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1、Chimps have some characteristicssimilar to mankind.,characteristic n. 特性;特征;特色 be characteristic of sb. / sth. 是某人或某物的特征,Characteristic,n: 特点,特征,品质,adj: 独特的,典型的,quality 品质feature 特点 特色Character 特点,1.Special 特别的2.Particular 独特的3. typical 典型的,character,1.His best character is honesty.2.Every country h

2、as its unique character.3.You can see many cartoon characters in Disneyland.4.Growing up in America, he doesnt know any Chinese character.,(人的) 性格、品质,特性、特征,(小说、戏剧等的)角色、人物,(汉)字,字体、字符,3,Marie Curie , a famous French_ who found _,radium,physicist,A painter is painting the wall orange.,ainter n. 油漆工;油画家

3、 paint v. 刷油漆;作油画 painting n. 油画;水彩画,It was Steven Hawking who put forward the theory of black holes.,ut forward 提出= come up withbring up: 提出;培养;呕吐 put up: 提出;提升;建造;张贴,Before leaving the company, themanager put forward his assistant,Mary, as the next manager.,ut forward 提名;推荐,My watch is slow, so I

4、put it forward three minutes.,ut forward 把钟表等拨快,词汇拓展:,up down out off on up with aside away put _through_ 接通电话,put,记下=write down; 放下,熄灭(灯);扑灭 (火),推迟,延期,脱下,举起; 建造; 张贴,穿上;假装,忍受储蓄,放在一边,12,把收起;放好,用适当的介、副词填空(1)The plan that you put _ at the meeting is wonderful.(2)Many tall buildings were put _ along the

5、 road.(3)Firefighters have been called to put _ the fire in the city centre.(4)He has a little money to put _ for a rainy day.(5)Dont put _ until tomorrow what can be done today.(6) My mother opened the drawer to put _ the knives and spoons.,forward,up,out,aside,off,13,away,scientific 科学的 science n.

6、 科学 scientist 科学家 We must do scientific research on this kind of disease.,They concluded the meeting at six oclock in the afternoon.,conclude vt/vi. 结束,The judge concluded from the evidence that he was guilty.,conclude v. 推断出;得出结论,The judge drew a conclusion from the evidence that he was guilty.,dra

7、w/ come to a conclusion 得出结论,At the end of his speech, he said, “Inconclusion, I wish this meeting everysuccess.”,in conclusion 总之;最后,conclude,原文复现:Simon foresaw that he would not get better and concluded that he must leave football,Note:,v. 得出结论 ,推断出,conclude from 从推断出,conclude that .,阅读理解推理题标志:ind

8、icate / infer from / learn from,conclusion n. 结论,得出结论,draw a conclusion,reach a conclusion,最后,总之:,in conclusion,in conclusion 在写作中可作为总结语in a word / all in all / to sum up,决定:decide v -decision n.爆炸:explode v - explosion n.说服:persuade v persuasion n,come to a conclusion,analyse/analyze v. 分析 analytic

9、al 分析的 We should analyze the problem/her feelings.,In Henan province, there is a famousAIDS village where many of thevillagers are infected with AIDS.,be infected with 感染上.病,infectious adj.传染的 infection n.传染;感染,cholera 霍乱 霍乱是一种烈性肠道传染病,两种甲类传染病之一,由霍乱弧菌污染水和食物而引起传播。临床上以起病急骤、剧烈泻吐、排泄大量米泔水样肠内容物、脱水、肌痉挛少尿和无尿

10、为特征。严重者可因休克、尿毒症或酸中毒而死亡。在医疗水平低下和治疗措施不力的情况下,病死率甚高。,Personally, the day will soon come when humans defeat AIDS completely.,defeat v./n. 打败;击败;失败,defeat v/n.打败,战胜,He defeated the former champion., sb,beat/defeat/win辨析,beat多指游戏或比赛;有节奏敲打defeat多指战场上win sthWe _their team by 10 points in the ball game.Napole

11、on was_in the Battle of Waterloo.MoYan _the Nobel Prize.Listen! The rain is_against the window.,Victory 胜利,defeat 失败,Beat打败,She is an expert in paper cutting.,expert n. 专家,She is expert in/at paper cutting.,be expert in/at.熟练/精通.,6 expert n.专家 /adj.熟练的,He is expert in/at cooking.,be in/at (doing) st

12、h 擅长做某事,an on in/at sth 某方面专家,He is attending (to) his sick girlfriend.,attend (to) sb. 照顾某人,The kid is attending to his book.,attend to sth.专心于.,I have something important to attend tothis afternoon.,attend to sth.处理,attend,原文复现:He attended Queen Victoria as her personal physican,Note:,1. V 照顾,照料,2

