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1、托福阅读不同年龄段考生词汇提升计划分享 参加托福考试的考生众多,其年龄段也有很大差别,今天给大家带来托福阅读不同年龄段考生词汇提升计划分享,希望可以帮助到大家,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。托福阅读不同年龄段考生词汇提升计划分享托福阅读不同年龄段考生如何准备词汇?如果你是一个初中生,准备要考托福。大家首先要准备的是四级词汇。如果你是一个高中生,词汇方面可以先准备四六级词汇。如果你是一个大学生,已考完四六级,而且掌握比较好的情况下,可以准备纯种托福词汇。背单词是为了更好的服务于语言的听、说、读、写四项能力。所以不能急于一时,正所谓放长线钓大鱼。寄希望于背完一本词汇书就可以将词汇很好的掌握,那是

2、拔苗助长,没准会走火入魔。所以背完词汇,巩固词汇,进一步掌握词汇也非常重要。托福阅读备考如何巩固不同水平词汇?巩固词汇最好的方式就是广泛阅读。在*中体会词汇的具体使用环境。针对不同等级的词汇,我们给大家一些阅读资源来帮大家巩固。这些材料取材广泛,大部分是免费资源,同学们可以根据自己不同的兴趣爱好去选择喜欢的材料阅读。四六级词汇巩固阅读材料精读:四六级真题阅读题目精选泛读:China Daily托福及托福以上词汇巩固阅读材料精读:托福官方真题Official*泛读:各类原版报刊杂志精读要求把不认识的单词短语全部查清楚(词汇);把不明白的表达方法全部弄明白(语法);总结每段的段落大意;总结每个例子

3、是为了支持什么观点而写的;总结作者的写作思路和写作意图。泛读要求把不认识的单词短语全部查清楚(词汇);把不明白的表达方法全部弄明白(语法)。当然,词汇的准备要下苦工,更需要掌握一定的记忆方法。在这方面,英语词汇的记忆还是有章可循的。词根词缀就像汉子的偏旁部首一样,可以帮助我们把孤立的词汇穿成网络。托福阅读100个长难句精选汇总深度解析:The onrushing water.托福阅读100个长难句实例分析原句案例:The onrushing water arising from these flash floods likely also formed the odd teardrop-sha

4、ped “islands” (resembling the miniature versions seen in the wetsand of our beaches at low tide) that have been found on the plains close to the ends of the outflow channels.词汇讲解:onrushing adj. 汹涌的,猛冲的miniature /m?n?t?/ adj. 小型的,微型的outflow n. 流出,外流结构划分:The onrushing water (arising from these flash f

5、loods) likely also formed the odd teardrop-shaped “islands” (resembling the miniature versions) (seen in the wet sand of our beaches at low tide) ( that have been found on the plains) ( close to the ends of the outflow channels).)深度分析:修饰一:(arising from these flash floods),非谓语动词,修饰water中文:由这些突如其来的洪水产

6、生修饰二:(resembling the miniature versions) ,非谓语动词,修饰islands中文:类似于微型版本修饰三:(seen in the wet sand of our beaches at low tide) ,非谓语动词,修饰the miniature versions中文:在低潮时沙滩上湿沙地被看到修饰四:( that have been found on the plains),从句,修饰islands中文:已经在平原上被发现修饰五:( close to the ends of the outflow channels),形容词短语,修饰plains中文:

7、接近出流通道末尾处参考翻译:由这些突如其来的洪水产生的汹涌流水也可能形成奇怪的泪滴状“岛”(类似于在低潮时沙滩上湿沙地看到的微型版本),这些“岛”已经在接近出流通道末尾处的平原上被发现。托福阅读100个长难句精选汇总深度解析:The basic cultural.托福阅读100个长难句实例分析原句案例:The basic cultural requirements for the successful colonization of the Pacific islands include the appropriate boat-building, sailing, and navigatio

8、n skills to get to the islands in the first place, domesticated plants and gardening skills suited to often marginal conditions, and a varied inventory of fishing implements and techniques.词汇讲解:colonization /?k?l?n?ze?n/ n. 开拓殖民地,殖民appropriate /?pr?pr?t/ adj. 适当的,合适的 v. 挪用,擅用;拨出(尤指款项)domesticate /d?

9、mest?ke?t/ v. 驯养marginal /m?d?n(?)l/ adj. 边缘的,边界的;(土地)无生产力的inventory /?nv?nt?ri/ n. 详细目录, 清单implement /?mpl?m?nt/ n. 工具,器具结构划分:The basic cultural requirements (for the successful colonization ofthe Pacific islands) include the appropriate boat-building, sailing, and navigation skills (to get to the

10、islands in the first place), domesticated plants and gardening skills (suited to often marginal conditions), and a varied inventory of fishing implements and techniques.深度分析:修饰一:(for the successful colonizationof the Pacific islands),介词短语,修饰requirements中文:太平洋岛成功的殖民修饰二:(toget to the islands in the fi

11、rst place),非谓语动词,修饰skills中文:最先到达这些岛修饰三:(suitedto often marginal conditions),非谓语动词,修饰skills中文:适应常年贫瘠条件主干部分:The basic cultural requirements include the appropriate boat-building, sailing, and navigation skills, domesticated plants and gardening skills and a varied inventory of fishing implements and t

12、echniques.三个并列结构,The basic cultural requirements include A, B and C,然后A和B里有修饰成分参考翻译:对于太平洋岛成功的殖民基本的文化条件包括:最先到达这些岛需要的适当的造船、航行和航海技术、适应常年贫瘠条件的驯养植物和园艺技术以及各种各样的捕鱼工具和技术。托福阅读100个长难句精选汇总深度解析:Scientists felt that.托福阅读100个长难句实例分析原句案例:Scientists felt that they could get an idea of how long the extinctions took

13、by determining how long it took to deposit this one centimeter of clay and they thought they could determine the time it took to deposit the clay by determining the amount of the element iridium (Ir) it contained.词汇讲解:extinction /?kst?k?n/ n. 灭绝,绝种;熄灭deposit /d?pz?t/ v. 将(钱)存入银行; 付(定金);放下某物;使(淤泥等)沉积

14、clay /klei/ n. 粘土结构划分:Scientists felt that they could get an idea (of how long the extinctions took) (by determining)(how long it took to deposit this one centimeter of clay) and they thought they could determine the time (it took to deposit the clay)(by determining the amount of the element iridium

15、 (Ir) ) (it contained.)深度分析:修饰一:(of how long the extinctions took),介词短语中文:灭绝所用的时间修饰二:(by determining) ,介词短语中文:通过确定修饰三:(how long it took to deposit this one centimeter of clay) ,从句中文:这层一厘米黏土层的沉积时间修饰四:(it took to deposit the clay) ,从句,修饰time中文:这层黏土层的沉积时间修饰五:(by determining the amount of the element iridium (Ir) ) ,介词短语中文:通过确定黏土层包含铱的含量修饰六:(it contained.) ,从句,修饰iridium中文:它(黏土层)所包含的参考翻译:科学家感觉他们可以通过确定这层一厘米黏土层的沉积时间就可以知道灭绝所用的时间,而他们认为可以通过确定黏土层包含铱的含量能确定它(黏土层)所沉积的时间。


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