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1、BEC中级口语练习整合 为了让大家更好的准备商务英语BEC考试,给大家整理BEC中级口语练习,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。1.BEC中级口语练习:邮件过多怎么办.核心学习:What to Do When You Get Too Many Emails 收到过多的电子邮件怎么办Michael: My computer is really going crazy today.迈克尔:今天我的电脑真的要发疯了。Billy: Have you tried re-booting it?比利:你试过re-booting (重启动)了吗?Michael: I think the Big Kahoona

2、would be really angry if she saw me kicking my PC.迈克尔:我觉得如果让头儿看见我踢我的电脑,她会很生气的。Billy: I dont mean that you should kick you computer! Have you tried to restart it?比利:我不是说你应该踢你的计算机!你试过重启动了吗?Michael: Do you think that would help?迈克尔:你觉得那有用吗?Billy: Maybe. What error message are you getting?比利:可能。你得到什么样的错

3、误信息?Michael: It says that I have too much email.迈克尔:它说我的电子邮件太多了。Billy: How many emails do you have in your inbox?比利:你的收信箱里有多少封电子邮件?Michael: About 10,000!迈克尔:大约一万封!Billy: Leave your computer alone for a while and I will tell you how to manage your email more efficiently.比利:先不要去管你的计算机,我要告诉你怎么更有效地管理你的电

4、子邮件。.单词简析1) Re-booting: a technical term meaning to turn your PC off and then on重启动:把个人电脑关了,然后再开的技术术语ex:Sometimes re-booting can fix a computer problem, but it is probably better to call the IT staff first.有时候重启动可以解决一个计算机问题,不过也许最好先叫IT人员。2) Big Kahoona: your boss, an important person头儿:你的老板,上司,一个重要的人

5、ex:The Big Kahoona asked me to work this weekend to get an important report finished.这个周末头儿要我工作,完成一份重要的报告。3) Efficiently: productive without waste有效地:生产不浪费ex:The more efficiently a company works, the larger the profit will be.公司的工作效率越高,利润就越大。4) Prioritize: to arrange things in order of importance把.区

6、分优先次序:按事物的重要性进行排序ex:Professional staff should develop systems to prioritize their work efficiently.专业人员应该开发系统来有效地将他们的工作按照优先次序进行排序。.课文篇More than 12 trillion emails will be sent by the end of this year. That is an astonishing number for a communications tool that is only about 25 years old. Today emai

7、l has partially replaced faxes and phone calls as the key way of communicating.到今年年底人们发出的电子邮件将要超过12万亿封。对于一个只有25年之久的通信工具来说,这是个惊人的数字。现在电子邮件已经部分地取代了传真与电话作为主要通信方式的地位。But what should you do when you receive too many emails and how do you ensure that you dont get too many in the future?不过当你收到过多的电子邮件(以下简称邮

8、件)该怎么办?而且,你怎么保证以后不会收到过多的邮件?Sort your emails in different folders depending on their content: for example, use different email addresses for different roles. Consider using one address for your private mails, one for work-related stuff, an another for your hobbies or sports activities.按照邮件的内容将它们归类到不同

9、的文件夹里。例如:不同的角色使用不同的邮件地址。考虑一个地址用于你的私人信件;一个地址用于与工作相关的东西;另一个地址用于你的业余爱好或体育活动。Try to filter spam. Reading or deleting spam takes time - time that could be used doing something else. Spam is any unwanted email that is not addressed to you specifically.尝试过滤垃圾邮件。阅读或删除垃圾邮件需要时间-你可以用这些时间来做其它的事情。垃圾邮件是那些不受欢迎的、不是

10、专门发到你的地址的邮件。Archive or save everything important because you will have to get something from your archives at some point. I wish I had always done that.将重要的东西存档或保存下来,因为有时候你需要从你的档案里获取某些东西。但愿我以前一直这么做.Try to keep up-to-date with your private emails, because if you dont, you will never have time to spen

11、d time on old emails later. From my personal experience, either I reply to an email within a week or I wont deal with it before months.尝试保持与私人邮件同步,因为如果你不这么做,以后你就永远没有时间花在旧邮件上。从我的个人经历来说,我要么在一周内回复邮件,要么数月之后才去处理它。Prioritize email quickly. Reply immediately to the highest priority email, within 24 hours t

