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1、BEC商务英语中级口语练习汇总 为了让大家更好的准备商务英语BEC考试,给大家整理BEC中级口语练习,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。.核心学习:办公设备常见问题Billy: Whats going down?比利:怎么了?Michael: I have a problem.迈克尔:我碰到了一个问题。Billy: Whats that?比利:什么问题?Michael: I just bought a computer.迈克尔:我刚买了一台电脑。Billy: Thats great.比利:好事啊。Michael: But it keeps crashing.迈克尔:可它老死机。Billy: Ha

2、ve you had it checked out?比利:你找人检查过了吗?Michael: Yes, I think it might have a bug in one of its programs.迈克尔:找了,我想可能其中一个软件有问题。Billy: You should call the company service number.比利:你应该给那家电脑公司服务部打电话,让他们来看看。Michael: Thats what I will do. Maybe they can send some repairmen over to fix my machine.迈克尔:我正打算这么

3、做。也许他们会派维修人员来把我的机器修好。Billy: But this cloud does have a silver lining, now you have more time to spend with me.比利:这种情况也有好的一面,现在你可以有更多的时间来陪我了。Michael: Youre right. Lets go out for some coffee.迈克尔:你说得对。我们去喝咖啡吧。.单词简析1) Bug : a problem in the program.臭虫,电脑程序中的问题ex:Windows software often has many bugs and

4、 is, therefore, annoying to use.Windows (微软视窗)软件总是有许多问题,所以用起来很头疼。2) To let someone go : a polite way of saying, Youre fired.辞去某人的比较礼貌委婉的说法ex:After Bob messed up the presentation, the company decided to let him go.鲍勃把报告作得一团糟后,公司决定让他辞职。3) Every cloud has a silver lining : there is a good side in every

5、 situation每种状况都有其好的一面ex:Bobs cloud has a silver lining. After being fired, he has more time to spend with his kids.鲍勃的情况也有好的一面。失业后他有了更多的时间与孩子们呆在一起。4) Down : not working不工作了,坏了ex:The copy machine is down and I cant make any copies.复印机坏了,我无法复印了。5) Back on my feet : recover, get better恢复ex:Bob is alrea

6、dy back on his feet, even though his wife had just left him just last month.鲍勃已经恢复过来了,尽管妻子上个月刚刚离开了他。6) Virus : a disease病毒ex:A computer virus attacked my hard drive.电脑病毒袭击了我的硬盘。.课文篇Common Problems with Office Equipment办公设备常见问题Offices have two major pieces of equipment, computers and copy machines. C

7、omputers are probably the most useful; they can make work much easier. Without computers things would be much harder to do (and I wouldnt have a job.)办公室设备常见问题办公室一般都有两种主要的设备:电脑和复印机。电脑可能是最有用的。它们可以使工作变得更简单。没有电脑,事情会变得很困难。(而我也会失业)1) One of the biggest and most common problems with computers is when they

8、 crash. When this happens, you often lose whatever you are working on. This can be a big problem. (Also, if your computer crashes, that mean you cant read our newsletter1) 对于电脑来说,最常见和最大的问题是电脑死机问题。电脑死机时,你经常会丢失正在做的文件。这可真是个大问题。(这也意味着如果你的电脑死机了,你就无法读到我们的英语杂志了。)2) Another problem is when the program you a

9、re using has a bug. This is also a very common problem. Many programs have bugs in them; one example is Windows. When a program has a bug, it stops working for no reason at all. You also usually lose all of your work when this happens.2) 电脑的另一个常见问题是你所使用的程序有问题,这也是一个常见问题。当程序有问题时,电脑会在没有任何原因的情况下突然停止工作。发

10、生这种情况时,你通常也会丢掉正在处理的东西。.)3) Copiers are much simpler machines. They usually dont have any problems besides running out of paper. But sometimes they go down and you have to call a repairman to fix them.3) 复印机相对简单一些。除了缺纸外一般不会有什么别的问题。但有时复印机也会出问题。这时你就得请维修人员来修理。.对话篇Gordon: How is the job going?戈登:工作进展如何?M

11、olly: Its not.莫莉:不好。Gordon: What do you mean? What happened?戈登:什么意思?怎么啦?Molly: Everything went wrong the other day. My computer had a bug and it crashed. I lost everything.莫莉:那天所有的事都不顺。我的电脑程序里出现了问题,电脑死机了,我的东西全丢了。Gordon: Thats horrible.戈登:太糟糕了。Molly: But, thats not the end of it. I went to make some

