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1、剑桥商务英语中级_情景口语 为了让大家更好的准备商务英语BEC考试,给大家整理了商务英语中级情景口语,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。商务英语中级情景口语:跟踪线索Dialogue 1M: Here are the leads from last weeks exhibit as a trade show, there are about forty or so that are hot, you should contact them imediately in the next twenty-four hours if you can. The rest categorize accord

2、ing to potential and interest, you can see weve got a hot stack, a warm stack, our local warms, and our core but not dead stack.F: Haha, please dont tell me you got a dead stack, I hate making cored calls.M: Dont worry, most leads on my leads interest if its not strongly interested, weve just got to

3、 make sure the Hot Windss contact to drive away, and even the contacts that for for whatever reasons unprepared to make the order now, they might be interested in future, please be conscanciouss about getting a hold everyone of this leads, we spent a big chunk of marketing budget to find these peopl

4、e, I dont want our investment to go down the drink.F: Dont worry, Ive got you covered.Dialogue 2M1: Is this Paul Stallas from the Midnight Services.M2: Yeah, this is Pauls speaking, wha can I do for you?M1: Hi, My name is Mark, Im calling from Mardon Nail Paints, do you remember visiting our boost o

5、f hardware show last month? I believe you talked to my colleague Jack while you were there to show.M2: Oh, yeah, I think I remember you guys, I visited so many boosts that day.M1: Im sure you remember our exhibit, we were the ones with the bright panels in the light painting demonstrations.M2: Oh, y

6、eah,M1: Well, Jack gave me your business card that you have left with him, he told me you were interested in our vinal paint line.M1: Oh yes, we did talk about that, I told him that our company orders several gallons of paint a year, were not sure about switching venders yet, though.年商务英语中级情景口语:客户服务

7、D1A: Excuse me.B: Yes, sir. How may I be of service?A: I would like to return this item. Are refunds allowed?B: Certainly, the customer is always right. We are here to serve you. Is there a reason that you would like to return it? Do you have problems with our product or services?A: No, no. It was j

8、ust the wrong size.B: Would you be interested in an exchange as opposed to a refund? I think I can help you to find the appropriate size.A: No. I would rather just return it.B: Sure, no problem. Do you happen to have the receipt?A: Yeah, right here.B: Ok, just a moment, please. Here you are. I need

9、you to sign here, please. And here is your refund. Is there anything else I can help you with?A: No, thank you.B: Youre welcome. Have a nice day!A: According to our customer training the other day, the main principle of keeping people happy in this service industry is: under promise and over deliver

10、.B: So what does that mean?A: It just means to manage your customers expectations. Dont promise them something you are not going to come through on. And if you deliver more than you promise, they are sure to be satisfied.B: So how did you solve problems when the customers are not satisfied. How do y

11、ou deal with complaints?A: You have to deal with complaints sensitively, and try to understand where they are coming from. Always appologize and take the blame, because the customer is always right. Then figure out what is the least expensive way to mitigate the problem. For example, if they were up

12、set with the food, you can offer an upgrade. Thats a less expensive solution than a full refund.B: Anything else you should do?A: Dont give them a dead end to their questions. When the customer ask you a question, never just say: I dont know or we cant help you. The best kind of response helps custo

13、mers find the answers they are looking for. Always try to help them solve their problems. You can say: I dont know, but I can help you find the answer, or we cant help you here, but I know who can.商务英语中级情景口语:采购Dialogue 1M: Can I help you?F: Yes, could you tell me more about product line?M: We have a

14、n extensive line of housing garden wares, all produce in four different plants in China, we are direct factory representatives for the manufactures of more than two thousand different products. Would you like to look at our catalogue?F: That would be great, I am looking to souce a certain type of ga

15、rden host, if I dont find it in your catalogue, if there any possibility for you to customer produce something according to our specification?M: If you provide exact measurements or photos, we should be able to fabricate according to your needs if your orders are large enough, what size of an order

16、would you require.F: We would need several thousands units per order. How many units come in container?M: For the fifty meter land host model, we can fit four hundred and forty-five units into 40 full container.F: Do you take orders of half container?M: Unfortunately our total order must at least fi

17、ll one container, but you can splityour order up if you fill half of a container with one product, you can fill remaining place with another product.Diaologue 2M: We represent a major distributor of bicycles in United Kingdom, most of our products are fabricated in China, and ship over to our wareho

18、use in London. We are currently looking for new supplier,F: What kind of bicycle products are you intrested in soucing?M: Are you looking for bicycle components? what about accessaries or after market products?F: Perhaps in the future, we can expend to the after market products, but right now were l

19、ooking for bicycles only.M : I can give you some information about a bicycle factory in India, Im not sure if the pricing will be comparable to the deal you have with Chinese supplier now, though.M: We are also looking for other suppliers in China, do you have any contacts with Chinese bicycle facto

20、ries?F: Yes, I have a list, I can give you, you can contact them yourself and see what they have to offer.M: What about the general quality coming out in India, is it comparable to Chinese producers.F: I believe so, the quality is quite similar, the producing cost may be a big higher, but shipping should be less costly, your overall cost should about even out.


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