第三单元单词ppt课件 2021届高三英语一轮复习人教新课标必修五.pptx

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1、China and America cooperate in many aspects.,aspect 方面;层面 way: 方面 respect: 方面; 尊敬(v./n.) in this/that way/aspect/respect: 在这/那方面1)He has made progress in every aspect.2)Climate and weather will affect every aspect of our lives.,jet: 喷气式飞机,jet lag 飞机时差反应 是指人在乘坐高速飞行器在极短时间跨越数个“时区”后出现的一系列不适应反应。 This is

2、similar to the “jet lag” you get from flying.,flashback n. 闪回;倒叙 flash card: 闪卡; 闪存卡; 记忆卡 1)The events of her girlhood are shown in a flashback. 2)I often have a wonderful flashback to my childhood. 3)The flashback technique is used in this film.,uncertain: 不确定的;无把握的 1)I am still uncertain of/about

3、her feelings for me. 2)We are uncertain of his intention. 3)She is uncertain how to pass the test. 4)It is uncertain when our plane will take off.,Its of great importance to make a goodimpression on the interviewer in a jobinterview.,leave/make a deep impression on sb,be impressed with,她给我留下了深刻印象。Sh

4、e left/made a deep impression on me.I was impressed with her.他的乐观给我留下了深刻印象。His optimism left/made a good impression on me.I was impressed with his optimism.,tablet,tablet,capsule,capsule,steward,stewardess,waiter - waitress actor - actress prince - princess host - hostess steward - stewardess,Do you

5、 like the beautiful guide?,guide n. 向导;导游;指导 v. 指引;指导1)You need a guide to show you around the temples on the mountain.2)A trained dog can act as a guide to a blind person.3)He guided us through the forest.,Take up your weapons and prevent the aliens from invading the earth.,take up 拿起,After a short

6、 rest, she took up her work again.,take up 继续,Reading takes up much of my spare time.,take up 占用,If you had taken up my suggestion, you wouldnt have failed.,take (up) a suggestion接受建议,She took up teaching 40 years ago.,take up 开始从事,【灵活运用】As soon as I _, I immediately found that it was difficult for

7、me to _ air. I _ the mask on my back and put it on my nose which provided me oxygen. My face (4)_ a confused look, because everything here was new.,took on,took off,take in,took down,I still could not believe that I was in AD 3008. I _ a map from my bag and tried to find Wang Pings home. It was gett

8、ing dark, and I had to find him as quickly as possible.,took out,opening n. 通道;开口;开端 ending n. 结局; 结尾 (电影/戏剧/故事等) opening/business hours: 营业时间 1)The film has a surprising opening. 2)He can see the stars through the opening in the wall.,The book was worn out from constant use.,constant adj.时常发生的;连续不断

9、的,I will change my previous decision if you want me to stay.,revious adj. 先前的;早先的,revious 在前的;早先的 precious 珍贵的; 贵重的 original 原来的;起初的; 独创的 1)No previous experience is necessary for the job. 2)On Monday he was killed, but I had seen him the previous day. (前一天),The baby is lying sideways on the bed.,si

10、deways adv.侧着;侧面朝前,I cant tolerate having so much homework to do every day.,tolerate doing sth vt.忍受;容忍(做某事),I cant tolerate teachers giving us so much homework every day.,tolerate sb doing sth vt.忍受;容忍某人做某事,A tolerant person is more tolerant of others.,be tolerant of 对.容忍/宽容,combination n. 结合;组合 co

11、mbine v.结合;组合 The ten teachers work well in combination.,mask,He couldnt be declared guilty because evidence was lacked.,lack vt. 缺乏,He couldnt be declared guilty for lack ofevidence.,for lack of.因缺乏.,Many families have decided to give birthto a second baby since China adjustedits birth policy.,adju

12、st vt. 调整;调节,Many families have decided to give birthto a second baby since China madesome adjustments to its birth policy.,make adjustments to sth. 调整;调节,You have to adjust (yourself) to a newlife quickly after moving to a foreigncountry.,adjust (oneself) to sth.适应,ort n. 港口,Dont worry. Youll soon

13、be back on your feet.,be back on ones feet (困境后)恢复;完全复原,be back on ones feet: 恢复;完全复原 recover from: 从恢复 1)His aunt is back on her feet again after the operation. 2)You will recover from the cancer soon. hover: v. 盘旋 (spin: v. 旋转; 自转) A plane is hovering/circling over the city.,carriage,press the gre

14、een button,ress vt. 按;压,ress v. 逼;逼迫,It is OK for parents to ask their kids towork hard, but remember not to pressthem too hard.,the press 新闻界,Members of the press were not allowed into the meeting.,Warning: fasten the safety belt before getting the car started.,fasten vt. 系紧;扎牢,safety belt,sweep up