12、copies and the copy machine was down, too. So, I couldnt make my presentation.莫莉:但是,麻烦事还没完呢,等我想去复印的时候,复印机也坏了。所以我没法做我的报告了。Gordon: Wow, it looks like your cloud doesnt have a silver lining.戈登:哇,看来,你可没有塞翁的好运气。Molly: It got even worse. The boss said he had to let me go since I did such a bad job.莫莉:更糟糕的

13、事情还在后面呢,老板说要解雇我,就因为我工作表现这么糟。Gordon: I feel bad for you.戈登:我真为你感到难过。Molly: Thats ok. I will be back on my feet in a few days and have an even better job.莫莉:没事,过两天我会好起来的,我会找到一份比现在还好的工作。Gordon: Thats the way to keep yourself going.戈登:这正是你做事的方式。Molly: You know me. Im an eternal optimist.莫莉:你了解我,我是一个永远乐观

14、的人。语练习:办公设备BEC中级口语练习:谈谈福利问题.核心学习:谈谈福利问题Michael: Whats going on?迈克尔:最近怎么样?Billy: Nothing much, just the usual. Why do you ask?比利:没什么新鲜的,老样子。为什么这么问?Michael: Every time I see you, you are working out. Why do you like to work out so much?迈克尔:每次看到你你都在做运动。你为什么那么喜欢做运动?Billy: I am tired of people laughing a

15、t my beer belly.比利:那他给我们写工资申请单了吗?Michael: But isnt going to a gym expensive?迈克尔:可是去健身房不会很贵吗?Billy: Actually my company pays for the gym. It is one of my work benefits.比利:我的公司付钱,这是我们公司提供的福利之一。Michael: You mean there are other benefits besides insurance?迈克尔:你的意思是除了保险以外还有其他福利?Billy: Of course. Sit down

16、 and I will explain all about work benefits.比利:当然。坐下来,我会慢慢给你解释所有的工作福利。.单词简析1) Benefits : helpful good things, profit益处、利益ex:There are many benefits to exercising.锻炼身体有很多益处。2) Bonus : extra, a prize奖金ex:Here is your normal salary, plus some bonus cash because you worked so hard last month.这是你的工资,再加上一

17、些奖金,因为你上个月工作很努力。3) Dental : dealing with teeth牙齿的ex:You should get dental insurance if you plan to see a dentist this year.如果你今年打算看牙医,你应该买牙齿保险。4) Haggle : bargain for the price讨价ex:I love to haggle at the outdoor shops.我喜欢在露天商店砍价。5) Package : a group of things套ex:The services rendered include, writi

18、ng, editing and some system instruction.完成的工作包括,撰稿、编辑和一些系统说明。6) Unbelievably : cant believe it, too good to be true难以置信的ex:Jordan is unbelievably good at basketball.乔丹的球技之高超让人难以置信。.课文篇Benefits are a big part of a job in a foreign company. When you first interview for a job, you should ask about the

19、benefits package. If you dont like the package, you might want to haggle for a better one.福利是在外企工作很重要的一部分。第一次面试的时候应该询问福利的问题。如果你对公司提供的福利不满意可以提出条件要求更好的。Types of benefits include:1) Insurance:a) Healthb) Dentalc) LifeNote: In the USA, doctors bills are unbelievably expensive, so make sure you get healt

20、h insurance.2) A company carNote: cars are cheap in the US, but gas and maintenance is expensive.3) Long vacations4) Gym access5) End of year bonus money6) Stocks in the companyNote there are more kinds of benefits, but these are the most common ones.福利的种类有:1、保险1)健康;2)牙齿;3)生命;注:在美国看病是非常昂贵的,所以一定要买健康保

21、险。2、公司配车注:在美国买车很便宜,可汽油和维修费用很高。3、长假期4、提供健身房5、年终奖金6、公司股票注:还有很多种福利,上述是最常提供的。.对话篇Molly : Yes, I am interested in the job. However, I would like to know more about the benefits you offer. Can you tell me?莫莉:是的,我对这份公司很有兴趣。可我想多了解一点公司提供的福利。您能告诉我吗?Molly : Life and health insurance?莫莉:生命和健康保险?Gordon: If you l

22、ike, we leave it up to you. You can pick any two kinds of insurance you want.戈登:如果你愿意,我们让你来决定。你可以挑选任意两种你想要的保险。Molly : Thats unbelievably great. What other benefits do you offer?莫莉:那真是太好了。公司还提供其他福利吗?Gordon: Our normal package also includes stocks in our company that you can earn after your first year

