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1、高考英语一轮复习课件外研版 必修二 Unit 3music,假设你是李华,你的美国笔友Peter曾表示希望来中国教书。你校现在需要招聘外教,请给他写封信,告知招聘信息。内容主要包括:,1.教授课程:英语口语、英语写作、今日美 国、今日英国等;2.授课对象:高中生(至少三年英语基础);3.工作量:每周12学时,任选三门课;担任学生英语俱乐部或英语校报顾问(advisor)。,注意:1词数100左右;2可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;3开头语已为你写好。,Dear Peter, I remember you told me you were interested in teaching in Ch

2、ina.Best,Li Hua,完全免费,无需注册,天天更新!,经典范文Dear Peter, I remember you told me you were interested in teaching in China. Our school now is looking for a native speaker to teach some courses to senior high school students.开门见山:写信目的,If you come,you can choose three of the following four courses:Speaking,Writi

3、ng,Britain Today and America Today,and teach 12 hours a week. The students who are going to take these courses have at least three years of English learning experiences.Besides teaching,you will also work as an advisor to our students English club or our schools English newspaper.详述信息:课程、授课对象及工作量,Pl

4、ease let me know if you are interested and if you have any other question.Id be more than happy to help.结束语:期待回复Best,Li Hua,佳句变换亮点句式: look for寻找。请根据括号中的提示词改写同义句:In our school a native speaker is needed(need) to teach some courses to senior high school students.,亮点句式: who引导定语从句。请用if条件句改写同义句:If the st

5、udents want to take these courses,they must have at least three years of English learning experiences.,一、考纲词汇识记1 n听众2 adj. 复杂的3 n. 天才4 n. & adj. 古典音乐;古典的,古典派的 n. 古典主义 n. 古典主义者,audience complex genius classical classicism classicist,5 n. 作曲家 vt. 作曲;创作 n. 作文6 n. (乐队)指挥 v. 指挥(乐队);传导7 n. 指挥 v. 指挥;指导 n.

6、指 示,说明;方向8 n. 音乐家 n. 音乐 adj. 音乐的9 n. 天分,天赋,才华 adj. 有才能的,composer compose composition conductor conduct director direct direction musician music musical talent talented,10 vt. & n. 巡回演出;观光,旅游 n. 观 光者,游客 n. 旅游业11 adj. 动人的 v. 抓住12 vt.& n. 影响 adj. 有影响力的13 vt.& n. 录音;记录;唱片 n. 录 音机,tour tourist tourism ca

7、tchy catch influence influential record recorder,二、高频词汇活用(一)一言辨异14_ up flour and water,then pour the _ into the pan with hot oil.(mix)答案:Mix;mixture,(二)用lose及其派生词的适当形式填空15At that moment he _ his balance and fell.But the bottom line is that eating in the morning is very important when youre trying to

8、 _ weight.I was at a complete _ as to how to find the money in time.答案:lostloseloss,1lose vt.丢失;错过;迷路;输掉;使沉溺于;专心致志于It was darker,whats worse,he was lost in the forest.天越来越黑了,更糟的是,他在森林中迷路了。, ,he almost ran into the car in front of him.由于陷入了沉思,他几乎撞上了他前面的那辆汽车。He was on hearing the sudden news.听到那突然的消息后

9、,他慌得不知所措。,Lost in hought,at a loss,2influence n影响(力);势力;权力 vt.对有影响;感化教材P26原句If a band is influenced by another band,do they like them or not?如果一个乐队受另一乐队的影响,他们是喜欢还是不喜欢呢?,The enthusiasm of the students strongly us.学生们的热情强烈地感染了我们。The book had a major influence on her.这本书对她有重要的影响。He is in reaching the d

10、ecision.他对做出这一决定有很大的影响。,influenced,influential,3record vt.& vi.录音;记录 n纪录;唱片;档案;履历,经历教材P27原句Before they visited India,they had recorded seven albums.他们访问印度之前,已录制了七个专辑。,Please keep a record of the numbers of your travellers cheques.请将你的旅行支票的号码记下来。At the Olympic Games,some athletes ,some and others .在奥

11、运会上,有的运动员打破世界纪录,有的创造新纪录,有的保持原有纪录。,break the world record,set a new record,hold the record,4mix v使混合;使结合;相融合;调配;相容教材P29原句He is famous for mixing Chinese musical traditions with western forms and instrumentation.他以将中国传统音乐和西方的演奏形式和乐器相结合而著称。,Oil doesnt mix with water.油不融于水。Let me flour and water.我来和面(把面

