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1、BEC中级阅读理解材料整合 为了让大家更好的准备商务英语BEC考试,给大家整理了BEC中级阅读理解材料,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。BEC中级阅读理解材料:省钱秘笈Every business I know has been through the wringer during the past two years. Sadly the good times arent returning any time soon. So Ive compiled a list of some more creative and worthwhile ways companies can save mo

2、ney to help entrepreneurs keep afloat in spite of the challenges. Do random expense claim audits.Abuse of expenses is endemic, but if staff know that even their mobile phone bills are checked occasionally, then they are less likely to take advantage. You should have very clear expense policies, so f

3、iddlers are not able to use confusion to get away with cheating. Buy second-hand.We frequently buy reconditioned kitchen equipment for our restaurants. Do not hesitate to choose used over showroom-new if it makes economic sense. Lead from the front about costs.As a boss, you should constantly questi

4、on costs and try to be seen to be abstemious rather than extravagant at least with corporate assets. If you are a spendthrift, you set a poor example that others will copy with the companys money. Ask for early payment discounts.If you have the cash, it might be a great way to improve your margins.

5、If your suppliers are under financial pressure, they may well agree a 5 per cent discount for swift settlement. It would take almost two years with current low interest rates to earn that much if you kept the money in the bank. Understand what everyone does.At least once a year, undertake a thorough

6、 analysis of all staff roles and try to work out their true productivity and rationalise posts if necessary. Remember: no one ever tells you they are underworked or that their contribution is inessential.Exam Focus:(1) What is NOT the purpose of random expense claim audits?A Preventing employees fro

7、m taking advantage.B Fiddlers may not easily succeed in this way.C To examine their mobile bills occasionally.D To cut costs in this aspect.(2) Which is NOT a creative and worthwhile way to help bosses save money?A Choose used equipments as substitutes for brand-new ones.B Set examples as an abstemi

8、ous boss.C Early payment to obtain discountD Rationalize posts frequently.Oral Topic:Keys(反白可见):(1) C(2) D以下为商务英语中级秋季班外教Alison Oral topic 题目的录音文稿:This is a modal test of BEC Speaking Test Part Two.In this part,you are required to give a mini-presentationon the following topic.What are the effecitve

9、ways for companies to save money in tough times?What are the effecitve ways for companies to save money in tough times?Now, you will have one minute to prepare your speech.参考译文:过去两年,我认识的每家企业都历尽了磨难。遗憾的是,好时光不会很快就回来。因此,我编制了一份较有创意和价值的企业省钱途径列表,帮助企业家在面对挑战时仍能生存。 随机审计费用支出费用滥用属于地方病,但如果员工知道,就连他们的手机账单偶尔也会受到检查,

10、那么他们占公司便宜的可能性就会降低。企业应该制定非常明确的费用政策,这样弄虚作假的人就无法浑水摸鱼逍遥法外 购买二手货我们经常为餐馆购买二手厨房设备。如果能省钱,就不要犹豫选择二手货,而非全新商品。 带头控制成本作为老板,你应该经常对成本提出质疑,并努力让人们认为你很节俭,而不是奢侈浪费至少是对公司资产。如果你大手大脚,就会为别人树立一个效仿的坏榜样用公司的钱。 要求提前付款折扣如果你握有现金,这或许是提高利润率一个好办法。如果供应商面临资金压力,他们很可能会答应对快速结款支付5%的折扣。如果你把钱存在银行,以目前的低利率,挣到这笔钱需要差不多两年的时间。 了解每个员工在干什么至少每年对所有员

11、工的职责进行一次彻底分析,努力计算出他们的真实生产率如有必要,就对岗位进行合理化改革。记住:没有人会告诉你他们的工作负荷不够,或者他们的贡献不重要。BEC中级阅读理解材料:成竹在胸Confidence can make or break your career. Luckily for those lacking it, self-belief is easy to boost(1).“Hugely from a leadership and team perspective,” says Rob Yeung, a corporate psychologist at Talentspace a

12、nd author of Confidence: The Art of Getting Whatever you Want.“You must be confident for others to have confidence in you. People equate confidence with competence.”Bob Etherington, a sales, negotiation and presentation trainer, says it can be the difference between success and failure. “Companies a

13、rent run by people who are the best but by people who think theyre the best.”(2).“Often you do need to feign confidence at first,” says Mr Etherington. “You try and adopt the feeling of someone who knows what theyre doing.”But, he adds, the best thing about faking confidence is that it often evolves