13、. V 专注;处理,3.V 出席,参加,4. V 经常去,定期去,attend ( to ) sb 照顾某人,take care of sb 照顾某人,look after sb 照顾某人,attend to sth 处理某事,solve /settle / handle 处理 解决,do with sth,cope with sth,deal with sth,attend a wedding / a meeting 参加婚礼/会议,区别:1. join2. join in3. take part in 4. attend,attend school /classes 上学/上课,atten

14、dance n 出席 考勤,These patients are examined by _.,physicians,The man is a dentist.,hysician: n. 医生;内科医师 (现已不常使用。) doctor 医生 dentist 牙科医生 physics 物理学 physicist 物理学家 physical 物理的; 身体的 He is a physician at the hospital.,If you expose yourself to the sunlightfor a long time, you will get sunburnt.,expose.

15、to.使.暴露在.(中)(而无 保护;无遮蔽),If you dare to expose me, I will do thesame to you.,expose sb./sth.揭露;揭发;曝光,expose,原文复现: He became inspired when he thought about helping ordinary people exposed to cholera,1.v 使暴露,2.v 使接触 ; 使体验,主动用法: expose to 使暴露于.,被动用法:be exposed to . 被暴露在.,expose sb to sth 使某人接触/体验某物,expo

16、sure n. 暴露,介词,exposed to 做后置定语,例如:being exposed to fog for a long time is quite harmful to ones health.,being exposed to 做主语的用法是易错点,也是高考考查的重难点,1. _(expose)to the sunlight for too long will do harm to your skin.,2. As a photographer in the war , she _ (expose) to many dangers.,Being exposed was expos

17、ed,SARS is a _ (致命)disease but many patients are _ of at last due to the _ (贡献)of doctors and nurse led by the expert Zhong Nanshan.,deadly,cured,contributions,deadly adj.致命的 dead adj. 死的 die v. 死亡;灭亡 death n. 死;死亡;毁灭 1)This is a deadly disease/weapon/poison. 2)The accident caused 178 deaths. 3)My g

18、randparents are dead. 4)Her daughter died in 1997. 5)The president has been dead for 39 years.,9 deadly adj./adv. 致命的,a disease/weapon.,His face was pale.,cure n. 治愈;治愈方法,There is no cure for AIDS at present.,cure sb. of sth.治愈某人的病,Could he cure people of any disease?,cure n. 治疗;痊愈 v. 治愈;治疗 treat: v

19、. 治疗;医治;对待;招待 heal v. 治愈; 使康复,cure vt./n.治愈,The doctor cured him of his cold.,cure sb. of sth. 治好了某人的.,There is no for the disease.,a cure for.治疗.病的方法,运用 Her son was addicted to the computer games and she had to _ (使他改掉这个习惯). The government is finding a cure _ the severe pollution.,cure him of the h

20、abit,for,cure/treat 辨析,cure 治愈(侧重结果)treat 治疗(侧重动作和过程)The doctor _ his headache with a new drug but didnt _ him.treated cure,v.+sb +of 词组回顾,remind sb. of sth. 使某人想起某事rob sb. of sth. 抢了某人的某物inform sb. of sth 通知某人某事warn sb. of sth. 警告某人某事cheat sb. of sth. 骗取某人某物convince sb. of sth 让某人信服某事rid sb. of sth

21、. 让某人摆脱某物accuse sb.of sth. 指控某人某事,It is said that another outbreak of thebird flu will soon happen.,outbreak n.(疾病或战争)爆发;发作,Challenging oneself is a big challengein itself to most people.,challenge v./n. 挑战 challenging adj.有挑战性的,11 challenge n.挑战,accept/take up the 接受挑战, sb to (do) sth 挑战某人(做)某事adj.

22、 challenging 有挑战性的,ato sb 对.来说是挑战,He is a victim of Internet fraud(欺诈).,victim n.受害者,A sponge can absorb water and a human brain can absorb knowledge.,absorb v. 吸收 n. absorption,The boy is absorbed in reading a book.,be absorbed in. 全神贯注于.,absorb,1.v. 吸收;理解,掌握,2.v. 吸引,使全神贯注,The cream is easily absor

23、bed into the skin. 这个面霜皮肤很容易吸收,It is hard to absorb so much information within 10 minutes. 十分钟之内掌握这么多信息是很困难的。,absorb/ attract / draw ones attention 吸引某人的注意力,absorb oneself in (doing)sth 全神贯注做某事,absorbed,adj : 专心致志的,be/ get absorbed in (doing)sth 全神贯注做某事,“全神贯注于”的其他短语:,1. Concentrate on,2. focus on,3.

