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1、剑桥商务英语写作技巧 为了让大家更好的准备商务英语BEC考试,给大家整理剑桥商务英语写作技巧,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。商务写作According to的正确用法商务英语考试(BUSINESS ENGLISH CERTIFICATE),简称BEC,指的是剑桥商务英语资格考试。是剑桥系列考试中专为学习者提供的国际商务英语资格证书考试,考察真实工作环境中英语交流能力,被欧洲乃至全球众多教育机构、企业认可,将其作为入学考试或招聘录用的英语语言水平要求。每年为了满足广大考生的需要,方便同学们积极备考,下面请同学们跟随的整理,来看商务写作According to的正确用法,希望对大家有所帮助。Al

2、though these phrases are often used interchangeably they have slightly different meanings, so we should be careful how we use them.在很多情况下,“According to”和“In accordance with”都可以互换,但是两者之间还是有一些细微的差别的。所以,在使用这两个词组时,我们需要特别小心。How to use “According to”?“According to”的用法“According to” is usually used when yo

3、u restate something someone told you or something you have heard or read somewhere. It is mostly used for reporting.“According to”往往是用在重述别人的话,或者你在其他地方听到或看到的内容,常用于报告的写作中。EX:According to the clerk we spoke to when we telephoned the supervisory authority this morning, the application was filed last wee

4、k.例句:根据今晨我们对员工进行的监督权调查的电话访谈所说,上周表格就已经归档了。It may be used to introduce information that might not be true:“According to”可以用于引用不确实的消息:EX:According to the state news agency, the number of demonstrators did not exceed 1,000. However, the organisers of the protest say there were at least 100,000 people on

5、 the march.例句:根据官方通讯社的消息,参与游行的人数不超过1000人,而游行组织者称,参与游行人数超过了10万人。It may also be used to introduce hearsay:“According to”也可以用来引用道听途说的消息:EX:According to Annabel, Tom wants to dump Sarah because he really fancies Emma.例句:听安娜贝尔说,汤姆要甩了萨拉,因为他被艾玛给迷上了。How to use “In accordance with”?“In accordance with”的用法“In

6、 accordance with” is used in more formal contexts to introduce the notion of conformity. In a legal context it is used for stating what conforms to the law or a contract. It is never used to introduce information that may not be true.“In accordance with”是用在比较正式的内容中,用来引述确实的信息。在法律文本中,这个词组就是用来引述法律条文或合同

7、中的规定的。“In accordance with”从来不会用于引用不确实的消息。EX:In accordance with Article 72 of the Act, employees of the Company have the right to form a representative body.例句:根据该法令第72条规定,公司员工有权组成代表团。In some cases you can use “under” instead of “in accordance with”, or where “in accordance with” seems too strong:如果觉

8、得用“in accordance with”语气太强烈的话,也可以用“under”来替换。EX:Under / In accordance with a general rule of the Pharmaceutical law, the sponsor and the investigator are responsible for damage resulting from conducting a clinical trial.例句:根据药品管理法规定,临床试验的赞助者和研究者要对试验所造成的后果负责。Using a comma with this type of clause在使用这

9、类从句时,建议使用逗号区分EX:According to recent government statistics, unemployment has risen from 3% to 5% over the last 12 months.例句:根据政府近期公布的数据,在过去的12个月里,失业率从3%上升到了5%。商务写作中办公室留言怎么写商务英语考试(BUSINESS ENGLISH CERTIFICATE),简称BEC,指的是剑桥商务英语资格考试。是剑桥系列考试中专为学习者提供的国际商务英语资格证书考试,考察真实工作环境中英语交流能力,被欧洲乃至全球众多教育机构、企业认可,将其作为入学考试

10、或招聘录用的英语语言水平要求。每年为了满足广大考生的需要,方便同学们积极备考,下面请同学们跟随的整理,来看商务写作中办公室留言怎么写,希望对大家有所帮助。People often make mistakes in their automatic out of office messages. This can make a bad impression, especially if there are basic spelling or gramma mistakes, as such messages tend to be written at the last moment when yo

11、ure in a hurry to leave the office. So here are some template messages that you might like to keep for future use.人们经常会在写办公室自动留言时犯些小错误,这会给人留下坏印象,尤其是这些错误是最基础的拼写和语法错误。人们总是在离开办公室前一刻匆忙写下这些留言,所以犯些小错误也就不可避免了。以下这些留言范例可以给你作为参考。1.Thank you for your email. I am currently out of the office and will return on .

12、Kind regards,感谢您的邮件。我现在不在办公室,将于X.X返回。此致敬礼2.You have reached the mailbox of . I am out of the office at the moment and will be back on . Please refer all urgent matters to at the following email address . Regards,你现在进入了X.X的电子邮箱。我现在不在办公室,并将于X.X返回。如有急事请找X.X,以下是Ta的邮箱地址X.X。此致敬礼3.Thank you for your email.