15、 everything 席卷一切;横扫一切,A tornado(龙卷风) can sweep everything up into the sky.,swept; swept,switch on/ off 打开/关掉,The cat managed to switch on the light.,switch v. 转换 make a switch,Sometimes if you switch your mindset(思维), you may find a completely newworld.,exhausted 筋疲力尽的;疲惫不堪的 exhaust v. 使筋疲力尽 exhaust

16、ing使人筋疲力尽的 tire v. 使疲惫; 使累 tired 疲惫的; 累的 tiring 使人/令人疲惫的/累 1)The long walk exhausted all of us. 2)They are exhausted. 3)Yesterday I got home, exhausted. 4)The work is exhausting.,ositive 乐观的; 积极的; 肯定的 negative 消极的; 否定的 neutral 中立的 subjective 主观的 objective客观的,The thief slid into the room, stealing al

17、ot of money.,slide into 偷偷溜进,slide; slid; slid,surroundings,They live in very noisy surroundings.,n.周围的事物,环境,surround,vt.包围,围绕,Doctor Chip is surrounded by the students,be surrounded by/with,surrounding,You should pay attention to the surrounding environment.,adj. 周围的,optimistic,Although he has expe

18、rienced lots of difficulties, he is still optimistic about his future.,adj . 乐观的,be optimistic about ,单词拓展,n.乐观主义,optimism,n.乐观的人 ,乐观派,optimist,artist,socialism,Are you convinced that there are aliens in space?,alien n. 外星人;外国人 adj. 陌生的;外国的;外星球的,a deserted house,desert n. 沙漠 v. 抛弃;遗弃,moveable/movabl

19、e: adj. 可移动的;活动的 move v. 移动;搬动 movement n. 运动;移动;搬动 He has a toy soldier with moveable arms. citizen 公民;居民;市民 The actor is an American citizen but lives in China.,settlement,The people in Iraq hope for a peaceful settlement of the war.,n. 解决,处理,n. 定居点,The village is a settlement of just fifty houses

20、.,He didnt settle down until he was fifty.,settle v.settle down,You find most of the population settled in the south, but most of the industrial cities in the midlands and the north of England.,enormous 巨大的,an enormous castle,He is expert at imitating animalsbehaviours.,imitate v.模仿 n. imitation,imi

21、tate v. 模仿;仿造 be modelled after/on:模仿;仿造 1)Zhou Zhou can imitate your gestures perfectly. 2)We will imitate their helicopter/fighter.,instant n. 片刻;瞬间,I will come back _ an instant. Wait for me _ an instant.,in,for,The instant I saw him I fell in love withhim.,Instantly I saw him I fell in love with

22、 him.,the instant = the moment = instantly,Instant noodles are noodles that you can eat instantly.,instant adj.立即的;立刻的,The girl is a typist. She is working.,typist,typewriter,sb lose sight of,She stood there until she lost sight of the train.,vt. 看不见,忽视,忘记,sth be out of sight 看不见sth be in/within sig

23、ht 看得见at the sight of 一看见就,She stood there until the train was out of sight. His eyes opened wide at the sight of her.,speed up,加速,The train soon speeded up.,There are various ways to improveyour work efficiency.,efficiency n. 效率;功效,There are various ways to make you work more efficiently.,efficient

24、ly 高效地,dustbin,dustbin n. 垃圾箱 rubbish(UK) = garbage(US): 垃圾 dispose dspz : v. 布置;安排 disposal: n. 清除;处理 arrange: v. 安排;筹备 expose: v. 暴露;揭露; 曝光 dispose of: 处理;解决;杀死;清除 get rid of: 摆脱; 扔掉; 赶走; 消灭 He doesnt know how to dispose of his spare time.,ecology 生态;生态学 biology 生物 technology 技术,swallow,swallow v.

25、 吞下;咽下 n. 燕子 Can a snake swallow an elephant? material n. 原料;材料 mineral 矿物; 矿物质; 汽水 Building materials are more expensive than before/ever.,recycle v. 回收利用;再利用 1)We should recycle the waste paper. 2)The glass will be recycled.manufacture n. 大量生产;成批制造 goods n. 货物;商品 Your goods are of bad/good quality

26、.,etc 诸如此类;等等 and so on: 等等 (两者可换用。) 1)We talked about pay, housing, etc. 2)She bought salt, vinegar, etc.,representative n. 代表;典型人物 adj. 典型的;有代表性的 represent sb./单位 stand for : 代表; 象征; 容忍; 支持1)He is a representative from the UN. 2)We represent our company.3)I will represent my manager at the meeting

27、.,settlement: n. 定居;解决 settle v.定居;解决 settler n.移民; 殖民者 settle down: 定居; 坐下; 平静 They are hoping for the settlement of the conflict.68. motivation mtve()n : n. 动机1)What is the motivation behind the plan?2)She has no motivation to look for a job.,button,dustbin,receiver,ostage n. 邮资;邮费 How much is the

