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1、gre写作技巧有哪些需掌握的 gre写作怎么练习?对于gre写作可能平时多练习的话,那么帮助还不是真的大,只是可能大家更在意的是考试或者说有什么技巧。下面就和大家分享gre写作技巧,希望能够帮助到大家,来欣赏一下吧。gre写作技巧gre写作技巧一、观点最重要新GRE作文与大部分英语写作能力的考察不同,GRE作文考察你的观点和逻辑思维能力,而大部分英语写作是考察语言能力。在GRE中,这样的思维能力分为Argument和Issue。在Argument中,要在两分钟内找出所有原文中潜在的逻辑漏洞以及推理问题。要对内容进行错误的寻找和反思。Issue中,有教育、行为学、传媒、政治等十一大类别,GRE考


3、考时间已经不足的同学来讲,现在再开始背单词恐怕已经本末倒置,到了最后准备一些模版吧,但这模版并不是让你到网上去下载下来背,而是仿写出属于自己的模版。gre写作技巧三、逻辑结构很关键由于学术写作的特殊性,*逻辑严密是评分关键,种逻辑结构又分为段内逻辑结构和段落间逻辑结构。我建议全篇是以总分总的结构来书写,同时,段落中也采用总分总的结构,这样使得*严密完整。也就是,先要有TOPIC SENTENCE,之后跟上SUPPORTING SENTENCE,而SUPPORTING SENTENCE又要用DEVELOPPING SENTENCE来对应支撑。另外,要学会灵巧正确地运用连接词,例如HOWEVER、


5、,还可以查漏补缺,最重要的是在模考中调整好自己的心态,以平常心去应对,好的心态也是决定考试成绩关键的因素。GRE作文题库+范文:想法付诸行动的困难题目:Practicality is now our great idol, which all powers and talents must serve.Anything that is not obviously practical has little value in todays world.正文:In todays society idealism seems to become an ideology that is marginal

6、ized and practicality is our great idol, thus, the speaker asserts that anything that is not practical bears little value. I admit that being practical is the wide-accepted dogma in order to survive in this world, but by going too far to claim that anything that is not practical has little value is

7、against the empirical observation as well as the general stimulus that push the human society forward.Admittedly, practicality has become a cult in todays society. Too often do we hear people talk about being practical whenever they come to make important decisions or choose between several alternat

8、ives. The deep-rooted cause underlying this phenomenon is that with the development of modern society, the emphasis is placed more on financial gaining, quick fame, sensible choice and so forth. Our society is rather stable compared with that of the last century when war, violence, human right movem

9、ents has become the symbol of that period. People are enjoying this peaceful environment with less crucial missions rested upon them and as a result, they shift from idealism to struggle for the common well being of mankind to the practical concept of individual achievement.This ideology has its mer

10、its since after all the disaster and upheaval that our human race has undergone, it is judicious to focus on the economic aspect of things in order to tackle the most important social problems such as poverty, hunger and environmental problems which all deserve us to sit down and work out practical

11、solutions. On the personal level, being practical is how a person would possibly succeed in his career or personal life. One is likely to make sensible decisions for his education and job choice on the basis of practical consideration of his own strength and weakness and careful analysis of the pros

12、pect of research direction and job market. Even those in power and intellects need to consider practically since hasty decision built upon pure ideal meditation would hardly find its way in the modern society and is doom to failure.Agreeing with the speaker that practicality has become the great ido

13、l in our society, I am strongly against his point that anything that is not practical has little value. Even in todays society, idealism is by no means relegated to the place of total neglect and disregard. For one thing, in history, so much achievement is the outcome of several generations struggle

14、 such as fighting for equality for women, human rights movement,etc. In todays society, practicality is the way we can obtain our goal but idealism offers the philosophical explanation of why we should set this as our goal and the clear the ultimate value of our pursuing. What is more, by totally fi

15、xed ones eyes upon the practical aspect of things, we face the danger of neglecting one important part of our pursuit, that is the mental enjoyment brought out by idealism. If we have a clear goal set in mind and put practical endeavor at the same time, the result would be more satisfactory and valu

16、able.To sum up, I agree with the speaker insofar as the wide acceptance of practicality is considered. Being practical is the tenet of modern society and it does shed light on the wise way of doing things and obtaining goals, no matter in the personal or social level.But the speaker goes too far by

17、claiming that it is the only valuable ideology in society.I am strongly against this idea since in history or at present, we human beings still need the philosophical explanation to clear our goal and to provide motivation. In this aspect, idealism would never be replaced with pure practical conside