13、 I will be out of the office until . If you need urgent help please contact my assistant on telephone number or email . Regards,感谢您的邮件,X.X之前我都不在办公室。如有急事请联系我的助理X.X,电话号码是X.X,邮箱地址是X.X。此致敬礼4.Thank you for your message. I am currently out of the office and only have intermittent access to email. If the m

14、atter needs urgent attention please contact on telephone number or email . Best regards,感谢您的留言。我现在不在办公室,不方便接收邮件。如有急事,请联系X.X,电话号码是X.X,邮箱地址是X.X。此致敬礼5.Thank you for your email. I am currently out of the office and will be returning on . If the matter is urgent, please call me on my mobile on telephone

15、number. Alternatively, please get in touch with at the following email address . Kind regards,感谢您的邮件。我现在不在办公室,将于X.X返回。如有急事,请致电我的手机,电话号码是X.X。或者,您也可以联系X.X,以下是Ta的邮箱地址X.X。此致敬礼6.Thank you for your message. Our office is closed today, date, due to a national holiday. I will be back in the office tomorrow

16、and will reply to your email as soon as I can. Best regards,感谢您的留言。今天是X.X,为国定假日,公司放假休息。我明天就会回公司工作并及时回复您的邮件。此致敬礼商务写作中易混淆词汇辨析1.affect vs effect两个“影响”辨析Affect and effect are two words that are commonly confused. Affect is usually a verb (action); effect is usually a noun (thing).Affect和effect这两个词语经常被混淆

17、。Affect通常用作动词,表示某种行为,而effect常用作名词,表示某事。Hint: If its something youre going to do, use affect. If its something youve already done, use effect.提示:如果某事是你正打算要去做的,那么用affect;如果某事是你已经做完了的,那么就用effect。To affect something or someone.“影响”某事或某人Example 1: The noise outside affected my performance.例1:外面的噪音影响了我的发挥

18、。Example 2: Staying away so long from office will affect promotion.例2:长期离职会影响晋级。The use of effect as a verb is what causes the most confusion between these two words.effect用作动词时,最容易和affect造成混淆。To have an effect on something or someone.对某事或某人有“影响”Note: effect is followed by the preposition on and pre

19、ceded by an article (an, the)注意:effect前面一般要有冠词a/the,effect后面通常要加介词on。Example 1: His smile had a strange effect on me.例1:他的笑容对我有一种奇怪的影响。Example 2: Parents worry about the effect of music on their adolescents behavior.例2:家长们担心音乐对于其青少年子女行为的影响。2.some time / sometime vs sometimes一段时间、某时和有时的辨析Some time me

20、ans a period of time.Some time表示一段时间。Example 1: The government still has sufficient instruments and still some time to move on this question.例1:政府仍然有足够的工具和时间来应对这个问题。Example 2: I think Jenny and I need some time right now anyway.例2:反正我和珍妮需要一点时间。Sometime indicates a time in the future or the past whic

21、h is not known or not stated.Sometime表示未来或者过去的某个时间,而这个时间目前还未知或者没有表述清楚。Example 1: They hoped to meet up sometime.例1:他们希望能找个时间见个面。Example 2: The sales figures wont be released until sometime next month.例2:销售数据要到下个月的某个时候才会公布。Sometimes means on some occasions but not always or often.Sometimes指的是有时,但并不经常

22、,表示频率。Example 1: During the summer, my skin sometimes gets greasy.例1:夏天我的皮肤有时会变得爱出油。Example 2: I differed with my partner sometimes,but we usually agree.例2:我有时与我的伙伴争论,但我们通常是一致的。3.e.g vs i.e“例如”和“也就是”的辨析e.g. stands for exempli gratia = for example.e.g.是拉丁语exempli gratia的简写,表示“例如”,用于举例说明。Example: I li

23、ke fast cars, e.g. Ferrari and Porche.例句:我喜欢跑车,比如法拉利和保时捷。In the sentence above you are simply giving an example of the kinds of cars you like - Ferraris and Porches.在上述例句中,e.g.后要加你喜欢的车子的类型,即法拉利和保时捷。i.e. stands for id est = that is (in explanation).i.e.是拉丁语id est的简写,表示“也就是、即”的意思,用于解释说明。Example: I lik

24、e fast cars, i.e. any car that can go over 150mph.例句:我喜欢跑车,也就是时速超过150英里的车子。In this second sentence you are giving an explanation of what you consider to be fast.在第二句例句中,i.e.后是对跑车的说明,即你认为的跑车是多快的车子。商务写作中by和until的区别WRONG:Write the report until 5 pm.RIGHT: Write the report by 5 pm.Write the report until

25、 5 pm means “Start writing the report now, continue writing it until 5 pm, then stop writing it regardless of whether it is finished or not.”当你使用“until”意味着“从现在开始写报告,一直写,写到下午五点,然后不管你写没写完,都不能再写了”。Write the report by 5 pm means “Make sure that at 5 pm the letter is written and finished”.当你使用“by”就表示“确保一

26、定要在下午五点前写完这封信”。Use “by” when you refer to a deadline.使用“by”,你指的是一个最后期限。Use “until” when you refer to the period of time before a deadline.使用“until”,你指的是在最后期限之前的一段时间。Heres a summary:总结:1.I can do it by 5 pm.我能在下午五点前做完。2.I can do it until 5 pm.我会做到下午五点(不管有没有完成)。3.I cant do it by 5 pm.下午五点前我做不完。4.I cant do it until 5 pm.我要到下午五点才能开始做。


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