28、 postage on that letter? postcode 邮政编码 Bishans postcode is 402760.,Its a machine which can be used to dispose of waste.,dispose of waste 处理垃圾,The disposal of waste is a global problem.,disposal n. 清除;处理,He is greedy for more and more money.In fact, nothing can satisfy his greed.,be greedy for sth. 贪

29、婪,greed n. 贪婪;贪欲,Many things in our daily life can berecycled.,recycle v. 回收利用;再利用,Mona Lisa is representative of Da Vinchs early paintings.,be representative of 代表;是.的代表,What is their motivation for climbing higher and higher?,motivation n. 动机;动力,I have to remind myself constantly that I am really

30、in AD 3008. (P17L3)我得不断地提醒自己已经来到了公元3008年。,2. remind,【熟读深思】 I forgot to remind him of the time for the interview.(词性: _ ; 意义: _ ) The pen left by Sam reminds her of the days when they lived together.(词性: _ ; 意义: _ ),使某人想起,vt.,提醒,vt.,【归纳总结】,【灵活运用】翻译下面的句子。 请你提醒我那个约会好吗? Will you please remind me about t

31、hat appointment? 请提醒我买邮票。 Please remind me to buy the stamp., 我正要打电话给她, 提醒她我们8点见面。 I will just call her to remind her that we are meeting at 8:00. 听到那首歌让我想起在香港的夜晚。 Hearing that song reminds me of a certain night in Hong Kong.,As a result, I suffered from “time lag”. (P17L5)结果, 我得了时间滞后症。【熟读深思】指出下列句中划

32、线单词的词性和词义。 Simon suffers from migraines (偏头痛).(词性: _ ; 意义: _ ),3. suffer,遭受(痛苦),vi., Small companies have suffered financially during the recession.(词性: _ ; 意义: _ ) The Democrats have just suffered a huge defeat in the polls.(词性: _ ; 意义: _ ),经受、经历,vi.,受损害、遭受,vt.,【归纳总结】,This is similar to the “jet la

33、g” you get from flying, but it seems you keep getting flashbacks from your previous time period. (P17L5)这和乘喷气式飞机高速飞行时所引起的时差反应很相似, 所不同的是, 它意味着你的脑海里不断地从以前的时间段一直往回闪去。,4. similar,【熟读深思】Her design is similar to yours.(词性: _ ; 意义: _ ),相似的,adj.,【归纳总结】,【灵活运用】根据汉语提示完成英文句子。 我们对音乐的品味相似。We have _ in music. 猫和虎在

34、很多地方相似。A cat is _in many aspects.,similar to a tiger,similar taste, 同样地, 美国既有公立学校也有私立学校。 _ , America has both state and private schools.,Similarly,Well-known for their expertise, his parents company, called “Future Tours”, transported me safely into a time capsule. (P18L12) 他父母所在的公司叫“未来之旅”, 以其技术高超闻名

35、。他们把我装在一个时间舱里, 平安地把我送入了未来。,5. transport,【熟读深思】指出下列句中划线单词的词性和词义。 Public transport in Hong Kong is excellent.(词性: _ ; 意义: _ ) Its easier to get to the college if you have your own transport.(词性: _ ;意义: _ ),交通,n.,交通工具,n., You will be transported to the resort by coach.(词性: _ ; 意义: _ ) Walking around th

36、e town, I was transported back to my youth.(词性: _ ;意义: _ ),运送,vt.,带回,vt.,【灵活运用】辨析transport 和 traffic 的用法。用transport 或 traffic填空。 It is rush hour. The _ in the street now is terrible. What kind of _ will you choose if you travel to Tibet? Plane or train? transport作“交通”讲, 是指运输工具; 而 traffic 作“交通”讲, 指街上

37、的行人、车马。着重数量的多少。,transport,traffic,高手过招,1.He slid_ the room when no one was looking.2. We are_(乐观的) that all of us will have a bright future. 3. He can not find a job in the company, because he lacks _(先前的) experience of this kind of job. 4. The government decided to explore(开发) the _(周围的)countryside

38、 to build a new industrial park. 5. The people in Iraq live a hard life, because it is _(不断的) hit by war.,into/out of,optimistic,previous,surrounding,constantly,I took_a job as an English teacher in Wuming Senior High School after I graduated from university. _ instant I entered this school, I _(imp

39、ress) deeply with the _(surround) of it. It _ (surround) with lots of trees and flowers. At that time I told myself _ (constant) that I would work hard and help the students here achieve their dreams. However, this idea was _(go) after I had several classes. Because some students didnt behave well i

40、n my class, and _ lack of experience, I often blamed them for that; as a result, they hated attending my class. I felt upset. One day,an English sentence made a strong _(impress) on me, which was “Never frown(皱眉), because you never know who is falling in love with your smile”. Those words inspired me in _ instant. With smiles, I am now _(optimism) about my job and my life. It guides me _ a completely new life.,up,The,was impressed,surroundings,was surrounded,constantly,gone,for,impression,an,optimistic,to,一单词短语全听写(识记默写查验),Part 学考对接,


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