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1、2003/1/28To: Key managersCC: Mr. 林Re关于: Performance Management Program业绩管理计划Starting from 2003, Cofeed China plan to try Performance Management Program in this fiscal year. To let you understand this program more clearly, I would like briefly explaining the whole program as follows: 2003年始,科菲特中国执行PM

2、P业绩管理计划,现将管理程序简要解释如下,以便部门理事清晰理解程序,详细制订计划:1) Program Objective该计划的目标 (attachment 1附件一)2) Program process 该计划的程序(attachment 2附件二)3) Phase I该计划的第一阶段 Performance Management Planning 业绩目标的制订( attachment 3附件三)-Example Performance Management Planning Form 业绩管理计划表样例(attachment 4附件四)4) S.M.A.R.T goal. 设立目标的.

3、M.A.R.T原则(attachment 5附件五)请将完成的中英文业绩管理计划交至公司人事部归档。Thanks for your support! 谢谢支持! Attachment 1附件一Program Objectives业绩管理计划目标Support cofeed China business as it continuous to grow by: 通过达到如下目标来支持科菲特公司不断发展的业务:1. Ensures that you understand where the Company is heading ( common understanding)确保你理解公司的经营方向

4、(就公司的目标达成共识)2. Ensures that you understand exactly what the organization expects from you and how your goal contribute to our overall success ( Clear expectation )明确了解公司对你的期望以及你个人业绩目标的完成对企业的贡献(明确期望)3. Helps you to understand the skills you need to deliver on the organizations expectations, as well a

5、s how to build those skills ( increased capabilities)帮助你理解完成业绩目标你需要掌握的知识与技能以及如何获得这些知识与技能(能力提高)4. Ensures that you feel your efforts here are worth it through rewards and opportunities that are meaningful to you ( commitment)使你的付出得到相应回报奖励或获得对你有意义的机会。(认同)Attachment 2 附件二 -1Progress process业绩管理计划的程序COF

6、EED China implements performance management as a continuous cycle that includes four phases:科菲特公司业绩管理计划通过以下四个阶段组成的循环连续进行,以一个财政年度为一个周期,周而复始。Phase One 第一阶段: Performance Planning业绩目标制订At the beginning of the performance period, performance expectations are established according to job descriptions and

7、agreed to as part of the planning process在流程初期,根据工作描述制订业绩目标并就业绩期望达成共识。Phase Two第二阶段: Coaching and Feedback反馈与指导The employee works to accomplish the performance expectations that have been established . the manager observes performance , and gives feedback and coaching for continuous improvement在员工努力

8、完成制订的业绩目标的过程中,其主管观察其业绩,不断给予反馈及相应指导,以帮助员工不断提高。Phase Three第三阶段: Performance Review业绩评估The employee offers and receives feedback about his or her performance compared to the plan that was established根据预先确定的业绩目标对员工进行评估Phase Four 第四阶段: Rewards奖励Based on the performance review, the company determines rewa

9、rds for the employee that are both meaningful to the employee and appropriate for the level of performance demonstrated.基于业绩评估的结果,公司决定对员工进行适当的褒奖。Attachment 2 附件二 -2The following graphic illustrates the four phases of the Performance Management Process.以下图示出业绩管理程序的四个阶段。Attachment 3 附件三 -1Phase I该计划的第

10、一阶段 Performance Management Planning 业绩目标的制订There are four components to the performance plan.( See Example Performance Management Planning Form)业绩目标计划包含四个组成部分(见附件业绩管理计划样例)I)Daily Job Responsibilities日常工作职责II)Success Measures成功标准III) Performance Goals业绩目标IV)Personal Development Goals个人自我提高的目标I) Daily

11、 Job Responsibilities日常工作职责Normal , day-to-day tasks that you are responsible for executing effectively指你日常须负责的工作II) Performance Goals业绩目标Performance goals refer to What you do or the results you are expected to achieve业绩目标指期望你去做或取得的结果May describe可以是:- Achievement of business results业务目标的完成- Achieve

12、ment from innovative or “ exceptional” efforts通过革新变革所取得的成果- Measurable milestones toward completing special or long-term projects长期项目的阶段性成果- Some combination of the above以上方面的组合Your performance plan will include three to five Performance Goals一般业绩目标包含到个目标。III) Success Measure 成功标准The measurable that

13、 show your success by performance expectations 衡量业绩期望下是否成功)Personal Development Goals个人自我提高的目标Personal Development goals focus on what you need to develop to be more effective in you job.Examples of personal development goals may be to enhance your presentation skills by attending a university cours

14、e , or to learn another language to increase your ability to contribute to the organization个人自我提高的目标主要指为使工作更高效你应努力提高的方面。比如通过大学课程提高演讲能力,或增学一门语言等Attachment 4 附件四 -1COFEED PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT PROGRAM FORMCOFEED 业 绩 管 理 计 划 表 格Employee Name姓名:Job Title职务:Date of 1st Progress Check第一次进展检查日期:Manager Na

15、me主管姓名:Department所属部门:Date of 2nd Progress Check第二次进展检查日期:Date of Planning Meeting业绩计划制定日:Country国家:Date of Final Review最终评估日期:SECTION I 第一部分 Daily Job Responsibilities日 常 工 作 职 责 Job description工作描述:Action Plan行动计划:Rating分值1 2 3 4 5 Weight比例: %1 2 3 4 5 Weight比例: %1 2 3 4 5 Weight比例: %1 2 3 4 5 Wei