14、 into the real thing. “You get a picture in your mind of the outcome you want. Athletes do it all the time they see the ball going into the hole. Even though you dont really believe it, your brain latches on to it. That gets your confidence going.”(3).When engaging in conversation or making presenta

15、tions, Mr Etheringtons advice is: “Speak clearly and drop your voice, stand with your feet about 30 centimetres apart, use your hands when you talk and make eye contact.”Peter Shaw, an executive coach at Praesta, says that personal experiences can also help. “Remember occasions when you have been co

16、nfident in the past. Encapsulate memories of success,” he says. “You could also have a mantra, like I can do this or Keep calm and carry on. Or you can think of situations where youre confident outside of work and then transfer some of that into the work environment.”Mr Yeung says: “Psychologists al

17、so talk about the illusion of transparency. Most people believe that when they are nervous everyone can see this. But they cant. Just remembering this can make you more confident.”(4).Two ways to improve how you come across are to make sure you have done your homework and to show up to meetings with

18、 plenty of time to spare. “You may not actually need to read all those pages the night before but it will boost your confidence,” says Mr Shaw. “Preparation is as much psychological as practical.”Arriving early is also a good way to collect your thoughts. “If you arrive flustered and have to apologi

19、se, you wont inspire confidence in those youre meeting and you start on the back foot.”(5).There is a fine line between self-belief and arrogance.A confident manager is grounded enough to “accept criticism and welcome feedback”, adds Mr Yeung.Language Points:1. equate 使等同 2. feign 假装3. evolve 演变 4.

20、encapsulate 封装5. mantra 咒语 6. flustered 紧张的Special Hint:尝试模仿以下经典句式造句,为日后写优美*做准备!Companies arent run by people who are the best but by people who think theyre the best.公司的管理者不是最优秀的人才,而是相信自己是最优秀的人Exam Focus:此题为BEC中级考试阅读真题第二部分模拟,题目要求如下:Choose the best sentence below to fill each of the gaps. Do not use

21、 any letter more than once, and there is one letter that wont be used.A How to use your confidence?B What about faking it?C How important is confidence?D What can I do to build my confidence?E How important is preparation?F Can you be overconfident?Oral Topic:In what way can you boost your confidenc

22、e at work?Keys(反白可见):1、C 2、B 3、D 4、E 5、F译文参考:信心能影响你事业的成败。幸运的是,对缺乏自信的人来说,信心是很容易提升的。自信有多重要?Talentspace的企业心理学家罗布?杨(Rob Yeung)表示:“从领导力和团队的角度来看,非常重要。”杨著有自信:心想事成的技巧(Confidence: The Art of Getting Whatever you Want)一书。“你必须相信其他人对你有信心。人们将信心等同于竞争力”。销售、谈判和演讲培训人鲍勃?埃瑟林顿(Bob Etherington)表示,自信可以决定你成功与否。“公司的管理者不是最优

23、秀的人才,而是相信自己是最优秀的人”。假装自信怎样?埃瑟林顿表示:“通常你一开始确实需要假装自信。你要努力模仿那些胸有成竹的人的情绪。”但他补充称,假装自信的最佳之处在于它往往会演变成真正的自信。“你在脑海中勾画自己想要获得的结果,运动员一直是这么做的他们在脑海中看到球落入了篮筐里。即便你并非真的相信它,你的大脑也会留下印象。这会激发你的自信”。我如何才能建立自信?埃瑟林顿的建议是,当与人交谈或发表讲话时,“吐字清晰,降低音调,双脚分开约30公分,说话时运用手势,并与听众进行目光接触”。Praestad 的高级教练彼得?肖(Peter Shaw)表示,个人经历也能有所帮助。他表示:“记住你曾经

24、自信满满的时刻。封装成功的记忆。你还可以给自己想个咒语,比如我能做到或者保持镇定并继续。或者回想起你在工作之外感到自信的场合,随后把一部分场景转变为工作环境。”杨表示:“心理学家也提到了被洞悉错觉(illusion of transparency)。大多数人认为,当自己紧张时,所有人都会知道,但事实并非如此。只要记住这一点便可以让你更自信。”提前准备有多重要?提升表现有两个办法:确保你做足功课和早到。肖表示:“你实际上可能不需要在前一天晚上阅读全部资料,但它会提升你的信心。提前准备既有心理效果,又有现实效果。”早到也是集中思想的好办法。“如果你慌慌张张地赶到目的地,并不得不为此道歉,那些与你会晤的人就不会对你有信心,因此你一开始就处于不利地位。”一个人有可能自信过头吗?自信与傲慢之间有着细微差别。杨还补充道,一个自信的经理头脑清醒,能够“接受批评并欢迎反馈”。


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