood, the food at the dominant

11、 position now are Chinese food and Italian Food.,a,19,Yaos Restaurant is a symbol of the integrated western and Chinese culture which regrad “ Yao Ming, Basketball and American and Chinese style food “ as the biggest characteristics. And here national elements can be seen everywhere.,a,20,Chinatown 唐人街,a,21,Here Chinese elements can be seen everywhere,a,22,I think the melting pot dose not melt away all recollections(记忆) of another way of life in another place,nor should it.,melting pot,a,23,The end!thanks,


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