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1、1,从确切措辞谈科技英语,2,Contents,3,Abstract,This paper explains,by way of example,features of technical English,such as simplicity,precision,conciseness and the abstract logic,followed by an exploration of methods of achieving these in the translation of technical English.摘要:通过实例阐述了科技英语要求平实、严谨、简明和逻辑抽象的措辞规则,并

2、对科技英语如何达到结构清晰的用词格式进行了探讨。,4,01,Technical English,02,Straightforward narration,03,Exact wording,04,Objectivity and clearness,Key Words,5,科技英语的措辞规则,平实、严谨、简明和逻辑抽象,2,6,科技英语是表达自然、思维和社会现象、原则理论和本质定律的,因而它有平实、严谨、简明和逻辑抽象的措辞规则。科技英语的“表达方式以抽象性、逻辑性、说理性为特征,要求平实、严谨、简明。在语文材料和修辞手段的运用上注重平白质实,不求华巧奇特。在思想内容和表达形式的结合上,要求谨严切

3、合,直接呈现科学思维的逻辑条理性,而不运用修辞变通。在表达效果和可读性的追求上,要使人理解,而非使人感动,故以明晰简洁为度。用词讲究术语的专义性、书面性和国际通用性。造句以规范完整的复合句式直陈事理为基本格调。章法常有一定的程式,按事理的逻辑顺序布局成文。,7,One such novel idea is that (idea) of inserting into the chromosomes of plants discrete genes that are not a part of the plants natural constitution:specifically,the ide

4、a of inserting into nonleguminous plants the genes,if they can be identified and isolated,that fit the leguminous plants to be hosts for nitrogen-fixing bacteria.,8,这其中的一个新颖思想就是,在植物的染色体内注入并非是该植物自然构造一个部分的那些不相关联的基因:具体而言,这一思想是,在非豆科植物内注入这样一些基因,倘若这些基因可被辨识出来并被分离开来,而这些基因已使豆科植物宜于充当那些具备固氮作用的细菌的寄主。,9,Although

5、 these molecules allow radiation at visible wavelengths, where most of the energy of sunlight is concentrated, to pass through, they absorb some of the longer-wavelength, infrared emissions radiated from the Earths surface, radiation that would otherwise be transmitted back into space.,显然,科技英语以事实为基础

6、,以客观为依据, 以明了为意图, 这就要求实现平实质朴、 平淡简明和平白严谨的表达效果。,虽然这些分子允许可见波长的辐射阳光的绝大部分能量就汇集于此不受阻挡地穿透, 但它们却会吸收某些较长波长, 亦即从地球表面辐射出的红外发射, 这种辐射若不是二氧化碳的缘故就会被重新输送回太空。,10,规范、准确、强调和结构清晰,科技英语的用词格式,11,科技英语用确切具体的词汇, 不用局限粗俗、过时少用和敷衍邋遢的表达。如方言、俚语、行话、口语词、废弃词、混杂词,以及笼统词或华丽辞藻。所以,需要减少陈词滥调, 如swell, stuff, to get a hunch。当然,科技领域亦用同义文雅词来表达客观

7、真实或抽象内容。 如: stiff rigid; suitable appropriate; make fabricate,12,Modern high-speed computer can eliminate repetitive, time-consuming routine calculations.Also computer can essentially eliminate numeric errors once the programs are verified.现代高速计算机能消除重复的、耗时的一般性计算。还能从根本上排除数字错误,因为这时的计算机具有验证功能。,13,为了实现措

8、辞的简洁入理, 科技英语依次选用词、词组和短语。即通过简易表达来说明复杂的科技现象, 这样能排除多余繁杂和含糊辞藻。如 many(myriad)lots of (a 1ot of, a number of); so that with the result that; whether whether or not(the question as to whether)。There are different ways of changing energy from one form into another. (而不用句子There are different ways in which en

9、ergy is changed from one form into another表达)有不同的路线可以使能量从一种形式转变成另一种形式 。,14,但科技英语要求用词准确, 排除模糊笼统或系统概括的表达。如 a device包括an apparatus, an instrument, a machine, and a tool。The machine case consists of 19 different parts. (而不用句子The machine case consists of many different parts 表达)这个机箱含有19个不同零件。,15,由于短语动词能形

