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1、Unit 2,生活就是选择。又恨又爱情绪很好/不好归根到底,基本论点,Life is all about choice . Love to hateBe in a good /bad mood The bottom line,be in the mood for (doing)sth./to do sth. “有做某事的心情或兴致” 他没心思说笑话。 He is not for . = He is not to .,in the mood,in the mood,(telling)jokes,tell jokes,修饰不定代词的定语后置,正面的事,让人振奋的事 Something positi

2、ve重要的事Something important新鲜的事Something new,used to,used to do sth. 过去常常做某事 be used to doing sth. 习惯于做某事 be used to do sth. 被用来作Eg:he is not what he used to be . 他已经不是以前的他了。There used to be a bus stop in that corner . 那个拐角处曾经有个公共汽车站。He used not to like fish . 他以前不喜欢吃鱼。,He used to get up early . He is

3、 used to getting up early .他以前常常早起。(现在不早起了)他习惯于早起。Wood is used to make paper . 木头被用来做纸。,Each time “每当时候” 作时间状语,Each time he comes to Wuhan,he will call on me .他每次来武汉都要来看我。Each time they met ,they would talk long hours together .每当他们见面时,都要在一起长谈。,Eitheror 或者或者,Either you or he has to go there .Either

4、you leave this house or Ill call the police . Either I or my parents (be) coming .或者我来,或者我父母来。,are,be involved in 陷入(困境),所有的孩子都参加了学校的活动。All the children were involved in the school activities .,Succeed in doing sth 在方面取得成功,他考试及格了。 He succeeded in the examination .我肯定(他们会顺利通过考试。)I am sure (they will

5、succeed in passing the examination .),Thanks to 由于多亏,I am well again,thanks to the doctor .多亏医生,我现在康复了。Thanks to johns help,we finishied the work on time .幸亏约翰的帮助,我们按时完成了这项工作。,12.选择你所爱的,爱你所选择的。,Choose the one you love , love the one you choose .one 代词复数形式 ones,13. “Why not +V-原形 ” “为什么不呢?”,Why not c

6、hoose the one we love and live happily !为什么不再试试呢?Why not try again ?Why not go at once ?为什么不马上去呢?,14. 用完了 失去15. 要求 讨价16. 朝四周看 环视17 照亮 人的脸容光焕发,be out ofask forlook aroudlight up,18. insist on/upon +sth/doing sth 坚持某事 坚持做某事,insisit that (should )+V.原形eg:I insisted on staying here . The teacher insisit

7、ed that the school should pay more attention to the studentslearning in school.这位老师坚决主张学校应更加注意学生在校的学习情况。,19. promise to do sth. 答应做,He promise to help me repaire my bike , but he hasnt come yet .他答应帮我修车,但是还没来。,20. Pay for 为付费,eg:He tried to leave the restaurant without paying for the meal .他没付饭钱就想从后门溜走。Youve acted foolishly and youll pay for it .你的行为太愚蠢了,你将为此付出代价。,21. argue,与某人争吵 argue with sb.为某事争论 argue about sth.eg:Dont argue with him,he does it for our good .不要与他争论,他做这件事是为我们好。She doesnt want to argue about such an unimportant matter .她不想为无关紧要的事儿争论。,


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