12、o less-urgent ones and within a week to all others.迅速对邮件进行优先排序。马上回复最重要的邮件,对那些不那么焦急的邮件在24小时内回复,而所有其它的邮件在一周之内回复。.对话篇Jeff: What did we do before email was invented?杰夫:在电子邮件发明以前我们做什么?Joan: I dont really know. I am too young to remember times before email.琼:我真的不知道。我太小了,记不起电子邮件以前的事情。Jeff: I suppose we mad

13、e more phone calls and sent more faxes.杰夫:我猜想我们多打电话、多发传真。Joan: And we wrote letters and traveled to see people in person.琼:而且我们写信,亲自去会见别人。Jeff: Right! Email is such an effective way to communicate. I cant imagine life without it.杰夫:没错!电子邮件是一种很有效的通信方式。我无法想象没有它的生活。Joan: It can be a powerful tool, but

14、many people just dont have the skills to use it well.琼:它可以是一种强大的工具,不过很多人就是缺乏技巧,不会好好使用它。Jeff: I always try to reply to email within 24 hours, but sometimes I forget.杰夫:我总是尝试在24小时内回复电子邮件,不过有时候我忘了。Joan: Thats OK. As long as you reply eventually, it is OK!琼:没事。只要你最后回复就行!2.BEC中级口语练习:医疗保险.核心学习:Medical Ins

15、urance 医疗保险Michael: Billy, can you come to my office for a meeting?迈克:比利,你能来我的办公室开个会吗?Billy: Sure. Michael. What do you want to discuss with me?比利:当然了,迈克。你想和我商量什么?Michael: Well, I need to tell you that the report you gave me yesterday is just terrible.迈克:呃,我要告诉你,昨天你给我的报告简直糟透了。Billy: I knew you would

16、 say that.比利:我就知道你会这么说。Michael: What is the reason you did such a sloppy job on the report? Usually your work is of a high standard.迈克:你做的报告这么邋遢的原因是什么?你的工作通常总是高标准的。Billy: I have been feeling really sick for the last few days.比利:我前几天一直觉得很不舒服。Michael: Well, why didnt you go to see the doctor?迈克:那么,你什么

17、没有去看医生?Billy: Because I am broke!比利:因为我没钱了!Michael: But the company has medical and dental insurance for you!迈克:但是公司有你的医疗和牙科保险啊!3.BEC中级口语练习:改造办公室工作环境.核心学习:Office Ergonomics 改造办公室工作环境Michael: Who do you think is taller - you or me?迈克尔:你觉得谁更高-我还是你?Billy: I am, of course. I am heaps taller than you.比利:

18、当然是我了。我比你高多了。Michael: But I seem to remember that I used to be at least 2 inches taller than you.迈克尔:不过我好像记得我以前至少比你高两英寸。Billy: Maybe you are shrinking?比利:也许你正在萎缩?Michael: I hope not! If I am, by the time I am 50, Ill be a dwarf.迈克尔:我希望不是这样!如果是这样,等我到50岁的时候我就成侏儒了。Billy: Well, if you are not shrinking,

19、 maybe its because your posture is poor.比利:唔,如果你没有萎缩,可能是因为你的姿势不好。Michael: You think I am slouching when I stand?迈克尔:你觉得我站的时候站不直?Billy: I am not an ergonomics expert, but it looks that way to me.比利:我不是工效学方面的专家,不过我觉得你看起来是那样。Michael: Its time for you to give me some lessons in working comfortably I thi

20、nk.迈克尔:我觉得你该给我上一些有关舒适地工作方面的课程了。.单词简析1) Heaps: much, a lot很,非常的:许多,大量的ex:When I grow up, I want to have heaps of money so I dont have to worry about anything.等我长大的时候我想有很多钱,这样我就什么事情都不用担心了。2) Shrinking: getting smaller收缩,萎缩,缩水:变小ex:Either all of my clothes are shrinking when I wash them or I am getting

21、 fatter!要么我洗衣服时我的所有衣服在缩水,要么我在长胖!3) Dwarf: a person of unusually small stature侏儒:身材异常小的人ex:Some people prefer to use the words little person instead of dwarf, because they think it will cause less offence.有些人更喜欢用“小个子”一词而不是侏儒,因为他们觉得那样不那么伤人。4) Ergonomics: science of designing and arranging things so th