12、粉和水搅匀)。Steel is a mixture of iron and other substances.钢是铁和其他某些物质的化合物。,mix up,.单词拼写1Einstein is a great scientific g_.答案:genius2His t_ and experience qualified him to handle the companys foreign business very well.答案:talent,3The a_ at a play,concert,film or public meeting is the group of people watc

13、hing or listening to it.答案:audience4I tried to stop him from doing that,but my advice had no _(影响) on his actions.答案:influence,5His newest _(记录) sounded fantastic.答案:record6There is a _(复杂的) network of roads round the city.答案:complex,.单项填空1Its reported that Hawking,a great _ in physics,has come to B

14、eijing to give a lecture on the origin of the universe.AtalentBgeniusChero Dphysicist,解析:句意:据报道,霍金,一个伟大的物理学天才,已来到北京就宇宙的起源发表演说。如果我们说某个艺术家或科学家是一个天才,常常用genius。talent常指一般有才能的人;C、D两项的意思不合适。,答案: B,2What do you think made Liz so upset?_ her new bike yesterday.ALose BLostCLosing DBeing lost解析:句意:“你认为是什么使得Li

15、z如此不快?”“昨天她的新自行车丢了。”do you think是插入语;what是句子的主语。在四个选项中只有“losing her.”为动名词短语,可以作主语。故选C。答案:C,3Violent programs on television may have a bad _ on children.Aaffection BpressureCcontrol Dinfluence解析:have an influence/effect on为固定短语,表示“对有影响”。句意:电视的暴力节目对孩子们有坏的影响。答案:D,4Salt,when _ with water,dissolves quick

16、ly,which is a physical reaction.Amixed BmixingCmix Dis mixed解析:when mixed with water是when the salt is mixed with water的省略形式。句意:当盐和水混合的时候,盐会很快融化,这是物理反应。答案:A,5He _ the lecture given by the famous professor.Adid BmadeCrecorded Dlistened解析:句意:他录下了那位著名教授做的演讲。record此处用做动词,意为“录音”,符合题意。listen为不及物动词,后接宾语时需要加

17、to。答案:C,1be different 和不同2be known 作为而出名3change. . 把变成4be impressed 留下深刻印象5 a note of 记录,from as into with make,6 all time 有史以来7 deaf 变聋8if 如果这样的话9split 分裂10no 没门11have a talent 有的天赋12as as 也,和;并且,of go so up way for well,1change.into.把变成教材P22原句.but he changed the symphony into a long piece for a la

18、rge orchestra.但是他把交响乐变成了为大型管弦乐队演奏的长音乐。Heat changes water into steam.高温将水变成了蒸汽。Can I change pounds into dollars here?这里可以把英镑兑换成美元吗?,turn.into.change.into. 把变成change into. 变成change A for B 用A交换Bchange.with. 和交换,Shall I change seats you?我要不要和你换座位?Can you change this 100 yuan note ten single ones?请你把这张一

19、百元的钞票换成10张10元的好吗?,with,for,2go deaf变聋教材P23原句As he grew older,he began to go deaf.随着年龄的增长,他开始变聋了。The old man went deaf because of old age.因为年龄的缘故,老人失聪了。,go作系动词时,后跟形容词作表语,一般表示由好变坏,由正常情况变成特殊情况。go blind/mad/bad变瞎/疯了/变坏,变质go wrong/wild 出毛病/变疯狂go pale/red 变得苍白/发红go hungry 挨饿,While half the world ,the othe

20、r half are overweight.虽然世界上一半的人挨饿,但另一半的人却超重。I think youre going mad.我想你快发疯了。Her face at the bad news.听到那个坏消息,她的脸色变得苍白。,went pale,go hungry,.选词填空1You cant _ iron _ gold.,答案: change;into,2_ how much money you spend.答案:Make a note of3When food is short,its often the mother who _.答案:goes hungry4I _ very

21、 _ his story.答案:was;impressed by,5Steves parents _ when he was four.答案:split up6As we all know,Mary _ languages and she does very well in English.答案:has a talent for,.单项填空1The traffic lights _ green and I pulled away.AcameBgrewCgot Dwent,解析:考查系动词的用法。此处go表示“变为”,是连系动词,相当于turn,指颜色变化。A、B、C、三项不与表颜色的词连用。,

22、答案: D,2He has a talent _ music_ language.Afor;as well Bfor;as well asCin;in addition Din;in addition to解析:“有的天赋”应用have a talent/gift for.来表示。第二空可用as well as(和;又)或者in addition to(除之外,还有)。答案:B,3We can _ a note of what the teacher says in class and _ notes afterwards.Atake;make Bcompare;takeCmake;compa

