BOOK6 UNIT4 WORDS选修6第四单元课件.ppt

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1、Unit 4 Global warming,Words and Expressions,I.重点词汇,consume 2. renewable 3. tend 4. opposed 5. mild 6. environmental; environmentalist7. consequently; consequence8. state 9. steady 10. exist; existence 11. commitment 12. pollution 13. growth 14. electrical 15. refresh 16. educator 17. contribution 18

2、. disagreement,II.重点短语come about 2. random 3. subscribe 4. of 5. up 6. in 7. opposed 8. as 9. from; to 10. if/though11. on 12. at 13. whole 14. average 15. on 16. with 17. on 18. as 19. in/under 20. contributions,1.consume v.消费;消耗;耗尽;吃完 n. _ 消费者,【观察领悟】(1) 工业消耗了大量能源。(2) 她把大部分时间都花在读书上了。(3) 事故前他喝了很多酒。【

3、学以致用】consumers;consume,consumer,e about 发生;造成 (不及物短语),【观察领悟】(1) 地球温度上升是怎么回事呢?(2) 每次他们谈论孩子,都会产生分歧。【拓展延伸】表示“发生”的词:happen、take place、break out,come构成的动词短语,come across _ come up _ come up with_ come into being_ come into effect_,偶遇;偶然发现,走近;出现;被提出,想出;提出,形成;出现,开始生效,3.subscribe to 同意;捐赠;订阅,【观察领悟】(1) 我们都同意他

4、说的话。(2) 很多人为教育基金捐款。(3) 你更想订阅哪本杂志?【学以致用】翻译句子:订阅这本杂志的人都同意给那个可怜的女孩捐款的想法。,4.quantities of 大量的,【观察领悟】(1) 少量的钱对这个女孩来说就足够了。(2) 春天公园里花团锦簇。 【自我归纳】quantities of +n.+复数a quantity of +n.+单数 【学以致用】C,a quantity of,【拓展延伸】表示“大量”的词:,可数名词many, many a (+单数), (a)few, a number of, scores of dozens of不可数名词much, a great d

5、eal of, (a)little, a large amount of, a large sum of可数名词&不可数名词a lot of/ lots of,plenty of a quantity ofquantities of,5.tend vi.趋于;易于;照顾 vt.照顾;护理 n._ 倾向;趋势,【观察领悟】(1) 女人往往比男人长寿。(2) 现代家具设计趋于简单化,我们生活中很多物品也是如此。(3) 这位护士悉心照料那个受伤的士兵。(4) 他常常忘事。,tendency,【拓展延伸】表示“照料;护理”的词:,look after、take care of、attend to、ca

6、re for,6.result in 导致,【观察领悟】(1) 紧张和疲劳常使导致人精神不集中。(2) 精神不集中经常是由紧张和疲劳引起的。(3) (由于)她勤奋苦读,终于考进了她理想的大学。【学以致用】 Hard work results in success.lead to、contribute to, opposed to 反对,【观察领悟】(1) 我反对冒险。(2) 她完全反对移居国外的想法。【自我归纳】oppose (doing) sth = be opposed to (doing) sth =object to (doing) sth = be against (doin

7、g) sth,8.range n.种类;范围 v.变化;排序,【观察领悟】(1) 旅馆提供了各种服务。(2) 这只猫离孩子们远远的。(3) 她做过许多不同的工作,从老师到钢琴家。(4) 学生的年龄在5到15岁之间。,He is obese because he always consumes a lot of food.,consume,Mom: Boy: I dont know. Its not me.,How does it come about?,come about,Most of villager representatives subscribe to the plan.,subs

8、cribe to,There are quantities of books for students to read.,quantities of,The woman is willing to tend to the old lady, who has no children.,tend to,Drunk driving resultd in the accident.,result in,Several villager representatives are opposed to the plan.,oppose,There are a wide range of jobs in th

9、e world, ranging from policeman to painter. You can decide on one you like.,range,改 错,1.Many teachers in our school subscribed the magazine. 2. Can you tell me how the accident was come about?3. Large quantities of money has been sent there.4. George is opposed to take controversial measures.5. The

10、earthquake has resulted from many thousands of deaths.,to,have,taking,in,Homework,现在许多青少年染上了吸烟的坏习惯。他们的年龄在13到16岁之间。这是怎么回事呢?一些孩子往往不听从父母的意见。他们认为有时候父母令人难以忍受。这就导致了他们不想跟父母交流。我不同意他们的观点。,Nowadays, quantities of teenagers have got into a bad habit of smoking whose ages range from 13 to 16. How did it come about? Some teenagers tend to oppose their parents ideas and think that sometimes their parents are hard to put up with, which results in their unwillingness to communicate with their parents. But I dont subscribe to their opinion,


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