24、Be lost in,4.Be buried in,全神贯注,be lost in be buried in fix/focus ones attention onconcentrate ones mind on apply oneself to be addicted to,运用 完成下列句子。 当我进来时, 他正聚精会神地看小说。When I entered, he _ _ a novel. 我们可以从广泛的阅读中吸收许多有用的东西。We can _ from extensive reading.,absorb a lot of useful things,I suspect that t

25、here is something wrong with your brain.,suspect that.怀疑.,He was suspected of killing a family ofthree people in Xian and was arrested as the suspect.,suspect sb. of (doing) sth. 怀疑某人做了某事,13 suspect v./n.,The police ed him of stealing the car., sb of (doing sth) 怀疑某人(做)某事,I ed him to be the murderer

26、 ., sb to be.怀疑某人是,in the neighbourhood在附近,The couple are jogging in the neighbourbood of their house.,21 enquire,I d about trains to New York., about 询问,n. enquiry,The drought is severe.,severe adj. 严重的;剧烈的;严厉的,Whoever is drunk while driving will be given severe punishment.,22 severe adj.严厉的;极为恶劣的,

27、My father was severe with me.,be with/on sb 对严格,严厉 in sth 在.方面严格,clue n. 线索;提示 1)I had/held/found some clues to the murder. 2)Can you give me a clue?,The water pump can be used to pump water.,ump n.泵;抽水机 v. 抽水,Can you foresee your future?,foresee v. 预见;预知,foresee - foresaw - foreseen,Cambridge Stree

28、t: 剑桥大街 foresee(foresaw/foreseen): v. 预见;预知 forecast (forecast) n./v. 预测; 预报 predict v. 预告; 预报 1)We didnt foresee the trouble last month . 2)I foresaw that you would win the battle/war.,23 foresee V. 预见,预知,-foresaw-foreseen,foreseeable adj.可预见的,foretell forecast,The police began at once to investiga

29、tethe case.,investigate v.调查 investigation n.,The accident was caused by the driverscarelessness, so the driver was to blamefor the accident.,(sb.) be to blame for sth.某事责任在谁/罪在谁/应该怪谁,The driver should take/ bear the blame for the accident.,take/ bear the blame for sth.承担责任/过错,blame sb. for sth.,Who

30、 should be blamed for food safety?,Who should take the blame for food safety?,Who is to blame for food safety?,blame,原文复现:it seemed that the water was to blame.,Note:,1.v 责备, 归咎于,2. n 责任,责备,blame sb for (doing ) sth 因某事而责备某人,blame sth on sb /sth 把某事归咎于某人/某事,be to blame for (doing)sth 做某事应受责备 (不定式用主动

31、形式表示被动意义),take the blame for sth 对某事负责,ut / lay the blame on sb 把责任归咎于某人,take the blame for sb 替某人承担责任,运用 完成下列句子或填入一个恰当的介词。 我不怪你, 我怪我自己。I do not blame you, but I_ _ ., 那次事故怪不得Tom, 毕竟他还是个孩子。Little Tom was not_ for the accident. After all, he is only a child. His mother blamed him _ his dishonesty.,fo

32、r,to blame,blame sth. on sb. 把.归咎于某人,Every time she fails, she will blame herfailure on others instead of blamingherself.,I dont blame you _ doing that.Dont blame it _him ,but _me. The children were not _(blame) for the accident.After all ,they were still so young.,for,on,on,to ,The river has been h

33、eavily polluted.,ollute v. 污染;弄脏 pollution n. 污染,germ n. 微生物;细菌;病菌 virus 病毒 bacteria 细菌(复数) (单数:bacterium) The poison can kill the germs.,handle n. 把手,handle v. 处理;操纵,The man is expert at handling problems concerning divorce.,They plan to build a highway to link the two towns.,link v./n. 连接,be linke

34、d to.与.有关,The development of a country is closelylinked to education.,announce v.宣布,They have announced with certainty that they will get married on Oct. 31st.,announce,原文复现:John Snow was able to announce with certainty that polluted water carried virus.,Note:,v. 宣布 ,宣告,通知,announce sth to sbannounce

35、 to sb sth,announce that. 宣布 ,It is announced that 据宣布(it是形式主语),向某人宣布/通知某事,it is said that 据说it is reported that 据报道it is believed that 人们相信it is well-known that 众所周知,announcement n. 宣布,通知,announcer n. 播音员, 广播员,make an announcement 发表公告,15 announce vt. 通告;发表;,It is announced that therell be a celebr

36、ation on National Day.,It is d that 据宣布., sth to sb 向某人宣布某事,announce/declare辨析,announce 宣布(消息)declare 宣布(正式场合,官方)In April the Americans _ war on Germany and entered the war.The news was _by CCTV.,declared,announced,instruct sb. to do sth. 指导/命令某人去做某事,The teacher is instructing the girl to use the co