22、at the people and things interact efficiently and safely工效学,工作环境改造学:设计与安排事物,使人与物的互动有效、安全的科学.课文篇People working in desk-jobs need to be careful that they dont injure themselves. When we usually think of work related accidents, we think of sports people, movie stunt people, drivers and people who lift

23、or carry heavy items. But working with computers, typing, reading or writing can be just as hazardous unless you are careful.在桌面上工作的人要小心,这样才不会伤了自己。通常,当我们想起与工作相关的事故,我们想到的是体育人士、电影替身、汽车司机和抬扛重物的人。不过,除非你小心,否则,搞计算机工作、打字、阅读或者写作也同样是危险的。Here is a checklist that you can follow to make sure to reduce the risk

24、of possible injury:下面是一个你可以遵循的核对表,确保减少受伤的可能性。Posture:Maintain proper posture, paying careful attention to the position of your head, neck, arms and feet.Switch between different postures on a regular basis.When keyboarding, use minimum force while striking the keys.Take frequent mini-breaks througho

25、ut the day to give muscles and joints a chance to rest and recover.Give your eyes a break by closing them momentarily, gazing at a distant object and blinking frequently.姿势:保持正确的姿势,小心注意你的头部、脖子、胳膊与双腿的位置。经常变换不同的姿势。敲打键盘的时候,击键时要使用最小的力气。一天从早到晚要不时地做短暂休息,让肌肉和关节得到休息,恢复状态。闭上眼睛一小会儿、凝视远处的景物并频繁眨眨双眼,让眼睛得到休息。Envi

26、ronment:Maintain appropriate lighting levels for specific tasks. More illumination may be needed to read a document than a computer screen.Reduce or eliminate glare by using window shades, diffusers on overhead lighting and anti-glare filters for computers.Adjust the contrast and brightness on your

27、computer screen to a comfortable level.Get a regular eye exam and if necessary, wear glasses or contact lenses.Clean the computer screen and other surfaces regularly.Reduce the number of dust collecting items like papers and files on your desk.环境:为具体的工作保持适当的亮度。阅读文件的时候可能比看计算机屏幕需要更亮的光线。使用窗帘、天花板上使用扩散照明

28、、计算机使用亮光过滤器来减少或者光。调整你的计算机屏幕对比度与亮度至一个舒适的水平。消除亮定期检查眼睛,如果有需要,戴眼镜或隐形眼镜。定期清洗计算机屏幕和其他物品的表面。减少桌面上聚集灰尘的物品如纸张与文件的数量。Stress:Reduce stress by planning ahead and setting realistic goals for what you can accomplish during the day.Organize your workload to help even out busy and slow times, to avoid feeling swamp

29、ed.Avoid long periods of repetitive activity. For example, alternate computer work with other tasks like phone calls, filing, copying and meetings.Acknowledge ideas and accomplishments of co-workers on a regular basis.Personalize your office with a few favorite items, like artwork, photos and plants

30、.压力:提前计划,并做出当天你可以完成的、可行的目标,以此减少压力。合理安排工作量,平摊忙碌与休闲的时间,避免感觉“忙得不可开交”。避免长时间重复相同的工作。例如,将计算机工作和其他的工作如打电话、文件归档、复印与会议交替进行。定期接纳同事的想法,肯定他们的成绩。用一些你最喜欢的东西如艺术品、照片与植物将你的办公室个人化。.对话篇Jeff: My shoulders are so sore today.杰夫:今天我的肩膀很疼。Joan: Do you need a massage?琼:你需要按摩吗?Jeff: No, thanks. I think I need to consider my

31、workplace ergonomics.杰夫:不用,谢谢。我觉得我需要考虑改造我的办公室工作环境了。Joan: Do you take regular breaks during the day?琼:一天当中你定期休息吗?Jeff: Not really. Sometimes I type for five or six hours without stopping.杰夫:没有。有时候我打字连打五六个小时不停。Joan: Well, I think we have found the cause of your sore shoulders.琼:唔,我觉得我们知道你的肩膀为什么疼的原因了。J

32、eff: If you were really my friend, you would remind me to take breaks and relax a little during the day.杰夫:如果你真是我的朋友,你就会提醒我一天当中要休息休息,放松一小会儿。Joan: I will try to remember to do that for you. But dont relax too much yet - I need you to finish the report I gave you!琼:我会设法记得提醒你。不过先不要太放松-我需要你完成我给你的报告!Bill