16、ght比例: %1 2 3 4 5 Weight比例: %Rating Scale分值: 5 = Exceeds Expectations持续超过目标4 = Meets and sometimes exceeds expectations 达到且有时超过目标3 = Meets expectations达到目标2 = Meets some but not all expectations部分达到目标1 = Does Not Meet 未达到目标 SECTION II 第二部分 Success Measures 成功标准Subject项目Rating分值1 2 3 4 5 Weight比例: %1

17、 2 3 4 5 Weight比例: %1 2 3 4 5 Weight比例: %1 2 3 4 5 Weight比例: %1 2 3 4 5 Weight比例: %TLL Rating 总分值SECTION III 第三部分 GOAL 目标Goal目标Action Plan行动计划:Rating分值Time Table时间表:1 2 3 4 5 Weight比例: %1st Q2ndQ3rd Q4th Q1 2 3 4 5 Weigh比例: %1st Q2ndQ3rd Q4th Q1 2 3 4 5 Weigh比例: %1st Q2ndQ3rd Q4th Q1 2 3 4 5 Weigh比例

18、: %1st Q2ndQ3rd Q4th Q1 2 3 4 5 Weigh比例: %1st Q2ndQ3rd Q4th Q1 2 3 4 5 Weigh比例: %1st Q2ndQ3rd Q4th QSECTION IV 第四部分 Personal Development Goals个人发展目标Individual one or two personal development goals个人的一至两个发展目标Goal目标Action Plan行动计划:Time Table时间表:1st Q2ndQ3rd Q4th Q1st Q2ndQ3rd Q4th Q1st Q2ndQ3rd Q4th Q

19、1st Q2ndQ3rd Q4th Q1st Q2ndQ3rd Q4th Q1st Q2ndQ3rd Q4th Q SECTION 第五部分 Progress Check Form 业绩进度检查表Employee Name姓名: _Job Title职务: _Manager Name主管姓名:_Department所属部门:_Date of Progress check 进度考查日期: _Country国家: _This progress check form may be used by the manager to document formal coaching discussions

20、or by the employee to prepare for his /her formal coaching progress checks.上级主管将通过该表格根据计划所列项目与计划人检查、讨论业绩进展状况Indicate Progress On Goals ,Competencies ,and Daily Job Responsibilities陈述业绩目标、技能和日常工作职责进展状况Other Information其他信息l Describe anything that may affect employees ability to deliver on goals叙述提高员工

21、能力以达到预定目标需要注意的问题l Describe any performance problems /issues that need to be addressed 叙述计划执行中所遇到的所需要解决的问题l Note any changes that should be made to the employees performance plan计划实施与最初制定的项目所发生的变化SECTION VI 第六部分 Evaluation Details 详细评估Financial Measures(Co)公司财政标准CY01 Budget财政预算Actual实际Grade/Rating级别/

22、分值Net Earning Contribution净利润贡献Individual Performance Measures个人业绩评估Goal目标Results结果Rating 分值Total总计Attachment 5 附件五 S.M.A.R.T GOALS 目标设立的S.M.A.R.T原则Specific enough to establish clear expectations and specify the stretch involved. 具体明确 组织期望情况下制订延续性的发展目标 By “stretch” here we mean a challenging target

23、for achievement, either new or a continuation of previous work. 发展目标指业绩挑战目标以及完成目标情况下持续开展的新工作 Exactly what, when, and how much is to be accomplished? 确切指明何时、何种程度、完成何种工作。 Use descriptive “action verbs” (e.g., increase, decrease, eliminate, develop, deliver). 使用行为语言描述(如增加、减少、消除,发展,发行等)。 Ensure that the

24、 goal is clearly understood in terms of observable results. 确信建立的目标是明确的、结果是显而易见的。Measurable in cost, quantity, quality or timeliness. 可衡量 的价值、数量、质量和时间 How will you know when the goal is accomplished? 目标何时可以成功实现。 You can only manage what you can measure. 制订的目标是工作范围中能够实际掌握控制的。 A measurable goal can be

25、 quantitative or qualitative. 可衡量的目标须定质定量。Agreed-Upon to ensure coordination and buy-in. 得到认同 即确信目标与期望相协同 Confirm roles and expectations with your manager. 与上级管理者确认实施规则与期望。 This will help ensure that the goal is relevant to what we are trying to achieve as an organization. 这会帮助我们确认目标是否与组织期望相吻合。Reali

26、stic as a goal, which can be attained, given stretch effort. 现实性即制订可考核的目标同时有持续发展规划 Goals must be within the realm of the individuals control. An individual goal must be something that the person can do, or influence.目标必须设定在个人可控制范围内。个人目标必须是对个人发展产生影响并可实际达到的。 Consider these questions: 参考以下 What resourc

27、es and support will be needed and provided? 完成目标所需要何种支持? Will the employee have the necessary authority for required decisions and actions? 是否具备规定权限范围内的必要的权威? What assumptions have been made (e.g., about uncontrollable variables)? 目标制定考虑是否周全(如遇不可抗拒之因素)? Will goal achievement require a true stretch?

28、Although goals should be realistic, they should not be easy.业绩目标必须是真实的发展目标,且不易于实现。Time-based by identifying a timeframe for completion. 时效性即必须明确规定目标完成的时间阶段 What are the logical checkpoints and major milestones at which progress should be reviewed? 明确指明业绩回顾时合理的检查要点及主要工作转折点在哪里 What information will be needed for a complete picture of progress, and how will it be obtained? 指明在业绩进展中需要体现出来的相关进度信息,以及怎样获得这些信息以明确工作进度。


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