18、ration. Otherwise,human society will be replete with insensible people directed by economic profit and quick fame and recognition.GRE写作高分需要避免哪些问题避免观点重复;不要讲了几遍其实都是一个理由。当你一点就能说明的时候,非要讲三遍就显的有点STUPID了。你要从多个方面来讲道理,而且要尽量把问题具体化。避免观点的庸俗化,并考虑美国人能否接受的问题。比如说要避免对任何宗教词批判太多。因为你永远搞不懂给你判分的是信什么教的。不能批判任何政治理想。不能贬低自己所在

19、的国家。美国人最讨厌不爱自己国家的人。避免观点的庸俗化,就是我们说的有些东西可以想,但是不能写出来GRE考斯作文逻辑思路分为两种。一种是问题发挥型,一种是argument/争论型。对于问题发挥型题目,你怎么发挥,怎么犯逻辑错误都没有问题,只要你能保证你观点的正确,并能用具体的事实证明你的观点。而对于 argument/争论型题目就不同了。它的出题方式是给你一段话,这段话后再给出一个总结。然后让你挑出它的逻辑错误。需要你作的是它的结论或者对其加以补充。你只要拿出三点理由把它就行了。这三点理由从哪里找呢,从*里面找,从*的周边关系找,从*的背后找。下面举一个例子:现在有一种计算机仪表设备,把它安在


21、不需要你有多么好的句子结构,它只是要求你的逻辑没有漏洞。大家有时间的话务必把AI的提纲都列掉,然后挑重复率高的写。比如ISSUE里面有一道The GREatest indicator of a nation.。另外有一点很重要的是,特别是对于A大家在写完几篇*以后,尽快归纳出针对每一个instruction的模板,question这种可以写成一类,然后背出来。其实老G和新G的区别就在于,老G是一套模板走天下,新G准备4个模板,就这么简单。以后自己联系的时候,就根据模板来套,写到后来你会发现,你写出来的*,不管题目怎么换,写出来的东西看起来都一样,这样Argument算基本练成了。模板最好自己写

22、,根据头几篇写的*来归纳。比如说我关于specific evidence这种题型,自己归纳的模板。The argument is well presented and appears to be relatively sound at the first glance,the author concludes that_. However, a close scrutiny about the argument will reveal that several specific evidences should be added in order to make the argument to

23、 be more cogent and convincing, for example:_Initially, the author must give evidence that_. If we were to learn that _, it would obviously weaken the conclusion. It may turn out to be that_. To make his assurance eloquent, he must provide more specific evidences to consummate his argument.Secondly,

24、 in order to_, we should also be informed that_. In the argument, the author only said that_. It may undermine the argument that if-_. Without knowing_, we can hardly accept the conclusion that_Third, the author should eliminate the disturbance of other factors, for example, he should provide eviden

25、ces that _. Perhaps_ or perhaps_. Either of these scenarios, if true, would cast serious doubt on the authors claim. Without accounting for all other explanations, the arguer cant reasonably conclude that_; U% z$ w U$ r. f x1 z e; Q+ sTo sum up, the argument is far from powerful enough to substantia

26、te that_ Before any final decisions are made about_, much more specific evidences are to be put forward to make the authors argument more forceful and cogent.真正写的时候,先把第一段和最后一段都写了,然后每段写个第一句,列出框架。最好能在第一段把你要写的内容都先简要概括一下:话题还是回到准备A的过程上,当你归纳出模板以后,接下来要做的事情就很简单了,找到新老题库的对应表,然后自己照着新题库一题一题地把提纲列出来,不会的看一下老题是怎么写的

27、。这个时候不需要写很多*,只是归纳提纲就行,记住归纳的时候要把可能发生的情况写出来,因为到了考试的时候想不出可以rival的情况那不是悲剧了,比如这个题中的一个evidence:The reason why students choose Buckingham College.Perhaps it has qualified teachers.Perhaps tuition fee is lower than colleges at the same level.等你把这两件事情都做完,A的准备就差不多了,以后就是每天花半个小时左右的时间一遍遍熟悉题库。按照这种方法,我真正准备A的时间只有5天,后来的那段时间都只是每天花半个小时写3篇作文的提纲写的话不用太多,3-4天写一篇保持手感就行了。关于ISSUE,方法也差不多,主要的问题就是写提纲一定要仔细,把你对这个问题的观点,和引用的例子都写出来,不要想着自己能套一些Roosevelt, King什么的,想想就可以了,没有那么多例子让你套,还是要老老实实准备提纲。我写过一套完整的issue和argument的提纲,写的时候例子也放在提纲里,ISSUE跟A也一样,写完一遍提纲,自己重新看,到最后就是训练自己看到一个题,在2分钟以内迅速组织出一个比较详细的提纲。这样ISSUE的准备也就差不多了。gre写作技巧有哪些需掌握的


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