33、y: I never knew that! You mean I can see the doctor for nix?比利:我从来不知道!你是说我可以免费去医院?Michael: Come to my office and I will give you all of the forms you need, my sick friend.迈克:来我的办公室,我给你你需要的所有表格,我生病的朋友。.单词简析1)Sloppy: lazy, not careful邋遢:懒,不细心ex:Your boss will not be happy with your performance if your

34、 work is always sloppy.如果你的工作总是邋邋遢遢的,你的老板是不会喜欢你的表现的。2) Broke: having no money破产:没有任何钱ex:Being broke is no fun at all - you cant do anything without money.破产可不好玩 - 没有钱,你什么都做不了。3) Medical insurance: a way of protecting yourself from very large medical costs医疗保险:一种就大额的医疗花费保护你自己的方式ex:Medical insurance m

35、eans you pay a small amount of money each month and then if you have to see the doctor, the insurance company will pay your bills for you.医疗保险就是你每个月付少量的钱,但如果你(生病)必须去看医生,保险公司会为你负担费用。4) Nix: free, without charge无,空:免费,没有收费ex:The bar was offering beer for nix, so I didnt spend a cent the whole evening.

36、酒吧提供免费的啤酒,因此我整晚没有花一分钱。.课文篇Your health is the most important thing you have. Being healthy is more important than having money, more important than your family and more important than your job. It is vital therefore that you look after your health and well-being.你的健康是你所拥有的最重要的东西。身体健康比有钱重要得多,而且比你的家庭和你

37、的工作更重要。它是如此的至关重大,因此你(必须)照顾好你的健康和幸福。In most countries, the public health system is adequate but not really suitable if you are going to have a long stay in hospital or if you need specialist care. With the costs of doctors, hospitals and drugs rapidly increasing, many people are taking out health ins

38、urance policies to cover themselves against financial ruin if they get sick.在大多数国家,公共健康体系是健全的,但是在你需要住院很长时间,或者需要特殊照顾的情况下,就不(那么)适合了。随着医生、医院和药品的价格急速增长,很多人采取医疗保险,来保护他们自己以免遭受财政损失。Often your company will include health insurance as a part of your salary package. Your company will negotiate a good deal wit

39、h an insurance company and then make the monthly payments on your behalf. Because your company is buying several policies at the same time, they can usually negotiate a better rate than you would be able to by yourself.你的公司经常会将医疗保险做为你薪酬的一部分。你的公司会与一个保险公司洽谈,达成不错的协议,然后每个月为你付费。因为你的公司同时会买好几个保险,他们经常能商谈达成一

40、个你个人不可能得到的好价钱。If you do have medical insurance and have to go to the doctor, hospital or dentist, make sure you get a receipt. Once you have returned to work, ask the Human Resources manager if there is a special form you need to complete and show the manager the receipt from the hospital.如果你确实有医疗保险

41、,并且必须去看医生,去医院或者牙医,要确保你拿到发票。当你回去工作时,向人事部经理询问你是否需要填写一张特殊表格,并且向经理出示医院的发票。Health insurance can be expensive, but you can reduce the cost by having your employer take care of it for you. Health insurance is peace of mind - the last thing you want is to have to worry about money if you are in an accident

42、or get sick. Plan ahead and get yourself covered.医疗保险可能会很昂贵,但是你可以用使你的雇主为你处理而削减费用。医疗保险是思想的解放 - 你最不想要的事情,就是当你有意外或者生病的时候,还不得不担心钱(的问题)。提前计划,以便此费用的负担。.对话篇Jeff: Do you mind if I leave work early today Joan?捷夫:琼,你介意如果我今天早点下班吗?Joan: No, not at all. Can I ask where you are going?琼:一点也不。我能问你要去哪儿吗?Jeff: I have

43、 an appointment at the dentist to have my teeth professionally cleaned.捷夫:我和牙医约好,要做专业洗牙。Joan: That sounds expensive!琼:那听起来很贵!Jeff: It will be, but I can claim the cost on the company health insurance policy.捷夫:会的,但是我的费用可以由公司的医疗保险付。Joan: So you get your teeth cleaned by a dentist for free?琼:所以,你由牙医洗牙是免费的?Jeff: Thats right! It sounds like a bargain to me.捷夫:对!听起来是一笔好买卖。Joan: Make sure you bring me the one of the dentists business cards so that I can make an appointment later!琼:你一定要给我带一张那个牙医的名片,好让我以后也能约见他。


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