23、 of service.戈登:我们的福利还包括公司的股票,你可以在工作一年后拿到。Molly : You seem to be very serious about helping your employees.莫莉:看起来公司是真正的在帮助员工。Gordon: Thank you, we try.戈登:谢谢,我们尽所能去做。BEC中级口语练习:不确定答复.核心学习:不确定的答复Michael: You look pretty wound up. Whats up?迈克尔:你看起来很不开心,有什么事吗?Billy: Its nothing, just my boss keeps asking

24、about the annual stock report.比利:没什么,只是我的老板总是问我年度股票报告的事。Michael: What does she want to know?迈克尔:她想知道什么?Billy: She wants to know if I know when it will be done. But I am unsure.比利:她问我知不知道报告什么时候做好,可我还不能确定。Michael: You should tell her you are unsure.迈克尔:你应该告诉她你不能确定。Billy: I try, but I cant express myse

25、lf correctly.比利:我尽力了,可我不能正确地表达。Michael: Fine, I will teach you some useful business English that will help you.迈克尔:好吧,我会教你一些有用的商务英语,这会对你有帮助。.单词简析1) Annual : once a year每年一次ex:It is time for our annual office party.我们办公室开年度派队的时候到了。2) Excuse : reason, delay借口,托辞ex:Jack is full of excuses about why he

26、doesnt work hard.杰克为自己不努力工作找了一堆借口。3) Raise : increase in salary加薪ex:Time will tell if I get the raise or not.我能不能加薪,到时自会有分晓。4) Stock : piece of the company, ticket股票ex:My friend Tom made a fortune by trading stocks.我的朋友汤姆靠股票交易发了一笔财。5) Trading : buying and selling, one for another交易ex:Lets do some ta

27、pe trading. Ill give you a Beatles tape for your Will Smith tape.咱们来做个交易,我用披头士乐队的磁带来换你的威尔史密斯的磁带。.课文篇Often the big boss wants to know why you have not finished a report or project. This lesson explains a few common excuses you can use to satisfy your boss when you are unsure about an outcome. If the

28、boss asks a question like, Will you be done by this afternoon? you should give him/her a clear synonym for being UNSURE.通常大老板想知道你为什么没完成一份报告或一个项目。本课解释了一些常用的借口,在你对事情的结果不能确定时可以用来应付你的老板。 如果你的老板问你一些诸如“你今天下午能完成吗?”之类的问题,你可以给他一个和“不能确定”意思相同的答复。Synonyms for UNSURE“不能确定的”的同义词:1) 50/50: Can you be done by tonig

29、ht?There is a 50/50 chance.50%的机会:“你今晚能完成吗?”“有50%的可能。”2) It could happen: Will Bobby get here for the meeting in time?If he tries hard, it could happen.有可能:“鲍勃能及时赶来参加会议吗?”“如果他尽力而为的话,有可能。”3) I am not sure: Can you do some information trading this Friday evening?At this time I am not sure.我不能确定:“你能在这个

30、星期五晚上做一些信息交易吗?”“现在很难说。”4) Maybe yes, maybe no: Will you stamp my visa into your lovely country?Maybe yes, maybe no!可能会,也可能不会:“您能为我去贵国签证吗?”“可能会,也可能不会。”5) Will our companys stocks increase in value?Maybe, time will tell.“我们公司的股票会升值吗”“有可能,时间会证明的。”.对话篇Gordon: Miss Molly, will you be done with the stock

31、report by this afternoon?戈登:莫莉小姐,今天下午以前你能完成这份股票报告吗?Molly : Sorry to say I am unsure, time will tell.莫莉:很遗憾我还不能确定,看时间吧。Gordon: Well, do your best. I am off to lunch now.戈登:好吧,你尽力而为吧。现在我要去吃午饭了。Molly : Sir, can you pick me up a sandwich before the cafe closes at two o-clock?莫莉:先生,您能在咖啡店两点关门之前帮我买一个三明治吗?

32、Gordon: There is a 50/50 chance. I wont make it before then, but I will try.戈登:有五成的可能晚点儿,不过我会尽力。Molly : Well, do you best.莫莉:好吧,请尽量帮忙。Gordon: Oh, did the boss say he would give you a raise?戈登:噢,老板说过要给你加薪了吗?Molly : He said maybe yes, and maybe no.莫莉:他说有可能会,也有可能不会。Gordon: What does that mean?戈登:那是什么意思?Molly : It means if I work hard this month, it could happen.莫莉:意思是说,如果我这个月工作努力,就很有可能加薪。Gordon: Good luck.戈登:祝你好运。Molly : Thanks.莫莉:谢谢。


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