23、re Dmake;take解析:句意:在课上我们记下老师讲的内容以后再对笔记。take/make a note of“记下;记录”,take/make notes“做笔记”,compare notes“对笔记;交换意见”。答案:C,4.Lets try _ the text _ a short play.Achanging;into Bchanging;forCto change;for Dto change;as解析:句意:让我们试着把这篇课文改编成一个短剧。try doing sth.意为“试着做某事”;change.into.意为“把变成”。change.for.意为“把换成”。答案:A

24、,5We were deeply impressed _ the old mans words.Ato BinCwith Don解析:be impressed with/by意为“对留下深刻印象”。句意:我们对这位老年人的话留下了深刻的印象。答案:C,1Having worked there for 30 years,Haydn moved to London,where he was very successful. (having worked there for 30years在此句中作时间状语,其动作先于主句动作发生。)在那里工作了30年后,海顿移居伦敦,并在那儿大获成功。,句式仿写打

25、完高尔夫之后,他和妻子开车回家了。_,he drove home with his wife.,答案: Having played golf,2By the time he was 14,Mozart had composed many pieces.(by the time引导的是时间状语从句。谓语部分用过去完成时。)到十四岁时,莫扎特不仅谱写了很多曲句式仿写到他12岁时,他已经自学了数学。By the time he was twelve,he _ mathematics all by himself.答案:had learned,3However,it was Haydn who enc

26、ouraged Beethoven to move to Vienna.(“it is/was被强调部分that/who句子其余部分”是强调句型的结构。)尽管如此,正是海顿鼓励贝多芬移居维也纳的。句式仿写直到她摘下墨镜我才意识到她是位著名歌星。It was _ that I realized she was a famous singer.答案:not until she took off her dark glasses,1By_the_time he was 14,Mozart had composed many pieces for the harpsichord,piano and v

27、iolin,as well as for orchestras.到十四岁时,莫扎特不仅谱写了很多管弦乐曲,还谱写了大量拨弦键琴曲、钢琴曲和小提琴曲。,by the time在此引导时间状语从句,意为“到的时候”。遇到by the time引导时间状语从句时,一定要注意主从句的时态。,By the time the course ends,well have learned a lot about Britain.到这门课程结束时,我们将学到关于英国的很多知识。By the end of next month,the building completed.到下个月末,这栋楼将已竣工。By the

28、 end of last week,we had received over,1,000 text messages.到上周末我们已收到1000多条短信。,will have been,2However,it_was_Haydn_who encouraged Beethoven to move to Vienna.尽管如此,正是海顿鼓励贝多芬移居维也纳的。此句型是强调句型,其结构是:itbe被强调部分that/who.。It was my father that/who did the experiment in the lab yesterday evening.(强调主语)是我父亲昨晚在实

29、验室里做实验的。,It was my father did in the lab yesterday evening.(强调宾语)我父亲昨晚在实验室里是在做实验。It was my father did the experiment yesterday evening.(强调状语)我父亲昨晚是在实验室里做的实验。,the experiment that,in the lab that,(1)当被强调部分指人时,后面的连接词可用that或who;否则就用that。(2)若被强调部分为主语时,句子的谓语动词和被强调的主语保持一致。(3)强调句的一般疑问句:Is (Was)it被强调部分that.;

30、强调句的特殊疑问句:特殊疑问词is(was)itthat.,这时特殊疑问词是被强调部分。,It is I who to blame.是我该受到责备。Was it ten years ago that his father died?他的父亲是10年前去世的吗? you will set off?你到底什么时候出发?,am,When is it that,提醒判断句子是否为强调句的方法:把it is (was)和that (who)去掉,再把被强调部分归位到它本来的位置,在不添加任何成分的情况下,如句子仍能成立,则为强调句。,(2010湖南高考)Johns success has nothing

31、 to do with good luck. It is years of hard work _ has made him what he is today.Awhy BwhenCwhich Dthat解析选_考查强调句型。“It is被强调的部分that保留部分”为强调句型。故选that。,D,1As is known,it was _ that resulted in the terrible accident.Abecause of the drivers carelessnessBthe drivers being carelessCbecause the driver was ca

32、relessDthe driver was so careless,解析:本句考查强调句式的用法。改为普通的句子为:As is known,the drivers being careless resulted in the terrible accident.强调句式为:It is/was被强调部分that/who其他成分。本句是对主语the drivers being careless进行强调。,答案: B,2_ made him change the plan?AWhat was it thatBWhat was itCWhy was it that DWhy was it解析:此处是强