10、象地反映心理和社会, 像思维情绪、幻想意识和非凡想象等。在文艺作品中, 短语动词能实现生动形象的感人效果 。 而科技英语用正式动词, 少用短语动词。 因为正式动词能满足科技的现实性和客观性。 如:由组成be made up of be composed of;吸收 take in absorb;消耗,毁灭 use up consume。200, 000 tons of coal are consumed(少用are used up) by the boiler in the productive period.在这个生产期内, 这台锅炉消耗掉20万吨煤。,16,科技英语一般罕用短语动词,但是有

11、时也用短语动词, 以便达到一目了然的效果。如:动词十动词: wear and tear 耗损;动词十名词: give long life耐用;动词十副词: nameafter以命名;动词十介词: react on(upon)对起反应;动词十介词十名词: put-on tria1 对进行试验;动词十名词十介词: play a part (role) in在中起作用;动词十形容词十介词: think light(little) of 认为不重要。,17,Before these metals in their natural state can be converted into useful f

12、orms to be of service to man, they must be separated from the other elements or substances with which they are combined.Chemists, who are well acquainted with the properties of metals, have been able to develop processes for separating metals from substances with which they are combined in nature处于天

13、然状态的金属在转换成为人类服务的有用形式之前, 必须从和它结合在一起的其他元素或物质中分离出来。熟悉金属性能的化学家们已经研究出来一些方法, 能够把金属从和它在自然界中结合在一起的物质中分离出来,18,为了直观简练, 科技英语用名词作定语。如 blast furnace shaft高炉炉身; scrap iron charging box废钢科斗; compartment housing the recovery parachutes and the forward separation rocket motors 装回收降落伞和前分离火箭的发动机舱。In making the radio w

14、aves correspond to each sound in turn, messages are carried from a broad-casting station to a receiving set.使无线电波依次对每一个声音做出相应变化时, 信息就由广播电台传递到接收机。,19,在反映普通生活时,要用简写词、简短词或缩写词。但科技英语需要它们的完整形式。如: wouldn t would not, isn t is not (am not, has not) , lab laboratory。It was not until the l9th century that hea

15、t was considered as a form of energy.直到 19世纪人们才认识到热是能量的一种形式 。普通英语句中多用动词。而科技英语多用名词陈述动作,包括名词性词组,目的是强调这个动作的重要性, 使文字表达重点突出和语意直观, 如用表示动作意义的名词十of十名词十修饰语, 或表示动作意义的名词十fromto十in代替一个句子。可以说,用“公式化的表达方式,大量使用非限定动词, 大量使用名词和介词短语”是科技英语的特色之一。,20,The air used in gasification is never completely dry, and, even when fur

16、naces are operated with predried air, the emphasis is on maintaining a constant(usually small) amount of moisture.气化时所用空气并不是完全干燥的,即使在炉子用预干的空气运行时,所要强调的是保持连续的(通常为小范围的)潮湿状态。,21,科技英语还广泛使用不同的词类, 包括名词、动词和形容词,即“词性转换较多”。如:名词动词:face(脸)(n.)face (面对)(v.);动词名词: to delay(v.)延时,滞后delay(n.)延时,滞后;形容词动词: slow慢的(adj.

17、)to slow使慢下来(v.);形容词名词: practical 实践的, 实习的(adj.)practice实习,注重实际的人(n.)。,22,普通英语用修辞格来表现虚拟想象、 激动人心的感人效果 。 而科技的研究对象和发展过程是现实存在的,不以意志为转移。所以,科技英语少用修辞格,即少用明喻、拟人、夸张、反语、婉转、双关语、矛盾修饰法和间接肯定法等。Amino acids are, as the name suggests, compound with the properties of both acids and aminos.就像它的名字所示, 氨基酸含有酸性和氨基的特性。,23,写在最后,成功的基础在于好的学习习惯The foundation of success lies in good habits,24,谢谢大家荣幸这一路,与你同行ItS An Honor To Walk With You All The Way,讲师:XXXXXX XX年XX月XX日,


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