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1、关于ConnectionPool.jar数据连接池文件包的制作流程目的:制作通用型数据连接池文件包,便于应用于通用工程结构:工程包内classes目录内1.ConnectionPool :连接池管理程序||||||_PoolManager.java2. com :MySql JDBC驱动程序3. org :MySql JDBC驱动程序4. net :MSSqlserver JTDS 驱动程序5. javax :Orac

2、le JDBC 驱动程序6. oracle :Oracle JDBC 驱动程序制作流程:1. 新建一个工程命名为Pool,在工程内建立一个war模块命名为Poolwar;2. 在工程内新建class文件,文件的包起名为ConnectionPool;3. 依次新建下列文件、、、、、PoolManager.java4. 将Oracle for JDBC驱动classes12.jar文件用winrar解压缩,得到javax和orac

3、le两个文件夹,将这两个文件夹复制到Pool工程内的classes目录下;5. 将MS-Sqlserver for JDBC驱动jtds-1.2.jar文件用winrar解压缩,得到net这个文件夹,将这个文件夹复制到Pool工程内的classes目录下;6. 将MySql for JDBC驱动mysql-connector-java-3.0.16-ga-bin.jar文件用winrar解压缩,得到com和org两个文件夹,将这两个文件夹复制到Pool工程内的classes目录下;7. 如果需要添加其他驱动程序,可参照4-6进行;8. 选择JBuilder工具条上Wizards-Archive

4、 Builder ;9.Archive Builder Step 1 of 5 : Archive Type 选择Basic(具体类型含义参考JBuilerX使用手册);10. Archive Builder Step 2 of 5 : 将Name 和 File 命名为需要的名字,这里同意将其命名为ConnectionPool,其他的选项均不做更改;11Archive Builder Step 3 of 5 : 指定结构文件包含内容,这里不做任何修改;12Archive Builder Step 4 of 5 : 将servlet 选择为 Allways include all classes

5、 and resources;13Archive Builder Step 4 of 5 : 保持默认状态不改变,按finish完成结构文件的定义;14在工程窗口用鼠标右键点 ConnectionPool 结构,然后选择make 生成结构文件;使用方法:1. 将该jar文件添加到 ToolsConfigure Librarise 中;2. 新加工程,在工程 Required Librarise 中添加该库文件;3. 在工程中新建一个“连接池初始化类”负责建立数据连接;4. 在工程中新建一属性文件,负责描述数据库驱动及用户信息等,该属性文件存放的位置在PoolMana

6、ger.java中定义;5. 在PoolManager.java中默认为“./”,该位置表示在/WEB-INF 目录下;附录:文件代码*文件开始* /属性文件*XBDBManager Propertiespoolname = sqlpool oraclepool 注:中间以空格分隔drivers = net.sourceforge.jtds.jdbc.Driver oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver 注:中间以空格分隔logfile = d:logfile.txtsqlpool.url = jdbc:jtds:s

7、qlserver:/;DatabaseName=pdasqlpool.initconns=50sqlpool.maxconns=80sqlpool.user = pdasqlpool.password = pdapass1234oraclepool.url = jdbc:oracle:thin: = tjoldoraclepool.password = tjold*文件结束*文件开始*Connectio

8、*package ConnectionPool;import*;import java.sql.*;import java.util.*;public class ConnectionPool private String name; private String URL; private String user; private String password; private int maxConns; private int timeOut; private LogWriter logWriter; private int checkedOut; p

9、rivate Vector freeConnections = new Vector(); public ConnectionPool(String name, String URL, String user, String password, int maxConns, int initConns, int timeOut, PrintWriter pw, int logLevel) = name; this.URL = URL; this.user = user; this.password = password; this.maxConns = maxConns; t

10、his.timeOut = timeOut 0 ? timeOut : 5; logWriter = new LogWriter(name, logLevel, pw); initPool(initConns); logWriter.log(New pool created, LogWriter.INFO); String lf = System.getProperty(line.separator); logWriter.log( url= + URL + user= + user + / password= + password + initconns= + initConns + max

11、conns= + maxConns + logintimeout= + this.timeOut, LogWriter.INFO); logWriter.log(getStats(), LogWriter.INFO); private void initPool(int initConns) for (int i = 0; i initConns; i+) try Connection pc = newConnection(); freeConnections.addElement(pc); catch (SQLException e) public Connection getConnect