33、调句型的特殊疑问句形式。原句型可还原为“What made him change the plan?”,然后对 what 强调则构成了A选项所构成的句子。答案:A,3Did you catch the first bus this morning?No,it _ the stop by the time I _ there.Ahas left;got Bleft;had gottenChad left;had gotten Dhad left;got解析:从问句时态看,答语中by the time引导的从句应用一般过去时,而主语应相应用过去完成时。答案:D,4_ in the queue fo

34、r half an hour,Tom suddenly realized that he had left his wallet at home.ATo wait BHave waitedCHaving waited DTo have waited解析:考查非谓语动词。先排除B项,因为B项是谓语动词形式,不可作状语;非谓语动词与句子的主语之间是主动关系,所以用现在分词,非谓语动词的动作发生在谓语动作之前,所以用现在分词的完成式。答案:C,5Did Jack come back early last night?Yes.It was not yet eight oclock _ he arriv

35、ed home.Abefore BwhenCthat Duntil解析:句意:“Jack昨晚回来得早吗?”“是的,不到八点他就到家了。”根据答句中的“yes”可以判断Jack回来得早,所以应用when引导时间状语从句,表示“当的时候”。not.until.表示“直到才”,和前面提供的情形相矛盾。答案:B,一、文体特点 说明文一般用简练的语言,按一定的方法介绍事物的类别、性质、特点、构造、成因、关系或事物的运动变化、发展的过程及规律。说明文十分讲究条理性,一般采用时间顺序、空间顺序或逻辑顺序。,1说明文一般分为三类:(1)事物的说明;(2)事理的说明;(3)文艺性的说明。2说明文通常具有下列特点

36、:(1)多用现在时态。因为说明文通常是对客观事物或事理的一种介绍与解释,而这种客观介绍与解释一般是不随时间变化而变化的。,(2)采用客观描述。说明文一般是对客观存在的说明与介绍,因此,语言的表述也应该尽可能地给人以客观可信的感觉。(3)遣词用字简练、平实、确切。说明文的主要目的是帮助读者认清事物,明白事理,故其语言通常较为浅显、通俗,比较易于读者理解。其内容也很客观真实,它的用词总是贴近事物的本来面目,不会使用华丽的词藻和夸张的写作手法,一般也不加描述和议论。,二、解题技巧 做好说明文完形填空,最主要的是抓住文章说明的中心,这要求考生做好三方面:1注意文章的说明顺序,常见的说明顺序有时间、空间

37、、逻辑(指先因后果或先果后因,先主后次的顺序)和认识顺序(指由此及彼,由浅入深,由局部到整体,由现象到本质,由具体到抽象的顺序)。把握了说明的顺序,就能准确把握文章的脉络,抓住文章中心。,2注意段落之间的逻辑关系,说明文的首段往往是文章的主题段,每段的首句也是主题句,一定把握好主题段和主题句,这是做好这类完形填空题的前提。3注意文章结尾,文章结尾的段落往往对说明的问题进行总的概括,有时就是文章的点睛之处。,(2010安徽高考)Most people give little thought to the pens they write with,especially since the prin

38、ters in modern homes and offices mean that very _1_ things are handwritten.All too often,people buy a pen based only on _2_,and wonder why they are not satisfied _3_ they begin to use it. However,buying a pen that youll enjoy is not _4_ if you keep the following in mind.,First of all,a pen should fi

39、t comfortably in your hand and be _5_ to use. The thickness of the pen is the most important characteristic(特征) _6_ comfort. Having a small hand and thick fingers,you may be comfortable with a thin pen. If you have a _7_ hand and thicker fingers,you may _8_ a fatter pen. The length of a pen can _9_

40、influence comfort. A pen that is too _10_ can easily feel topheavy and unstable.,Then,the writing point of the pen should _11_ the ink to flow evenly(均匀地) while the pen remains in touch with the paper. _12_ will make it possible for you to create a _13_ line of writing. The point should also be sens

41、itive enough to _14_ ink from running when the pen is lifted. A point that does not block the _15_ may leave drops of ink, _16_ you pick the pen up and put it down again.,_17_ ,the pen should make a thick,dark line. Fineline pens may _18_ bad handwriting,but fine,delicate lines do not command _19_ n

