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1、Cultural Differences between China and western country -中西文化差异,Contents (目录),1、Food and tableware culture (餐桌文化)2、Etiquette culture (礼仪文化)3、Number and color (数字与颜色)4、Wedding culture(婚礼文化)5、Education (教育)6、 Architectural Culture(建筑风格),Eastern,What Eastern people care about is the deliciousness of foo

2、d.According to their traditional idea, they tend to seek the relationship between two different objects, and make them change to each other.,The traditional chinese food,dumpling(饺子),rice(米饭),soup(汤),noodle(面),The western food,beefsteak(牛排),hamburger(汉堡包),The western food,bread(面包) milk(牛奶),Chinese

3、tableware(中国餐具),chopsticks(筷子)spoon(汤勺)bowl(碗),Western tableware(西方餐具),knife(刀)fork(餐叉)glass(酒杯)napkin(餐巾纸),Etiquette culture (礼仪文化) - Greeting(打招呼),In China: “Have you eaten yet?” “What are you going to do?”(”你吃了吗?“”你要去哪里“)In western country:“Good morning/afternoon/evening. (”早上好;中午好;晚上好“)“Fine day

4、, isnt it? (”今天天气不错,对吧“)“How is everything going?”(”一切都好吧?“),Etiquette culture (礼仪文化) - Addressing(称呼),1、Calling names(称呼)In China, the surname(姓) the given name(名).While westerners, the given name(名) the family name (姓),Etiquette culture (礼仪文化) - Compliments and Response (称赞与回答),Chinese: “modesty”

5、(谦逊)Westerner: “straight forwardness”(直白坦率),Etiquette culture (礼仪文化) - Asking personal affairs,when asking others personal affairs, eg: name、age、marital status、wages、personal life. Chinese: concerns (关心) Westerner: right of privacy (隐私权),Color (颜色) Red(红色) White(白色) Numbers (数字) Lucky numbers(幸运数字)

6、Unlucky numbers (忌讳数字),Number and color differences (数字与颜色),Red(红色),In China Joy (快乐)Peace (和平)Success (成功),In western countryVigour (活力)Alert (警戒)Danger(危险),White(白色),In China Death (死亡) Failure (失败)Decay (腐朽)Surrender (投降),In western countryElegance(高雅)Purity(纯洁) Integrity (正直)Honesty (诚实),Lucky n

7、umbers(幸运数字),In China8:luck(幸运) fortune(财富) happy (幸福)6 :safety and smooth (六六大顺),In western country7:good luck (好运),Unlucky numbers(忌讳数字),In China 4:death(死亡),In western country13: the most unlucky,Chinese Traditional Wedding Ceremony (传统的中国结婚仪式),说媒 Proposal定亲 Engagement迎娶 Wedding Ceremony拜堂 Perfor

8、ming Ritual喝交杯酒 Drink “cross cupped wine”闹洞房 Celebrate Wedding in bridalchamber,Foreign wedding ceremony( 国外结婚仪式),新郎 groom 伴郎 the best man男傧相 groomsmen新娘 bride 伴娘 maid of honor女傧相 bridesmaid花童 flower girl戒童 ring bearer 求婚 kneeling in wedding神父 minister引宾员 usher,Wedding March(结婚进行曲) Music stops (父亲引女

9、入堂并交予新郎)Wedding vow(誓言)changing the rings(互换戒指),The wedding steps(婚礼步骤),Family education different,American education hours tube tightly, American parents would set many rules, and the children the bassoon and the pine。美国教育小时管得严,美国父母会立下许多规矩,而孩子越大管得越松;,Chinese parents, on the contrary, childhood bear

10、ing spoiling, grow up everywhere restrictions, even university major, love is all interference. 中国父母恰恰相反,小时候百般溺爱,长大处处限制,甚至连大学专业,恋爱都横加干涉。,Family Education-Westerner (西方家庭教育),set many rules(严格),independence(独立),Family Education-Chinese(中国家庭教育),Spoiling(溺爱),Restriction(限制),In China, Parents usually pre

11、pare everything for us。(父母总是掌控、决定一切),In western country,children are more independent(父母尊重孩子,孩子独立性强),How to react if children are wrong?(如何对待孩子犯错?),In China, yelling at them and using physical punishment? (叫喊或体罚)In western country, telling them stories and playing with them(讲故事),School education(学校教

12、育),In china: many rules (制度严谨)Such as wearing uniform,In western country: freedom(自由), Sitting straightly Listening quietly Taking notes quickly, Talking freely Think lively Discuss enthusiastically,Ability (能力) Activity(活跃) Creativity (创造力),Pens (笔),Books(书),Examinations(考试),1 Architectural Materia

13、ls,Chinese architects used woods as the main building materials. DelicateTough Morbidezza(细腻,柔美)Gentle and reservedThe line of beauty and the vividness(生动、活泼) of the artistic conception take priority.,The main building material of the western traditional architecture is stone. StraightforwardSimpleR

14、igidMajestic(庄严的,宏伟的)The architectural form is thick and heavy.,2 Architectural Structures,Traditional Chinese people believe in the idea of nature-human integration(“天人合一”). In our Chinese culture, we advocate that men should keep a harmonious relationship with nature.,Chinese architecture is requi

15、red to be like the nature. There are many small hills and ponds in Chinese traditional gardens. The designers pursued the harmony of the man, the architecture and the nature.,2 Architectural Structures,As for Western people, they advocate individualism which cares much about the individual.,Thus the Western buildings tend to be detached(分离的,分开的) patterns while most Chinese traditional buildings are aggregate(聚集的) patterns.,The end,Thank you!,


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