12、ion() throws SQLException logWriter.log(Request for connection received, LogWriter.DEBUG); try Connection conn = getConnection(timeOut * 1000); return new ConnectionWrapper(conn, this); catch(SQLException e) logWriter.log(e, Exception getting connection, logWriter.ERROR); throw e; synchronized void

13、wrapperClosed(Connection conn) freeConnections.addElement(conn); checkedOut-; notifyAll(); logWriter.log(Returned wrapperClosed to pool, LogWriter.INFO); logWriter.log(getStats(), LogWriter.INFO); private synchronized Connection getConnection(long timeout) throws SQLException / Get a pooled Connecti

14、on from the cache or a new one. / Wait if all are checked out and the max limit has / been reached. long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); long remaining = timeout; Connection conn = null; while (conn = getPooledConnection() = null) try logWriter.log(Waiting for connection. Timeout= + remainin

15、g, LogWriter.DEBUG); wait(remaining); catch (InterruptedException e) remaining = timeout - (System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime); if (remaining 0) / Pick the first Connection in the Vector / to get round-robin usage conn = (Connection) freeConnections.firstElement(); freeConnections.removeElement

16、At(0); else if (maxConns = 0 | checkedOut maxConns) conn = newConnection(); return conn; private Connection newConnection() throws SQLException Connection conn = null; if (user = null) conn = DriverManager.getConnection(URL); else conn = DriverManager.getConnection(URL, user, password); logWriter.lo

17、g(Opened a new connection, LogWriter.INFO); logWriter.log(getStats(), LogWriter.INFO); return conn; public synchronized void freeConnection(Connection conn) / Put the connection at the end of the Vector freeConnections.addElement(conn); checkedOut-; notifyAll(); logWriter.log(Returned freeConnection

18、 to pool, LogWriter.INFO); logWriter.log(getStats(), LogWriter.INFO); public synchronized void release() Enumeration allConnections = freeConnections.elements(); while (allConnections.hasMoreElements() Connection con = (Connection) allConnections.nextElement(); try con.close(); logWriter.log(release

19、 Closed connection, LogWriter.INFO); catch (SQLException e) logWriter.log(e, release Couldnt close connection, LogWriter.ERROR); freeConnections.removeAllElements(); private String getStats() return Total connections: + (freeConnections.size() + checkedOut) + Available: + freeConnections.size() + Ch

20、ecked-out: + checkedOut; *文件结束*文件开始**package ConnectionPool;import java.sql.*;import java.util.*;/* * This class is a wrapper around a Connection, overriding the * close method to just inform the pool that its available for * reuse again, and the isClosed method to return the s

21、tate * of the wrapper instead of the Connection. */class ConnectionWrapper implements Connection / realConn should be private but we use package scope to / be able to test removal of bad connections Connection realConn; private ConnectionPool pool; private boolean isClosed = false; public Connection

22、Wrapper(Connection realConn, ConnectionPool pool) this.realConn = realConn; this.pool = pool; /* * Inform the ConnectionPool that the ConnectionWrapper * is closed. */ public void close() throws SQLException isClosed = true; pool.wrapperClosed(realConn); /* * Returns true if the ConnectionWrapper is

23、 closed, false * otherwise. */ public boolean isClosed() throws SQLException return isClosed; /* * Wrapped methods. */ public void clearWarnings() throws SQLException if (isClosed) throw new SQLException(Pooled connection is closed); realConn.clearWarnings(); public void commit() throws SQLException

24、 if (isClosed) throw new SQLException(Pooled connection is closed); realCmit(); public Statement createStatement() throws SQLException if (isClosed) throw new SQLException(Pooled connection is closed); return realConn.createStatement(); public boolean getAutoCommit() throws SQLException if (isClosed

25、) throw new SQLException(Pooled connection is closed); return realConn.getAutoCommit(); public String getCatalog() throws SQLException if (isClosed) throw new SQLException(Pooled connection is closed); return realConn.getCatalog(); public DatabaseMetaData getMetaData() throws SQLException if (isClos

26、ed) throw new SQLException(Pooled connection is closed); return realConn.getMetaData(); public int getTransactionIsolation() throws SQLException if (isClosed) throw new SQLException(Pooled connection is closed); return realConn.getTransactionIsolation(); public SQLWarning getWarnings() throws SQLException if (isClosed) throw new SQLException(Pooled connection is closed); return realConn.getWarnings(); public boolean isReadOnly() throws SQLException if (isClosed) throw new SQLException(Pooled connection is closed);


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