42、ext to printed text,as, _20_ ,a signature on a printed letter.A broader line,on the other hand,gives an impression of confidence and authority(权威),1A.manyBfewCpleasantDimportant,解析: 由上文所述可知,打印机的出现意味着用手写的东西就“很少”了。,答案: B,语篇解读:现实生活中,人们时常对购买的钢笔大失所望。那么,如何才能买到称心如意的钢笔呢?,2A.looks Breason Cvalue Dadvantages,

43、解析: 由下文所述可知,人们购买钢笔仅仅凭其“外观”。,答案: A,3A.once Bif Cbecause Dthough,解析: 由于仅凭外观购买钢笔,所以“一旦”开始使用,就想知道为什么对它不满意。,答案: A,4A.convenient Bpractical Cstrange Ddifficult,解析: 由其后的条件句所述可知,买称心如意的钢笔并不“困难”。,答案: D,5A.heavy Beasy Chard Dsafe,解析: 由“钢笔握在手中舒服”可知,此处为“容易”使用。,答案: B,6A.taking Bfinding Cdetermining Dseeking,解析: 根

44、据常识可知,钢笔的舒适度应是由其粗细“决定”的。故C项符合语境。,答案: C,7A.stronger Bweaker Csmaller Dlarger,解析: 此处与上一句中的small是反义词,且与a fatter pen相照应,所以用larger。,答案: D,8A.prefer Brecommend Cprepare Ddemand,解析: 如果你的手比较大,手指比较粗,你可能“更喜欢”比较粗大的钢笔。,答案: A,9A.hardly Balso Cnever Dstill,解析: 上文讲的是钢笔的粗细与其舒适度密切相关,此处是说钢笔的长度也会影响舒适度,由此可知B项意思相符。,答案:

45、B,10A.thick Blight Clong Dsoft,解析: 此处讲的是钢笔的长度问题。容易感觉头重脚轻并且不稳定的应该是太“长的”钢笔。,答案: C,11A.change Ballow Creduce Dpress,解析: 由空后所述可知,allow“允许,使可能”,符合语境。,答案: B,12A.They BOne CThis DSome,解析: 此处的This指代上一句中提到的内容。,答案: C,13A.thin Brough Cblack Dsmooth,解析: 流畅的笔尖可以让你写出“流畅的”线条。前三项都与上文中提到的均匀出墨在逻辑上不符。,答案: D,14A.preven

46、t Bfree Cprotect Dremove,解析: 经验告诉我们,笔尖应该能够让钢笔书写的时候均匀地出墨;也应该足够敏感,当钢笔停止书写被提起的时候,可以“阻止”墨水流出。,答案: A,15A.way Bsight Cflow Dstream,解析: 不能阻止墨水“流出”的笔尖可能留下墨滴。此处与本段第11空格后面的flow相呼应。,答案: C,16A.so Bas Cand Dyet,解析:当你拿起钢笔,再次放下的时候,不能阻止墨水流出的笔尖就会流出墨滴。as表示“当时候”。,答案: B,17A.Meanwhile BGenerally CAfterwards DFinally,解析:

47、 结合第二段中的“First of all”以及第三段中的“Then”可知此处表示的是先后顺序,所以选择D项。,答案: D,18A.show up Bdiffer from Cbreak down Dcompensate for,解析: 本句中的but表示的是转折含义,由此可知前半句叙述的是细线条钢笔的好处,这样的钢笔也许可以“弥补”拙劣的书法。故选D项。compensate for弥补。,答案: D,三星学科,教师助手,学生帮手,家长朋友!,19A.attention Bsupport Crespect Dadmission,解析: 但是,纤细的线条不能引起别人的“注意”。attention

48、注意。此处与本段最后一句中的“gives an impression of confidence and authority”相呼应。,答案: A,20A.at most Bfor example Cin brief Don purpose,解析: 此处是用打印书信上的手写签名作为例证。,答案: B,灵犀一点 疑难剖析All too often,people buy a pen based only on looks,and wonder why they are not satisfied once they begin to use it.通常情况下,人们买钢笔时仅仅看它的外观,却不知道为什么一使用就感觉不满意,and 连接两个并列谓语buy和wonder;why they are not satisfied once they begin to use it 是wonder 的宾语从句,其中的once they begin to use it 是条件状语从句。based on 以为基础,是过去分词短语作 a pen 的后置定语。,技巧点拨 考生在做题过程中需要留意上下文,正确把握上下文之间的逻辑关系。逻辑关系涉及时间、条件、原因、转折等几个方面。正确理解文章的内容并准确地把握逻辑关系有助于考生准确地解答试题。如第3题和第16题。,完全免费,无需注册,天天更新!,


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