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1、BEC商务英语口语精选例句 为了让大家更好的准备初级商务英语BEC考试,给大家整理BEC初级写作必备句子,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。2020年初级商务英语口语例句一1.We will give you our decision in a couple of days.这几天内我们将给你答复。2. Ill look forward to hearing from you.我期待着你的消息。3. Do you think your English is good enough to do desk work?你认为你的英文程度可以做文书工作吗?4. Why do you think you

2、are qualified for this position?为什么你认为自己能胜任这个职位呢?5. How are you qualified for the job?你的资历如何?6. I dont know how to show my gratitude to you.我不知道该如何表达对您的感激之情。7. Thank you anyway.无论如何,还是要感谢您。8. My biggest strength is tenacity.我最大的优点是坚韧。9. I have to see a project through to the finish no matter what ch

3、allenges I encounter along the way.在计划执行过程中不论遇到什么问题,我都会想办法克服。10. Do you know the language well enough to communicate with English speaking people?你的英文水平与讲英语的人交谈行不行?2020年初级商务英语口语例句二1. I was engaged in the trade fair.我忙着参加贸易会展。2. I am glad to report to you about the progress of the project.我很高兴向您汇报项目进

4、展情况。3. Id like to analyze the sales figures.我想分析一下销售数据.4. First of all, the agenda should be prepared before the meeting.首先,开会前要准备好议程。5. You should ensure that those you intend to be present are properly informed.你要保证将应该出席会议的人都通知到。6. Can you tell me my specific duties?可以告诉我具体的工作任务吗?7. You are respon

5、sible for arranging meetings.你负责安排会议。8. Sure. What do you want me to do exactly?好的,具体要我怎样做呢?9. Im sorry. I know little about filling.我很抱歉,我不懂档案管理。10. I did some research on marketing strategy.2020年初级商务英语口语例句三1. Company staff are allowed to wear casual clothes on Friday.公司允许员工周五穿休闲装上班。2. If you have

6、a meeting with an important client, it is best to wear a suit and tie.如果你要见重要的客户,最好穿西服打领带。3.Ok,tell me everything I need to do tomorrow.好的,告诉我明天需要做哪些事情。4. Ive got a flu and have to go to see a doctor tomorrow.我得了流感,明天要去看医生。5. Im sorry to take up so much of your time.占用了你这么长时间,实在不好意思。6. Thank you for

7、 all your trouble.这么麻烦你,真感谢你。7. I have to put in more hours at work.我要加班。8. I am pulling an all-nighter.我在通宵工作。9. I will look to the cause of it and attempt to identify a solution.我会查找压力的起因,并试图找出解决方法。10. Sometimes, I will turn to others for their assistance.有时我会向他人寻求帮助。2020年初级商务英语口语例句四1.Can tell me

8、my specific duties?可以告诉我具体的工作任务吗?2. You are responsible for arranging meetings.你负责安排会议。3. Sure. What do you want me to do exactly?好的,具体要我怎样做呢?4. Im sorry. I know little about filling.我很抱歉,我不懂档案管理。5. I did some research on marketing strategy.我在为营销策略做调研。6. I was engaged in the trade fair7.I am gald to report to you about the progress of the project.我很高兴向您汇报项目进展情况。8. Id like to analyze the sales figures.我想分析一下销售数据。9. First of all, the agenda should be prepared before the meeting.首先,开会前要准备好议程。10. You should ensure that those you intend to be present are properly informed.你要保证将应该出席会议的人都通知到


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