37、mputer.,Read the instructions and then youll know how to take the medicine.,instructions 说明 = directions,25 instruct V. 指导;教授,The teacher ed the pupils to come into the gym, sb to do sth 指导某人做某事,instructor 教练 instruction 指示;命令,responsible: 有责任的;负责的 be responsible for: 对负责任 be to blame for.1)You are

38、responsible for your students.2)He is responsible for the mess.3)We will be responsible for your meals. 4)She is responsible for designing the bridge.,The building is being constructed.,construct v. 建设;建造,construction n. 建设;建造,The building is under construction.,under construction 在建设中,People genero

39、usly contributed (money or things) to the disaster-hit area.,contribute (.) to sb.捐献/贡献,creative adj. 有创造力的; 创造性的;独创的 create v. 创建;创作;创造 creation: n. 创建;创作;创造 1)He is a creative author. 2)This is a creative design.,co-operative/ cooperative : 合作的;协作的 co-operation /cooperation : n. co-operate /cooper

40、ate : v. Co-operative study is very important to us students.,contribute (.) to .向.投稿,Welcome to contribute (articles) to ourmagazine.,They made a great contribution to the foundation of the New China.,make a contribution to.=contribute to 对.作出贡献,contribute,原文复现: make a contribution,Note:,1.v 捐赠,捐献,

41、2. v 增加 增进;是.的原因;导致,3. v(为报纸、杂志等)投稿、撰稿,contribute sth to 把某物捐赠给. contribute to . 给.捐款,devote oneself / ones life to sth / doing,contribute 后面不能加ones life 或oneself,原因+ contribute to + 结果The theater contribute to the areas economic growth Smoking contribute to lung cancer,导致/造成:因+lead to / result in /

42、 bring about / cause +果,to 是介词,Mr Green contribute to China Daily 格林先生向中国日报投稿,contribution n. 贡献 捐款,make contributions to make a contribution to 对 作出贡献,We hope your suggestion will contribute to _(solve)the problem Everyone should make_(contribute) to protecting the environment.,solving,contribution

43、s,Apart from playing cards, what else doChinese like doing at the Spring Festival?,apart from 除了,Apart from,除.之外,包括在内 : apart from 相当于 besides 和 in addition to,不包括在内 : apart from 相当于 except 和 except for (美中不足的是),我除了会说英语之外,还会说法语。,例如:“包括在内”,除了星期天之外,他每天都要早起。,英语+法语,周一+周二+周三+周四+周五+周六,周天,例如:“不包括在内”,I can

44、speak English besides French,I can speak English in addition to French,He gets up early every day except Sunday,It is really a good book except for the cover,除了封面,这的确是本好书(美中不足的是封面),用法 apart from是短语介词, 既相当于besides /in addition to /as well as, 又相当于except (for)。运用 用besides,except,except for替代apart from

45、。 Apart from the cost, time should also be considered.( _),Apart from=Besides (In addition to), Apart from a few mistakes, it is a good composition.( _ ) Apart from the ending, its really a good film. (_ ),Apart from = Except (not including),Apart from =Except for,19 apart from,the construction ment

46、ioned above,you have also learned the following phrases.,apart from 除了.之外,in addition to/ besides除 之外( 还有)except ( 不在内)except for 除 之外( 美中不足),1 _the cost, we need to think about how much time the job will take.2 Will there be anyone else we know at the party _Will and Janet?3 You can have any of the

47、 cakes _ this one.4 The roads were empty _ a few cars.,Apart from,besides,except,except for,1. _a minor illness, he seems to be in excellent health.A But for B Except forC Except that D ExceptB,ositive 积极地;肯定的;确实的;乐观的negative 消极的;否定的subjective 主观的objective客观的,1)We must take positive action to handle

48、 the problem. 2)Are you positive about the news? 3)She is positive about her new job.,Does it make sense for him to wear so many clothes in summer?,make sense 有意义;行得通,I cant make sense of the poem.,make sense of sth.理解;明白,In no sense can we lie to our parents.in no sense 决不in a sense 在某种意义上there is

49、no sense in doing sth做某事无意义,be strict with sb. (in sth.): 对(人)严格 be strict in sth.: 对(事情)严格1)Parents must be strict with their children. 2)We should be strict in all our work.,运用 填入一个恰当的介词。 Our English teacher is very strict _ us _ our homework. My mother is not only strict _ her work but also stric

50、t _ me.,with,with,in,in,revolutionary adj. 革命的;重大变革的n. 革命者;改革revolution n. 革命;变革 reform v./n. 改革;变革1)He was a revolutionary leader.2)A revolutionary does not fear death.3)Simple as it sounds, its a revolutionary idea.,We should be enthusiastic about helping others.,be enthusiastic about 热心于. enthusi


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